Entertain This!

Celebrating Free Comic Book Day and Fantasy Casting the X-Men Reboot ep201

May 06, 2024 Hayden, Mitch, and Tom
Celebrating Free Comic Book Day and Fantasy Casting the X-Men Reboot ep201
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Celebrating Free Comic Book Day and Fantasy Casting the X-Men Reboot ep201
May 06, 2024
Hayden, Mitch, and Tom

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As the vibrant energy of Free Comic Book Day still buzzes in our ears, we, your eager hosts Tom and Mitch, recount the unfiltered joy of downtown Lawrenceville's festivities. Imagine a scene where the excitement of Christmas morning meets the colorful world of comics; that's what we experienced with over 300 fans. Toys, trivia, and the genuine joy of comic lovers of all ages set the stage for our latest episode. But wait, there’s more! Our conversation takes a creative turn as we step into the shoes of casting directors for the much-anticipated X-Men reboot, throwing around potential stars like confetti at a parade—Mark Strong as Professor X, anyone?

Let's talk about Marvel characters, and how they capture our imaginations. Our special foreign correspondent, Hayden, brings a fresh perspective on who could don the capes and claws of our favorite mutants. From the magnetic allure of Magneto to the optic blasts of Cyclops, we dissect each character's essence and play matchmaker with Hollywood's finest. Jason Isaacs, Christoph Waltz, and Henry Cavill are just a few names that ignite spirited debates among us. We want to know if our fantasy casting aligns with your vision for the X-Men universe!

Wrapping up this rollercoaster ride, we shift to our review roundup where opinions flow as freely as the drinks at Tony Stark's parties. The unexpected delight of "Mamma Mia!"—despite Pierce Brosnan’s singing—stands up against the gritty Genosha scene from Disney Plus, and we don't hold back. The latest gaming buzz, including Call of Duty's updates, also gets its moment in the spotlight. So, plug in your earbuds and join our trio for a session of geeky indulgence and impassioned reviews that promise to entertain as much as the comics we cherish.

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Could you design a video game?

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As the vibrant energy of Free Comic Book Day still buzzes in our ears, we, your eager hosts Tom and Mitch, recount the unfiltered joy of downtown Lawrenceville's festivities. Imagine a scene where the excitement of Christmas morning meets the colorful world of comics; that's what we experienced with over 300 fans. Toys, trivia, and the genuine joy of comic lovers of all ages set the stage for our latest episode. But wait, there’s more! Our conversation takes a creative turn as we step into the shoes of casting directors for the much-anticipated X-Men reboot, throwing around potential stars like confetti at a parade—Mark Strong as Professor X, anyone?

Let's talk about Marvel characters, and how they capture our imaginations. Our special foreign correspondent, Hayden, brings a fresh perspective on who could don the capes and claws of our favorite mutants. From the magnetic allure of Magneto to the optic blasts of Cyclops, we dissect each character's essence and play matchmaker with Hollywood's finest. Jason Isaacs, Christoph Waltz, and Henry Cavill are just a few names that ignite spirited debates among us. We want to know if our fantasy casting aligns with your vision for the X-Men universe!

Wrapping up this rollercoaster ride, we shift to our review roundup where opinions flow as freely as the drinks at Tony Stark's parties. The unexpected delight of "Mamma Mia!"—despite Pierce Brosnan’s singing—stands up against the gritty Genosha scene from Disney Plus, and we don't hold back. The latest gaming buzz, including Call of Duty's updates, also gets its moment in the spotlight. So, plug in your earbuds and join our trio for a session of geeky indulgence and impassioned reviews that promise to entertain as much as the comics we cherish.

The Gaming Blender
Could you design a video game?

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DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - Podcast
Welcome to DMR - Deweys Movie Reviews - An Aussie podcast reviewing film & series

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Speaker 1:

Woo, the energy's electric.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it'll last me for all of. How long is this episode?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It'll last me until the episode's over.

Speaker 1:

Then it's done. This episode might be eight minutes. Hello, welcome to Entertain this. It's a podcast about movies, tv shows and video games. My name is Tom, with me I have Mitch, and man, you are one pathetic loser. Hayden and we just got done doing Free Comic comic book day in downtown Lawrenceville. We've been awake for at least 12 hours, if not longer, probably 13, 14 hours at this point.

Speaker 2:

Let's see it's 7.30. I've been awake since 6.30, so yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You've been awake for 13 hours. I've been awake since about like 6 am, so yeah, it's 7.38. We've talked to for 13 hours. I've been away since about 6 am. It's 7.38.

Speaker 2:

We've talked to over 300 people.

Speaker 1:

Yes, hundreds of people.

Speaker 2:

We did our trivia and giveaway at Freaknow my Book Day.

Speaker 1:

We made a lot of kids happy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we did.

Speaker 1:

That's what it's about to me. We go to peddle our show and listen to our podcast, seeing little kids like get toys, yeah, and I just see how excited they are. It's just like all right, yeah, it's like Christmas, their eyes light up. That was more worth it. Like the kids, like walk by, like Spider-Man, like dad, they have the Spider-Man toy and it's like the American Shields. Kids just lose it and they just look so excited, so happy.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

It is fun, especially when you call and they're just like like the panic and they're like that one shoots up. It's me, it's me me, me, me, I have it. It's just like well come up here and it's like, oh okay, you know the footsteps.

Speaker 2:

You had the one running at you with the without saying anything. Yeah, he didn't say anything. He just came running out and I'm like he's either here to kill me or claim a prize or both, but getting onto it see that energy's kind of flowing out, Let me, let me, let me back up, but we have to do our social media, which is first well you can go to entertainthispodcastcom, which will take you to our Facebook group and page.

Speaker 2:

You can also go to our TikTok, which is at our TikTok, or our YouTube, which is entertainthis. Or you can go to our Twitter, slash X, which is at thisentertain, our Instagram, which is entertainthis. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm yawning, sorry.

Speaker 2:

You can go to those things, you can find those places, but it can happen in the spirit of free comic book day, we're kind of doing like our own little uh which I guess you can say fan casting of the uh, the x-men, on who we think should play the characters, because, you know, with the success of x-men 97, they're definitely going to be making an x-men movie sooner.

Speaker 2:

Rather, yeah, it's going to be a movie I think they already have one planned for, like it's a 2026 or 2027. I can't remember. It's on Marvel's like list of movies coming out. But we're going to do that. We'll have a couple of reviews and a little bit of news, but starting off with first, who would you cast as Professor X?

Speaker 1:

Ooh, that's tough. It's so hard to picture him not being Patrick Stewart.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because he just nailed it. He was so great.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you had to pick someone that hasn't already been Professor X, my first choice would be Mark Strong.

Speaker 1:

That's a good option.

