Entertain This!

ET! THROWBACK: Tales of Geek Glory, Silver Screen Battles, and Aerial Escapades

April 11, 2024 Hayden, Mitch, and Tom
ET! THROWBACK: Tales of Geek Glory, Silver Screen Battles, and Aerial Escapades
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Entertain This!
ET! THROWBACK: Tales of Geek Glory, Silver Screen Battles, and Aerial Escapades
Apr 11, 2024
Hayden, Mitch, and Tom

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Ready to laugh and catch up on the quirkiest corners of entertainment? This episode, Hayden and Mitch, bring you another laugh-out-loud installment of Entertain This!, where we'll recount Tom's hilarious trivia night penance: a cinematic deep dive into the dubious delights of "Lord of the Elves." You'll feel like you're right there with us in downtown Lawrenceville for Free Comic Book Day, cosplaying and sharing in the joy of free comics and geek culture galore.

Strap in for a whirlwind tour through the obscure and the adrenaline-fueled; from a Soviet "Lord of the Rings" to Discovery's "Getaway Driver" with Michelle Rodriguez, we leave no stone unturned. Our candid discussion on the latest celebrity shake-ups will give you the lowdown on the brewing storm in Hollywood following Scarlett Johansson's legal clash with Disney, and what this means for your beloved franchises and film industry norms. Plus, we're dishing out our take on the 'Hawkeye' series and Marvel's 'What If?'—get ready to speculate wildly with us.

Join us as we take to the skies in a serene flight simulation adventure, contrasting it with the competitive chaos of skill-based matchmaking in Call of Duty. Ever wonder about the soundtrack to your life? We'll put our memory to the test in a soundtrack guessing game that's sure to evoke nostalgia and maybe even reveal a hidden talent or two. Don't miss out on the trivia, tunes, and tales that make this episode of Entertain This! an unmissable experience—tune in and let's get entertained!

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

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Ready to laugh and catch up on the quirkiest corners of entertainment? This episode, Hayden and Mitch, bring you another laugh-out-loud installment of Entertain This!, where we'll recount Tom's hilarious trivia night penance: a cinematic deep dive into the dubious delights of "Lord of the Elves." You'll feel like you're right there with us in downtown Lawrenceville for Free Comic Book Day, cosplaying and sharing in the joy of free comics and geek culture galore.

Strap in for a whirlwind tour through the obscure and the adrenaline-fueled; from a Soviet "Lord of the Rings" to Discovery's "Getaway Driver" with Michelle Rodriguez, we leave no stone unturned. Our candid discussion on the latest celebrity shake-ups will give you the lowdown on the brewing storm in Hollywood following Scarlett Johansson's legal clash with Disney, and what this means for your beloved franchises and film industry norms. Plus, we're dishing out our take on the 'Hawkeye' series and Marvel's 'What If?'—get ready to speculate wildly with us.

Join us as we take to the skies in a serene flight simulation adventure, contrasting it with the competitive chaos of skill-based matchmaking in Call of Duty. Ever wonder about the soundtrack to your life? We'll put our memory to the test in a soundtrack guessing game that's sure to evoke nostalgia and maybe even reveal a hidden talent or two. Don't miss out on the trivia, tunes, and tales that make this episode of Entertain This! an unmissable experience—tune in and let's get entertained!

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify

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Speaker 1:

You ready, Mitch?

Speaker 2:

Are you ready, kids?

Speaker 3:

It's episode 69.

Speaker 1:

That's the magic number, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm so excited to be here. I'm sleepy.

Speaker 2:

I'm so sleepy. I'm excited to be here. I'm trying to get my foot here.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Entertain Us, a podcast about movies, tv shows and video games. My name is Hayden and with me I have Mitch.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Tom. Maybe. Maybe you're Tom, maybe I still feel like a Susan. Last week we did a trivial endeavor of Disney princesses and somebody failed miserably, that person being. Susan, but before we get to Tom's punishment. We must do our social media All right.

Speaker 3:

Well, we have entertainthispodcastcom, which will take you to our Facebook page, which is entertainthispodcast. We have our entertainthispage. We have our Twitter, which is at thisentertain. We have our Patreon, which is have our twitter, which is at this dot entertain. We have our patreon, which patreoncom entertain, underscore this.

Speaker 1:

we have our twitch, we have our youtube, both entertain this exclamation point yes, and by the time this episode airs, which will be on monday the 8th, no 9th the 20. When is our comic book thing? The 14th, the 14th, so that Saturday, the following Monday the 9th, saturday the 14th, we will be where Mitch Explain all that.

Speaker 3:

Days and numbers. Yeah, we will be in downtown Lawrenceville, at the Lawrenceville Lawn, for Free Comic Book Day. They'll have cosplay parades, they'll have art exhibits, they'll have free comic books to give away. We'll be there with some prizes and giveaways and a raffle They'll also have. I think it's around 3 pm they're going to show Avengers Endgame on a big screen on the lawn.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Mitch went all out with our stuff for our little display. He's got posters and business cards and all sorts of stuff.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Stickers you could win a $300 Spider-Man action figure guy for a dollar if you are so lucky enough.

Speaker 3:

That's the grand prize. There's a lot of other things that we have going on, too, that you can win.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, looking forward to seeing people and talking to them.

Speaker 3:

In person.

Speaker 1:

About our show. That's right so, but let's talk about Tom's punishment. Go ahead, Tam.

Speaker 3:

What was it called?

Speaker 2:

Well, it was Lord of the Elves, but that's what it's also known as. Apparently, it was called Clash of Empires. Oh okay, Nothing about that movie made me think that there was an empire. What?

Speaker 1:

about elves.

Speaker 2:

None of them. Not a real thing, made-up, nonsense, good. So the movie starts out with a bunch of midgets running away from some slightly taller people riding dragons, and by dragons like Microsoft paint iguanas.

Speaker 1:

They just made big and put wings on okay, so the CG wasn't top notch is what you're saying no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

And I'm sitting there watching it and I was like oh, man. I got all these little kids running around and I was like oh, those are it and I was like, oh man, they got all these little kids running around. I was like, oh, those are midgets. And I was like, why are they talking? Weird it's dubbed. Okay, it literally just looks like they found a bunch of people in like Indonesia and said run around and do stuff and we'll film it.

Speaker 3:

So it is in another language dubbed. It's not just like them trying to talk over English. Yeah, talk over English.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can't hear what they're really trying to say, but the words don't match up to what they're actually mouthing.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know that, but that makes it better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the Java men are. Java men, I guess they need coffee, baller coffee or really bad JavaScript. So they're trying to capture the hobbits, because apparently that was the thing. This was called like Age of Hobbits or something, and they got like a cease and desist order from Warner Brothers and that's why they had to change it, do they?

Speaker 1:

use the word hobbit in this movie.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, not that I remember the little ones. Yeah, the little people, the midgets. Isn't that what Boromir?

Speaker 1:

says the little they took. The little ones Took the little people, the midgets. Isn't that what Boromir says? The little ones, they took, the little ones, they took the little ones.

