Breathin' Air

#114 The Great Unlearn ~ Cal Callahan

Mason Bendigo Season 2 Episode 114

Cal Callahan is a podcast host of "The Great Unlearn", investor, & full spirited human.

Cal and I discuss:
- His transition from a trader to following his higher calling
- The power of podcasting 
- Vulnerability in our relationships 
- The near death moment that changed his life
- How to start "unlearning"
- Our relationship with death

"We grew up in a world we didn’t create. And one idea after the next—whether it was culture or society—we were told how to look, how to feel, and who to be. 

We were told that if we checked off the “right” boxes (think: career, car, money), we’d feel good, we’d be whole, and—naturally—we’d be set. 

But, turns out, there’s more to the story. 

On The Great Unlearn, Cal dives into unlearning and questioning what the world taught us, and—in the process—how to be the truest version of yourself, minus the bullshit. 

Whether it’s figuring out how to navigate a relationship, dealing with your emotions, diving into spirituality, or just feeling comfortable in your own skin, Cal and friends navigate the choppy waters of what it really takes to unlearn all the ideas we took for granted, and how to be the best version of what, sometimes, can be so hard to be: yourself."

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