Speaker 2:

If you didn't know who he is, he's the one that plays the villain in Shazam. Captain Marvel from DC.

Speaker 1:

He's in the newer Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe.

Speaker 2:

He's in.

Speaker 1:

The Kingsman.

Speaker 2:

He's like their armorer kind of guy In the movie Kick-Ass. He's the bad guy's dad.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I guess he is the bad guy in the first one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what?

Speaker 2:

I figure that's somebody that's a little bit younger. That's not, it's you know, some big name actor, because marvel likes to do that he's got a good voice too yeah, marvel likes to pick somebody that's like kind of middle of the road actor to elevate them. You know, so they can, so that they can pay them less to be yeah, so off the bat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good pick.

Speaker 2:

I like that one so that was my first one. Let's see From our foreign correspondent. Let's see Professor Eck. They said Jason Isaacs, I don't remember who that is.

Speaker 1:

The bad guy from the Patriot with Mel Gibson. Oh, okay, that's a. Yeah, I could see that. Yeah, I like that too.

Speaker 2:

Our foreign correspondent said this is from him and then we'll see. Like four other, let me pull up the actual email that he sent me our foreign correspondent is that Hayden? Yes, that is him and his troops him and the men let's see. I'll name them all off as soon as I can find it. But yeah, they suggested, they suggested. I can't find that email, but it's from him and the people in his barracks. Nice, jason.

Speaker 1:

Isaac, that's a good that's a good pick. Yeah, I can't find that email, but it's from him and the people in his barracks. Nice, Jason Isaac. That's a good. That's a good pick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't think about him as far as like being professor X but, that wouldn't be bad, because it does need to be somebody a little bit older.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, yeah, he'd be perfect.

Speaker 2:

So next, who would you pick for Magneto Ooh, pick for Magneto, ooh, ooh. That's tough. My first choice was Viggo Mortensen. Whether he would do it or not is who I would pick. Him or Jeremy Irons?

Speaker 1:

Nah, Jeremy Irons is too old.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say Magneto is an old character. He's technically supposed to be from a kid at World War II.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know about Jeremy Irons. My first pick was vigo mortensen because I'm yeah, vigo mortensen would probably be better because he kind of has that eastern european accent he can do that accent yeah he definitely, because he speaks like six languages, but I I have such a hard time because I just always picture him as aragorn oh and I've seen him in other movies.

Speaker 1:

I I've seen him in like Appaloosa, eastern Promises, a History of Violence, gi Jane he's in that movie, crimson Tide. You know he's done a lot of stuff, but I always just see him as Aragorn, like I'm waiting for him to, like you know, pull out a sword.

Speaker 2:

Now, one person that our foreign correspondent, which is Hayden and his friends, that they suggested was Christopher Waltz. I don't know who that is, though, do you know?

Speaker 1:

Christoph Waltz.

Speaker 2:

Christoph Waltz.

Speaker 1:

Do you know?

Speaker 2:

Hans Landa from Inglourious Bastards the little short guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, the bad guy King Schultz from Django, unchained.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I guess, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think he's kind of tiny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's kind of short.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I don't know, I don't know how that would work, but okay, all right. Moving on to the next one, who?

Speaker 1:

would you put for Cyclops Younger Cyclops right?

Speaker 2:

Well, for me I picked two, One for like if they wanted an older, and one if they wanted a younger, depending on how they wanted to do the X-Men in the future.

Speaker 1:

My first one for an older is Henry Cavill. I think he's got that.

Speaker 2:

He's too big. Well, I mean he can slender up a little bit. He doesn't have to be.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think just facially, with his hairstyle that he always uses and stuff. For the most part, I think he fits like Cyclops. If they were wanting to do an older version, If they wanted to do a younger version, I thought Dylan O'Brien from American Assassin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I thought he would be a good and interesting pick.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about Dylan O'Brien in that role. He might be a good Iceman.

Speaker 2:

I could see that too.

Speaker 1:

I'd say Dylan O'Brien for Iceman.

Speaker 2:

I could see that too. I'd say Dylan O'Brien, for Iceman Brandon or Hayden, said that Glenn Powell would be an interesting pick, which he's the one from the new Top Gun movie. He's the hangman.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's him yeah.

Speaker 2:

I could see him being.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd even say what's his face.

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

Who played Rooster. What's his? You know who I'm talking about. Yeah, miles is Miles something, it's Miles. What's that guy's name?

Speaker 2:

I want to say Morales? No, because of. Spider-man.

Speaker 1:

What's that guy's name? Oh, teller Miles Teller. Yeah, I think he'd be a good Cyclops.

Speaker 2:

I could see that too. I feel like Glenn Powell. Visually I feel like that's him.

Speaker 1:

Glenn Powell's more like that superhero jaw.

Speaker 2:

I've only seen him in the one movie, so I don't know any more of his acting chops.

Speaker 1:

Scott Eastwood.

Speaker 2:

I could see that I've got him picked for some other spots, though.

Speaker 1:

Wolverine Wolverine.

Speaker 2:

The next person I have on our list to go through is Jean Grey, dependent on the age that you want to go with. If you want to go with a younger, sophia Lillis, which she was the girl from it as the little kid. If you want to do a younger one because she's older now, or if you wanted to do a little bit older, jean Grey, evan Rachel Wood, which is the main actress from Westworld.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm not familiar, but I'll defer to your judgment.

Speaker 2:

Do you have anybody that you would pick?

Speaker 1:

For a Jean Grey. I mean Frankie Jensen. She did such a great job Because you've got to picture them with red hair yeah they don't already have it right, which is tough because I don't know how many you know it may be Emma Stone that was one of the one of the people I'd looked at as far as like possibly being a candidate for it she probably would do a nice job. She's a good actress, so I would assume she would do a serviceable job. I'm not really sure who else would.

Speaker 2:

This is Evan Rachel Wood. Yeah, you know what?

Speaker 1:

She doesn't have red hair, yeah. Let's see Now that I see her, I'd say her over Emma Stone.

Speaker 2:

Our foreign correspondent. He said Maya Hawk. Do you know who that is?

Speaker 1:

Is that like Tony Hawk's kid?

Speaker 2:

We'll look it up real quick though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, look that up. Who are these people? Because I don't know, I'm unfamiliar.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, she's the girl from Stranger Things that worked at the ice cream shop.

Speaker 1:

I hadn't seen that one. This is her. You hadn't seen Stranger Things I've seen the first couple of episodes. Excuse me Stop it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she'd be interesting, especially for a younger version.

Speaker 1:

So not Millie Bobby Brown.

Speaker 2:

No, but I have her for somebody else later.

Speaker 1:

Jubilee Wake up Jubilee.