Speaker 2:

It's like they're in their 30s, so they're like enslaving the midgets for reasons unknown, and they're like fleshy and they got like one, like half of them. Their bottom teeth are perfect and then they have like prosthetic inputs of like tiny little pointy teeth and they're like and they all have like unibrows and they're just like you know, dragging their knuckles around, swinging, you know hammers at people, wow. And the capturing of them is hilarious because like they fly. And then there's like this all you just does a quick cut to like this y-shaped piece of like antler looking thing on a string, all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, hold on a minute. You're getting into a lot of very specific, you know details this is about as specific as this movie gets, but do me a favor. What is the plot to this movie?

Speaker 2:

people trying to capture hobbits yeah, so the hobbits they run away. Their mom gets captured and I guess she's like in charge, or she's like I'm guessing their dad's like the king of the hobbits.

Speaker 1:

They're all hobbits, right though?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, All right, but the Java men are not the Java men. Yeah, they're just like. They're like five foot five Uh-huh. So they're like oh, we have to enlist the help of the giants to. You know, get all these captured people the giants are people who are my height. I like the Harlem Globetrotters.

Speaker 1:

They're so big, oh goodness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they find them. Who live, I guess you know, 20 minutes away if you walk through the woods in a certain direction, there they are. So they find them. They're like oh, we need help. They capture our mom and their mom has like all these rocks that she's just dropping and I don't know where she's putting them. Okay, Because they're just falling out of her. What's with the rocks that she's dropping? I don't know, Like magic medicine rocks, All right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she had a bum leg and now she has these because she got captured by the dragon Java men people. So the king midget leads his son and their daughter on like this epic quest with the giants. Don't teach history anytime soon. No, history is facts and it's interesting. To rescue these people. I fell asleep twice watching this. This is how boring this freaking movie was. You're just bubbling through this review.

Speaker 3:

What about the big spiders? Did you ever see the big spiders?

Speaker 1:

No, oh, they were in the trailer.

Speaker 2:

I either slept through it or they don't exist. It might have just been for the trailer. There's plenty of the giant iguana lizard flying thing.

Speaker 1:

So is there like a thing, a MacGuffin, like you know, take the ring to Mount Doom, kind of thing. It's just run away from the giants, run away from no they want to be friends with the giants.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they want to be friends with the Giants, and like the Mega Giant who's literally just like a kind of you know muscular guy.

Speaker 1:

Is that what all who's like 6'4"? That's when all the Giants like combine together to form a Mega Giant.

Speaker 3:

Go-go, giant Go-go, giant, go-go.

Speaker 2:

Giant, giant. So that's when I felt like I woke up and they were fighting people and that was sad to watch and they were fighting people and that was sad to watch, like really sad, like there's a fight and to show like he got him, they did like cut to, like the light casting shadows on the side of the wall so you could see the spear go through the guy, because they couldn't film that in reality. And the guy's like, but the whole time you're watching, you're like, oh, they're about to fight. And then somebody talks and you go, oh yeah, this is dubbed and not well, like just bad.

Speaker 1:

I still don't really understand what this movie is about.

Speaker 2:

I didn't understand either, and the plot doesn't make any sense. I reread the plot to make sure. I was like did I miss something?

Speaker 4:

What did that say?

Speaker 2:

It said less than what I just told you. Less than what I just told you. Oh, it was like an epic adventure with some mini people, these bad guys. They team up with the giants and save the world and I'm just like from what the other people, I guess, I'm like just move and they're not like hobbits, like holes in the ground, they live in bird cages in the trees, interesting they choose to live there. Yeah, all right, right, yeah, there's like, no, like swords, axes, dwarves, nothing so when's the sequel come out?

Speaker 2:

hopefully never so, uh. So, anyway, your favorite movie ever, no, no, no more than lord of the rings. Yeah, a weird part was I watched the sister died like they did, like the axe cut. Yeah done, she's out, sister. That's when I like the hobbit, the main hobbit, his sister, uh-huh. So I fell asleep. Then I woke up and she's standing there like you did a great job, like we won, and I'm like wait a minute, wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

I remember you you're supposed to be dead. You're supposed to be. How'd you get here all?

Speaker 2:

right. And then the warrior, chief of the Giants, who was like no, we're not helping the midgets. He shows up at the end for the big fight along with Scantily Clad Woman and Mega Giant, mega Giant, and he gets like he gets hit in the head, or he gets like hit in the chest with something and just goes and just falls back. Like you just see his eyes, he just goes and closes them Like that's it and it's like is he?

Speaker 1:

okay, man, stay away from that other guy. Though he's lethal. He didn't even really hit him and he got him. Wow. So your favorite movie ever after what?

Speaker 2:

was the soviet lord of the rings what was the movie you watched recently?

Speaker 1:

so it was the worst movie you ever seen velocipaster yes, so is it what I would rather watch Velocipaster.

Speaker 2:

Velocipaster actually had entertainment value.

Speaker 1:

You stayed away for Velocipaster.

Speaker 2:

I stayed away through Velocipaster. This movie was so dumb, so boring. I was wide awake when I started it and I nodded off twice.

Speaker 1:

Did you at least read why this movie got made, or anything like that?

Speaker 2:

It was a mock buster.

Speaker 1:

Right, but like were they trying to rip off of Lord of the Rings?

Speaker 2:

This came out in 2012, so the same time as the Hobbit trilogy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so they're trying to ride the Hobbit trilogy hype, and then Hopefully they didn't get anywhere. Right, so nobody famous in it? No, I didn't recognize a single person.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even recognize the voices. Okay, I didn't even recognize the voices. Okay, I was just sitting there going like what.

Speaker 2:

What Huh? I was like this is what Mark Wahlberg must feel like constantly. Mark Wahlberg just being confused. It was originally supposed to be called what Age of the Hobbits or some stupid crap. Yeah, age of the Hobbits. So here's the plot synopsis A film about a prehistoric struggle between a community of homo floresiensis, also known as hobbits, which that was part of their lawsuit. They were just like no, the scientific community refused to this subspecies discovered in 2003 as hobbits. That's what we're referring to, not your hobbits from JRR Tolkien.

Speaker 3:

The Java Men.

Speaker 2:

Look at this Java Men parentheses, quotations Java Men, it's the same thing. Why are they repeating it?

Speaker 1:

Because it's not real Java Men. It was On a scale of 1 to 10, Tom Negative 2. Can't say that for all your bad reviews.

Speaker 2:

Zero stars, zero, okay, zero's a number. This is the worst movie you've seen. Yet this is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. It was dumb, it was stupid. Whatever money they had, they spent on the one CGI effect for the stupid iguana. So it made you miserable.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it made you miserable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it made me miserable. It made me tired. Maybe you just want to watch real Lord of the Rings. I would rather watch Soviet Lord. I'd rather live in a world where Soviet Lord of the Rings was the only Lord of the Rings movie.

Speaker 3:

Mission accomplished. It's all I need to know.

Speaker 2:

This movie was dumpster garbage and I hated it, dumpster garbage.

