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ET! Throwback: Trivia Battles and Unexpected Journeys in Film and Television

February 29, 2024 Hayden, Mitch, and Tom
ET! Throwback: Trivia Battles and Unexpected Journeys in Film and Television
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ET! Throwback: Trivia Battles and Unexpected Journeys in Film and Television
Feb 29, 2024
Hayden, Mitch, and Tom

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Imagine enduring 'Geostorm' as a punishment and finding it surprisingly tolerable—if you've got the right sense of humor, that is. That's just a slice of this week's antics where Mitch and I, sans our absent co-host Hayden, dissect the disaster flick's sci-fi quirks, Gerard Butler's rugged charm, and visual effects that flirt with the edge of reason. Our banter doesn't stop at cinematic weather woes; we also tackle the helicopter-warship love affair in film and dive into 'Uncharted's delayed gratification, character evolutions, and our no-holds-barred take on 'Moon Knight.'

Transport with us to a realm where the animated Al Bundy might just defy expectation, and competitive board gaming with 'Trivial Pursuit 2' breeds hilarity. Special guests Michael Hamilton and Nathan Marchand from the Power Trip podcast swoop in to fuel a Power Rangers nostalgia-filled trivia showdown that will test even the most die-hard fan's knowledge. Experiences with 'Warzone's Operation Monarch event prove that sometimes, chaos is the best strategy, especially when Godzilla and Kong are in your corner.

Finally, prepare yourself for the audacious Soviet 'Lord of the Rings' adaptation review—a bizarre journey through what could arguably be the most peculiar cinematic interpretation of Tolkien's work. It's a reminder that not all rings are created equal, and some adventures are best left behind the Iron Curtain. So, join us on this wild ride through the latest in entertainment, where laughs are guaranteed, and dull moments are as rare as a Dragonzord in distress.

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

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Imagine enduring 'Geostorm' as a punishment and finding it surprisingly tolerable—if you've got the right sense of humor, that is. That's just a slice of this week's antics where Mitch and I, sans our absent co-host Hayden, dissect the disaster flick's sci-fi quirks, Gerard Butler's rugged charm, and visual effects that flirt with the edge of reason. Our banter doesn't stop at cinematic weather woes; we also tackle the helicopter-warship love affair in film and dive into 'Uncharted's delayed gratification, character evolutions, and our no-holds-barred take on 'Moon Knight.'

Transport with us to a realm where the animated Al Bundy might just defy expectation, and competitive board gaming with 'Trivial Pursuit 2' breeds hilarity. Special guests Michael Hamilton and Nathan Marchand from the Power Trip podcast swoop in to fuel a Power Rangers nostalgia-filled trivia showdown that will test even the most die-hard fan's knowledge. Experiences with 'Warzone's Operation Monarch event prove that sometimes, chaos is the best strategy, especially when Godzilla and Kong are in your corner.

Finally, prepare yourself for the audacious Soviet 'Lord of the Rings' adaptation review—a bizarre journey through what could arguably be the most peculiar cinematic interpretation of Tolkien's work. It's a reminder that not all rings are created equal, and some adventures are best left behind the Iron Curtain. So, join us on this wild ride through the latest in entertainment, where laughs are guaranteed, and dull moments are as rare as a Dragonzord in distress.

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify

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Speaker 1:

There goes.

Speaker 2:

We are recording on ours.

Speaker 1:

We have sent the recording.

Speaker 2:

Blackmail material is being recorded as we speak. Oh god, here we go. I told you he was extra. Hello, wow, rip has fun users. Oh.

Speaker 1:

I felt tired. I know Hello and welcome to entertain this a podcast about movies, tv shows and video games. My name's Tom. With me I have Mitch and oh, that's right, he's not here, which means he will be. I hit the right button. You did you actually did it, holy crap. That's the first time it's ever happened on this show. Hayden is not with us. He's out serving the country again, but he will be ceremoniously punished at the end of this episode because he's not here. So, for those of you who have been following along, we just got off with Nate and Michael from the Power Trip podcast.

Speaker 3:

Oh, granted, this is going to be before we talk to them.

Speaker 1:

I know it's going to be before, but I'm prefacing. Oh, okay, we're prefacing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So we talked about Power Rangers that we recorded earlier, where I competed against the two of them, and it was definitely one of our better trivias and very, very funny, so you'll also be probably looking forward to our punishment later. But anywho, mitch, why don't you plug the social media?

Speaker 3:

Well, you can go to entertainthispodcastcom, which will take you to our Facebook group and page, which is entertainthis exclamation point and entertainthis podcast. Then we also have our TikTok see TikTok Twitch and. Youtube, which is all entertain, this exclamation point and we have our Twitter, which is at this entertain, which I encourage you to check out, because I finally figured out how Twitter works, so I've been using it a little more.

Speaker 1:

Look at you go.

Speaker 3:

That's how we got our guests I talked to them through there.

Speaker 1:

So somebody was punished. That's somebody is me. I had to watch the 2017 classic Geostorm and right off the rip, this it's not a bad movie. I've seen it. I know it's not a bad movie, but it's not a good movie. No, it's just. It's kind of like a summer blockbuster. That's there. It's like the sci-fi remake of the day after tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, basically it's just a summer disaster movie.

Speaker 1:

It's a disaster movie that you watch. It's like an hour and a half and you're like, oh well, and then there's like a twist, but you kind of see it coming and you're like, oh okay, yeah All right, basically it's Gerard Butler insert.

Speaker 3:

you know problem Trying to save insert person. I know.

Speaker 1:

Insert other things. Insert plot device. Insert MacGuffin. Insert plot device. Insert MacGuffin. Insert Gerard Butler. Insert. Insert Gerard Butler. And then there you go Movie. So the purpose of the movie is there's global warming has gotten out of control, the plants basically trying to kill itself, kind of Kind of storms and like tsunamis and tornadoes and thunderstorms and all kinds of crap. So they all, the world, comes together, a lot of money, 17 nations build this super station called Dutch Boy, which is like Dutch Boy, dutch Boy, which basically they turn earth into like a shield world at a halo of all these satellites that like shoot heat rays and cold things and lightning and stuff into the sky and like bombs that like blow up storms and stop them from happening and destroying the entire planet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just basically, so they can control the weather.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Gerard Butler is a jackass, so he gets fired by his brother. He's like a secretary of state cabinet guy who's younger than him. He fires him because he's like all right, you know, you're ruining all this stuff, even though his brother's the one who pretty much pioneered the entire system and knows how it works. And then, of course, it goes awry entire villages are frozen, tokyo is blown up, all kinds of problems happen and of course it's political and subterfuge and it's a plot to like take over the world and you're just watching, going, oh my God, like the graphics are like okay in some parts, but in other parts you're just like oh my God, what are they doing? This does not look good at all. It's an all right movie, though. I mean it's watchable, it's paced, yeah, and then you turn it on and it's just. You're just basically just watching this movie.

Speaker 3:

That's what. When Hayden said that was your punishment, I'm like it's not great.

Speaker 1:

It's not really a punishment.

Speaker 3:

It's not great, but it's not that bad. We've all experienced much worse.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we have taken it much harder on this show with other shows and movies like cats, Shaq Fu Rubik, the Amazing Cube Rubik I hate Rubik. I give this a five out of 10. I mean, it's not a great movie. Like I said, it's not a bad movie, it's just.