Speaker 2:

We'll see. We're moving on to Beast.

Speaker 1:

Ooh the Beast. Hmm, Now that's a tough one, because Kelsey Grammer was really really good.

Speaker 2:

He was.

Speaker 1:

But like so was what's his face? Nicholas Holt, yeah, but Kelsey Grammer, I think, was outclassing him.

Speaker 2:

He was all right Because Hayden, he sent me a thing. He said Daniel Radcliffe as Beast.

Speaker 1:

No, I just couldn't see it. No, I don't see it.

Speaker 2:

My picks were Rahul Kali. You know, follow the House of Usher. Have you seen that on Netflix?

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen that yet.

Speaker 2:

Or the House on Haunted Hill, maybe no. The house on Haunted Hill, maybe no? Let's see, because most of the time, this person's going to be blue anyways.

Speaker 1:

And furry.

Speaker 2:

But, this guy here he's got a very intellectual kind of voice. And it's a little bit deeper, so that's why I figured he would make a good character.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't he in that math movie.

Speaker 2:

Not meth math.

Speaker 1:

The math movie. I don't know, he played some Indian mathematician.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I had him, and then I had Dev Patel, which was in Hereditary, and the Green Knight. Do you remember any of that? What?

Speaker 1:

about Jake.

Speaker 2:

Gyllenhaal, I don't think he'd be good.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if he nailed that intellectual, because, yeah, he's called the Beast because he looks like something out of hell and he's blue, but he's also obnoxiously smart. You got to get that smart, that brain, that brainiac trait.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, this is Dev Patel.

Speaker 1:

He was the one in the math movie I was thinking of.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, oh, slumdog Millionaire.

Speaker 1:

No, oh, no, not that one. It's him and Jeremy Irons. He ends up going to Cambridge or something a fancy school. Okay, Not a bad movie.

Speaker 2:

So moving on, Because I've tried to keep it with the original X-Men first. So who would you pick for Iceman?

Speaker 1:

I'd say Dylan O'Brien, who would?

Speaker 2:

you pick for.

Speaker 1:

Iceman, I'd say Dylan O'Brien, dylan O'Brien.

Speaker 2:

He strikes me as an Iceman kind of guy. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

I put Joe Carey, which is the older kid from Stranger.

Speaker 2:

Things. I think I know who you're talking about. The one with the hair yeah, I picked him to be Iceman just because of his personality in that show. I thought it worked really well. And then I also picked Joseph quinn, which he was in the most recent season, um, where he's uh, I forgot I forgot the character's name that he plays, but he's the one that plays the guitar on top of the uh, the trailer in the. In the trailer, let's see, let's see that guy there. It's kind of hard to see him. Pictures here it's hard when he keeps swiping so I can't look.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

He's kind of got that.

Speaker 1:

It's like are you looking, tom?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm trying to find one that had a good picture, and I'm like no, I can't. But Joseph Quinn, yeah, he played. Let's see who was it. Eddie Munson in Stranger Things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then our I keep wanting to refer to him as our foreign correspondent Hayden. He said Logan Lehrman, I don't know who that is, Do you know? No, I don't know who that is. Let's look him up real quick.

Speaker 1:

I could picture Hayden like what, what, what, if you can hear that that's Rachel, my girlfriend, shouting from my bedroom Logan. Lerman, I don't know this actor. Yeah, I know From the Percy Jackson movies. That's what she's yelling.

Speaker 2:

I got headphones on, I got hearing loss. Remember.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know you have hearing loss and you have headphones on but, that's what she was shouting. Oh, okay, thank you. Do you want to grab a mic and just sit down on this we?

Speaker 2:

got another microphone and that flopped Noah movie with Russell Crowe. Oh, the flopped Noah movie is what she said.

Speaker 1:

With Russell Crowe. Oh, okay, I think it was with Russell Crowe, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you, honey.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome. Anyways, we have. The next person that I kind of had on the list was Angel.

Speaker 1:

Who's the dude? I know exactly who I'm picking the guy who played the Red Baron in this movie that came out not long ago, the Red. Baron. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, he just looks like that kind of guy. The Red Baron cast Whew, now that's a name Matthias Schweighofer. What does it look like? Matthias schweinhoffer?

Speaker 2:

was it like okay, yeah, I could see that because, yeah, because, uh, warren worthington, which is angel, has blonde hair yeah, he's got that blonde hair, blue, I look I didn't think about that, that's, that's better than my pick, my, uh, my. I had two picks, which was dylan manette for a younger version all right and then uh it more like a Cyclops. Then Daiquiri Montgomery, which plays the Red Ranger and the newer Power Rangers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He's a. I would say he's the little older one now, just because you know he's grown up, but I think he would fit the role.

Speaker 1:

He looks more like Cyclops.

Speaker 2:

I could see that too. Now that you know, thinking about it, he could fit that too. All right, and now we'll kind of move on to oh, let's see what Brandon's was real quick.

Speaker 1:

The Hayden, pick yeah the Hayden pick.

Speaker 2:

Let's see Four.

Speaker 1:

Who cares? No one's going to watch it. Joseph Quinn, joseph Quinn.

Speaker 2:

Who are you, joseph Quinn? Oh, that's the same person that I was telling you about for Iceman, that played Eddie Munson in.

Speaker 1:

Street Fighter X. Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

I was like wait a minute, this name sounds familiar, Wait a minute, I swear.

Speaker 1:

We just talked about this.

Speaker 2:

All right now for everybody's fan favorite pick from today Wolverine.

Speaker 1:

Jared Kiso.

Speaker 2:

Jared Kiso. Who is that?

Speaker 1:

Wayne from Letterkenny, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Actually Canadian, let's see. Brandon says, or sorry, Hayden says Zac Efron him and the other two which actually, after seeing Zac Efron in the Iron Claw movie, I could see it. He was actually one of my picks, but I didn't want to pick somebody too popular.

Speaker 1:

That's Jared Kesa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I could see that one too. My two picks were one was a little more notable, which is Tom Hardy, and then the other one was Scott Eastwood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you type in Jared Kesa, it's like Jared Kesa. You know, blank. Jared Kesa wife. Jared Kesa Wolverine. Oh okay, like it pops up, I think they did like a thing that's.

Speaker 2:

I could see it, though I could see it. I mean he played Wayne, the toughest guy in Letterkenny the next one we had was Storm, which, for Hayden and me, we both picked Zoe Kravitz yeah, I could see her. That's who yeah and then, if they wanted a little bit older one, Hollybear.

Speaker 1:

Well, just let Hollybear do it again, but I, I picked.

Speaker 2:

Tika Sum, you heard that's who? Yeah, and then, uh, if they wanted a little bit older one, holly bear.