Speaker 1:

So, okay, this is the new bar then for you, Tom. You can't like if the next movie, or whatever, happens to be the worst movie. Again, I'm getting a little suspicious, that's all I'm saying. Either me and Mitch are really good at punishing you, which we are, or you're just like. No, this is the worst thing ever You've got, like the attention span of a third grader.

Speaker 3:

Well, we know that from Warzone.

Speaker 1:

That is true. Plane pow Got him All right.

Speaker 2:

well, that's ridiculous. There's no planes in Warzone.

Speaker 4:

Let us move on.

Speaker 1:

Let us move on to our actual discussions for the day News and reviews. Who would like to go first?

Speaker 3:

I'll go, all right, go ahead. I had TV shows. I had a show that Hayden probably won't like. You might like Tom, but it's called Getaway Driver. It's a show on Discovery Channel that just came out. It's on its third episode. Basically it's like a competition kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 3:

Anything to do with cars or sports, but basically these you'll have like three competitors that show up and the whole objective is to escape the pursuers. In this they're like in a big industrial compound, so they're driving around trying to escape these two. Let's see, during the day it's two cars and then they have a night trial, which is like three cars trying to chase them down and essentially it's like police trying to chase you down and they like do pit maneuvers and stuff to try and stop these people, and the people just have to escape through two exits during the day or one exit at night and they win, I think 2 000 for the daytime and 3 000 or no, 5 000 for the nighttime. But these people are bringing their own personal cars, like you know, souped up being bmws and all this stuff, and so it's pretty interesting because you know these cars are being wrecked this is like who gets them, who chases?

Speaker 3:

them. There's just three black cars, but but it's like crown victoria's and then one suv. My money's on the crown victoria, but uh, so far only one person has completed the day and night time. There's been several people that have completed the daytime, but uh, like it'll start with three competitors and then two out of the three will move on to the night time and then either nobody wins or, like I said, only the one guy's won once at night.

Speaker 1:

out of the three episodes, what is declared as being stopped?

Speaker 3:

Your car being immobile. Oh, so they can just wreck it until it stops they can either wreck you or they can just wreck it until it stops. They can either wreck you or they can just box you in to where you can't get away. Oh, okay, because I mean they're driving through this industrial complex, so there's roads and stuff, and you know, if they go and drive into a dead end, if the car just like box them into where they can't get out, that's considered stop.

Speaker 2:

That's a pretty cool idea for a show. Make this a TV show, all about that stuff.

Speaker 3:

Here's where you'll really not like it. Michelle Rodriguez from Fast and the Furious is the host. Yeah, that's a hard sell. They do a lot of the Fast and the Furious lingo kind of stuff which is kind of annoying, but the show in itself is pretty fun to watch. Kind of that's really annoying, it's just saying you know, on your mark, get set, go and stuff. She's like get some. When she tells them when they take off, I'm like really yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's probably drunk the entire time. Did you ever hear about that when she was on the movie? The show Lost? They like literally killed her off because she kept getting DUIs the entire time for the show. She was just showing up set to drunk and stuff like that. She was just showing up set to drunk and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

But as far as like the show, it's a pretty interesting show and fun to watch. They do a lot of drone footage, like you can see the drones in the background and stuff when they're showing other cameras or they're following the cars and things around. So it's kind of neat how they kind of transitioned to that for this style competition.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's interesting.

Speaker 3:

And I do think it's interesting that they're just taking people with their own personal cars and stuff. And it's not so much about speed, because you know, being in a semi-confined space, you're not just trying to outrun stuff, you've got to be able to actually drive and maneuver.

Speaker 1:

So the most money you can make is $8,000.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Wrecking your potentially $60,000 car.

Speaker 3:

That's what I was thinking. I was like you know, that's not enough to fix the car to do, wreck it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean insurance covers game show.

Speaker 3:

I mean if these guys can stop, like if the pursuers can stop you without wrecking you, they do, but you know if they'll, like you know, give a little pit maneuver and just kind of tap you, just enough to spin. Well, there was one guy that had the ambulance come and check on him because he like smashed, he was driving, he was a mechanic in Atlanta and he was borrowing someone's car. He was borrowing T-Pain's like 240 NSX and he got pit maneuvered and like spun around and like slammed sideways into a wall that was on a turn and so yeah, Was T-Pain mad.

Speaker 1:

They didn't show him but goes how am I gonna explain this? Watch the episode. Yeah, it'd be like, don't worry about it, we'll show the episode.

Speaker 3:

Well, because like the front, like because they're carbon fibers. Like the front and the back bumper had been ripped off and he had a big dent in the door he's eight thousand dollars to even cover that no he didn't get to eight thousand dollars, did he?

Speaker 1:

no, no, but he's a. He didn't even win that. He didn't get the $8,000, did he?

Speaker 3:

No, no.

Speaker 1:

But he's a.

Speaker 3:

He didn't even win. He was like a these people aren't poor, like some of them are. Like small-time race car drivers like do the drift racing, and things like that.

Speaker 2:

So these are dudes with like car experience, not just, like you know. Here's Dennis. He's 55 years old, right bank, no like.

Speaker 3:

here's the station wagon I mean I don't want to spoil who wins, but there's guys that have like, uh, there's some that have, one had a tesla wow yeah, he had an expensive car.

Speaker 3:

Uh, there's one guy he had like a bmw, but they had he had stripped it out, put a corvette engine in the bmw body and it was like a drift car. So he had like one of the big long, like emergency brakes and he was flying around like sliding sideways. There was a guy that had like a it's like a 70s, uh, uh, what's called a station wagon that he'd souped up and everything. It was like a tank driving through. There was like car obstacles in the way and he would just kind of like nudge him out of the way.

Speaker 1:

Keep on going sounds like vanilla twisted metal. Just weird cars that have no business being there but it's pretty neat though, because like michelle rodriguez, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because while they're driving and stuff, you can see like the little map it's almost like a little GTA map down in the corner and it shows you where the exits are and you can see where all the pursuers are chasing and where their car is driving. So you can see where they need to turn and you watch them turn left, as you know they have to Rob. It's pretty fun to watch. I've enjoyed it. Just the lingo that they use is kind of dumb.

Speaker 2:

I'd probably watch it if Michelle Rodriguez wasn't on there.

Speaker 3:

It's a Discovery Plus original, so you have to have Discovery Plus to watch it.

Speaker 1:

One of them things.

Speaker 3:

It is a pretty interesting show. I'll move on to my news. Okay, on November 24th is officially the release date for the Hawkeye TV series on Disney+, so they're going to have that. There's reports that the kingpin for the Daredevil Netflix series is actually going to make his debut. Because they bought the rights to those characters. He's supposedly going to appear in that. At the same time, charlie Cox is supposedly going to appear in the spider man. So I mean, it's not confirmed, but it's heavily suggested that that's going to happen right, vincent, donna for you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, denafrio, denafrio, donna for you. What are you doing?

