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ET! Throwback: Cape Flutters and Cringe Laughs in Superhero Film Fails

March 07, 2024 Hayden, Mitch, and Tom
ET! Throwback: Cape Flutters and Cringe Laughs in Superhero Film Fails
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ET! Throwback: Cape Flutters and Cringe Laughs in Superhero Film Fails
Mar 07, 2024
Hayden, Mitch, and Tom

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Ever wondered how Superman could possibly botch up saving the world? Brace yourselves for a side-splitting critique as Hayden, Mitch, and Tom tear into the legendary superhero's not-so-finest hour in "Superman 4: The Quest for Peace." From Nuclear Man's laughably bizarre entrance to the infamous double dating debacle, we leave no stone unturned in this episode's 'punishment' segment. It's a rollercoaster of hilarity and disbelief as we dissect the film's wildest plot twists and eye-roll-worthy special effects. Your capes will flutter with amusement as we recount every cringe-worthy detail that makes this flick a cinematic train wreck you can't help but watch.

Shifting gears, our hosts don't spare the later Superman films from their razor-sharp wit, critiquing the franchise's decline and its unexpected redemption with Henry Cavill taking the reins. Meanwhile, the Batman series awaits its turn under our microscope as we contemplate its evolution and impact on the superhero landscape. The bat-signal is up, and we're calling on you, our listeners, to throw your suggestions into the mix for future episodes. And if you think this is all the action we've got, think again! The upcoming news and reviews segment is bound to keep you updated and engaged with the latest and greatest in movies, TV shows, and video games. So, strap in for this episode—it's more than just a bird or a plane; it's a supercharged journey through the ups and downs of superhero cinema!

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Ever wondered how Superman could possibly botch up saving the world? Brace yourselves for a side-splitting critique as Hayden, Mitch, and Tom tear into the legendary superhero's not-so-finest hour in "Superman 4: The Quest for Peace." From Nuclear Man's laughably bizarre entrance to the infamous double dating debacle, we leave no stone unturned in this episode's 'punishment' segment. It's a rollercoaster of hilarity and disbelief as we dissect the film's wildest plot twists and eye-roll-worthy special effects. Your capes will flutter with amusement as we recount every cringe-worthy detail that makes this flick a cinematic train wreck you can't help but watch.

Shifting gears, our hosts don't spare the later Superman films from their razor-sharp wit, critiquing the franchise's decline and its unexpected redemption with Henry Cavill taking the reins. Meanwhile, the Batman series awaits its turn under our microscope as we contemplate its evolution and impact on the superhero landscape. The bat-signal is up, and we're calling on you, our listeners, to throw your suggestions into the mix for future episodes. And if you think this is all the action we've got, think again! The upcoming news and reviews segment is bound to keep you updated and engaged with the latest and greatest in movies, TV shows, and video games. So, strap in for this episode—it's more than just a bird or a plane; it's a supercharged journey through the ups and downs of superhero cinema!

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

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Speaker 1:

Alright, we gotta have the fastest episode of entertain this episode 32. Yeah that Podcast about movies, TV shows and video games. I'm Hayden, this is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is Tim, and the reason why we're moving really fast is because we got started late and we have things to do afterwards mainly work, so I'll knock this off. First, let's talk about the social media. Take it away, mitch.

Speaker 2:

On Facebook, you can entertain this podcast, which is the group. Then you have entertain this, which is our Facebook page. On Instagram, it's at thisentertain. On Twitter, it's entertainthis. We have a YouTube channel and then we also have the Twitch channel.

Speaker 3:

Entertain underscore this Well Tim.

Speaker 2:

We also have our Patreon, which is patreoncom. Let's see Entertain underscore this.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and if you want us to talk about specific content or anything, just comment on one of our social mediums and we will facilitate those means. And yeah, I thought it was up in my book.

Speaker 3:

You did it. I'm very proud of you.

Speaker 1:

It only took 32 episodes. Yep, very proud of you. Each week we do a thing called a punishment, where one of us spends a wheel and the victim gets picked by the wheel to review a crappy movie, tv show and video game by one of us. So, like last week, tom punished me by making me watch Superman 4. And the quest for peace, which was something.

Speaker 1:

So I'll talk about that real quick. Well, it's definitely the worst of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. It actually went under a new production company when it got bought out after episode three or what do they call it? Movie three? I don't even know what do they?

Speaker 2:

call Superman 3.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so see a movie for Superman 4. It starts out with like Lex Luthor in a prison he's like breaking rocks and his nephew, lenny. Lenny Luthor yeah, lenny Luthor, which is this goofy looking douche that rolls up in a.

Speaker 2:

He's the guy from Two and a Half Men. That's like the real nerdy one.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I never put that together. No way.

Speaker 2:

It's the other guy, it's not Charlie Sheen the other guy, the other guy, the one that actually has the kid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like makes it through the entire show.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

He plays Lex Luthor in like a crossover thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the CWC girl. Oh really.

Speaker 1:

But anyway he breaks him out by tricking these cops to like drive his car and he pushes a button and the car activates the convertible top and then he drives it off of a cliff and it explodes and you think that the guards died. But you just like see an explosion and like Lex Luthor going ooh, and then you see him like crawling out of the debris with like smear on their faces and stuff like that and you're like stupid.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, the whole premise of the movie is that Superman is convinced by a third grader who sent him a note, like Santa Claus, that he needs to collect all the nuclear arms in the world and destroy them. So he agrees and he gets all of Russia, america, china, everybody. They shoot their nukes into space. He collects them, puts them in a giant net and then like whoops them around, you know, like the Olympic thing with the ball, and they'll.

Speaker 1:

Yes, the entire world agrees to launch their nukes away from the planet, like the shot, put yeah, and then he like whips it off into the sun and it goes off in the sun. Well, lex Luthor catches one of this plan and he puts some DNA that he collected from Superman and he did this like high school chemistry thing. They put this goop into a nuke and then he tricked Superman and throwing it in the sun and lo and behold, when it detonates it creates nuclear men. Like the DNA is just not you know incinerated, you know eviscerated.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. So nuclear man comes out of the sun and it has the voice of Lex Luthor, which is the worst ADR I've ever seen. I'm like super bad Must kill super bad, which, yeah, it's pretty, he becomes sentient, just goes I must kill super.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the first thing, he wants to do is kill Superman, program for it. And he's got these like long metallic nails. He scratches Superman. Superman gets sick, he looks like he's going through chemotherapy, his hair is falling out. He goes on a date with Lois Lane and some chick from the daily planet as Clark Kent and Superman at the same time, so they do the whole, like you know. Bring the doorbell, clark Kent shows up and he's like oh, can I use your bathroom? And then Superman flies to the window and all that stuff. That gets really old really fast, but it's like a 15 minute scene and this morally great Superman dating two women at once.

Speaker 2:

They live in the same apartment.

Speaker 1:

That is true. That is so stupid. I just can't believe that Lois Lane has not figured it. I guess you got to remember you wiped it in the second movie. Yes, at the end of the second movie Is that another one of Superman's powers.

Speaker 3:

No, he uh, it's like some sort of machine thing he does to her machine thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, at one point the great wall of China blew up and Superman just goes and I could rebuilds back together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's looked at it like the wall rebuilt itself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, little did we know. He's actually a wizard and he had a wand in his hand, something and he's like wallow repair.