Speaker 1:

Well, just let holly bear do it again but I I picked tika sumter um give me holly berry back in the silver hair wig she was in the sonic movie let's see all these pictures.

Speaker 2:

Every time I pull up a picture it's like from somebody, like they're taking a picture from across the football field. But this girl here.

Speaker 1:

She's kind of yeah right.

Speaker 2:

I could see her being like you know, kind of royalty, to be like the goddess that people thought Storm was before she came to America. The next one is Nightcrawler. Ooh, nightcrawler, let's see.

Speaker 1:

I wish we knew we were doing this order. Wrote some of these down.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's why I told you in the group chat.

Speaker 1:

Did you, I did, did you.

Speaker 2:

That's why I got some from Hayden.

Speaker 1:

Ah, whoops, he sent it to me directly.

Speaker 2:

But Hayden and his group picked Bill Skarsgård as Nightcrawler. But Hayden and his group picked Bill Skarsgård as Nightcrawler.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a solid choice, Bill.

Speaker 2:

Skarsgård's the one that played it right. Yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

Creepy Skarsgård. You have Papa Skarsgård, Handsome Skarsgård, Creepy Skarsgård.

Speaker 2:

I've got Handsome Skarsgård later on. I mean he's not called Handsome Skarsgård for nothing For Nightcrawler. Like I said earlier, if you wanted an older or younger, for the younger one I put Timothy Charlemagne.

Speaker 1:

You know what? I think he'd be probably good overall because Nightcrawler's a lot younger. Yeah, he's younger In most of the stuff.

Speaker 2:

He's a lot more not to make you sound bad, but he's a lot more spindly. He's very more acrobatic and stuff. And then another one I picked was Rami Malek. And then another one I picked was Rami Malek.

Speaker 1:

That was who, I would say, is the older.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a really good option.

Speaker 2:

Then, going on to Rogue, they said Elizabeth Gillies, do you know who that is? Yeah, oh.

Speaker 1:

Let me look that one up. Rachel shouting from the other room who, what Remember? We're wearing headphones, uh-huh, okay, I've never seen that.

Speaker 2:

Victorious, the.

Speaker 1:

Nickelodeon TV show. She was the one who was the goth kid or wearing all black. Okay, that's her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I never watched that Victorious, the Nickelodeon.

Speaker 1:

TV show. She was the one who was the goth kid, or?

Speaker 2:

wearing all black. Okay, that's her. Yeah, I never watched that. I don't recognize her from anything really.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thanks for pointing that out. I love being reminded that I'm old.

Speaker 1:

We love being reminded we have gray hair and we're bald.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, honey. For Rogue I picked Victoria Pendretti, which she would be the little bit older one, but she's from the House on Haunted Hill.

Speaker 1:

Can they just animate her like they did in the original 1999 episode? No, nah Lame.

Speaker 2:

Let's see. Yeah, she was the girl from House on Haunted Hill, the original one. And then I picked Grace Caroline Curry, which she plays Shazam's sister.

Speaker 1:

What's her face from Modern Family, ariel? Whatever her face is, oh no. Yeah, I don't know if she can nail that Louisiana, this girl here, that Baton Rouge.

Speaker 2:

She was real girl next door type in the Shazam. I think she would fit that character as Rogue.

Speaker 1:

You think she could do the accent?

Speaker 2:

That I don't know. I haven't seen a whole lot of other than two or three movies with this girl in it.

Speaker 1:

But I don't even know what's her face.

Speaker 2:

Anna Paquin, she didn't really do the yeah, she was just more. I mean, she was a little country, but that was about it. And then next we'll move on to Gambit.

Speaker 1:

Also a little New Orleans guy. Huh, you know what's his face from Top Gun that you brought up. Glenn Powell I think he would be good as Gambit.

Speaker 2:

You think?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, he's got that, like you know, suave, jerky kind of move to him.

Speaker 2:

I really didn't have a younger version of Gambit that I could think of. The first one I picked was this guy, Josh Holloway. He was in Lost and Yellowstone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's too old yeah that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't really think of a much younger one. And then I picked Scott Eastwood as another version of Gambit. I thought he kind of had that look to him.

Speaker 1:

I would say, yeah, scott Eastwood, I think would nail that. Probably I believe him more as Gambit than I would believe him as Wolverine, because I think Wolver believe him more as gambit than I would believe him as wolverine. And then, uh, because I think wolverine has to be older. Yeah, because, like he lives forever. Oh, he doesn't live for he's, he ages so slow, but he's obviously like at this point he's over, he's like, he's like 200 years old.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, if you say most incantation, most incarnations of wolverine, he's at least from like the revolutionary or civil war.

Speaker 1:

Yeah he's a man in the peak prime but a little gray. He's at that point of his life.

Speaker 2:

Hayden and his group of friends said that Austin Butler should be Gambit. Who's that again? He was the one that played Elvis in the most recent movie. Oh that guy yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel like it. No, I like that, I like that one a lot Okay.

Speaker 2:

I no, I like that, I like that one a lot.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm happy with that one. The next one I had, because it's highly rumored that it's going to be the main villain, is Mr Sinister. I'm not familiar with Mr Sinister unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

I like the name. Let's see. Let's see. I kind of. Well, while we're talking about this, I'll go ahead and give you the person. They didn't have a person for this one, but Sinister. He's like the main antagonist towards Jean Grey and Cyclops, but he's like a mutant geneticist.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where he takes mutant genes and then just experiments with them. See what happens.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, mr Sinister, oh, this guy Looks like Frankenstein with the diamond thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kind of yeah, but for that I picked Jonathan Reese Myers, which is from Tudors, the historical drama kind of thing, Jon Hamm. I haven't seen a lot of people say that I just I didn't agree with it. But let's see.

Speaker 1:

Jon Hamm or maybe Patrick Dempsey.

Speaker 2:

But let's see Jon Hamm, or maybe Patrick Dempsey I had. Let's see Jonathan Myers, which that's this guy here, yeah, that's a good pick. Or Ewan Rion, which played.

Speaker 1:

Ramsey Bolton from Game of Thrones.

Speaker 2:

I thought he would be a good pick. I forgot about that guy. I always forget his name.

Speaker 1:

I always just picture him as Ramsey Bolton. Yeah, from Game of Thrones. I thought he would be a good pick. I forgot about that guy. I always forget his name. I always just picture him as Ramsey. It's like you're just Ramsey to me, you psychotic lunatic Eaten by dogs.

Speaker 2:

Hayden and his group of friends are going to have to learn more X-Men. X-men characters, because the next one's Emma Frost, which she's like a main character in X-Men nowadays, especially in the comics. But for the younger and older, the little bit older one, I picked Lauren Cohen Because she's got that suave, like you know, sexy don't talk to me kind of thing yeah. And then the younger version. I picked Emma Roberts, which is from American Horror Story.