Speaker 3:

they said there's a possibility that the uh, the task master could show up on this tv show after being in the black widow movie. Okay, um then Next I have is the what If? Marvel series. They said I was reading into it and they had Chadwick Boseman that's going to reprise his role as the voice of T'Challa for the ones he'd already recorded. And they said they had like 50 actors that are returning to do the voices of their characters throughout the show. They put a lot of money and work into this animated TV series.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if Scarlett Johansson will be one of them, I'm sure she will, because, like Peggy Carter, well, she's suing Disney right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, I mean, this is all recorded already, though. Oh, so it's still Because it comes out this August, I think in like a week or two.

Speaker 1:

Well, are you done?

Speaker 3:

I had one other thing, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. They're trying to make another reboot series on Peacock, but it'll be more of a drama than a comedy, and I don't know why you would want that. I don't know why either, but the writer has already stepped away from it, so who? Knows if it'll actually get made.

Speaker 1:

It's not going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's all the news.

Speaker 1:

Unless Will Smith's involved, all right. So let me just start with the news then. Um, I usually we talk about movies and stuff coming out, but I you know the whole scarlett johansson suing disney thing is kind of a big deal. I figure we should talk about that. So she's suing disney because her contract has stated that when she did the black widow movie that she would get a certain amount of money coming from the movie theater release All right and that this movie has to go to movie theaters first. Yeah, so Disney was like meh, it's been over a year, it's getting too late, long in the tooth. Let's just go ahead and launch it on on movies and on disney plus streaming, right. So since they released it on disney plus streaming, they have taken money away from scarlett johansson because like 50 million in bonuses.

Speaker 2:

Well, her like lost out on well it's.

Speaker 1:

That number is speculative. It could go one way or the other. They made not as much money because it went to Disney Plus streaming. Now, if you look at what she would have made if it had gone to theaters, marketing and analysis would say, oh, she would have made $15 million plus. But you don't know because it never was only in theaters. There's no way to know definitely. And you know, maybe you could argue one way or the other. Had it gone only to theaters, she would have made more money. Had it been on Disney+, maybe that helped her movie. You know experience in the theaters. I doubt it, but I don't know what the answer is to that. Either way, the thing that's like not funny but like the most interesting is how petty disney is being about this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, um, they want their money. They do want their money, but they're like when carla johansson sued.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there was even a statement made, it was just like you know, hey, this is my contract. You violated my contract and disney immediately like lashed back with how dare you be so evil during a pandemic and you know?

Speaker 2:

how dare you the destructive?

Speaker 1:

stuff of COVID-19. Yeah, you know, you elitist Hollywood, whatever. Mickey Mouse walked up and said do I own that one yeah. Yeah, pretty much that. So it's a matter of contractual obligation and Disney violating the contract. So that's what I look at Like from a film business point. It was like, well, you said you were going to do this and you didn't do it. So yeah, I would sue too. You know it's whatever. And then I guess they did it also to Emma Stone for her 101 Dalmatians movie.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So one dalmatians movie, cruella. Yeah, so she's also jumping on the let's sue disney bandwagon. None of the uh other marvel actors, though, have like comes like scott johansson's defense and been like you know, because they under that disney, disney, wallet you know the godfather of movies.

Speaker 3:

Now yeah, I mean after her act again. She's kind of been written off anyways, unless they choose to add her back I don't know what the future is with that Bob Iger.

Speaker 1:

Had he been in charge of all this since he stepped down from chairman, retired or whatever people would have said, this would have been different, because he's a lot more creative in resolving issues instead of just like blasting back and going to court kind of thing. Kevin Feige is taking Scarlett Johansson's side and him being like the mcu man, the face of the mcu for movies, for him to take her side and to fight disney on it. That's not pretty, you know, and if people get petty enough, who knows what could happen?

Speaker 1:

so the end of the mcu yeah whether they want to or not, they'll end up I'm sure they will yeah, I'm sure, because if you, if you look at the internet, you look at the feed, you look at the comments, you look at what everybody says, even the far right and the far left, hollywood reporters or whatever, they all side with Scarlett Johansson which is fair.

Speaker 1:

I mean, like you know she's right, you violated her contract, who cares it doesn't. Like you violated her contract, who cares? Everybody's always blaming COVID and stuff like that Disney's argument of you're taking the joy and love out of the situation and taking advantage of the COVID, whatever. Blah, blah, blah. We paid money one way or another to get the product. What do we care where it goes to at that point as a consumer.

Speaker 2:

It's like look, you had an agreement to do it this way, you didn't do it that way, and now you're getting sued because of a violation of contract.

Speaker 1:

I think Disney just has too many high-up, elitist people that are running the show up there and they don't understand they have to have Kevin Feige's and whatever below them that know the people.

Speaker 3:

You could tell that just by some of the content they put out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're just like whatever you want, go ahead and put it out there. Yes, whatever, here's a billion dollars. Is that enough? All right, that's my news. So now I'll talk about my movie, which has nothing to do with any of that. I watched a movie called 13 Assassins. I was going to watch Jungle Cruise, but I never got around to it. I'm not exactly excited to see that movie, but I will Anyways. 13 Assassins it was a 2010 Japanese film made by Takashi Miike M-I-I-K-E. He's apparently a very controversial Japanese director. He's kind of done some more taboo art house films for the Japanese culture, but anything can be taboo for a culture that likes to make some really weird movies and TV shows. Octopuses yeah, this is about 13 assassins that are going to assassinate, believe it or not, a lord of a guy I can't pronounce.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is in the early 1800s, I believe.

Speaker 1:

They have black-powdered weapons and stuff like that, but it's mostly swords and bows and arrows and stuff.

Speaker 1:

So the movie movies about this Lord he's in he's gonna be the next Shogun night, like uh, he's in the run for it. He's like a half brother to uh the pure son who's for some reason. The plot ensues and he's going to be the shogunate. But this guy is like sadistic, crazy. He like kills people for the fun of it, kills kids, just goes around and rapes wives and stuff like that, because he's a god and he thinks he's a god. And you know the? The Bushido ideology is you live to die for your master, so to speak.

Speaker 1:

And him being the master. He abuses that and just says it's your purpose for me to be my plaything, so to speak, and he goes around and brutalizes him, does terrible things to people. Well, this whole sect of Shogogun branch off and they say no, bushido is for the people, because the lord should serve his people kind of thing, and anybody who attacks the people is, you know, no longer serving them. So we should defend the people. And it's basically a really interesting japanese ideology combating against itself. And you know, obviously you want to side with the 13 assassins. But if you kind of understand the culture a little bit, you can see why this lord is able to round up 200 people to defend himself against. So it's 13 people against 200 people. And the way they kind of like set up this village to prepare for battle and stuff is pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot of one one guy fighting like 12 people and a bunch of people in the background just waving swords and stuff like that you know what I mean. You've seen those action movies where?

Speaker 3:

yeah like john wick is killing. They take their turns.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, they're just sitting in the back like all right, here we go and they jump in there, yeah he got off my head.

Speaker 1:

So, um, it was pretty uh, gory and gruesome in certain areas, um, but I enjoyed it. It had very much of a Kurosawa feel. I don't know if you've ever watched any Akira Kurosawa films. Um, he's my favorite Japanese director and you could tell that this uh guy tried to channel a lot of that Kurosawa in a modern-esque kind of way. There is minutiae, cg. That's the best part of this movie.