Speaker 3:

It's just a movie I don't like the disaster, like you're just typical disaster movies, like Day After Tomorrow stuff 2012, Greenland. It's a good mindless action kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Volcano, dante's Inferno, the Poseidon Adventure, poseidon Adventure 2, airport Towering Inferno, armageddon, deep Impact.

Speaker 3:

Greenland Winter.

Speaker 1:

Oud Butler. So it's just one of those movies. It's all right, I mean, if you're bored and you just want to watch a mindless kind of actiony flick that's. You know it's got good pacing and it just keeps the plot moving and you just kind of like, just go with it, Check it out, You'd probably like it. Punishment review that was done rather rapidly but it wasn't a punishment. I wasn't like sitting there like racking, like you know, my mind sitting there, rocking back and forth. Why have they done this to me? It's just like it was an entertaining film. There you go, Movies. I was just going to say what do you want to?

Speaker 3:

do next? All right movies. Well, because Hayden's not here, I did movies and TV, so first I'll start off with Uncharted, the one with Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. Mac Wahlberg, have you seen that?

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't watched it. I never even played the games.

Speaker 3:

I haven't played the games but actually, like I heard a lot of people say it wasn't good, but it's not bad, I'll go ahead and tell you I give it a 7.5 out of 10. I mean, basically it's like a more action-packed national treasure. Okay.

Speaker 1:

But without Nicholas Cage.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or like a less serious Indiana Jones. It's like you know they're going through.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't belong in the museum. It belongs in my pocket.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're going through, they're finding clues and stuff, trying to find this treasure, like the Magellan ship that had all this treasure on it, or something like that and so they're having to uncover clues and it's a lot like the national treasure, where they have a key where it fits to a certain lock and have to find where the lock is, and a bunch of stuff like that. It's really good. It does a lot of the. Tom Holland has a lot of like the parkour stuff where he's running and chasing people or running away from people. Mark Wahlberg is kind of like this undercover, like shady kind of guy where you know he hires Tom Holland to be the distraction, essentially while he steals the key from this auction and stuff like that. I mean, I feel like they're they're banter between the two of them. It's really good, like it's really good chemistry, with basically Mark Wahlberg making fun of Tom Holland the entire time because he's a kid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that'd be funny. I mean, I could get old kind of quick too, right?

Speaker 3:

No, I mean they did. They did it sparingly enough to where it was still funny each time they did it. Okay, well, that's good. It had really good CGI, which I was kind of surprised because, like there's some parts where, like he's falling out of the airplane, like you see in the trailer, where you can tell it's CGI, but it's not. It's not too it's, it's not too bad it's, it's not like it's not overtly blatant. Right, so it's good it's. It's a pretty fast paced film. For the most part it does. I mean, even though I haven't played the games, I've seen some of the gameplay and read some of the stories and I feel like I feel like it would be a good homage to the games, adapting it into a movie because you know like, even though I haven't played it, like he has the iconic moment where he puts on, like the, the which is called the harness around the shoulders that has like a little gun holster on it, stuff like that, and you're like, oh yeah, that's him.

Speaker 1:

That's it, that's it, that's it.

Speaker 3:

So it's good in that in those degrees it does set up for another movie in the credits, like the end credits. So I, which I would be excited to see One of the things I didn't like was there's a, there's a, a helo, like our helicopter, that's basically lifting up these pirate ships on his giant bunch of court, like so they can, the bad guys can escape with the ships and so they have like a fight because there's two ships and these two helicopters lift the, lift the ships up out of the ground and they're flying and they're like fighting between that's what.

Speaker 1:

That's what it does.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a little extravagant there Also, what kind of?

Speaker 1:

helicopters are picking up old wooden warships.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, they're like, they've like wrapped it in like the bottom of it in a net and it's it's got like two propellers on it but it just just lifts the ship up and they're flying around, so it's like an Osprey yeah. Something like that, but it was still entertaining to watch that part. You see a little bit of character growth with Mark Wahlberg's character as he goes along. So it's fun to see, because originally Mark Wahlberg's character cares nothing about anybody His name is Sully nothing about anybody except for the gold. He wants the gold, he just wants the money. Yeah, and he knows that Tom Holland's character, which is Nathan Drake, knows something about it because his brother, you know, knew something about it. But yeah, like I said, I'd give it a 7.5 out of 10. One thing I found out is actually it was supposed to come out in 2015. Yeah, this movie has been delayed and pushed back.

Speaker 1:

Seven years yeah.

Speaker 3:

It was supposed to come out in 2015. It ended up coming out this past February 2022.

Speaker 1:

So I'm saying it, because Tom Holland would have been, like you know, 10.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was a lot younger. He looks a lot younger than what he does in Spider-Man.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. Yeah, it was like a middle schooler kid running around pretending to be Nathan Drake.

Speaker 3:

I mean, he's still like. You know what he was, probably, I guess, in the first Spider-Man movie he's about that age.

Speaker 1:

Well, I guess that's when they were really pushing for Nathan Fillion.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they were. At one time he was rumored. Jensen Ackles at one time was rumored for the movie, so they had a bunch of different stuff. But yeah, I like it. I'd recommend seeing it. Especially if you like the game you should see it. But it's a good action venture, like I said, similar to National Treasure, kind of like Indiana Jones, but it's kind of a mix between all of it. And then onto my new look at that. Onto my movie news because I wrote it backwards on my paper news movie Scream 6,. They've made a script and the movie's been announced where. What's it? I can't remember the name the Girl from Friends.

Speaker 1:

Courtney Cox yes her.

Speaker 3:

She said you know it's a good script, so they're planning on making it. We'll see how it is. The last one wasn't too bad.

Speaker 1:

I thought they're just milking it now. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But we'll see how. That is the Teen Wolf movie. It's going to be on Paramount Plus. They brought back another actor from it that's going to reprise his role, which is Tyler Hawkeland, which he plays the Superman right now and Superman and Lois on the CW. But he's supposed to return for his role. The movie Fast X, which is Fast and Furious 10, has added Alan Richardson as a character. They haven't said what he's going to be doing, but he's part of the movie now and then for the Top Gun 2 or Top Gun Maverick, whichever you want to call it.

Speaker 1:

I don't even want to see it.

Speaker 3:

Well, supposedly a lot of critics have been given a lot of praise, saying it's really good. So I mean for the critics to praise something that's just pretty much a straight action movie, I mean, I've been wanting to see it, so this makes me want to see it a little more. It's supposedly it's like one of the top rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes, like ever at the moment, because all the critics have seen it.

Speaker 2:

So that's what I'm kind of excited for.

Speaker 3:

And since I'm talking, I'm just going to keep talking. I'm going to go ahead and turn on my TV, which is a I Watch Moon Night, which I guess I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but I didn't like it that much.

Speaker 1:

From what I've been seeing, a lot of people have been like eh.

Speaker 3:

Well, I've heard that a lot of people like it and, as far as the content, it looks amazing. The CGI and stuff is great. The camera shots and the action scenes are awesome. Oscar Isaac does an amazing job as this guy who has basically three personalities. I really like the scenes where there's parts where he'll be his person, called Steven. He'll black out, wake it with blood all over his hands because he passed out, basically, and his other alter ego took over. He just bodies laid out everywhere.

Speaker 1:

What have.