Speaker 1:

I don't know she looks dirty.

Speaker 2:

That's what I said. That's why I said she'd be a younger one, emma Watson.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, so she seems like she could do the brainy.

Speaker 2:

She could, but she seems like too, much of a girl-next-door type to be Emma Watson, because Emma. Watson's very sophisticated, snobby and Snooty. Yeah, that's just her personality. She's always been the rich girl kind of thing. And then, moving on to Sabretooth, I'm Hermione Granger. For Sabretooth, hayden and his friends picked Alexander Ludwig, which is have you ever seen Vikings?

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't seen that yet. So wait, are we doing like Sabretooth, like comic-y Sabretooth, like what Lieb Schreiber did, sabretooth? I would say more towards Lieb Schreiber Because I liked what Lieb Schreiber did Sabretooth. I would say more towards Lieb Schreiber Because I liked what Lieb Schreiber did. I really liked that Sabretooth, because it wasn't just like you know. It doesn't say brainless, mindless animal. I liked his version of it.

Speaker 2:

This guy here, I know you've probably seen him in something yeah yeah, I've seen that guy. For this I picked Alexander Skarsgård. That's who I thought should be Sabretooth. Yeah, because after seeing him in Vikings not in Vikings, but oh, what's that dumb movie?

Speaker 1:

We all fell asleep watching this in the theater at different points. What?

Speaker 2:

was that movie? I forget now.

Speaker 1:

The Northmen the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, northmen, yeah, me and you both fell asleep during that movie. I think Hayden did too. I just don't think he admitted it.

Speaker 2:

I picked him, and then Ryan Hurst, which plays Opie from Sons of Anarchy. Yeah right, or he's also Gary Bertier.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought he would. Nowadays, after seeing him in Sons of Anarchy, I think he'd be a good character, especially because he's like 6'8". Is he really that big? He's either 6'6 or 6'8". Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Big guy so.

Speaker 2:

I figured that would fit with him, his character and stuff, just being a bigger guy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The next one I have on our list. I've got a few more. It's Psylocke, which Olivia Munn's the one that played that character originally.

Speaker 1:

Florence Pugh.

Speaker 2:

Well, she's already a character, though she's already a character, though. All right, never mind she's a I was wrong, she's Yelena I'll kill myself.

Speaker 1:

Good, get the dragon dagger. I want to go out in style. I want to say something here.

Speaker 2:

I uh, let's see, there's not really any. The only pictures I have are pictures from when she was in the Walking Dead. But it's a but. This girl here you can kind of see her. She's kind of got the physical acting chops.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I'm not overly familiar with the character of Psylocke.

Speaker 2:

Basically, she's a psychic, but she's also trained to be a ninja as well. Psychic ninja, she knows telepathy but she can like create like a physically like physical light sword or whatever like if she hits you, it knocks you out doesn't kill you well, not, if you not with that sword. She carries an actual katana as well that'll get you but her like psychic.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like a dagger, where if she hits you, you just you get knocked out okay but I picked Eleanor Matsura, which is this girl from the Walking Dead, or Naomi Scott, which played either the Pink Ranger from Power Rangers the newest one or she was also Jasmine in the most recent Aladdin remake. Okay, Okay, the next one I have is Blob.

Speaker 1:

John Travolta.

Speaker 2:

I said Alan Tudyk because just CGI him and let him be the voice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, you really can't go wrong with Alan Tudyk doing anything.

Speaker 2:

I just thought he would be a cool blob because he'd have that sarcastic, you know, and he could do any voice you need. I thought that would be pretty cool. He probably could. And then I picked Colossus as the next character. I picked Joe Manganiello. That guy Manganiello how, how you say his name, joe manginello? Okay, he's how. He was deathstroke or almost destroyed. Yeah, he was almost deathstroke. And then, uh, he was in magic mike and all those other movies, um, or alexander skarsgard if this was the 1980s, we'd be like dolph lundundgren.

Speaker 2:

Of course yeah, Because it's a Russian guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Dolph Lundgren Drago.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, they didn't pick one. Oh yeah, they did Alan Richson, which wouldn't be a bad choice.

Speaker 1:

No, that's a solid pick too.

Speaker 2:

Dude's huge as well.

Speaker 1:

He's a unit.

Speaker 2:

I actually picked him later on for another character, brian Shaw. Brian Shaw, who's Brian Shaw?

Speaker 1:

One of the world's strongest men.

Speaker 2:

He's like six foot, yeah, but he's got to be an act too.

Speaker 1:

A little bit. He does a lot of stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, he's like six foot nine oh, naturally, and he's over 400 pounds. They don't really have to, let's see.

Speaker 2:

The next one that I had on my list was Kitty Pryde.

Speaker 1:

Millie Bobby Brown.

Speaker 2:

That's who I picked. I figured she'd be a good character for that.

Speaker 1:

Or Zendaya.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that could be okay. I think Millie Bobby Brown would be the good younger version. I said Anna Day-Armas is an older version. Like I said how old they want to make the characters.

Speaker 1:

Let's do the old version.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, they didn't have a pick for that one from Hayden and his people. The next one I had on the list was Mystique, and I put Natalie Emanuel, which she plays Miss Sunday in Game of Thrones, yeah, yeah, yeah, wanting to get their head cut off, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I knew you'd drop it.

Speaker 2:

Or sorry, anade Armaz was who I picked for Mystique. Her or Natalie Emanuel. Chloe Grace Moretz is the other one I picked for Kitty Pryde.

Speaker 1:

That's a good pick too. She played Hit Girl, that's a good pick too.

Speaker 2:

She's a good picture she played hit girl.

Speaker 1:

That's a good pick too. She's a huge new york islanders fan. And then, uh, the next one I have is juggernaut, which I said alan rich said for juggernaut. Yeah, dudes, you know brian shaw, let's just go get some dude who's like six eight and weighs over 400 pounds in muscle and it's like a three-time world's strongest man. Just give him the helmet, he'll already run through it uh, let's see.

Speaker 2:

See, they didn't pick one for Juggernaut, I don't see. The next one I had on my list, or the last one I had on my list was Apocalypse, which I said. Odin Fair, which he's the one that plays the, the shrouded kind of guy and the mummy that helps out. Brandon Frazier, he was also the gigolo in Deuce Bigelow.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's the cool guy from the Mummy. Yeah, yeah, alright. He's the one that wears the all black shawl. Yeah, with the cool curvy sword.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Alright, yeah, yeah, I'm trying I thought he'd be an interesting character.