Speaker 1:

What's funny is like so nuclear man and Superman have this fighting outer space and they crash in the great wall of China. They blow it all up. Only white people are on the great wall of China.

Speaker 3:

No, Chinese people whatsoever, you know. So like a billion people.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, it's more like you see a whole bunch of people falling off the wall and Superman saves one person and it's a white person. So I don't can't speak for everybody else. That was a casualty, but I guess he had his priorities.

Speaker 3:

He's like, yeah, this billions of them, it doesn't matter, so it was stupid Justice in the American way. Even in China.

Speaker 1:

So I mean I can see like I mean it's got a corny appeal to it. It's just like the original Superman was supposed to be taken seriously. You know you will believe a man can fly and all this other stuff. And now it's just such poorly composite green screen nonsense and ugly effects and stupid plot devices that have nothing to do with comic books Really the whole movie and nothing to do with comic book. So yeah, I mean, if you're just like wanting to see Christopher Reeves and tights running around and fight people on the moon, oh, funniest part. So nuclear man gets obsessed with one girl for some reason.

Speaker 2:

Is it Lois Lane?

Speaker 1:

No, it's the other girl.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, the one Superman's dating. Yeah, yeah. No, the one Clark's dating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the one Clark's dating Superman's dating Lois Lane, so he gets obsessed with this girl and I think it is rubbed.

Speaker 3:

Yes, revenge. So quick backstory. I went to the bathroom before we did this and I come back.

Speaker 2:

I took a sip of my Red Bull and they had put the stupid hot sauce on the rim and, like my chest, lit on fire.

Speaker 3:

But you getting in your eyes is amazing right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, seeing as how I had nothing to do but being a witness to it, I'm glad the both of you got to hurt and I didn't. Oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, why did I do that?

Speaker 3:

God, it's like getting a seat, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Anyway. So Superman goes to the, or the nuclear man goes to the moon with his girl. She doesn't have a space suit, she's just like holding onto him. He's just like throws her on the ground, fights Superman and Superman beats him on the moon on the moon, beats her up, takes her back to earth, she's fine. No space asphyxiation or anything like that, you know just whatever.

Speaker 3:

You can totally breathe out there.

Speaker 1:

It's just give up on that stuff. How does he beat him? I forget how he beats him. Oh yeah, he traps him in a nuclear reactor and he like powers the world, yeah throws him into like some kind of nuclear reactor.

Speaker 3:

So they like they seal him in a reactor and go well, free energy forever. You just see like all the lights.

Speaker 1:

I don't know in New York or something like that, like power up because like nuclear, man only has power if he's within sunlight, for whatever reason. One of the funniest things about that movie, so the best on the fight he does it night.

Speaker 1:

He does like power down. One of the funniest things in the movie was the extras, because they're so horrible. I don't think they knew what was going on because they had like these, these like cut-ins, like where you could just tell like they got a bunch of extras together and they gave him some like mediocre direction and be shocked. So like Superman is saving the Statue of Liberty from crashing in New York.

Speaker 2:

He's picked up and thrown.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's picked, he catches it and he's going to go like move it back to the pedestal. There's this like one dude in taxicab, he's just like shoes.

Speaker 2:

All the other people are like oh he's like center frame, just like.

Speaker 1:

it's like you've never seen Superman before. It's not a Tuesday.

Speaker 3:

It's like that's nothing. You should have saw him back in 78. I saw him pick up the Empire State Building.

Speaker 1:

And the funniest part is is like how crappy Superman's costume is, because you can see the stitching in his cape like a middle school mom just like made some like cheapo Halloween costume for a kid, you know.

Speaker 3:

yeah, not specifically my mom, I don't know, did he do the?

Speaker 1:

phone booth change Now. He did in a car.

Speaker 2:

He did a couple of phone booth changes.

Speaker 1:

Was it in a phone booth?

Speaker 2:

Well, he did. I was like one where he climbed through a limousine.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because there's one in the first one where he runs into a phone booth when those still existed and there's like all these people around some busy street runs inside, spins really fast, walks out of Superman, it's like, and not one person went wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

He does catch Lois Lane in one of his crazy dating transition things. He catches her falling off a building for some reason and she's also building.

Speaker 2:

She's always falling off a building.

Speaker 1:

But he catches her and he still has his glasses on and she's like huh.

Speaker 2:

And he's like oh.

Speaker 1:

Lois and she's like oh, Superman, that's what did it. This is a movie that's trying to take itself seriously, mind you. So you know, yeah, it gets a three because it wants to be serious, and it's definitely not the first two Superman movies were really really good.

Speaker 3:

This one was not.

Speaker 1:

This one pretty much just kills the franchise until what Superman returns to 2006 was the Brandon Ralph Superman return, which killed it even further. And then Henry Cavill comes in.

Speaker 2:

It was, it was great.

Speaker 1:

They try to do like a soft reboot, where they were trying to pick up where the last Superman left off with Christopher Reeves. So they were like kind of supposed to be the same universe and then it just did it right by the Zack Snyder reboot Hard reboot. So yeah, it's a three because it essentially like put comic book movies back a decade. That's how bad that movie was.

Speaker 3:

So then they put it back further with the Chris, with the Brandon Rath one, and then Marvel was like Iron man.

Speaker 2:

Batman was doing OK, though, up until it's looking in Gilmore, up until.

Speaker 3:

Batman forever, yeah, all right, cool.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you have any ideas that some of us should be punished with, throw it up on our Facebooks or whatever, and we'll add it to the wheel and you'll see what that is later on the episode. So now we do news and reviews, but we talk about stuff that you do want to hear about, involving movies, tv shows and video games. Let's start with Mitch all right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I had movies and Because we had a lot going on. It's an. It's an older movie, but I thought it was a good one. Interview with the vampire has something I recently watched we smirking it because you love that movie.

Speaker 1:

It's like the weirdest movie that you think that. Mitch would be into.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I thought it'd be like the wrestler, because I originally you know, I've read the books now and you go back.

Speaker 2:

But then you get to watch Brad Pitt, tom Cruise in their early careers. You get to watch and Antonio Bander is learning English while making the movie. Yeah and then you get cursed at Dunsch, which for a child actor that was a pretty good Uh yeah pretty good performance. She's a good child, yeah, but it was neat to see what year was this movie 94.

Speaker 2:

I think. Hmm, I want to say it was around 96. But I mean, it's a, it's a great movie. It's I don't know how to describe it, I'm assuming at some point they interview a vampire.

Speaker 1:

Well yeah, so they an rice vampire novels. It's not like the twilight crap, it's real vampires and they have like cults and they want to like eat people will drink their blood. And there's a group of vampires that visualize humans as cattle. There's a group of vampires that just want to like live amongst the humans and really be seen and like. You can live forever Without ever drinking the blood of humans. You just become more monstrous and grotesque looking. Yeah, isn't that what happened to Tom Cruise? That one part?

Speaker 2:

No, that's if you don't feed.