Speaker 1:

If there is CG, there's probably like two spots so you can identify it. The rest of it is, for the most part, just practical effects and really beautifully shot. I really love Japanese cinematography and how they do lighting. It's very black and white, gradient scale kind of thing. So that was one of the more interesting arthouse films I watched in a long time.

Speaker 3:

I give it an eight.

Speaker 1:

I think that it doesn't apply as well as you would think it should to a Western audience because it requires too much of you knowing Japanese culture and obviously they don't want to just educate people for a movie, they want to just do a movie and run with it. You're not going to do a movie about Abraham Lincoln and then explain, like, the three different branches of the government for the American people and stuff like that. Nobody would watch that anyway. So you know it was okay. I gave it an 8 just because I really enjoyed like the good old samurai kind of feel that I had with it and there was some good duels and action and stuff. So yeah, it did pretty good. It was a $6.5 million movie made 17 million world after it finishes run. So it did. I'm sure I made a profit considering all that. So there you go. That's my movie news and reviews time Me Flight Simulator.

Speaker 2:

Finally, on the Xbox Game Pass, one thing I will say the controls are kind of wonky. I think you had played it as well I have.

Speaker 3:

I had played it.

Speaker 2:

But I mean the controls did not feel as comfortable. The controls for Star Wars Squadrons are like amazing compared to the, but I'm guessing it's because it's tailored to a controller. Now, all of a sudden, and not you know, some $2,000 setup in some guy's house with multiple screens or chair.

Speaker 1:

You know joystick pedals which you can do for all that yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can buy all that, but just to play the one game Visually awesome. I was sitting there playing. I was like, ooh, this is pretty, did you?

Speaker 1:

fly over New York.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I flew over New York City, flew over the Pyramids of Giza, went to Bora Bora, everest. Did you crash a Boeing into Everest? Yeah, I did that too. On to Bora Bora.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, did that. Crash a Boeing into Everest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did that too On purpose, a little bit my son did.

Speaker 1:

Because I handed it to him Because he's like I want to fly and I was like, all right, here you go and just make sure you keep this thing and as soon as he grabbed it.

Speaker 2:

he's like and just, and you're just like there were people on there and he's like dah. So I did manage to actually land a plane once successfully and that was on the water, couldn't take off to save my life.

Speaker 3:

Was it a water plane?

Speaker 2:

Yes, pontoon, I brought it in leveled off. It was kind of skipping a little bit Slowly. Later down on there it came to a full stop and I was like I did it and it's like, all right, punch the throttle, let's take off. I'm, like you know, smacking on top of the water.

Speaker 1:

Did you disengage the brakes, tom?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I pull up on the you know on the joystick to get elevation and I go, and then I just nosedive like immediately, while I'm holding back, it just goes, and I was like, all right, I guess I'll fly somewhere else now in a new plane. That was the end of that adventure.

Speaker 1:

Goodbye, bora bora remember me, if you like planes and you like pretty locations, play ace combat, well, like this is, this is the game for you, but like the mechanics of the flying and stuff like that, I don't know if they exactly translate. And then the physics of the game and stuff like that, I don't know if they exactly translate. And then the physics of the game are kind of stupid because you know, let's be honest, people want to see a plane explode every once in a while. You just want to crash it and see what happens you know, doesn't it just go to a black screen?

Speaker 3:

It just goes to a black screen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's no like gore, explosion or nothing cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm not even saying that I just want to like know what happens if I, let's say if I go, you know, uh, 800 miles an hour just nose diving when do my wings rip off of my plane or something like that?

Speaker 2:

that's what I want to know, yeah so a much better flying game play star wars squadrons. It's a that's flying fictional aircraft in space, and I felt like that game had much more of a dynamic flight control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah To a controller, but it's an action game. This is not an action game, this is like a hobby.

Speaker 3:

Leisurely yeah Flying game.

Speaker 2:

You can go anywhere in the world.

Speaker 1:

You want to. I flew over my house. I found my house, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can actually they have like the whole world like scoped time kind of looking.

Speaker 1:

You know clouds and wind you have to play online because the satellite feed is tracks the weather well, I don't know if it's real-time dynamic weather or anything like that. I don't know. I think it is, but they take like the google maps, oh, and they shoot it to your game. That's what you play on. You know it's for the most part it's detailed, like it kind of gets to 64 graphics when you fly really close to stuff.

Speaker 3:

When you're buzzing the top of your roof.

Speaker 1:

They do have graphical updates for landmarks and stuff like that. So if you want to see the Pyramid of Giza, it's going to be in high definition.

Speaker 2:

It is. You fly over and there's little magnifying glass icons that tell you what it is. I flew over Naples or something like that, and it was pointing out like little cathedrals and spots and I was like, oh, look at that, isn't that?

Speaker 3:

neat Building. If you fly over Russia, how much it shows.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to fly over North Korea. We should have did that. That would have been way funnier.

Speaker 1:

That would have been funny. Just nothing. There's a lot of airplanes coming at me.

Speaker 4:

Those are airplanes.

Speaker 2:

Missile lock, boop, boop. I mean I remember playing like Flight Simulator in like 2001.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

At like my buddy's house, like his dad or his uncle had it and you know the multiple screens and everything and it was like like, wow, this is neat. And then watching it now playing on my tv, it's like wow, these graphics are amazing right now yeah it's just the controls did take a lot of it away yeah, I played.

Speaker 3:

Uh, well, I played. It was a like a module thing that we had at our school back in like early 2000.

Speaker 1:

That's the only time I've ever played one, though my dad and my father-in-law were both like how much was this game? And I was. Well, it was free for me because I got it on Game Pass Free huh. Yeah, and they were like well, how do I get that thing? And I was like the Xbox, Good luck, Get that. The Xbox Series X, yeah, that's like a $500 buy.

Speaker 2:

And they're like oh, no, no, no, Too expensive.

Speaker 1:

Money, too expensive to have Money, but there was like the first game that I saw like it's kind of an old dude kind of game.

Speaker 3:

you know, I got nothing going on.

Speaker 1:

I'm retired, this is the hobby. Let me get my little captain's hat on.

Speaker 2:

Plotting his four-hour flight from, you know, Washington to Boston. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Adjusting his wings. Yeah, his little hat on, he's got his little headset always gets a little headset.

Speaker 2:

This is your captain's take. We're cruising at 35,000 feet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my brother-in-law was playing it and he had the Boeing. He was like I'm going to do the flight thing and I was like what do you mean? He flips it and I was like man, those flight students are pissed.

Speaker 2:

We weren't even belted in yet. I mean, it's not a bad game. I think you're right. It's more of a hobbyist kind of game. So I give it a 6 out of 10. It's not bad, but I wasn't like, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

It's a game you play for about two or three hours. You're like that was fun. Then you delete it. It's like that was nice. No more of that. We're probably too immature for a game like that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in 20 years, you know, maybe we'll sit back and you know we'll have our like little stations ready and be Navigator Brandon.

Speaker 3:

Probably not Co-pilot Mitch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hope in 20 years it's a little bit more immersive, we more immersive.