Speaker 3:

I done. Now, what kind of brings it down for me is like it's an OK story, I don't know. I just felt like it kind of overdid it. There's like they build up this one villain, which is basically an Egyptian God, but somehow she's like more powerful than all the other Egyptian gods combined, Like they're fighting her and she ends up beating them down at one point, which to me was silly. Because then, I don't know, I didn't like the fact that it's like all the other Disney Plus shows. It's too short, it's six episodes. They cram all this into six episodes. When I could have been eight or nine, because Ethan Hawth plays a character called Arthur Horro which he has the power to summon, like these demons and creatures and stuff from the underworld, and they show that off twice maybe and I just feel like they could have done a lot more with his character. Granted, he's the main villain throughout the entire series, like he's like the conduit talking to this evil Egyptian God, but I just feel like they kind of downplayed him a little bit compared to some of the stuff he could have done. And just to me, moon Knight is not a big character that I was excited beforehand to see.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Disney with these shows. They're just like the fandom knows what they want. Disney listens and goes. No, you're going to get this and you're going to like it Just like for Star Wars, but I mean. God forbid we get the Darth Vader show.

Speaker 3:

There's so many other characters I feel like deserve what a spot like. This is a TV show that they overlooked, which, like I said, this wasn't a bad show.

Speaker 1:

It's just not for me, I felt like their Marvel MCU shows are not doing well compared to the films.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Whereas DC can do a show, and it's amazing, but they can't do a movie to save their lives.

Speaker 3:

I agree to disagree. But anyway, like I researched a little bit and Oscar Isaac, he had never even heard of Moon Knight until he got cast as him. Like he said, he had comics and stuff all grown up and never heard of him.

Speaker 1:

Never, never. You're going to play Moon Knight who?

Speaker 3:

And this so far from what I can tell. This doesn't connect to any past or future MCU films as far as like any ties to other characters or nothing. And Oscar Isaac only had a contract for these six episodes. He didn't have a like. He's not signed as a contract for any appearances, any movies or anything. So if they chose, it's possible that this could be all you see of Moon Knight. This is just the standalone. Hey we did this Check it out. I mean, it could be that's what they chose to do because, like I said, he's had a contract for six episodes and that was it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But I give it a seven out of 10 just because visually and story wise. Well, I'll say story wise visually and the actors were really good, like it was fun to watch, it was fun to see the actors. I just I wasn't a big fan of the story, thought it was too short and I thought it was kind of silly Some of the things I did. But anyways, I'll move on to my TV news, which is the CW has canceled Batwoman. Naomi and legends, which is all DC stuff.

Speaker 1:

Good, I mean they canceled Batwoman. That's the most important thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that show never even should have been made. And then they also canceled legacies, which is the vampire diaries, like continuation, like spin off, which that series of type of show has been on for 13 years on there. So they canceled that and it's it's fourth season will be the last. So this is us is ending there, but they actually wrote theirs to where it's ending, whereas the other ones I think we're trying to continue on. Peacock has announced that the twisted metal TV show, which is based after the games, will be on Peacock, but it's going to be starring Anthony Mackie. He's also going to be helping his producer direct. I didn't see, but it's going to be like an action comedy, the way they described it.

Speaker 1:

So he's just in everything now. It's just like Anthony Mackie is going to do this, anthony Max is going to do that.

Speaker 3:

I play twisted metal growing up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I think it'll be fun to see it as an action comedy. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a good direction. I go with it.

Speaker 3:

And then, lastly, from my news, they're making an animation of an old sitcom. What would you expect it to be? Anything off the top of your head.

Speaker 1:

A sitcom.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're going to make a sitcom into an animated series.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think I know what you're talking about. It's going to be Mary with Children.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know why that they picked that one.

Speaker 1:

But that show was great. It was, and then they're just going to taint the memory.

Speaker 3:

I don't see how you're going to translate it into an animation, because Al Bundy was like you know the K. But you got to see him like sitting there. You got his hand in his pants on the couch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, his facial expressions, the movement, like all, like the physical comedy that he could pull, yeah, and it's just like it's not the same if it's animated.

Speaker 3:

I mean I'll give it a shot, but I'm not holding my breath for it to be successful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for it to be successful.

Speaker 3:

But anyways, that's my movie and TV review. So go ahead, Tom, with your Garb's.

Speaker 1:

Tom Garb's. So this is to be a dual part review, mostly because one of them isn't that much to review and the other one we're waiting for Hayden to come back. Since me and him played the game, we're going to get Mitch involved. That'll be seven days to die. Yes, so check that out in a future episode, once we all three play instead of just me and Hayden. We played Trivial Pursuit 2. Yes, which was fun after we figured out how to get rid of the AI who was beating us. How do you have an AI in a trivia game? It's because it knew all the answers. The game was cheating, it was beating us, and then we played against a random dude and we were just making fun of him the whole time. If he got the question wrong, I don't know why they made a second one and didn't just update the first one with more questions. Yeah, it's essentially the same thing, because I think the first one only went up to what, 2015?.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 2015, 2016, something like that.

Speaker 1:

And this one goes up to what? 21? I think you're 21.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 2021, I think.

Speaker 1:

Or like 2020. It's still. It's almost the exact same game. There's less of an audience. It's a little brighter. It's a little brighter. The music is still definitely loud until you turn it down. It is fun to play. It's $20 right now on the store, so it'll probably become free very, very shortly. But they made their $60 from the three of us. I always have fun playing a trivia game with these two, just because we sit there yelling at each other and argue and Mitch ends up devolving into this wheezing laugh we think is going to kill him. It kind of sounds like that. So check that out. The other thing we played I played this Mitch has also played. We played last night. We won. We won, which was the Operation Monarch event for Warzone. Most people are tired that Warzone has just been beaten to death at this point. But playing it's on Caldera, but you have King Kong stomping his way around the map and then you have Godzilla in the ocean shooting blasts. You know the atomic breath up the map and each one will kill you when one hit.

Speaker 3:

And I didn't think I would like this. I thought this was the dumbest thing.

Speaker 1:

I've ever done. I thought I would hate it.

Speaker 3:

But it's so much chaos, it's fun.

Speaker 1:

It's so much chaos. It's fun because I'm not like waiting for some team of sweats to come slide canceling out of bushes to kill me, like everybody's just shooting at these two things. While Godzilla is blasting the map apart, king Kong's jumping around the map smashing the ground, throwing boulders halfway across the map and there's little indicators on the map that it's like an incoming thing and you need to move.

Speaker 3:

When you see it start running.

Speaker 1:

That's your indicator to get out of dodge, because if you see it late, you're dead, you're done. Just put your head between your legs, kiss your butt, goodbye, it's over. It's a fun chaotic game mode. It was almost kind of like the zombies, just except you didn't have players coming back and we ended up playing it's quads only. So I mean you can play solo if you put Do Not Fill on, or if you want to do with a Do over a trio.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't recommend it.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't recommend it. The more people to marry are. We played with some Randos and dudes would just jump out of the play and land it opposite parts of the map and me and Mitch would be like uh OK, what do we? Do. It's like let's just go with that guy. He's closer, and then we would die Because you'd see teams of people in the open just shooting up at Godzilla on the beach and I'd be behind him with a sniper and I'd just be staring at him before we played the game and I'd just be sitting over the sniper off and I'd just be like they're not even moving.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I took full advantage of that. Yeah, I know.