Speaker 1:

That's what I just said. So you can eat animals and you can be fine. Yeah, oh man, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

But I mean essentially, this is like they describe as kind of the saddest vampires. You'll ever meet, because they're having to come to terms which with their immortal immortality and the way the world changes around them. And that's one of the big things that. That's why they like Louis, which is Brad Pitt's character, because his as opposed to the stat, and Armand, which is Antonio Baderis and Tom Cruise. Brad Pitt's character of Louis is like right at the turn of the century, where I guess it's like the 1800s to 1900s.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there's still slaves.

Speaker 2:

And that I mean that's right, where you know everything's changing and he's able to accept it. You're staring at his head.

Speaker 3:

No, I Looked up it like I saw his hair, like do this weird?

Speaker 1:

Well first off. You did a. Thing.

Speaker 3:

All right, look, I was. No, I was intentionally punished for no reason.

Speaker 2:

It's the rules count. You said the s word, it's on camera too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I walked in and got punished for nothing.

Speaker 1:

Do it, I had to drink it, do it now, come on the whole you're gonna I will for the next one, but I was unceremonious.

Speaker 3:

You're gonna disappoint the people, no reason.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're punished for taking a poop right when we started. Come on.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, with the, the anorized movies, just no, the whole thing behind the first character. Yes for.

Speaker 2:

Tom Cruise is that he's kind of upset because he got turned into a vampire against this wheel and his whole thing is. He gives Louis the chance to decide whether he wants to live or die and, uh, louis has to come to terms and he helped our mom wants him to help him like adjust as the world's growing and Because of factors in the movie of Louis which called a wizard a it's cursed and done character. Yeah being killed by our minds. People.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's not spoil a movie, but okay.

Speaker 2:

All right so. Kirsten Dunce is killed the movie from almost 20 years ago. He hasn't seen it.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's no reason to now.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

But anyways, that's why, uh, louis does not really particularly like our minds and our mom. There's a backstory that if you've read the books, you understand why our mom and Lestat hate each other.

Speaker 1:

If you're explaining the movie to like somebody hasn't seen it before, maybe you shouldn't explain this. The plot spoiling parts of the movie. You know what I mean. So, anyways, it's 20 year old. It is a 20 year movie. We've discussed this before, but you know it's an old movie.

Speaker 2:

We really there's not a lot to spoil, but we're not talking about it like we're, you know.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about it to review it from an standpoint that, in case anybody hasn't seen it before, so Not like we're talking about a specific scene or something like that from the movie.

Speaker 2:

Well, that doesn't. That's not really the whole plot. That's just a small piece. It's.

Speaker 1:

It's an yeah, so in a nutshell, it's about a newer vampire from like the 1800s who's being mentored by an older vampire from France, like in the 1400s or something like that, and Like they both kind of divert and their their philosophies and how to treat people and stuff like that right around the mid 1800s to early 1900s.

Speaker 2:

Let's just carefree. And he'll kill anybody just because he wants to. Louie is more conservative, where he doesn't want to begin with. He doesn't want to kill. Eventually he has to come to terms. You know he has to feed on humans to survive.

Speaker 3:

So I'm guessing they were not born vampires. Okay, so they all had to be bitten.

Speaker 2:

Yep yep in the beginning of the movie Louie. The whole reason Louie becomes a vampire is because his wife and child have died. Mm-hmm and he's just kind of looking for someone. He's trying to convince people to kill him, like he cheats at cards and tries to get this guy to shoot him, and then the guy backs down and eventually it's a little stat.

Speaker 1:

It's a good movie. You should see it. Everybody should see at least once.

Speaker 2:

It also. It's, you know, for AMC's. They're supposedly gonna have a TV series of it now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

News. I didn't have TV news, but just including this in part of our discussion because I'm talking about the movie sweet.

Speaker 1:

Well, what I Mean? What would you rate this movie? Obviously.

Speaker 2:

I would give it an eight just because I think the performances of these of these actors and such an early role for what's keeping it from being a 10? I mean. Well, for me, I've read the black. Is that I've read the book? There's a lot of points that they leave out that would make the movie up, make more sense as far as like the character development of some of them.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it seems like it skipped over parts, but it includes their reactions in the movies to each other. Right, it's skipped over the parts that why they like that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, yeah, I mean it would be a long movie. But a lot of people would probably prefer that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Wow, that's a lot it's smaller parts, but it's just.

Speaker 3:

There's always stuff you could trim out of the books.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but when I what a news have you for us, mitch?

Speaker 2:

Well, if you like Marvel, prepare to be disappointed. Everything's being pushed back, except for evidently the one division stuff, but I'll leave that to someone else to talk about?

Speaker 1:

So is that including a Winter Soldier and all that stuff too?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, they haven't mentioned that one.

Speaker 1:

Falcon Winter Soldier.

Speaker 2:

But I know like the Black Widows get pushed back to May of next year, so almost mid year.

Speaker 1:

And that movie was originally set to come out in March of this year, no, in May of this past year. Oh OK.

Speaker 2:

It's essentially been pushed back an entire year which evidently there's something important happens in it, because it is required that all the MCU movies be pushed back, which is the Doctor Strange, the Shang-Chi movie, the Eternals movie, the new some tells me that somehow she comes back to life.

Speaker 1:

You know, like the, the Marvel movies, there's no one's really dead.

Speaker 1:

The Marvel movies did a really good job of trying to keep things as like current as possible. Like when Spider-Man dies in the one movie spoiler alert and he comes back in the other movie and he's back in high school. They talk about you know what year it is when that movie comes out and what all has happened and stuff like that. We're just like a minute here and there, but they try and have some throwaway lines that make you feel current. What are they going to do when everything's been done for a year and you know corona breaking and stuff like that, and are they going to come back and say like, ok, now it's 2021. You know, are they going to talk about the coronavirus for a year and what are they going to do? I mean, you know so like they have to address this gap and story at some point.

Speaker 2:

They did another thing I saw, which you know. We talked about them being delayed, but the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness thing they talked about possibly getting some big name actors, just to be a multiverse version of Doctor Strange. Oh, OK. Well, I suppose they've approached Tom Cruise to be a Tony Stark and one of the other 90s Tony Stark. He would just have like a small part in the movie. He wouldn't become Tony Stark.

Speaker 3:

But he just you know, I wouldn't want to be the person who has to fill our engineer shoes.

Speaker 2:

Well, they mentioned John Krasinski. Is that the?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's the guy from White Place. Like he would be one of the multiverse versions of Captain America and one of the universes they visited.

Speaker 3:

So tall. And then another thing is Chris Evans is tall.

Speaker 1:

That's tall as John Krasinski.

Speaker 2:

No, the Flash, the Flashpoint movie. They started talking about how they want to include some of the CW and like the other TV shows as part of the Multiverse. One of these characters get the cameo for a small.

Speaker 3:

Which they did and want that one thing because it was the dude from Smallville, right, Superman.

Speaker 2:

They talked about. They want him to appear as like Superman for a small part, and things like that. And then, lastly, this night, all those, all the Ben athlete, gal Gadot, henry Cavill, jason Momoa, and then something, fisher what's his first name, I don't remember. We got a play cyborg.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that guy but all of them are going to reprise their role, like do new scenes because, since they're making the like a series kind of thing, now instead of one movie, they're going to reprise their roles and shoot new additional footage and they've been given 70 million dollars to go to the budget.