Speaker 2:

Plus, with his voice he'd have that Middle Eastern accent that kind of goes with Apocalypse being from Egypt, and then another one if he could get the voice down. I see Giancarlo Esposito. I think he's just got a good commanding voice because for the most part Apocalypse would be just his face, because anybody that's going to be Apocalypse they would have to give some kind of suit or CGI to make him big, because he's bigger than any normal person.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of the characters I'd pick for that. Only one on Brandon's list that they didn't put out for other people is Quicksilver. They said Ross Lynch. I don't know who that is. I've got it Sorry.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure I know who Ross Lynch is.

Speaker 2:

Let's see. I don't think.

Speaker 1:

I've heard of him. He's not a real person. He made that up. I'm sure there's somewhere out there.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen him anything, but he's like you know, looking at him.

Speaker 1:

He looks like he's got to look for it yeah, alright, that's all the list I had for him. He's probably in some like ultra popular show we just don't know about.

Speaker 2:

He's won four Kids' Choice Awards for favorite TV actor. Wow, four Kids' Choice Awards. He was Austin Moon in the Disney Channel original comedy series Austin and Allie. I've never heard of it. I've never heard of it.

Speaker 1:

Is that close to Rocket Power?

Speaker 2:

Good question.

Speaker 1:

Drake and Josh.

Speaker 2:

That's all the characters I had for that on there. We'll kind of move on to our news and reviews. What, uh, what have you watched lately?

Speaker 1:

I watched mama mia. So I'm talking about mama mia. I don't know if she said anything. No response. Should I be in the bathroom? Uh, yeah, my girlfriend rachel. I had to go into work for something and I had to come home and then she had it on, so I got to watch it from the beginning. And you know what, for however long the movie's been out I don't know 2007, 6, 8, whatever before 2010, I have crap-talked that movie all the time, like I'm not watching that. Abba's stupid. And I watched the movie and I was just sitting there bobbing my head back and forth to the songs. I knew all the songs. It was just a good movie.

Speaker 1:

There was nothing wrong with it. It was a happy movie. It's about some girl played by a woman the one who looks like Gollum.

Speaker 2:

Amanda Seyfried.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's's gonna get married Meryl Streep's her mom.

Speaker 1:

Meryl Streep could play Batman she's that good of an actress doesn't know who her parents are or her father is. So she finds her mom's diary, reads through it and there's three dudes around the time frame. So she invites all three. So you get Papa Skarsgård, you get Colin Firth and you get Pierce Brosnan, and they all sing their own tunes, which includes also Pierce Brosnan. And you know what? Is he a good singer? No, not at all. I'm better than he is. Did he give it his all? Yes, did he look like he was having fun? Yes, it was just a fun movie. Okay, I'd honestly give that movie like an 8 out of 10. I'd watch it again. Alright, and I never thought I'd say that. There's some musicals I have seen that are very, very good.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so it is a musical, I don't know. What do you think? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely a musical.

Speaker 2:

My mom's never been into that Like.

Speaker 1:

The Sound of Music. It's a musical. It's very good. Guys and Dolls with Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando Very good. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Awesome, one of the best, especially when they do the barn fighting thing. They're building a barn forever and the brothers start beating the crap out of people. It's such a fun movie. I mean there's some good stuff out there, okay, but Mommy not a bad movie. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

Well, the next thing I watched was well, there's been several things, because it's been a while since we've recorded. The first one that I watched was House of Ninja on Netflix, which it's one of the. I think it's Korean and you have to read it. It's got subtitles but you can dub it, so I watched it dubbed, just because I didn't have time to read the subtitles. But other than the fact that it's got like 70s music that goes with it, that's really off-putting. There's nothing wrong with the 1970s, well, it's just it's like the beats and the tunes just don't really match the scenario that they're in sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it's like modern day and they're ninjas and they're fighting in like 70s music. So it's kind of strange.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of weird. It's like why am I listening to Redbone right now?

Speaker 2:

while they're fighting, but it is a really good show. It Redbone right now, but it is a really good show. It involves basically this family who are ninjas. The father wants them to basically try and transition out of the ninja clan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the ninja clan and stuff like that. The foot clan.

Speaker 2:

Because essentially these people are just treated like government assassins. The government shows up, sends them a letter through pigeon.

Speaker 1:

Like Harry Potter with the owls.

Speaker 2:

You've been chosen to go to Hogwarts School of Sneaking Around and Injury. Basically, the government's like here we need you to take care of this problem or we need you to fix this situation.

Speaker 1:

They just get a photo, kill them.

Speaker 2:

The dad's basically wanting to get out of that. So every time he sees a bird around the house, he's like shooing it away because he doesn't want them to bring it. But at the same time you have the, uh, the son, who's working, like he's basically he's. He goes around at night and restocks vending machines and when he's with his buddy, his buddy like goes on top of the truck to get stuff out and when his buddy gets back down, it's like man, that was fast, yeah, yeah, that's great. The, the.

Speaker 2:

The wife she keeps practicing her skills by going to the grocery store and just like stealing things off the shelf, like she's just like puts them down her her coat sleeve and walks out. So and then she gets home where she's just putting them all in there. The daughter she's old enough, she's a teenager. She's been going and stealing priceless warts of art and then three days later, returning them While the security's trying to watch. She just goes and steals it and then returns it just to prove she can, jesus. But they're doing all that. The grandma's a ninja.

Speaker 2:

Gam, gam the ninja she's real old, like there's one part where this little boy that doesn't know that they're a ninja clan she goes to do like the crane thing. It's like well, no, the little boy's like he doesn't know his family are ninjas, so he's running by and he's like grandma, they said dinner's ready, sean running. He gets to the dinner table and she's already sitting there and he's like wait, weren't you just outside? And she goes, been here the whole time.

Speaker 1:

You slow.

Speaker 2:

But then, you know, stuff kind of goes awry. Where they kind of have to, they're forced to intervene with some stuff and it's really like the action and stuff is really good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what is this on?

Speaker 2:

It's on Netflix.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

It starts off where you'll see it like they're as a family, they're fighting stuff and the reason they've kind of gotten out of the ninja stuff is because their oldest son, the parents their oldest son, dies or they think he's dead, but it's revealed pretty, pretty early on that he's not. But they have to deal with that.

Speaker 1:

He'd been captured but now he's piloting the Dark Gundam.

Speaker 2:

All sorts of different things, but it is a really good show. It's got really good visual effects. The stunt works really good?

Speaker 1:

No, it doesn't. I'm kidding, I don't ever watch it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I really liked it. It's on Netflix. It's got a 7 out of 10. I'd say that's probably pretty fair. Like I said, the only thing that kind of draws you out of it is the seventies beats and music, as they're doing things.

Speaker 1:

It's like this shouldn't be here, but it is.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's, that's like the first thing that I watched, the the next thing I watched was rebel moon, the scar giver, which is the Zack Snyder take on star Wars.