Speaker 1:

I killed three out of four people on a team doing that, like they were all just standing still. I was like knock. And I was like, ok, all right, finish him. The other three, just, they didn't care, they're just like, oh, tim died, yeah, well, anyway. And then just go back to pump and rent. So you shoot Godzilla and King Kong and you have a map marker thing on the side of your screen that were like the more damage you do to them. You unlock items like a gas mask, this armor satchel, heavy weapons drop, buy station drop and then load out marker and then you can get the. What is it? The scream thing is what it's called.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's kind of like from the movie where they make the monster scream, which attracts them, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's basically like a very, very upgraded version of an airstrike Pretty much. Where it's either going to be Godzilla targets an area with the atomic breath or King Kong's going to pick up a rock and launch it into space and it's going to come crashing down and blow you up and kill everybody inside. And buildings don't save you. Buildings will not save you. They will not save you at all. We did win a game and it was a blast.

Speaker 3:

It was a monkey round.

Speaker 1:

It was a monkey round, which the monkey round is. Me and Mitch were the last two alive. Our two Randos had died and we were towards the last circle, wiped out everybody around us, and then fought our way to a by station. Because our options were the little by station, with the little that was all like this little rickety bridge on the end of the map and Godzilla was just like 20 feet past it, just going eh, blowing stuff up. And then we got a team across from it shooting at us. And there was a random dude on the by station, shooting at them while we were shooting at them, and he just decided to team up with us.

Speaker 3:

I have to say, though, the by station probably saved us, because we were going to have to run across the open water to get to those other guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, yeah. So we ended up buying in our two teammates down several people, with the other one wiped out one of the last teams. There was one team left and these two guys just come barreling in pick up the loot off the deck into a kill and they just jumped into the windows of that building. You see other players running out and just markers on the screen and me and Mitch were across the way blasting at them as they're running out and it was just like this is awesome.

Speaker 3:

Basically, they just flushed them out of their hiding spots to where we could shoot at them.

Speaker 1:

They just flushed them out into the open and they just ran and go ooh, so it's a limited time only. Yeah, it's got, I think, 10 days left or something like that, I think. So it's a fun round. It's been a nice brush of fresh air for Caldera, because I hate Caldera, but this happening on the map and most people just decide not to be sweaty and to try to do the objectives and fight their way into the zone and occasionally fighting with other players, I think has been an absolute blast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it gives you a little bit of a reprieve of just being attacked as soon as you touch the ground.

Speaker 1:

every time, Every direction from the sky, from the ground, from a helicopter, from a plane, from a bush, from another room. And then some dude across the map sees you from on top of a pig with a sniper and shoots you and breaks your place, and a team of other people just jump out of the ocean. They're like ha ha. So it was definitely, definitely fun to play. I would highly recommend. News Untitled Star Wars first person shooter is in development. Right now, game director Peter Hirschman is leading a development on the shooter, which is good news because he was a producer for the early Medal of Honor games and the original Star Wars Battlefront games which, as we all know, the original Star Wars Battlefront games one and two were far better than the crap EA put out a couple years ago. Yeah, those games suck. Were the graphics really nice? Yes, were the games just were just dumpster garbage, dumpster garbage. So, but it appears that the publisher EA replacement for the modern Battlefront franchise which was developed by DICE, I think, with the new ones done by DICE.

Speaker 3:

I don't. New ones are EA.

Speaker 1:

I think the new ones are EA. I don't remember the original ones, though. I played them on like original Xbox.

Speaker 3:

I think DICE had some of the Battlefield at some point, I just don't know which ones. I think they did.

Speaker 1:

Bad Company.

Speaker 3:

I think so.

Speaker 1:

Which was very good.

Speaker 3:

I think it was DICE, I can't remember though.

Speaker 1:

So other news, because I had to panic and look this up because I forgot to do it earlier this Nintendo Switch has surpassed PS4 sales. Oh wow, little Nintendo Switches keeps on shugging along. I know they're still hard to find.

Speaker 3:

Oh there.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I've gone through stores where I mean, most things aren't restocked on shelves anyway, because everybody's quitting their jobs. I don't know where they're all going to work. If you know, please let us know, because I don't know, but you know the food on the shelves isn't stocked. but you know you go through the video game section, everything's all the titles are there but you can't find a Nintendo Switch or an Xbox or a PS5 to save your life. Elden Ring has topped Call of Duty Vanguard sales in less than three months, I believe it. But I also saw that Elden Ring had a 90% drop in concurrent players from Steam for PC.

Speaker 3:

Oh really I'm kind of surprised. Well, I'm not surprised, because once you've beaten it and you do new game plus once you've done it.

Speaker 1:

You know you do some fun videos and some how-tos or whatever, but after that it's kind of like very well, you've done everything. There's nothing else to do. It's like do I really want to suffer through millennia Again in here, I am a millennia blade of Micaela and I've never known and you're just like I know.

Speaker 3:

But you've known defeat, we beat you.

Speaker 1:

We beat you that one time. Well, no me. You'd already beaten her, and then me and Hayden had to be dragged through it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because y'all well, y'all were fighting when she was like that one update that she was like almost impossible to kill. That's when we did it, that's when we were OGs. Well, I mean, it does help when I had a move that just basically knocked her on her butt every time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we just threw a lightning bolt and it would knock her on her back and I'd come up with the double you know, nerfed up great swords of death and double bunk and just go, boom and take a huge chunk of health and run away. Hayden would do whatever it was he was doing and then Mitch would just go and knock her down.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, every time she stood back up.

Speaker 1:

I mean, by the time we got to second phase, none of us, I think, had to use flasks. Yeah, or you know we were. None of us had lost health and it's like all right now.

Speaker 3:

We suffered, but it was fun yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was fun while it lasted, it was fun while it lasted. The elder ring was definitely probably gonna be game of the year. I would think so, unless Starfield, yeah, but Bethesda's been playing the cards very close to the best?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I hadn't really heard anything about it.

Speaker 1:

Which is like space Skyrim yeah.

Speaker 3:

Which I'm sure will find fun.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's multiplayer as well. Okay, and there you go. That's the news guy. And there you go, and there you go. So how about that?

Speaker 3:

All right, well, on to trivia. Let's go ahead and get this trivia started. Today we're here with Michael and Nathan from the Power Trip podcast. If you all would like to introduce yourselves and kind of what y'all do and what your podcast is about and things that you've worked on.

Speaker 2:

Sure, my name is Michael, last name's Hamilton. I hail from the great state of West Virginia and I'm the host of the Power Trip podcast, a journey through the Power Rangers franchise, where my co-host, nathan, and I are literally watching through the entire franchise of Power Rangers, and we're trying to approach this franchise from a more scholarly perspective, because we believe that even kids media and classic media that we grew up with that were a little bit nostalgia for sometimes deserves a revaluation. And I started rewatching Power Rangers in 2020 during pandemic, because I had nothing else to do and I fell back in love with the franchise and as an older adult, as a 35 year old man now, I was starting to pick up on some things and themes throughout the franchise that I found really interesting. So I approached my friend Nathan here to start a podcast, and that's kind of what we do now. We talk about the Rangers, the teams, the villains and all the thematics within the franchise, going season by season. Yeah, it's been a lot of fun, and I'm Nathan Marchand I hail from the great state of Indiana. I have nothing to add to that, because he took care of it all for me. He's the one who talks too much. Wow, nathan, come on, man, all right, fine, I'll just, I'll just keep talking then, if you're going to be like that, I also am. I also am going to add about that show, if we want to talk about other things, other podcasts, that no one cares about your other show, nathan no one, no one cares about your other show, nathan. The other show that I actually do is Kaiju Weekly. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the other ranger related thing that I have been bragging about every day since I got it that you hate me for, so I don't hate you for it, Nathan. I just mildly, I just mildly, just yes, I hate you.