Speaker 3:

Here's what I want with that 70 million. When Batman and all them try to recruit cyborg, he just goes. I already belong to a team and like a car pulls up and Robin, raven and Starfire and Beast Boy are sitting in it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I mean they've added new stuff to it and all the people have agreed to come back like Superman or Henry Cavill signed on for three new appearances as Superman in the the DC.

Speaker 3:

Will he have a moustache? I doubt it. If he's contractually obligated to have a moustache.

Speaker 2:

Supposedly he's supposed to appear in the new Shazam movie when it comes out.

Speaker 3:

No well, he's supposed to be a cameo bit at the end right Now. He didn't, it wasn't you didn't see his hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean Superman, but not.

Speaker 3:

No, he probably wasn't. There was just some big buff dude and Tom that's my news.

Speaker 1:

What have you for us?

Speaker 3:

Well, I played Super Mario 3D All Stars downloaded it.

Speaker 3:

It's actually, I think, the highest selling game this year in the UK yeah, the number two for Switch for downloads, ever behind Animal Crossing. Oh well, a little bit of criticism. It seemed kind of like put together like, hey, here's three games, we'll put them in a package. There you go. There's no, like you know, little content or special stuff. Now there's nothing new. No, it's not really new, but I mean, some of the stuff is upscale for the graphics book, whatever, so it was, it was all right. The game play is. I've only played Super Mario so far.

Speaker 2:

Mm, hmm.

Speaker 3:

And 64. 64, yes, it's like riding a bike I forgot I owned and that I had 20 years ago.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

A lot of. It's kind of like you're running around, it's like why do I remember this particular spot? And then I'll face through the wall and go, oh yeah, that's right, that did stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's funny because, like all three of those games probably hit different generations. Yeah, because, like I was, I was looking at it and I played all three of them and I really enjoyed Sunshine the most. And that's the one that wanted me to buy the game. I haven't yet, but my wife saw 64 and she was like man, I would love to play that game and I was like for $60, though she was like yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I'll bring my switch over to your house.

Speaker 1:

Your wife can just play. Yeah, not for 60 bucks. So if it was a $30 deal, that'd be great.

Speaker 3:

One of the things is like you get the three games, it is 60 bucks. You don't get any real bonus content or anything special that they've added, and a lot of people were kind of bummed because it didn't have a Was it Super Mario Galaxy 2? I am which I think was much more well received than the first one.

Speaker 1:

I never played the Galaxy 2.

Speaker 3:

I played the first one, so I mean I think it's a good job picking the three games for, like you know, each generation of who played what Because, like, looking at it, I was like Super Mario 64 on switch. I was like hell, yeah, I want to play that. I haven't played that since the 90s, so it is kind of fun to jump in and get back on. Yeah, I came out in the 90s, okay, I played the original Mario.

Speaker 2:

That's the only one.

Speaker 3:

That's the.

Speaker 2:

Super. Mario on Super Nintendo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean the kids are playing that. It's a. It's free on switch right now.

Speaker 3:

So it did have a little bit more back. Let's just because of that limited release that they're doing, because they're not going to sell it anymore after March.

Speaker 1:

We should talk about that on the console level.

Speaker 3:

On the console level. Yeah, yeah, we should.

Speaker 2:

On the console level. We should, but we're not. I'm dealing.

Speaker 3:

You don't have talking about what the limited release or the or you talk about the other thing. Yeah, the pre-orders. Yeah, I was about to bring that up. That's part of my news. All right, go ahead. So the news the Xbox pre-orders have come and gone some places in seconds. Yeah, I think it's sold out in the UK within an hour. Yeah, australia was gone. New Zealand Canada. Yeah, for a $1,200 average for a pre-order. Yeah, it's insane. This, this is a horrible. This is the worst time forever in pre-ordering consoles.

Speaker 1:

Did you ever get the yes or did you just say no? What about you?

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not. I'm not sad.

Speaker 1:

I'm not settling for the S Cause like the X just was gone and then the S was there for about a day Maybe it made it till like it made it probably about till 10 o'clock yeah.

Speaker 2:

Cause when I looked around midnight just to see if it was on there, it was already sold out.

Speaker 3:

Cause I knew around like five PM, you could still get it on Best Buy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Cause when I call it like they did, limited store in store pre-orders like with GameStop, cause I called them and they only had a couple that sold out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was soon as 11 o'clock hit, but then they because reportedly there was only like like stores, like GameStop and stuff, got six to eight copies. That's, that's what I heard.

Speaker 1:

I heard that each retail store had six to 12 copies, which means that probably the owner, like the people employees of the stores got them, got them first, and there was like two I got, I got the.

Speaker 3:

X. You did, you did manage to. How long did it take you to get it, to secure it?

Speaker 1:

So, uh, my wife comes bursting into the room I sleep in the daytime and she was like, why not? And she's like I can't get it. And I was like, ah, so I, I get my phone out and I cycle between Best Buy, gamestop, walmart, amazon and something else. And she, yeah, a new egg. And then she goes through the same things and we just keep going through, going through. And then she finally was like, look, I'm just going to stay on this GameStop thing, cause it says it will put you in a queue.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they got a criticize for it.

Speaker 1:

Even if you just like type in GameStopcom, at that time it says you're in a queue. It doesn't even matter if you like won an Xbox or not. You just says you're in a queue. So she's like I'm just going to just wait here. And like about a half hour later it said would you like to pre-order? And we did, yeah, put in the information and it gave me a confirmation number. So I hope they just take my money and give me some BS confirmation number.

Speaker 3:

But uh, one thing I saw that um Xbox one S or the Xbox one X, sales on Amazon went up 700 plus percent because a bunch of people bought it on accident.

Speaker 1:

That's that's. I thought like Xbox has the dumbest marketing name for their consoles, but it's genius because people will accidentally buy the wrong consoles all the time now which happened.

Speaker 3:

It's like, there's like, there's like we still made money yeah.

Speaker 2:

They said that the Xbox one X, which is the current best version you could get, went up 750%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that was just on Amazon. How people buying it on accident what?

Speaker 1:

you need is the Xbox series X. Okay, completely different.

Speaker 3:

But the uh, a lot of the web's like uh GameStop with the Q thing now had a lot of problems. Best buy, it would pop up, then it would disappear. Pop up, disappear. And then a lot of people were poorly. When you ordered it and had to the shopping cart, the website would remove it from the cart.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I've seen that uh untargeted.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Amazon kept crashing. Yeah yeah, there was a lot Walmart. Uh was late Like uh, it's supposed to go late live at 11 and then I think they didn't go live until like one or something like that.

Speaker 3:

So, but I woke up at like two and was trying to find and it was gone.

Speaker 1:

It was a nightmare, Uh like. The only reason why I wanted to make sure that I got it is because I don't trust Corona and all set of stuff for them to pump out a new generation of consoles before release date.

Speaker 3:

So we'll see what happens. Hopefully it works out for people. This, like the online pre order thing, is like you, it's good, but they were not prepared.

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely not. It's the worst year that we've ever seen it, and it gets worse every generation.