Speaker 1:

Why can't I like how people keep saying like, oh, we want the Snyder cut, like Zack's, like oh, you know, I have this cut, like I could have did this and did it. And then the comment was why can't you just release the good movie off the first try?

Speaker 2:

Now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for Justice League, because that ended up being like a six-hour movie with his stuff. He wanted to break it up in parts and WB just wouldn't let him do his movie. They screwed it all up and brought somebody else in to do it. So that I understand this movie is bad.

Speaker 1:

I've heard bad things.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of cool action scenes and stuff, but just nothing makes me care about any of these characters.

Speaker 1:

It's been getting tougher and tougher every year to find a good movie. Yeah, um it's it's like the art of good filmmaking is dying exponentially fast.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's it's an interesting movie to watch, but it's something that, like I watched it. It's part two of. I guess it's supposed to be a trilogy. I just don't really care.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's on Netflix. I have no desire to watch it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, let's see. Another thing that I've watched is the Fallout TV show on Amazon.

Speaker 1:

How is?

Speaker 2:

that. Have you seen any of it? I have not. It is great. It's like I've only played a little bit of the Fallout games. I haven't played one or two all the way through and there's a lot of hidden Easter egg stuff for people that are true fans. But with it being an RPG, it doesn't have to follow a certain narrative throughout the entire thing. Yeah, other than the fact that she's from a vault and she's got to do this one thing to get her dad back, that's basically the whole narrative of the story.

Speaker 1:

And all the nonsense she incurs.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Like Walter Goggins is in it he plays. I forgot his character's name.

Speaker 1:

The dude who looks like Red Skull. He's got no nose and a cowboy hat.

Speaker 2:

He plays. Basically he's a ghoul and he does a really good job. It's probably one of his best roles I've ever seen him in. But they run into each other and they've got to deal with each other's problems and stuff with each other you and they've got to deal with each other's problems and stuff with each other. You have this one guy who's part of like the what's the robot army.

Speaker 1:

Or not robot army, but the mech suit guys, no clue, I never played the games.

Speaker 2:

Well, basically he's like an apprentice or a squire for these giant, like the mech suit robot guys and his. I don't go ahead and tell you because it's been out for a while but his knight dies and so he just takes the armor himself and he has to deal with all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Why wouldn't you?

Speaker 2:

They're all looking for this one, like all these characters are looking for this one item, so they all run into each other trying to get it.

Speaker 1:

What's the one item? A legendary bottle cap.

Speaker 2:

Technically, it's this person's head. Oh, because he has this special thing.

Speaker 1:

No, it has to do with it. Special person, special dead people.

Speaker 2:

But it is interesting to see about the vaults and learn more about them. For me. I didn't know ahead of time that each vault is basically an experiment that they did just to see what would happen, and these people in these vaults don't know that. People have been living on the surface since the bombs went off and they and I don't know about the games, but they said supposedly. They said and this it actually reveals who set off the bombs originally, which is pretty cool, cause there's a lot of flashbacks to Walter Goggins character, because the show takes place 200 years after that, but because he's a ghoul, he lives longer. But you'll see a lot of flashbacks to his life before the bombs went off, which is pretty interesting.

Speaker 1:

Before he became a ghoul.

Speaker 2:

But I'd give that show probably an 8 out of 10. Because there are some parts.

Speaker 1:

Better than the Halo show. It gets kind of slow. It's definitely better than Rings of Power.

Speaker 2:

But it is really funny and a lot of fun to watch. Let's see, I've got several things here, but I'll save them for the next episode. Yeah, while we're on this, I'll go ahead and talk a little bit more about X-Men 97. Since you did the little tune there, have you watched any of it?

Speaker 1:

yet Nope.

Speaker 2:

Did you watch the original series? Yeah, back in 1997. You should check this out. It's a lot better.

Speaker 1:

I remember you telling me about the first couple episodes and it was really, really good.

Speaker 2:

As good as the original series was, this is even better.

Speaker 1:

It's high praise, it's high praise.

Speaker 2:

Because the show. It keeps the same kind of tone as the original, but it modernizes it to where it's, to the level where kids can appreciate it and then adults that. I'll go ahead and tell you. There's one scene where I would have never thought they would have put this in a kid's show, but basically genocide takes place on Genosha where this master mold hybrid sentinel just starts killing all the mutants.

Speaker 1:

Like they're showing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean they shoot them Like you don't see blood and stuff. But when he shoots them they just vaporize Like you just see them kind of like fade out of, like into dust Like they're gone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then, because it's already been all over the internet, I'll go ahead and tell you like Gambit dies, like sacrificing himself just to save everyone. Sheesh, they got gambit, but um the the artwork it. It tries to stay kind of close to what the original was, but they've improved it enough to where, like, there's one episode where the sentinels attack um, the, the mansion and for the most part, other than the kids and I think rogue, wolverine and nightcrawler are the only ones there to protect them. So you have Wolverine and Nightcrawler, you've got Nightcrawler with three swords, because he's got one with his tail, and then you've got Wolverine just wrecking house and it's just cool to watch.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty awesome.

Speaker 2:

And they do a good job of making use of what people think. You know, when you think about their powers, things they could do nowadays, back then, nowadays, like back then, people just thought, oh, cyclops shoots lasers, so that's what he does. Well, now, like he, their Blackbird gets shot out of the sky in the first episode and as he's falling he just blasts the ground as hard as he can until he's about to land and, just you know, kind of comes to his feet.

Speaker 1:

Is it All right?

Speaker 2:

And then there's another part at the very beginning of the series, where, like he's going to save this kid and he uses the optic blast to move himself out of the way from their shots, because basically it's like a force, a projection from him, so when it hits whatever direction, he just pushes him out of the way, he just lifts his feet up and he goes wee, it's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

It's really neat the way they use stuff. I would definitely encourage. If you like the original or if you just like X-men, it's, it's a great. What is it on? Again? It's on disney plus. Disney plus, okay, and uh, they have the original series on there as well. I, uh, I told hayden about it and he said it's been so long since he had seen the original. He's, he's gonna watch that and then, because this takes place the.

Speaker 2:

The last episode of the original and the first episode of this take place a year apart okay, so now do you have to have watched the originals to watch this you don't have to, but it does help when they refer to certain things.

Speaker 2:

They'll refer to something that Magneto and Professor X had argued about originally, but for the most part you don't have to, because they'll kind of they'll do a little bit of flashback stuff and explain it, but it's a show I really enjoy. So, tom, do you have any news? I noticed you didn't have any notes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Call of Duty Messing around again. Welcome to the war zone.

Speaker 2:

What was that?