Speaker 1:

Lothe entirely.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, just to let everybody know. I don't know if either of any of you have ever heard of Power Rangers, the audio drama which is produced by Cipher Podcast, which is run by Carl Dutton, whom we interviewed on the power trip. But I recently joined the cast of the of the audio drama. I did a couple of bits parts in one episode and then I joined the main cast as one of the bad guys. Oh, that's pretty cool, nice. So he's literally now a bonehead. Yep Cuz.

Speaker 3:

I'm a.

Speaker 2:

Ringo, oh, okay, how's it going?

Speaker 3:

I hadn't listened to the audio drama yet I've got it saved because I've been listening to your stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, man, Please Like after. After you listen to us, please go listen to the audio drama, because if you were a fan of the Ranger franchise as a kid and now as an adult growing up, you will absolutely love the audio drama, because it's essentially Power Rangers for adults is essentially what it is. It's power, it's what we wish the Ranger franchise would be, as adults, like I wish that they would make what Carl has done into an actual television show or movie, because it's faithful to the canon and it expands on things that actually make sense. So, so, yeah, it's fantastic.

Speaker 3:

So what you're saying is you need a meeting with head.

Speaker 2:

You need to meet with head.

Speaker 1:

Make it good.

Speaker 2:

It also synthesizes a lot of different source material, so there's a lot of the show. There's also some stuff taken from the boom studio's comics and, interestingly, there's also some stuff taken from Sentai.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the comics is what's really gotten me back into watching it within the last year or so, I really enjoy those.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the comics are wonderful. The comics are wonderful, but we're not here to talk about any of that.

Speaker 1:

We're here to be asked questions and answer them.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we're essentially here to listen to y'all beat up on Tom when in trivia.

Speaker 1:

When you said it was the Zordon era and I was like, alright, mighty, morphin and Zio. And then I was like, oh crap, turbo.

Speaker 2:

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Zordon or our original Saban.

Speaker 3:

I just said Zordon era the question's in with In. Space. Okay, so we're only going to In Space.

Speaker 1:

So we're in like the golden era of powering.

Speaker 2:

I was mentally preparing myself for the first nine seasons plus two movies. Well, now it's six seasons plus two movies.

Speaker 3:

Tom's only seen Mighty Morphin and Zio, and then I told him you might want to refresh on Turbo and In Space.

Speaker 1:

I watched Turbo and In Space when they were new on television, and I had Turbo on VHS. But if I could choose between that and Mighty Morphin.

Speaker 2:

I'm watching Mighty Morphin every day of the week.

Speaker 1:

Gotcha that movie was superior in every way, and the soundtrack was amazing.

Speaker 2:

Amen. Do we want to lay out the rules? There are no rules there are no rules for all the listeners.

Speaker 3:

All right, well, we've got. The three of you are all going to compete separately, but we also have like a kind of a punishment to where the two of you win, me and Tom will have to take whatever punishment show or movie they'll have in store for us. I think, tom, if you want to go ahead and introduce your buzzer. Nathan, let's rock it. And Michael.

Speaker 1:

Was that the dragon flute? Yeah yeah, Nathan just sounds like like that sounds really good, but the other one just sounds like him just yelling at me. Let's rock it.

Speaker 2:

Let's rock it. I worked really hard to find a sound bite of that of him, of Andrew saying that without background music.

Speaker 1:

It's like be trying to find, like one of the you know the mighty morphings, like calling out there, like more for whatever, and not hearing in the background.

Speaker 3:

All right, what we have today is it's going to be Power Ranger trivia on the Zordon era, which is essentially the first six seasons of Power Rangers. I have 35 movies included. I didn't include the movies. I just went off the TV series. Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm just giving good and bags. It's like, yeah, we got Power Rangers the movie. And it's like, oh crap, we got turbo.

Speaker 2:

There are two things that I like about turbo, and they both belong to Bebatox, so you mean Boobatox. Right, I'm going to have to say that corset, he loves that corset.

Speaker 3:

Now, granted, turbo is not one of the best seasons, it does have my favorite character in there, which is the Phantom Ranger.

Speaker 2:

Just, say it, the Phantom Ranger is a solid character. Yeah, we talked about that on the podcast, about what an interesting character the Phantom Ranger actually is. I like how they had all of these ideas about what he would have been and then they didn't use them. And then boom studios is like, hey, we'll finally explain him, and it's kind of underwhelming.

Speaker 1:

It should have been Billy.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

That's what we all wanted.

Speaker 2:

Actually, the one that I liked was that he was the embodiment of all past fallen Rangers. That's a good one too. That's why he's the Phantom Rangers. He's literally a collection of ghosts. I believe that one. I believe on the pot. I said that one actually is my favorite idea of the ones proposed for the Phantom Ranger, because it made the most sense to me. From what I've read.

Speaker 3:

They still don't have a definitive of who he is. You know, he's powered from the grid and he's one of the first people to explore the Morphin Grid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like the physical manifestation of the Morphin Grid. He's the avatar for the Morphin Grid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they really are.

Speaker 2:

Kind of underwhelming.

Speaker 3:

Back to our trivia.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we're doing that.

Speaker 3:

We've got 35 questions and then we have two more. Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

I can't prepare because I listened to the last few episodes of this guy's son. Apparently, michael is like what? What do you mean? 35? This is a test. I was prepared for 10. I had to read the power Bible to get ready for 10. The power Bible, your visual guide. You're welcome.

Speaker 3:

Technically there's 37, but the last two are bonus that count for more.

Speaker 2:

Okay, alright, let's get this started.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to get Jason for every question.

Speaker 3:

We'll start out with a question number one. What is the home planet of Zordon? Let's rock it, go ahead, tom Elhtar. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Woo, I'm on the board, Alright that's my one point.

Speaker 3:

You guys have fun. Number two when the command center is destroyed, it gets rebuilt and called home.

Speaker 1:

The power chamber.

Speaker 3:

Woo. Sorry whenever you think you know the answer, just go ahead and ring in, and I'll stop reading at that point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should probably practice that. You don't have to wait for him to finish reading.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now that we know, alright, are all of these questions worth one point?

Speaker 3:

All of them are, except for the last two. That will be worth three. Got it Okay. Number three in Mighty Morphin, three power-up swords were used, each called the sword of what I go ahead, michael, darkness, darkness. Alright, there's darkness and there's two others.

Speaker 2:

Sword of darkness. Sword. Oh, shoot um dag on it. The sword of. I see the sword of darkness, the. Oh damn it. It's the sorry the. It's the one with the goat. Are you talking about, tommy? Oh, shut up, nathan damn it. In Mighty. This is Mighty Morphin, season one, or just Mighty Morphin, the three seasons.

Speaker 3:

In Mighty Morphin, like in the three seasons oh.

Speaker 2:

Uh, what don't you find?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh God, the sword of darkness, the sword of power. And oh God, what is the other one? What the damn goat.

Speaker 1:

The Jeopardy music is playing some.

Speaker 2:

Man, what was that stupid robo goat, the one with the goat is the sword of power.

Speaker 3:

There's one more that they used to do something with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the power transfer, oh God.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, it's from Zia, Never mind Sure.

Speaker 3:

The one that they had to go to, where they could transfer the power between Rocky Aisha, adam with Trini, zach and Jason. Yeah, I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

You know what. I don't remember what that was. I know the sword of darkness, I know the sword of power and I don't remember what the sword it was that they used to transfer the power.