Speaker 3:

It seems like yeah, cause even it wasn't even this bad when PS4 and Xbox one came out.

Speaker 1:

What's the dumbest thing you've done? To wait for a video game or a console or something like that?

Speaker 3:

I waited two hours to pre order the PS4 when it came out, and now it's just because I couldn't afford the Xbox.

Speaker 2:

I got the Xbox one a year after it came out.

Speaker 1:

So you never like waited in line or done anything.

Speaker 3:

I've waited in line spent too much money for something. I've waited in line for the new call of duties before, like when my work for three came out, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten when I was in college.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like me and my buddies would go to GameStop and just wait in line so we could pre order it.

Speaker 1:

I waited in line for 24 hours. The Nintendo Wii.

Speaker 3:

Of all consoles.

Speaker 1:

But it was fun because me and my buddy were like camped out. I walked up to the electronics section and I was like hey, I'm here for the Nintendo Wii. They're like it's coming out tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

I was like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They're like oh God, it starts. So they're like just have a seat in the bench. How many people showed up in the time? The second, like I, was first in line. Obviously, the second place person showed up maybe eight hours before it came out, so yeah, I was there for a long time For no reason. Yeah, it was fun. I made a little Facebook story out of it, whatever, and it was just to be stupid.

Speaker 2:

All the other members. If you camped out, nobody else showed up. Yeah. I wouldn't have leased it.

Speaker 3:

One thing I noticed a lot of people were complaining about was a lot of people scouted a whole bunch of Xboxes because they would order. There apparently is some sort of app where they auto did it Multiple orders on multiple sites.

Speaker 1:

They do that, yeah. Because of the eBay crap.

Speaker 3:

they buy it, yeah, and sell it and they sell it for like 200%. I saw somebody was selling a preorder from Amazon. It was $1,500. Oh my God, that's so stupid?

Speaker 2:

My question is who's willing to pay that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

There's some jackass. It should be illegal to do that.

Speaker 1:

There should be some legislation that comes in which a lot of people complained about.

Speaker 3:

Is there really some law about that? No, there's a lot of backlash at Microsoft for how they did it. It was like with this online stuff, because a lot of people got checked out.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not Microsoft's fault unless they buy it directly from Microsoft.

Speaker 3:

It's Target and Walmart and all these retailers that are just like whatever companies, but when you have it online at six different retailers, you can order it six times. Yeah, but I mean how they're going to track If there was a limit on who bought what, because I mean Target and Amazon. If I go to both and buy it, they're not going to know.

Speaker 1:

How are they going to fix that then? I mean, at least like, instead of buying six from Target and six from Walmart and whatever and whatever, you just buy the one from retailer and that's the end of it and the retailer tracks your order number, because in store they would block it Right.

Speaker 3:

Like if you came in and tried to do it again. Because I remember, like when the Xbox One came out, my buddy I went with him because he was pre-ordering it and we went to GameStop and like they had his information. He was like can I come back and get another one? They're like no, because as soon as you pull out, like either the credit card number will ping off saying he's already bought this based on the amount or your name.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what they were thinking. Maybe they just wanted to show how fast it could sell out.

Speaker 3:

Which was quick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was faster than PS5, right.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it was faster than PS5. It went a little smoother than PS5. But I mean by no search of the imagination. Did it go well?

Speaker 1:

Oh no, Hopefully somebody's learning some things here. Anyway, I have one more tidbit Go for it, which was bigger news.

Speaker 3:

Not bigger news, but overshadowed that Microsoft had bought in Bethesda, not that they bought the company that owns Bethesda, zenimax. Zenimax, yes, for $7.5 billion.

Speaker 1:

Just so we understand how much did Disney buy Star Wars for $4.6 billion. That's right, A video game software company is worth more than Star Wars.

Speaker 3:

So Zenimax is a company that owns Bethesda, which Microsoft already said they're going to leave Bethesda as its own separate division, leadership and everything intact. They're not changing anything, they just own it now, and that brings up their development studios to 23.

Speaker 1:

They did own 15 of them.

Speaker 3:

Now they have 23 of them.

Speaker 1:

They're doing it kind of smart. They got money. Playstation is good at scalping talent and throwing money at people for fees and carrots about like hey, you guys seem like you have a good idea. Here's a little bit of money. Go make a good game. And they do. They make some great games. Microsoft's like you're successful, we'll buy you. Make us more stuff.

Speaker 3:

He's bycraft right after he gets it, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

We have spider-man in the Avengers game.

Speaker 3:

They also acquired ID software which makes Doom, rage and Wolfenstein.

Speaker 1:

That's under Zenimax too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, microsoft memed it, and just said here hold my beer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let me show you how this is done. So Microsoft acquired a lot of stuff, which a lot of that's probably helpful for that Xbox Game Pass thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even if you don't know much about video games, I mean they are the cutting edge, like maybe the most, if not at least hide for the most lucrative entertainment business today, right now, because it's insane how much money you know. Like 20 years ago there wasn't a billion dollars in the industry probably, and then come find you know look how fast it is now.

Speaker 3:

Maybe by the year 2000,. You could say that there was, but I mean just for Microsoft to shell out 7.5 billion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. A great example is CD Projekt Red, that people are doing Cyberpunk. If you look at their timeline of their worth, cyberpunk 2077. In the beginning they were worth like less than a million dollars and now they're worth over a billion dollars in their creation of their business. What businesses have done that you know Very, very few. You can probably count them on two hands. All right, so that does it for news and reviews for TV shows, tv shows. So Nick Fury is getting a TV show. That's right. Same old Jackson. Disney Plus is in talks with him and they're going to figure out how to wedge him into this Disney Plus TV show lineup to include WandaVision, falcon and Winter Soldier, and I think that's it right.

Speaker 3:

They don't have any idea he will be.

Speaker 1:

MFing the entire time. I don't think I'll do that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, these monkey flipping snakes on this Monday through Friday.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they'll do that, but what will be? I guess what they're trying to do is they're trying to bring some continuity to the agency's shield. This is purely hypothetical. The agency's shield nonsense. That was before Disney had to buy out and they're going to try and kind of like surrounded around Nick Fury's perspective on how shield came and went into the MCU. So they'll probably make it like a mini series, I think would probably be the smartest way to go about it. You know, that's just me.

Speaker 2:

Nick Fury has technically existed since World War II. He has like some kind of lifelong serum that helps him stay alive longer than why he aged so much.

Speaker 1:

Since Captain Marvel, he looks a lot younger than Captain Marvel, and Captain Marvel takes place in the 80s, 80s or 90s, 90s, yeah, yeah, so he's aged Well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he ages but he lost an eye.

Speaker 1:

He lost an eye.

Speaker 2:

He ages, but he can live longer. It's like a minor version of the Captain America serum.

Speaker 1:

Man. Those last 20 years were brutal on him Because when Captain America throws his mighty shield. Yeah, so we'll see what happens. The whole MCU cluster right now is, I'm sure, kevin Feige, the guy that's like in charge of making sure all these stories intertwine.

Speaker 3:

I'm just patient that Charlie Day thing with like the board and all the way he's like this makes sense Pulling his hair out just like going crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, a lot of actors are out of work, like Robert Downey Jr doesn't have any franchises because I think he's OK for money though. Well, I'm sure he's OK, but he's going to want work, you know. So he's probably going to come back if I had to bet.