Speaker 2:

We just have our own plane. Yeah, entertain this jet.

Speaker 1:

I want fighter jets. Honestly, what I do want for that game is a helicopter, because I saw my house or something like that and I'd be like that's cool.

Speaker 2:

As I flew over really fast, I can't stop.

Speaker 1:

You're like ah, you want jets you'd be like.

Speaker 2:

I'm serious. Was that nah the other street? Bring it around so yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, what news have you? So much to your chagrin, it is call duty news. Of course it is. Are you gonna talk about?

Speaker 2:

the stupid smg. No, okay, talk about the article mitch had sent, where, uh, there's a big to do now that they think skill-based matchmaking is now based on the store and how much money you actually spend, and that's what puts you in better lobbies to keep you playing the game and how much money you actually spend, and that's what puts you in better lobbies to keep you playing the game and spending more money versus people who don't play anything, and they throw you into the sweatiest, drippiest lobby of all time and you never want to pick up a controller and play Xbox again. I believe that.

Speaker 3:

And one thing they said was, if you have this super cool-looking gun, if you die and another person that doesn't buy that stuff picks it up, they'll be like, oh well, maybe I'll be better if I picked up this one specific skin. So then maybe they think it would encourage them to buy that losers they wanted great, supposedly that the article was about this guy that had read or had worked for the company but doesn't work there now.

Speaker 2:

So I believe it, I mean I would totally believe it. The ways call duty, skill-based matchmaking goes. At one point it's like all right, that makes sense, but now you're just playing go. None of this makes sense, none of it.

Speaker 1:

I I, I played well, I'm always the host when we play, okay, and I've probably spent the last least amount of money in the game that you guys have spent, you know. So that makes sense, that we're always dying as much as we are. And you see, these streamers that are just like yeah, I spent $100.

Speaker 3:

Well, because the day that the season pass comes out, they just buy the entire thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they buy the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

They go through the store and then they go and like you, know Go away, stop Leave me alone.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Tick-a-to. So anyways, yeah, because like they're, they're people they fight against are just dumb. Yeah, bots probably just stand, they're not doing anything paid actors?

Speaker 2:

yes, but it really seems like a lot of streamers within the last two, three days have put videos out like war zones, virtually unplayable yeah, I mean, there's so many hackers and stuff like that I looked up I did a fact-finding mission how easy it is to get hacks. It would let me download it on my phone for your xbox. No, just to my phone. I could. If I played it on my phone, I could get the hacks on the mobile so I just looked up warzone hacks and I came up with skycheatscom.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what do we want to be able to do? Because there's just auto switch advanced bone. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 3:

Probably health.

Speaker 2:

Probably Auto fire, auto knife critical distance checks.

Speaker 1:

I just want God mode. I want to be able to pull the trigger and everybody on the map dies.

Speaker 3:

I've seen people doing that. I've seen videos where people were shooting into the air and they were just getting hit markers.

Speaker 1:

And then I want all of their money in their bank account transferred to mine. Can you do that? Is that a thing?

Speaker 2:

But they also have Valve anti-cheats for you that if they try to anti-cheat you.

Speaker 1:

it anti-cheats that.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, we need like counter-ops for they've deployed countermeasure protection from spectators where they, if you kill somebody, the killer cam like doesn't work and doesn't show what actually happens. Uh, video proof, like they'll just be like, no, you weren't hacking. Okay, but here's the amount of games you can get this for on just this one website. So it's modern warfare and warzone black Black Ops, cold War, escape from Tarkov, valorant, apex Legends, rainbow Six, siege, destiny 2, why? Rust? Dayz, pubg, dead by Daylight, overwatch, spellbreak Among Us.

Speaker 1:

How are you going to cheat in Among Us?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, maybe you can't be killed or something, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The kill count is just instantaneous, or like they kill you and the buyer just disappears.

Speaker 1:

And who wants to cheat in that?

Speaker 2:

game. What's the point? That game's predicated on just lying. That's why it's fun. But I just and they have their own Discord server. These people and I was like it's.

Speaker 1:

Halo, is Halo on there for?

Speaker 3:

chief collection.

Speaker 1:

So I mean if they can't cheat that then maybe we're good for infinite.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, it just was ridiculous, how easily it I'm this is probably why the problem is so out of control. It's like you just look up hey, warzone hacks. And it's like, hey, you know, we accept bitcoin, we accept mastercard, visa, all this other stuff. Join our server. Hey, get these things for free. And you're just like get all these abilities. I'm like, oh, wow. I'm like I almost felt like I was at Amazon. I was just shopping.

Speaker 1:

I was like this is nice. I mean, why are we embracing this kind of culture? Why are we not hunting these people down and burning their houses?

Speaker 3:

They're the worst people. You think Call of Duty would be trying to take lawsuits out against them or something If they're not going to fix it? Well, that did happen in China.

Speaker 2:

Those people got black bagged and disappeared. Well, happened in china. Like. Those people got like black bagged and disappeared. Well, that's china. The hackers, yeah, people who came up with like a whole hacking thing. They like the biggest for pub g mobile, like they were making, like millions of dollars daily.

Speaker 3:

They disappeared.

Speaker 2:

Another hack in the government yeah, like they did an interview and like the guy like wouldn't tell him his real name and where he really was it's probably sport, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, call of duty is just. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's just like man. Why did I spend so much money on this game? You know.

Speaker 2:

And it seems every update that comes out it just gets worse and worse and worse. I'm like, oh, we banned 20,000 accounts. It's like cool, because they made 80,000 today. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm ready to move on.

Speaker 2:

Battlefield 2042.

Speaker 1:

That and Halo. I'm more excited about Halo. All right, let's move on to our thing. Mitch, go ahead and terrorize us.

Speaker 3:

Well, how good is your memory? Pretty bad. How good is your listening skills? Horrible.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're going to get them both tested today. Okay, do we need buzzers?

Speaker 1:

You will. So this is trivia.

Speaker 3:

This will be the trivia.

Speaker 1:

And we do trivia based on what?

Speaker 3:

Well, these are all. It's going to be movies, TVs and games, and it's either the soundtrack or the most popular song.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

For some. I'll go ahead and tell you Star Wars is not among them. But if the Star Wars song played, I'm not going to say, like you know, I'm going to tell you Star Wars is not among them. But if you know, like if the Star Wars song played, I'm not going to say, oh, you got to pick. You know, star Wars Empire Strikes Back and stuff like that. Okay, if it's something that's like If it's a franchise. Right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if we hear the Sanford and Sons theme song, we just immediately push the button and we say Sanford Sun.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can pause it. All right, gotcha, let me go ahead and get this set up with your name. This is a fun little spin on stuff here. Let's see, let me angle this down a little bit so I don't have to hold the phone up so high. All right, starting with number one, okay, give it a second. This has to be one.

Speaker 2:

Uh-huh, such compelling, silence.

Speaker 1:

Damn it.

Speaker 2:

Super Mario Brothers. Yes, I thought I beat you on that buzzer.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 4:

Oh, darn, I just had it and then you spoke. Can I go?