Speaker 3:

That got it, Nathan. Tom, can you give me the one that you all steal the answer?

Speaker 2:

I want to say my instinct is sort of light. Yes, I'm probably wrong.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's power rangers. It is that simple. The sword of darkness.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you're going to sweat all that up.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, you got the last one. It's kind of like a family feud. You got the right answer, so you get the point.

Speaker 1:

We've had like eight part. Quite You're going to give them a point.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I'll just finish reading it. Yeah, it's the sword of darkness, sword of power and sword of light.

Speaker 2:

And it really is that easy Okay.

Speaker 3:

Number four, the three triforians are called what individually Ah?

Speaker 1:

Give it to him because I don't know. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Tray of wisdom, tray of wisdom, tray of knowledge, and point out, no tray of heart, tray of wisdom and tray of strength.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you got two of them. Damn it.

Speaker 1:

Is it tray of power?

Speaker 3:

Nope, nathan, you get the last one.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say. Which two do they get right? Wisdom and heart, Wisdom heart.

Speaker 1:

What is it, Captain Planet?

Speaker 2:

That's the joke we made. That was the hard of thinking of the damn joke we made by all powers combined. Wisdom and heart and not strength, not power Knowledge. No, that overlaps too much with wisdom. Power Rangers.

Speaker 1:

It has to be that simple Courage. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I was like I need to think of another virtue Courage, wisdom and heart. I always get the tray pieces mixed up with the triforce because there's different things. It's called the triforce but there's eight pieces. Figure that out. It doesn't even make mathematical sense. If it was nine I could go along with it.

Speaker 3:

Question five what is the first monster of the week for Power Rangers? I think that was Michael.

Speaker 2:

I heard the dragon suit. The first monster of the week is bones.

Speaker 3:

You're right, I was wondering if you were going to describe him or say his name.

Speaker 2:

No, I was just trying to think of it. He's another skeleton like me. I was trying to think of what I almost said. It's the entire counterpart.

Speaker 3:

It's bones, All right Number six in Power Rangers in Space, three previous heroes.

Speaker 2:

That was an act of sorry. A little trigger happy there Easy killer. In Power Rangers in Space three of them are in the same place. I'm just going to say it because I can get away with it on this podcast. Pre-match Hora Jack-ya-lay-shut. Wow, Wow, this is a family show. That ain't gone. You haven't listened to this show Anyway. Power Rangers in Space.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, in Power Rangers in Space, three previous heroes get at least one more episode and join the Rangers. Let's rock it. Go ahead, Nathan.

Speaker 2:

Adam Uh-huh the Phantom Ranger.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and I'll give you a hint, it's a trick for you to decide Justin.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, I was hoping he wasn't going to get it.

Speaker 2:

I was like why'd you give him a hint? I was like suck.

Speaker 3:

But we were two and entertained this. Currently you're all tied with two points. All right, number seven, wow.

Speaker 2:

Of course, it would be those jumps to be the one I would have trouble with, because I don't like that character Nobody liked him.

Speaker 3:

You're Power Kenny. Yes, Power Kenny, you listen to the show. Oh yeah, I've watched all of them. Let's see Number seven. How does DivaTalks grow her weekly monsters? Let's rock it, Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Nathan Torpedoes. Yes, fire the torpedoes All right Number eight?

Speaker 3:

What is the name of Astronomous Hinchman that is from the previous the?

Speaker 2:

Quantrons. I haven't finished yet.

Speaker 3:

Elgar Tom, I'm going to write you out Eclipster. Yeah, it was going to be Elgar, because it's Astronomous Hinchman. That is from the previous season of Turbo. Oh, agen All right Number nine Andrus is from what planet?

Speaker 2:

Let's rock it. Ko35. Huh, who was actually first?

Speaker 1:

Well, tom hit it, but he didn't know, I didn't say anything yet I looked at you and paused because I just wanted to buzz it and like lock it in. It's just like all right, let me think about it. And then he's just like KO35.

Speaker 2:

I thought I buzzed it first.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm just going to give it to him. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, all right, I mean he did shout the answer.

Speaker 3:

All right, what was I at Number 10. Who is General Havoc?

Speaker 2:

Michael, michael, it is Diva. Talks his brother.

Speaker 3:

Yes, All right, let's see Number 11. What was the name of Goldard's?

Speaker 2:

sword. Wait and hang on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cyclops, cyclops All right, michael's pulling away, pulling back Number 12. What is the source of the Phantom Rangers power? The Morphin Grid? Morphin Grid, well, it's not what they use in the show. In the comics that's what they refer to it as, but in the show what is considered his power source? Is it that?

Speaker 1:

like Ruby thing, I like this stone. Yes, yes.

Speaker 3:

Hayden, I was going to get right.

Speaker 1:

I pulled that from the depths of my brain. I was like I briefly remember that I don't know why I said the Morphin Grid?

Speaker 2:

because we just talked about that. I forgot about that gang Ruby. That's because it was in Turbo.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, in the comics they revealed that he's his source of power at the Morphin Grid, but in the show they kept referring to the Ruby on his chest.

Speaker 2:

It's the Ruby, yeah, all right, number 13.

Speaker 3:

The Gold Zero Ranger has two swords called what.

Speaker 1:

Pyramidus and the Warrior Wheel.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Tied back up with Michael.

Speaker 1:

Which theme song was the best Zio?

Speaker 2:

From the Zordan era. It's definitely in contention.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

All right, number 14. In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Rangers possessed a Zord, sorry, two Zords not assigned to Rangers. What are they?

Speaker 2:

The Rocket.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Who got it Me? I think it was Michael. Yeah, the Titanus is the first one and he said not assigned to Rangers in Mighty Morphin Right Titanus and Tore the Carrier, Zord the.

Speaker 1:

Turtle. Yeah, I was trying to remember what the name of the turtle was. I was like I know Titanus. I was like what was the turtle?

Speaker 3:

That's why, until I looked it up, I was like I just knew him as the Turtle Zord. All right, number 15. Robo Gamera Number 15,. Andrews Disguise is disguised and wins key cards on the Old West Monster. Yes, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Michael Finish the question that's cheating? No, it's not, because I have a feeling what he's going to say.

Speaker 1:

You were going to ask who just answered the question was what you were going to ask and I was like, hey, hang on he was going to ask who does he win them from?

Speaker 2:

And the answer would have been.

Speaker 3:

oh, Anybody can buzz in. And let's see Andrews Disguise is disguised and wins key cards on the Old West Monster Planet called Onyx that unlocks what? Go ahead, Nathan.

Speaker 2:

Unlocked what Completely forgotten. I'm trying to remember. It's not the psychos I'm trying to remember. Oh, it's their new Zords, isn't it? Now, it's the location of Zordon, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, he's right. The Megazord, the Megavoiger. Oh oh, it's the key card. They unlock it. Oh, dag on it that was a oh yeah, yeah, they get the location of. Zordon. Oh yeah, the thrill of trivia Question 16 has. You're going nowhere, I'll cut you for three minutes.

Speaker 2:

I'll cut you for three minutes. Alright number, and that's the bottom line.

Speaker 3:

Okay, anyway, just Number 16, there's three parts to this. You gotta get all three parts. Oh crap, in ZO all the Rangers are assigned a color number and shape. What was Adams?

Speaker 1:

Zero Ranger for green rectangle Okay.