Speaker 3:

We did that horrible movie, do little.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. That was supposed to be his new franchise and it tanked. So if I had to bet he'll come back somehow they don't kill anybody off in the show. We are in the MCU, we know this.

Speaker 2:

Well, because I've messed with times, they're theorizing that Crane will like King the Conqueror will be the new bad guy. Change me into turtles cross, ok, ok In G, and supposedly he'll be like, because I messed with time, he's like the time for this world of the universe. He wants to come back.

Speaker 3:

You don't mess with time. I think you're pretty smart.

Speaker 1:

Missing with time Anyways anyways.

Speaker 1:

so TV shows, talking about all this corona crap, muppets on Disney Plus they did. They made a TV show called Muppets Now and it's only six episodes but I watched it with the kids and we all loved it and it's cool because they did it like a. They show kind of like behind the scenes of how a studio would operate during corona and COVID and stuff like that, and they do it without ever like addressing it. They just say, like you know, they show interviews with celebrities from their homes and they don't ever use the words, you know, quarantine or corona or whatever, and it's kind of a breath of fresh air. But it's also like it's, you know, realistic sign of the times and, like my kids, that no question about why everybody was Quarantine and isolated at home in their pajamas. Yeah, exactly, they knew exactly what was going on the Muppets at home, but they didn't scream. Yeah, they were. Some of them were. Miss Piggy was in her home and then Oscar the grouch is in a trash can.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's, that's that's me streaming.

Speaker 1:

Come on, come on.

Speaker 3:

They're puppets.

Speaker 1:

But yeah. So like they do a pretty good job of and the humor is quite funny, like pretty, pretty creative it's I don't know if you remember like the 2015 the Muppets show, it was a little bit more adult, like they had like an office kind of feel to it they've definitely like Just Disney. They definitely chipped it down a little bit and made the subject matter a little bit more friendly.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, they'll bring in the celebrities who does Velma from Scooby-Doo, linda Gardellini or something like that? I don't know, she's a, she's in every episode. For some reason. She's like the person that miss Piggy calls on a trash and that's kind of funny. But yeah, it's a good show and it's. There are like six twenty three minute episode Episode, so it's a lot of fun. If you got kids, it's worth watching with them. So yeah, I'd be ready to see that come back. I'm sure that they will, because there's not a lot. I'm Disney plus right now, unless you want to spend 30 bucks to watch Mulan With no moosh you so yeah, I give it like a 7.5.

Speaker 1:

They gotta do some more with it, though. Oh, it's got me beaker.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that bit in parks and rec though.

Speaker 1:

Which what?

Speaker 3:

where they make fun of the dude because he looks like beaker and John Ralph he. I just sort of give him the business. No, he's like, does he look like beaker from the muffy's like? He's like gets in this lawyers face.

Speaker 1:

Well, my favorite is In the Muppets is they have this like chef cooking show with the sweetest chef and they bring in like yeah feeders, meatballs, but they they bring in like real chefs Like to like have a cookoff with them.

Speaker 1:

And so he gets jealous and he tries like incorporate. You know what they're doing. So somebody's bacon, a chicken like finds a chicken like clubs it, it puts in the pot and like it cut to like them like glazing a beautiful chicken. I'll go back to him. He's just like trying to strangle the chicken like fighting its way out of the pot stuff like that. Like her to bird, of her to her and just yelling random Swedish words. So it's pretty funny. Swedish chef is my favorite.

Speaker 3:

Like, yeah, like Bobby glazed, like doing like the blowtorch or like something. Then it cussed him. He's like Pretty much. Yeah he's like drowning a lobster.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right, cool. Well, that's our news and reviews on tv shows, movies and video games again. If you want anything that Uh for us to talk about, let us know and we will. So let's move on to our main segment of the day. We have a top 10 now. We don't have a top 10 list. We have favorite shows.

Speaker 3:

They have action sequences favorite fight scenes for some of our favorite. There you go, okay, but not like large-scale battles right.

Speaker 1:

So just, babe, favorite fight scenes. And uh, we've decided that, like we're not gonna rate these Um and we're just gonna talk about specific instances, so take away Mitch.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna give you our idea of what we think and then we'll put a poll up and see what you.

Speaker 1:

let y'all vote on that afterwards.

Speaker 2:

There you go, we're gonna start with game of thrones which, uh tom, you put mountain versus red viper.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we had talked about that one. That was uh, I mean the tower joy one's my favorite. But that was like one of the first uh scenes I'd actually seen in game of thrones Prince obrins fighting the mountain for terry and for the trial by combat. And then it's like, oh, it's like he beat the mountain. Then all of a sudden it's like oh.

Speaker 2:

He makes the mountain look childish until he gets a little overcrafted.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean he does technically kill the mountain, but at the cost of see it was. It was like a it's like a war zone kind of thing. It's just like that's why you have to thirst them out before you float.

Speaker 2:

He's down, but he had a revive.

Speaker 1:

He's self, he's self revived long enough to kill him. It's more like a last stand at a revive.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was martyrdom.

Speaker 2:

Frig out.

Speaker 3:

I still kind of like the island, little ice, island defense, you know they had all the cannon fodder, and it was like the eight guys defending this one little island until uh right until they realized that, um, that the lake had refrozen and they could run across it again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah for a nondescript amount of time. It could have been days, it could have been months, nobody knows. Uh, all right, cool, what else you got?

Speaker 2:

We are breaking bad which. I don't remember a bunch of fight scenes from that other than the last, the last episode there's some skirmishes and stuff.

Speaker 1:

The show is not. It's an action show. So, based off of like the, the scenarios that they're in not necessarily like dudes fighting, like uh, there's some shootouts and stuff like that, like, for instance, the when the neo nazis or whatever Get just murked by walter white and that that automatic machine gun or something that was the second episode of breaking bad.

Speaker 3:

I ever saw the very end, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I said the first episode I ever saw.

Speaker 3:

It was the very first episode of the show. I watched that a c1. I was like this is all right. Came back to it years later in college and my boy was like, hey, it's like the last episode of breaking bad. And I was like, all right, I'll sit and watch it. And I was like why is he bald? Did it all make sense? It did, it did it all tied in nicely.

Speaker 1:

It was a. It's a good show. Um, my favorite part of the show is when Gus dies, gus Fring, or whatever the guy's name is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh, polka, yoga.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't necessarily like a fight, but he's like gloating. He's gloating, gloating to like his old nemesis, that like disabled oh yeah, hispanic guy, and then like he's like ringing the bell like a madman was best to came with his one working appendage but it doesn't sound right. The bell sounds off and Gus Fring like realizes that something's not right and he sees the bomb and then blows up. But you think like like he's dead and you see him step out of the room.

Speaker 2:

You're like how did he survive that?

Speaker 1:

It's like Hitler and the camera pans around. You see like half of his face is gone.

Speaker 3:

It's like a skull of his eyes gone, it's like oh, and he's like it just as tight as goes. Yeah man, dead, dead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll go on to the the walking dead, which all three of us have different ones. Tom, you said the daryl versus beta. Have you seen that one?