Speaker 2:

Oh, batman, batman.

Speaker 1:

That is a TV show. Oh yeah, and Ozark, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Sons of Anarchy.

Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 2:

Black Rider by Johnny Cash Justified no.

Speaker 3:

I'm just picking shows like that would make sense to hear it from.

Speaker 2:

Tell me if you give up Fear the Walking Dead? No.

Speaker 1:

I give up, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

The Punisher from the Netflix series.

Speaker 1:

I sound like Black Rider from Johnny Cash.

Speaker 3:

All right, we'll move on to the next one.

Speaker 2:

Nobody got that one dukes of hazard yes oh really I mixed in all sorts of stuff.

Speaker 3:

So it's summer, older summer, current day I've never watched an episode either break it bad.

Speaker 1:

I've never watched an episode of this Me either. Breaking Bad.

Speaker 4:

I got that one Hayden about to put his thumb through the buzzer.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that was it All right, move on to the next one, bill Gonzales, yeah. All right Hayden's winning three to two.

Speaker 1:

We'll move on to the next.

Speaker 2:

The Price is Right, yes, damn it.

Speaker 3:

I never watched that show, no, I have a lot of these because I didn't know how quickly this would go through, so we'll keep going for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, on to the next one. Until Tom admits defeat Love and Marriage. That's not even a song.

Speaker 3:

The Bundy Show what to the next one Until.

Speaker 1:

Tom admits defeat Love and marriage. That's not even a song the Bundy Show. What's the Shut up? Just shut up, just shut up, just shut up.

Speaker 2:

I hit the buzzer, darn. It Shut up. Married with children, darn it.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to think, I hear.

Speaker 4:

Darn it, darn it.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to think. I hear it's not the sun, it's just Hayden alright, we'll go on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Bale Juice no.

Speaker 2:

Dexter's Laboratory yes yeah, once I heard that bit I was like oh, damn it alright, that was Dexter's Laboratory.

Speaker 3:

Next is God damn it.

Speaker 1:

All right, that was Dexter's Laboratory. Next is this sounds familiar, man, I cannot remember this.

Speaker 3:

It's something like from the Doug era.

Speaker 1:

It's not a cartoon Like a, it's a TV show. Right, I got it.

Speaker 3:

Home Improvement yes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the uh-uh, give it what you. I didn't hear. Tool Sounds the Avengers.

Speaker 1:

Yes, darn it, barely beat me.

Speaker 3:

Tom's behind by two, moving on to the next how?

Speaker 1:

I feel like I got them all right. Mortal Kombat yes, all right, let's see.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so Hayden has seven, tom has four.

Speaker 1:

All right, we keep going. Yeah, we're done. Okay, we got time Okay.

Speaker 2:

Halloween yes, the Office yes.

Speaker 3:

Alright going on to the next. He just hit the button. Yep.

Speaker 1:

Um Swat Cats no.

Speaker 2:

Power Rangers yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I picked something that I knew he would know and something I knew you would know I was hoping it wouldn't get to like the meh part before he guessed yeah that would have been Most of these that I found are just like the music, so it doesn't say the words. So, it wouldn't be as easy.

Speaker 1:

The Purge. Yeah, that is from Black Widow. No, why does it sound familiar?

Speaker 2:

It does sound really familiar.

Speaker 1:

Doctor Strange.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Loki yes, okay, just keep guessing.

Speaker 3:

The Strange no Loki.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, just keep guessing the Hayden way, just keep guessing.

Speaker 4:

I knew it was the.

Speaker 2:

MCU. Regardless of buzzers, just keep guessing, just keep yelling shit out.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't have guessed anything. You're editing this video.

Speaker 3:

All right, we'll move on to the next one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I haven't seen that show since it was made.

Speaker 1:

It's a great soundtrack for a TV show. It was.

Speaker 3:

All right, moving on to the next one.

Speaker 2:

Westworld yes, I didn't see that show.

Speaker 3:

Hayden's up by three.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Ten to seven.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yes, you got to be quicker, tom. He's pulling away.

Speaker 1:

All I see here is the do-do-do-do-do Do.

Speaker 2:

Green Acres. No, danny Griffith Show, darn it. All right Going on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Same thing Star Trek.

Speaker 2:

Here's one note, star Trek.

Speaker 3:

Here's one note.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty good at this. Going on to the next. I'm pretty good at this. Go on to the next. Hercules, yes, I didn't think you would get that yeah. I was like this sounds familiar. This is my favorite Disney movie.

Speaker 3:

This is a little intro, so don't worry about this part Step by step.

Speaker 4:

It's a rare condition this day and age to read any good news on the newspaper page. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And love and tradition of the great and design.

Speaker 3:

So you know the song.

Speaker 1:

I've heard this If it's not a step-by-step, it can't be Family Matters. It can't be. Is this Family Matters?

Speaker 3:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

I get a point. I guessed it. Fine, give it to him.

Speaker 3:

All right, moving on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Back to the Future, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yes, south Park Hayden almost gets up by five, and then Tom starts coming back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, godfather no, hmm, hmm, hmm, godfather no, hmm, hmm, hmm.

Speaker 4:

Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

Speaker 3:

I can't look at the reflection of my glasses.

Speaker 1:

It's a very slow intro.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

Jurassic Park. I also heard it was the I'm a dinosaur.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Go ahead, tom, you top gun yes.

Speaker 4:

How many has he got?

Speaker 1:

Mitch, go ahead. Tom, you top gun. Yes, how many has he got, mitch? I got a lot of them. I've been waiting for a minute. Can we just cut All?

Speaker 3:

right, we'll go on to the next. Should sound familiar. You've both heard this before, right I?

Speaker 1:

don't know, have.

Speaker 3:

I Does it sound familiar.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like a Slipknot song or Vince Sevenfold or something.

Speaker 3:

The beginning is what would tell me. I don't know. You're supposed to give up.

Speaker 1:

I give up. I give up the new.

Speaker 3:

Pokemon, call of Duty Zombies.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh.

Speaker 3:

The very beginning.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I didn't know we were doing video games.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I said movies, tv shows and games. I don't know, super Mario was the very first one, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was such a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

We'll throw in the Zelda one in there already, so I can get that Halo. Yes, I got it from the wah.

Speaker 3:

Let's see. Let me see how many. Well, I have it on shuffle, so it'll keep playing until there's no more.

Speaker 1:

This is Titanic. My heart will go on.

Speaker 3:

Alright, tom, he's taken away, zelda.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He's had like a panic attack. Every time the music plays I'm like what is this from?

Speaker 3:

And he's like, alright we'll go on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Think he come to town. That's Hocus Pocus, damn it.

Speaker 3:

Tom, what's wrong with you? He's the one with the bad memories.

Speaker 2:

Did we find his one hidden talent?

Speaker 1:

I didn't even know I was good at this I can hear one note it's the most surprised out of everybody.

Speaker 2:

I guess I have like audio. I'm just glad I got the power inches one.

Speaker 3:

All right we'll go on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that Price is Right? Can we do that again? That's that Price is Right.

Speaker 3:

Can we do that? That's not Price is Right.