Speaker 3:

Top got that Number 17,. In Turbo, the Rangers have a second ally besides the Phantom Ranger.

Speaker 2:

What's wrong, man, the Blue Centurion, I buzzed in first, I he answered it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I buzzed in, I was about to go and he just Blue Centurion.

Speaker 3:

Well, this is what happens when you're a guest you get preference.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't tell who buzzed in it. We need to just wait. I think we need to slow down, not answer, and wait for the question asked or to pick somebody to determine who buzzed in first.

Speaker 1:

This is devolving rapidly.

Speaker 3:

Okay, number 18. Welcome to Thunderdome, number 18,. In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Rangers were turned into kids who became an adult again. The Rocket Billy, billy, ha yes, tom Billy was first Number 19,. Billy made his Volkswagen. Into what?

Speaker 2:

The Rocket, the Red Bug.

Speaker 3:

The Red Bug.

Speaker 2:

I don't know which one I said at first. I said it first. No, I said it first Fight. I will fight you, michael, I will come to your house and plant a diva bomb in your basement.

Speaker 3:

I got it. I gave the point to Nathan. He's behind, so now he's only two points. All right, number 20, the Green with Evil storyline consisted of how many episodes?

Speaker 2:

Five, five. Are we even caring about the Panther anymore? I?

Speaker 1:

think we are at this point.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to start yelling answers at this point, okay, okay, who got the point?

Speaker 1:

I gave it to Michael. All right, so we're just yelling. I don't need to buzz in anymore, I could just yell this crap out Sure, why not?

Speaker 3:

Who got here first? Okay, fine, number 21,. But now, when you answer this, if there's more than one part, if somebody starts answering, you've got to give that person a chance to answer all of it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

All right, number 21,. What are the five Thunder Zords?

Speaker 2:

Oh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, oh me, oh, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

Um Reiss. Dragon Zord, unicorn Griffin, lion Thunder Zord, crane Thunder, zord, damn it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Tom.

Speaker 1:

That's the coolest Megazord in the entire show Number 22.

Speaker 2:

I think we may want to stick with the buzzers. Yeah, that might be better. No, wait, we'll Okay. Okay, okay, okay, we're going to slow down, we're going to actually use our buzzers, we're going to use the buzzers, that we're going to wait for who's asking the questions Mitch, mitch. We're going to wait for Mitch to determine who buzzed in first. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Otherwise, this is going to be power chaos.

Speaker 3:

Number 22. Andrews was the first to have a power up that became a Red Ranger. Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I heard let's.

Speaker 2:

Rock it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I heard, let's Rock it.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say Battleizer.

Speaker 3:

Okay, there we go. All right, let's see Number 23. When Jason takes the gold XEO powers, why can't he keep them?

Speaker 1:

Because oh, never mind, sorry, I should wait for acknowledgement.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, Tom.

Speaker 1:

Are you sure it's me though? Yeah, I'm, because the powers are slowly killing them. Because it has to be separated by three people. Okay, hence the Triforce.

Speaker 3:

All right, number 24. In Turbo, the Red and Blue Rangers obtain sentient vehicles called what let's.

Speaker 2:

Rock it. I heard Michael Red lightning and blue Shit Pick me, pick me, pick me, no, no.

Speaker 3:

I got it.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's Red Lightning and Blue Thunder. No, nathan was next. All right, I was going to say Blue Thunder, so I lose Blue Mountain Blaster. No, blue Thunder is better. It is better.

Speaker 3:

None of y'all have gotten part of the word right.

Speaker 2:

Mountain Blaster and Red Lightning.

Speaker 3:

You've got one word out of each vehicle right so far, but all of you know.

Speaker 1:

Is it Red and Blue?

Speaker 3:

No, it is Lightning and Blaster, but there's something else to them.

Speaker 1:

Is it the Red Fire one? Is that what it is? No, I didn't even like the Turbo Zords. All right, we're going to call it.

Speaker 3:

Is it the Rescue Zords? No, we're going to call it Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster. Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mountain Blaster was the regular one that they parted into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's part of the regular Cruiser Again it's Turbo I blotted out of my memory.

Speaker 2:

We're being really bad family.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys, it's Warfing Time. Shut up, Justin.

Speaker 3:

Number 25. What is the name of the Zero Ranger's non-ranger ally no?

Speaker 1:

I should listen to the whole question.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, Michael.

Speaker 2:

Non-ranger ally. That should have listened to the whole question. It's not, billy.

Speaker 3:

And is this non-ranger ally similar to Ninja?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's the Conqueror. Yeah, I was like, oh man, I had the sword. We already had the Blue Centurion. What is he talking about? Yeah, orc the Conqueror, the same voice actor for Ninja. I remember y'all talking about that. I am Ninja, the power of Ninja. Y'all making me very angry.

Speaker 3:

All right, number 26. Bulkenskull become Junior Detectives and gain who as a mentor.

Speaker 2:

Blue genocide.

Speaker 1:

You have to be acknowledged.

Speaker 2:

Sir, okay, acknowledge me, because these Roman rangers.

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh, sorry. Besides, yeah, I like wrestling too, because I bust first.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, let's go to number 27.

Speaker 3:

Who kidnapped Andros' sister?

Speaker 2:

Let's rock it. All right let's rock it All, right, I'm dead, right.

Speaker 1:

Good, because I would have been wrong. I would have said a click door.

Speaker 3:

All right, number 28. Where do the psycho rangers draw their power from Dark Spectre? Yes, I think I heard the dragon's horn, but it was like what. Let's see it quits. Number 29. Who kills Dark Spectre?

Speaker 2:

Let's rock it.

Speaker 3:

Who's the dragon's horn? Dark Honda.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I don't know much about space and it's showing.

Speaker 3:

Number 30. Who created the power coins?

Speaker 2:

Let's rock it Ninja.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying it before they blurt it out. I know that answer.

Speaker 3:

All right, number 31. Where was the zeo crystal?

Speaker 1:

on the moon Underneath the palace.

Speaker 3:

Which is called.

Speaker 1:

The moon palace.

Speaker 3:

No, like, where is it hidden?

Speaker 1:

What is it?

Speaker 3:

It's got a name to the place.

Speaker 1:

Of course it does. I don't know. I probably know, but I'm going to be mad when I find out the right answer.

Speaker 3:

Nathan Michael, either one of y'all Zeo crystal is hidden under the moon palace in a place called what no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

The dark dimension Nope, I'm trying to remember if it's a real location or if it's one of the crazy made-up ones from the show.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a made-up one from, just from, power Rangers.

Speaker 1:

Is it like the Chamber of Light?

Speaker 3:

It's along those lines, something like that. I'm drawn up one.

Speaker 1:

I know it's got the force field around it and only a pure person can take it.

Speaker 2:

I remember all of that, but when you said it, my answer was initially going to be across time and space, because that's the part I remember.

Speaker 3:

It's located inside the caves of deception.

Speaker 2:

Oh, caves of deception.

Speaker 1:

Just before the cost of insanity.

Speaker 2:

And the desert of despair On the sea of tranquility. One of those is real.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's see we're on question 32. What planet was Alpha 5 created on?

Speaker 2:

It was Rocket.

Speaker 3:

I heard the dragon Elkhart. Oh, no, no, hanoi, oh oh, oh, hanoi, Hanoi, hanoi.

Speaker 2:

No. No, I had the right answer. You said the wrong one.