Speaker 3:

No, you said that one.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, this is where it's basically. You got three guys and beta, which is he's like this they live among the walkers. They wear like this skin up on their face.

Speaker 3:

He's the tall dude who follows the bald chick around right. Dude from sons of man arc.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, oh, oh well, he's like freaking Michael Myers in this in this walk dead series and Him and daryl face off in this like old construction area.

Speaker 3:

Always a solid place for a fight.

Speaker 2:

They're like throwing each other through, uh, through walls and stuff, and it's just she rocket, doesn't hurt that bad still they're. They're fighting it basically like Rambo kind of knives, like there's real big knives. It's just the two of them fighting to throw each other through walls and beat each other over the head. With two by four. It's a pretty interesting fight. It's probably one of the only One of maybe two or three one on one fights.

Speaker 3:

Just Darrell one.

Speaker 2:

Can I spoil this?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, okay, good, that's all I cared about the beta gets thrown down at elevator shift.

Speaker 1:

Ow. Well, he comes back later, though it doesn't mean he's still alive. He's self-rested. All right. Rick kills joe. What's that? The neck bite.

Speaker 3:

That's the one where uh oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

Speaker 2:

They're being held at gunpoint and uh, they're like threatened into, like Kill coral, right in front of rick and machone and they're back on their knees. Uh, joe gets ready to like. These are like just some random roving biker gang that's still alive. Well, they, they threaten to shoot.

Speaker 2:

Uh, are they're holding the gun to rick's head in the last second he's kind of Rare's back in some of the nose and so he misses with the gunshot and then kind of get to like a little scuffle While the other guy's still holding down coral. Well, joe like grabs him for a bear hug and is going to make him watch. Oh, since rick can't do anything, he just reaches in and bites him on the neck and just rips his neck out. Yeah and then they commence to like curb stomping and beating each other because Darrell shows up.

Speaker 1:

When Darrell shows up, the fight's over my favorite part of walking dead was the uh. The action sequence was when the terminus. People Were like I thought the terminus operation was really cool, but it ended up being kind of like a mid story arc transition period.

Speaker 3:

I think they could have just like stuck with that and kept it going but there was a lot of build up, there was a lot of terminus and it their little system where they would cannibalize people.

Speaker 1:

You know they get them and they knock them over the head with a baseball bat and slip the throats. And let them bleed out like cattle and then just like cook them and eat them. I was, like you know, dang. They got out, figured out, don't they? So?

Speaker 2:

It was a.

Speaker 3:

It was a pretty good show, and yeah, yeah, carol just goes aping, and Carol went from, like you know, useless housewife to you know he you know abused whatever and broken woman to Like the most four spec ops operator till I get tier one operator.

Speaker 1:

That's what happens. She's got like guns hidden inside of her sleeves. Moving on daredevil, daredevil, daredevil.

Speaker 2:

Didn't you say you like the? Uh, the first hallway fight scene?

Speaker 3:

I. Is that the one? That's the one where he's like it's just, you see, like he's getting tired, but like so, with a like doll, just like kind of getting back up and he just like throws himself in the old boy fights. He, yes, yes, that was a. That was a good fight scene as far as fight scenes go.

Speaker 2:

I enjoyed the uh the daredevil versus punisher, where they're just battling on the roof and then, uh, it kind of ends with daredevil or uh, punisher shooting daredevil in the face and he falls off the top of the roof.

Speaker 1:

Hey, who am I?

Speaker 3:

John Brunthal yeah. This grunts with his broken face.

Speaker 2:

Throughout that, throughout the entire devil, daredevil and punisher, he's just got like a mangled face. They call the other guy jigsaw because his face is all cut up. But daredevil's like beating the entire time, or Punisher's beating the entire time.

Speaker 3:

He looks like a boxer who's not very good.

Speaker 2:

He takes a lot of hits. Then we'll move on to another show Punisher, oh yeah where he fights Daredevil and shoots him in the face. No, I like the well Y'all said. Joe Hattons don't remember, but it was like their hideout in the first season. It's in the basement hideout where he's got this little it was a solid spot.

Speaker 2:

IT operator kind of guy that's helping him kind of stay hidden the nerd, yeah Well this is like the first scene in that season where he puts the Punisher vest back on and he's fighting this whole group full of bad guys that try to charge in and was trying to find him.

Speaker 2:

And he's just like blast him with a little shotgun and eventually they get him pinned down. Well, he detonates these explosives, he pops up in this box and there's just got like the big giant light machine gun. He just sets up on the box and starts just walking towards him. You know, mowing him down as he's walking towards him. You had like the bad guys were hiding behind one another, trying to get the cover.

Speaker 3:

It's like it's not going to work.

Speaker 1:

You guys don't goof, there's always been like the Punisher's thing, like he always hides weapons everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's kind of like Batman, just more brutal.

Speaker 3:

He's like Batman, with less money, has no qualms in killing people. In fact, it's just easier.

Speaker 1:

All right, cool, what else we got.

Speaker 2:

We got the Witcher, which the Village Fight is one of the best.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead and talk about the Village Fight.

Speaker 3:

Well, when they filmed it, he doesn't actually have a sword, he has the Hilt in his hand and the you know the crossbar, but he doesn't actually have a blade. Right, so a lot of it was them like doing the CGI for the capture for him. That's why it looks like he's moving that fast. Yeah, because he doesn't have the weight of the blade actually slowing him down, right, but it actually does a good job of him using all of the sword it looks really good.

Speaker 2:

It's like him fighting three people and he's just moving so fast, you know, because he's supposed to be that good with the sword.

Speaker 1:

I like the Strigger fight which is at the castle scene where he's in the castle trying to get that girl to come back from whatever she came from. That monster it's called a Strigger. Oh, yeah, I understand when I read the books, like that was a very like the quintessential Witcher story and I wanted to see how this TV show would do it. They kind of did it in a weird spot in the show.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was like mid-season, I'm sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it was really good. I really liked how they did it, how they incorporated it, and he basically gets his butt kicked. Yeah, it was very horror-esque, and yeah, and they added like a horror element and him getting the Stroat Slash and all that stuff was right out of the book. It was really good so Well, that's our Witcher.

Speaker 2:

We'll move on to Arrow, which you said you liked, the Razao Ghoul fight.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did like that one. I don't know what it is with Razao Ghoul and billionaire orphans. He's like I'm going to train you, you're going to be my heir. It's like I tried with Batman. That didn't work.

Speaker 2:

And the WWE Arrow kind of takes on the Batman role. Yeah, he really does. That show goes.

Speaker 3:

But the fight scene. They fight on top of the cliff in the snow, and they take off their shirts because, as is custom, and. Oliver picks up two swords and Razao Ghoul is talking to him, and then they're like, all right, let's go. And he's like you don't have a weapon. He's like, yeah, I'm going to take yours when you're done with them. And it's just like, ooh. And then you just watch Razao Ghoul mop the floor with Oliver.

Speaker 3:

He's not even swinging like Oliver goes to swing with a sword and Razao Ghoul just kind of ducks the left and right and then, like you know, disarms him, takes the swords, then he stabs Oliver through the chest and kicks him off a cliff.