Speaker 1:

That's one of those cheap game shows where you get stuff. Family Feud, yes, yeah, that one I don't watch it.

Speaker 2:

It's a cheap game show and I was like Family Feud, that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's the cheapest.

Speaker 3:

you can say you want to go to the next one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fine, that is yes.

Speaker 2:

I was hoping you were going to get that.

Speaker 1:

I was like not Pirates of the Caribbean, james Manners, earls Tom, you're going to be quick man.

Speaker 2:

It's like one that I was like, not Pirates of the Caribbean, james Van Der Zoros. Tom, you're going to be quick man.

Speaker 3:

It's like one note he's like die, All right, I'm going on to the next one. Be ready.

Speaker 1:

Step by step. No Well, family not. The other one. The one with the kids the bow, the kids the Bow bow. Wow, that one. The one with Michelle.

Speaker 2:

Charles in Charge no.

Speaker 1:

I get this one oh Full House.

Speaker 4:

Darn it.

Speaker 2:

I can't ever think of the name. I had to wait for the words.

Speaker 3:

All right, go on to the next one.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

X-Men yes, okay.

Speaker 4:

I just figured since we got the time.

Speaker 3:

I'll just keep going through them until we get done. You're winning pretty heavily, though, so All right.

Speaker 2:

Lord of the Rings, no damn it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yes, oh yeah alright, going on to the next. You'll probably get it soon, because it says the words.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I got it from the drum beat. All right, we're going to the next one Secret Agent man no. Austin Powers.

Speaker 1:

No Addams Family, no Batman no.

Speaker 2:

Get Smart.

Speaker 1:

No, the Munsters yes.

Speaker 2:

There's something from way back when Hook.

Speaker 1:

Harry when.

Speaker 2:

Hook Harry Potter, darn it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I got it.

Speaker 3:

My John Williams mixed up All right, going on to the next one.

Speaker 1:

That's the Purge no, no. Okay, the Purge no, no. Hmm, this sounds familiar.

Speaker 3:

It's a game all three of us have played.

Speaker 1:

Oh it's a game, huh Yep. Hmm, all three of us have played half Destiny. Yes, oh, it's like there's not many games all three of us have played Destiny.

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh, it's like there's not many games all three of us have played.

Speaker 2:

Going on to the next one.

Speaker 4:

Walking Dead yes, Winner winner winner winner winner Home.

Speaker 2:

Alone. Yes, you're really good at this, like shocking Pirates of the Caribbean. This is like playing against, like Shazam the app.

Speaker 4:

Alright, going on to the next one, let me hear you Jones?

Speaker 1:

I was like is it, is it?

Speaker 3:

I was waiting for you to click and get it right and him say something Alright, well, let's see, we're going to the next one.

Speaker 1:

Avengers. No, we've already done Avengers, okay.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if y'all watched this. This is something I watched when I was younger.

Speaker 2:

VR Troopers no.

Speaker 3:

It's not like kids, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, this sounds familiar. Yeah, this sounds really familiar.

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

You both give up.

Speaker 1:

Hang on Hang on. It's, I almost got it. I've heard this Galaxy Quest No's it's. I almost got it. I've heard this. Galaxy Quest no, darn it All right, I give up Time to give up yeah.

Speaker 3:

Hercules with Kevin Silver.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

No, all right, going on to the next.

Speaker 1:

All right, we're at an hour. Looney Tunes yes, we're at an hour.

Speaker 2:

Looney Tunes yes, we're at an hour.

Speaker 3:

That's okay. Oh okay, We'll give it a couple more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't have any word about it. Just because it's fun. Night Rider yes, I don't know what it is. It sounds familiar. Last Samurai.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty Stuff and things. Spider-man no, I don't know Okay.

Speaker 3:

The Witcher. Oh it's called Geralt of Rivia is the name of that song.

Speaker 2:

That's a pretty song. I don't know what it is.

Speaker 1:

He's just hitting it. That one is Forrest.

Speaker 2:

Gump yes.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I've been waiting for the piano to come through.

Speaker 3:

Hmm, I'm going to tell you it's from a movie.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Gladiator.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, it's the wheat thing. That's what shot in my head when I heard the noise.

Speaker 2:

That's the godfather, Damn it. I thought I got you on that one. I was like I know that my buzzer's defective. What are the? Rings how did you I don't want to play anymore, I don't know. Sounds like a song from Poison.

Speaker 1:

Is it that semi-show?

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, no, I hit the buzzer. That's my point.

Speaker 3:

Tom, did you admit defeat?

Speaker 1:

Yes, all right. Well, let me find my Hang on I got to get my punishment. Be right back.

Speaker 3:

Tom, you lost a whopping 33 to 18.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, apparently I played against the savant of soundtrack.

Speaker 1:

This is a shock to me too, I had no idea. I never realized I could just pick up on something like that.

Speaker 4:

All right.

Speaker 1:

So your punishment is a video game. It's on Game Pass.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Be kind, because this was developed by a 17-year-old girl on her first try, all right, so Be kind.

Speaker 2:

I'm not the person you should have picked for this.

Speaker 1:

I just Googled what's the worst game on Game Pass. This is the one that came up. It's called Fractured Mind.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

I'd pull up a trailer, but my phone has zero internet capability in your, in your, yeah, in your apartment, unless Midge can do it.

Speaker 3:

I'll try to get a pull-up real quick.

Speaker 2:

So how about I just use mine, since mine's connected to the Wi-Fi there?

Speaker 3:

you go.

Speaker 2:

Why am I reaching for it?

Speaker 3:

Mine's connected to your Wi-Fi too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know.

Speaker 3:

Of course, we have an ad, though, because it's YouTube, youtube.

Speaker 1:

Skip. Of course, we have an ad, though, because it's YouTube Skip.

Speaker 3:

Of course, it's not even a trailer.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so Fractured Mind, it's on the Game Pass Right Made by a 17 year old girl At her first attempt at video games. Yep.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it did well enough To get on Game Pass, so she's probably doing fine so, but this is apparently A terrible game, so we look forward To your riveting review at video games. Yep, I mean, it did well enough to get on Game Pass, so she's probably doing fine so, but this is apparently a terrible game, so we look forward to your riveting review. Well, I think that's it for this week's episode I. It was a close, close game, tom.

Speaker 2:

Very close, so close.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate you. I didn't know.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know, I had this power, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is like mutant gene just came out. This is how we figured it out.

Speaker 3:

What really got me was the Star Trek.

Speaker 2:

It was one note, it's like play sounds it's like oh, I know that.

Speaker 1:

I guess I have that audio associative memory.

Speaker 2:

It's like who the hell remembers the ending song from Gladiator? He does.

Speaker 1:

Hayden, I've seen the movie once or twice. I couldn't tell you any lines or anything from the movie, but the sound though. There you go, all right. Well, that's it for this week's episode. We'll join you next for episode 70. Yes, man, we're moving along Well. Goodbye from Mitch and goodbye from Tom, and goodbye from me and goodbye Bye, susan. Shut up, you gotta stop.

Speaker 4:

It was like every time, you next time.

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