Speaker 3:

He's pulled up the Hanoi approach. He's just yelling stuff out.

Speaker 1:

He's just the shotgun approach. Just yell out a bunch of stuff and hope one of them is right, was right.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not damage. No, it's Godzilla damage. I never get it right.

Speaker 3:

Alright, number 33. When Evil Tommy traps Jason, where are they? When he faces Gold R1 on board, let's rock it. I heard the Dragonhorn.

Speaker 2:

Dragonhorn, the Dark Dimension.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Tom, I need you to answer these better. I don't want to be punished.

Speaker 1:

I'd be winning if they weren't yelling stuff out without acknowledgement. I don't know. I'd at least be touched. That was Michael's problem. Yeah, michael's. Just yelling it from left field like heckling from the bleachers over there.

Speaker 2:

What Bet you won't hit it? Ay, better, better, better. He's not even playing, but then we're playing the game. I was going to say he's like the fan who's taunting the batter and not the actual left field. I played Little League. I know how this works.

Speaker 3:

All right, we're on to number 34. What was the name of Rita's only female enforcer, Scorpina? Tom got it right. No, I'm not All right number 35.

Speaker 2:

You didn't say he could talk. I thought I had it.

Speaker 3:

Number 35. What are Bulk and Skull's first names?

Speaker 1:

Eugene and Farkus. Yes, woo.

Speaker 3:

Well, Tom, you're tied with Michael now. Oh God, oh my baby, I'm getting sweaty and we've got two bonus questions, each worth three points. Please be stuff about to see here, okay.

Speaker 2:

Don't fail us, Michael.

Speaker 3:

Who led the machine empire?

Speaker 1:

King Mondo.

Speaker 3:

Well, now it's going to be up to them to answer.

Speaker 1:

Tom, why don't you wait for the question? Because they're just shouting stuff out. I got to be quick.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm going to go. No, it wasn't part of the family when.

Speaker 2:

Mondo was quote unquote dead Prince.

Speaker 3:

Gasket no.

Speaker 2:

Sprocket. Oh great, Nathan Louis Kaboom. Yes.

Speaker 1:

It's a great name.

Speaker 3:

You know if, uh, if Nathan gets this next question, he'll have tied and it'll be a three way tie. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to get it. Now I'm rooting for him, all right.

Speaker 3:

Our last bonus question what is the name of the leader of the aqua rangers? I heard the dragon flute Delphine. Yes, tom, you failed me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I gave it a value and effort.

Speaker 2:

I'm impressed.

Speaker 1:

I tied people who do a show dedicated to power.

Speaker 2:

I'm uh, I'm very impressed with your skills, Good sir, they're good, kudos to you, but just, just, but. We lost the chaos with the buzzers and the shouting and the premature to jack. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

Premature utterances.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy, tom, I'm sorely disappointed in you. But, uh, team power trips still wins. Yeah, that's the important part.

Speaker 1:

I mean it would be bad if we beat you guys in a trivia about power.

Speaker 2:

That would be rather embarrassing, I agree.

Speaker 3:

Well, I have to say that it did kind of give us a little bit of advantage that we put them against each other, to where they were competing against each other. We're like co answering against me, because if they answered, together, they would have beaten you by 11 points instead of two. I just make me feel bad.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't even hear Tom's buzzer. I'm just saying that's because Tim.

Speaker 1:

That stems from a Monty Python joke.

Speaker 2:

I was. You will call me Tim, All right.

Speaker 3:

So, since Tom failed me, what punishment do y'all have that we'll have to review. Well, what?

Speaker 2:

do we have for a man? We got we have. We have something quite delicious that we're going to be dishing out to you people. So, nathan, do you have it ready? Good sir, yes, my name's not Nathan, it's Rito Get a right, snarky bone head over here. Yeah, oh my, it is not Power Rangers, but it's Power Rangers A Jason, and you see what I have to put up with. Anyway, all right, for you a punishment. Good gentlemen, including Mitch, you will have to watch five, the first five episodes of this very iconic 1990s Ranger adjacent show.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Hit the music.

Speaker 3:

I don't.

Speaker 1:

I can't really hear it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't. Why is it not working? Oh man, I've got it as high as it will go. Now I can hear you. I can't really hear it.

Speaker 3:

It's the one that I didn't want to watch, that I made Hayden watch back in, like the beginning of the episode.

Speaker 1:

We started two teenage alien Rangers yeah.

Speaker 3:

Now I have to watch it.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, Tom Alien. Fighters from Beverly Hills.

Speaker 3:

I've completely avoided that, but I made Hayden. I punished Hayden with that like one of our first, like few episodes, so now I'm going to have to roll back.

Speaker 1:

No, we have to suffer through it.

Speaker 2:

I was hoping it was going to be beetle boards.

Speaker 3:

That's the one where they're just like huge doors and stuff.

Speaker 2:

No, no, let me tell you I have dove into the annals of a Power Ranger knock off and Power Rangers adjacent media. It's pretty. There's nothing worse than tattooed teenage aliens from Beverly Hills. Watching clips of this is painful, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now we got to watch five whole episodes.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, we were merciful because it's 40 episodes long. 40?, oh God.

Speaker 3:

How did it stay on the air that long? Why did it stay on the?

Speaker 1:

air that long.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a little bit. They've already seen it, Nathan. It's a little bit disappointing. Oh it is, I did Do we want to make him watch the backup instead. It's up to y'all.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen it, but I know what it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we haven't seen it, but we know what it is. You know now we're going to stick with tattooed teenage alien fighters from Beverly Hills. That's what we're going to stick. But I have to ask you, gentlemen, if we would, if by some hook or by crook you guys would have lost one sorry, I should say one what would have our punishment? What would our punishment have been?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I left that up to Tom because he was competing.

Speaker 1:

You would have probably watched some horrible Bruce Willis movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh which one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I've been like beating Hayden to death with these. Let's see what do you watch. He watched Cosmic Sin last time, and then you had to watch Apex. These are like Bruce Willis future movies that are just not good. I don't know what was. This one Out of Death looks amazing. That was like a terrible film. Directed DVD quality.

Speaker 3:

Now I have had some that I had saved up for a while, like a robot monster from Outer Space which is like the 1930s stuff, a movie called New Key which is kind of like the garbage pelt kid kind of stuff I'm familiar with New Key.

Speaker 2:

I watch Red Letter Media you did it all for the New Key.

Speaker 3:

I have some saved up that I've been waiting to give Tom or Hayden whenever they lose trivia. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We had a few. We had Batten a couple of that we've seen personally for our own, for our other shows it's primarily for like the Kaiju stuff, but they're pretty awful, pretty awful.

Speaker 1:

I think the worst one I've gotten was the Soviet Union Lord of the Rings movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, that sounds terrible.

Speaker 3:

It was like a play on a stage, but they filmed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's on YouTube. They condensed that whole series into all those books into about an hour and a half.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

It's literally the worst thing ever made by anybody ever.

Speaker 2:

Well, in Soviet Russia, zero groups per hour. No one is like solid, all right, well, don't go anywhere.

Speaker 3:

We're going to end this episode, but don't go nowhere yet. We're going to because after this we're going to record our special discussion that we're going to have with y'all. So if anybody listening right now, if y'all want to tune into that, it'll be releasing on Thursday. And goodbye from Tom Bye. Tom Bye, mitch Bye, nathan Bye.

Speaker 2:

Bye Michael, bye Outro music.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yes, 30 seconds.

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