Speaker 1:

This was season three, so you already know, arrow has its own hallway fight, just like every other action TV show.

Speaker 2:

Except for other than the old boy and the raid. This one did it before Daredevil and all that. But that's the hallway fight for Arrow in the very first season. I think it's the season finale of the very first season and it's like you know. You got me hooked on watching Arrow just because you see him with his bow and arrow go into a hallway and just leave 13 guys laying in the floor. The way it ended. He bashes the guy's head into the light, then into the wall and then into the baseboard and then walks away.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a good little sequence that you show me, but it wasn't a one or. You know they didn't have cuts into the fight scene.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, and this isn't the best overall fight, this is the fight that got me hooked on watching the show.

Speaker 1:

What's next?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You both said this one part.

Speaker 3:

With the IG-88 character. Or he's like self-destruct, it's like no, that's a good part. That was good. A lot of these I mean some of them were gunfights, but this one being the future one with blasters and robots it was solid because it has that Western feel. It's very much kind of like at the end of push casting the Sundance kid.

Speaker 2:

And while it's a serious moment, it still kind of makes you laugh.

Speaker 3:

It's still light heart.

Speaker 2:

Just watching the robot, just like walk through pointing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just spinning around and just dudes are dropping and you know in Mando being that good with his yeah you know he does the robot right.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember no Taika Wattiti who played Hitler. Yeah, street D.

Speaker 3:

Play Hitler and Colk.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Colk, you want to?

Speaker 3:

get on this big ship, hey man.

Speaker 1:

I chose the Mandalorian part, Magnificent Seven, where all the Mandalorians show up and basically help Pedro Pascal's Mandalorian escape. That was the one.

Speaker 3:

I said. Then you said it was lame because that guy flies up, nice to him.

Speaker 1:

That one part is stupid. And gives him the salute and flies off.

Speaker 3:

You poo pooed.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say it was dumb, but everything up to that part where he's like bear heated, it was very, very cool. Yeah, he's like hiding behind things and you know they're trying to figure out how to sneak him out.

Speaker 3:

Because you never really get to see in Star Wars Mandalorians in action.

Speaker 1:

I mean not in live action, it's just like when you have all these intense action sequences and some dudes like in close proximity, just laser blasting people, and then all of a sudden you cut to a wide, there's this dude obviously on strings on rope just being like lowered in with like really crappy sparks coming behind him. It looks like Peter Pan on ice or something like that Spider-Man on Broadway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it just doesn't work. I mean I just shot at that and then like him like flying next to the Mandalorian guy, like Just like peering off or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Like Batman and Robin going up the side of the building.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure after the first season, though I mean, granted, they had a big budget to begin with.

Speaker 3:

They're going to have even more. Now they're already talking about fourth season.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they do. Season two comes out this October.

Speaker 2:

Let's get through season two first. I agree that it's the Mafia fight. Season four yeah, with Adrian Brody.

Speaker 1:

That was a pretty cool little fight. Yeah, he definitely made it awesome for that part, but we got to move on.

Speaker 2:

Since we got to move on, we'll go on to Spartacus. They have the final fight, which is like I was thinking it was four on four, but it's more like 10 on 10. They're going to just ring a fire.

Speaker 3:

That's a pretty sizable difference.

Speaker 2:

They only focus on the four Gannicus, animaeus, crixus and Spartacus. You got the four of them and then you got these other cannon fodder kind of guys that all get killed pretty quickly.

Speaker 1:

And then you get this what is that? Spartacus versus Romans at season one of episode 12?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the one where his like hated nemesis shows up and wants to like either have him put into a ring or arena or something.

Speaker 3:

What's his name? Like Grisacus.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember. It's like the legion or the Roman legion commander, he's telling them that one wooden sword he keeps telling his Roman soldiers to attack him, just to show him how good he is.

Speaker 1:

Anything from the first season was good.

Speaker 2:

With the one wooden sword he beats up like six Romans that are in full armor with swords.

Speaker 1:

That was an awesome part.

Speaker 2:

We got to keep moving on.

Speaker 1:

We are under time crunch right now, but that's our meat and potatoes of the segment. Each week we try and find something that we can collectively talk about and work with the watchers, the listeners and to our social mediums. So pay attention to what Mitch posts out, give us some feedback and then get ready for the next episode, where we will try and take some of your input and implement it for what we talk about next. Go around Now we're going to do the punishment wheel. Tom is going to spin a wheel. It's going to say you punish this guy, it being, you being one of the three of us.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be here. We'll see what happens here.

Speaker 3:

Hayden by Mitch movie.

Speaker 2:

The garbage pail kids.

Speaker 1:

Oh man.

Speaker 3:

I've never seen that or heard of it, but just on that title alone. It sounds pretty bad.

Speaker 2:

I saw the trailer.

Speaker 1:

You're paying for it.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I paid for the last one for you.

Speaker 3:

I'm not made of money. It was like three bucks. Oh my God, sheep swine.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't. You had the Google login thing.

Speaker 2:

I did have some free.

Speaker 3:

Google money. It's an ad for swimming goggles.

Speaker 1:

You have 15 seconds to show this trailer.

Speaker 3:

We have to go to work.

Speaker 2:

For American Airlines and MasterCard.

Speaker 1:

In crime.

Speaker 3:

Ridden Detroit.

Speaker 1:

Puppets rule the city. A scarier Gremlins Once upon a time, or was it more?

Speaker 3:

recently. I can't remember, I'm old.

Speaker 1:

I like the dude who arrived here.

Speaker 3:

I have dementia, I don't know how I got here.

Speaker 1:

He was the sort of child who was always left out of things.

Speaker 3:

Was he a peeping Tom he?

Speaker 1:

was looking in this girl's window. These kids are perfect, michael Jackson.

Speaker 3:

Captain Nancy. Captain Nancy.

Speaker 1:

Is that Mr Bean? Uh-oh.

Speaker 3:

Doja has never had a family.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So this swarthy guy is going to spin around a thromb. He's going to have a Victorian chair. You've unleashed the trailer. You've unleashed the trailer.

Speaker 1:

You've unleashed the trailer.

Speaker 3:

You've unleashed the trash can monster. Uh-oh, it's the ooze, it's the blab.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right. This looks like Yep, enough of that. I think we get it. Was he flashing him he's like? So this is like the trauma version of the Fowl's Patch Kids.

Speaker 3:

That kid looked like Kyle's cousin in South Park, Just wearing dark sunglasses. He was like I'm big.

Speaker 1:

I'll be back next week to have my Stella review of Garage Pale Kids. I'm sure it'll be amazing. Above a five, maybe even higher, we'll see what happens. Thanks, Mitch.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why.

Speaker 1:

This is like the fourth week in a row.

Speaker 2:

I've been punished. How many times have you?

Speaker 1:

been punished.

Speaker 2:

You're closing in on it. Too bad, tom never gets punished, yeah I know right, we're making our own wheel.

Speaker 1:

It's going to happen. Anyway. Goodbye from Mitch, Goodbye from Tom Bye.

Fast-Paced Podcast Episode 32 Recap
Superman Movies and Comic Book Critique
(Cont.) Superman Movies and Comic Book Critique
(Cont.) Superman Movies and Comic Book Critique

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