Speaker 1:

As some of you may know, they introduced the Akimbo 1887 bit to Modern Warfare 3 with the Lockwood, not the Lockwood.

Speaker 2:

Is it the Lockwoods? Yeah, that's what you said Lockwood 1886 or something like that.

Speaker 1:

No, the MK, whatever it is. Oh, but it turns them into, like you know, the model 1887s, yeah, of original Modern Warfare 2 that you could snipe people with that hip-fired shotgun, akimbo crap across the map. It didn't matter what map you could get them before they nerfed it. That was the first nerf they ever did for a shooter. I think was those guns, because it was just obnoxious, but they were like the coolest weapons ever. Remember the intervention. The 1887s are right below it. You know doing the T1, you know T2, you know lever action, shotgun spin. So I went and I did all the challenge. It took me an hour and a half to unlock it and then I got it and it sucks so bad, it's terrible and I'm like this is a waste of time, like, and there were people like I saw him running around with them and like they weren't killing anybody.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was dropping them Like they were bags of dirt. Uh, they brought in a new AR. I can't remember what it is, but I remember reading it's from Advanced Warfare or something, or Infinite Warfare. Yeah, they introduced that into the game. So far I'm working on it, it's pretty good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Rebirth is still the big to-do.

Speaker 2:

We played Rebirth me and you, and then a couple other people as well.

Speaker 1:

I think it was randoms we were playing with. What's the Xbox event this year?

Speaker 2:

Xbox event.

Speaker 1:

That's when they're going to reveal the new Call of Duty.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The new Black Ops.

Speaker 2:

Which will be the Gulf. The Gulf War is what we've been hearing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is going to be the next one.

Speaker 2:

I'll have to say, though, playing Rebirth, it's not my favorite, but it was fun when we played. We did win. We shouldn't have, but we did. We shouldn't have, but we did. We watched our teammate plant a claymore into the wall like facing away from him.

Speaker 1:

Good job, buddy, and run around with his un-reloaded gun for like five minutes. We're just shouting at him to reload.

Speaker 2:

He has a 40-round mag gun and he's got 12 rounds in it. It's just like. And then he downed the last person and ran past him and, just like, kept his back to him.

Speaker 1:

You hear the guy reviving. It was a 1v3 scenario. They were above him. They dropped down. One went down in the zone. We heard him drop and then we heard the you know stimming. He's trying to self-res. The other guy runs past our teammate. Our teammate shoots him in the back and downs him and then he runs away from that guy. He runs towards that dude. He just shot and kept going and we're just like turn around.

Speaker 1:

Like he's behind you, he's resing, he goes duh. Like we were getting so mad. And then he ran past the dude he just downed Power, slid past the dude who was self-rezzing, turned, and then that dude got the res off, stood up and then he shot him once and killed him. Yeah, and like and his health was like gone like literally a half second and we will. And we lost that game and I almost wanted to quit. I wanted to throw up a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It was I laughed because tom got his guns and then he died one more time before the.

Speaker 1:

The guy that? Yeah, he took them.

Speaker 2:

The other guy took his guns and wouldn't give them back, Like not just one gun, not just a gun, but he took both of Tom's guns.

Speaker 1:

He took both of my weapons. He took both of my platinum.

Speaker 2:

So Tom was just left with whatever he could find in a box.

Speaker 1:

And I just kept running behind him, shooting him in the back with whatever ground loop bull crap I picked up or other dude's weapons. I'm just like I don't care. Give me back my guns. Those are my guns. I'll give you the build. You can use those next game, but they're mine, they're mine, I want them back. Give them back, you jerk. Even when we won, as soon as we won, we just quit out. We're like we're not playing with these guys. It's like my heart can't take this.

Speaker 2:

Any other Call of Duty news.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, well, moving on, there's going to be a Seth Rogen supposedly making. Who cares about Seth Rogen? Well, supposedly he's writing and producing a rated R animated Venom movie.

Speaker 1:

Don't even care. I don't care about Seth Rogen.

Speaker 2:

This isn't 2012.

Speaker 1:

I don't care about Seth Rogen.

Speaker 2:

We also have the Matrix. 5 has been announced by Warner Brothers, moving ahead without the Wachowskis, or Wachowskis, whatever he's called, whatever yeah.

Speaker 1:

Is uh, what's his face? Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves, lawrence Fishburne they come back.

Speaker 2:

I'm assuming he is. He's the one. There hasn't been anything other than they said they're moving ahead with Matrix 5.

Speaker 1:

That's a trilogy that went downhill very, very quickly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you had one, two, three and then nothing, Because the first Matrix was really really good.

Speaker 1:

Everything after that sucked.

Speaker 2:

I liked the second one. The third one was a little less, and then the fourth one was just not good at all.

Speaker 1:

It's just like what is this?

Speaker 2:

Another bit of news. It's a little bit older now, but Marvel has cast Julia Garner as a version of Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four movies. I don't know who that is. She was in Ozarks.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Silver Surfer's a guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, silver Surfer is a man, I just don't.

Speaker 2:

Not anymore.

Speaker 1:

Mitch Get with the times.

Speaker 2:

They actually, marvel came out and said that no, they're not going to cast a female Silver Surfer. And then, literally a week later, they came out and cast.

Speaker 1:

They cast a female Silver Surfer, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I thought that was kind of funny.

Speaker 1:

Like what's next? Wolverine's a woman.

Speaker 2:

Also, they've announced there's going to be a Transformers and GI Joe crossover movie. Yeah, they kind of revealed that at the end of the last Transformers movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he was like oh, by the way, I want to introduce you.

Speaker 2:

He opens up the door, so we'll see. We'll see how that goes.

Speaker 1:

Happy Transformers is still holding on.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people didn't like the last one, but I did.

Speaker 1:

Is that Beast Wars?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's where they met Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal, optimus Primal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah the OG.

Speaker 2:

I liked it.

Speaker 1:

The toys suck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

Because we went through Beast Wars.

Speaker 2:

You saw the ones that they showed that Hayden sent us Because we went through beast wars. You saw the ones that they showed that Hayden sent us the picture, the $1,000 transformer no.

Speaker 1:

You press a button and you turn it on. Oh, the Megatron one. Yeah, you turn it on. It's a tank and it turns.

Speaker 2:

You tell it to transform and it automatically transforms by itself.

Speaker 1:

And it starts talking. This is like small soldiers. This is happening to me in real life. It's a major chip hazard.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you basically tell it you can, like you know, prepare to fire, all right, it'll get this little cannon ready. And you say fire, it shoots the cannon. They have one of those. They have Grimlock, which is the T-Rex, and then they have Optimus, which is the semi-truck. But I thought that was really cool. They're just $1,000 thousand dollars piece. Yeah, I'm up. Tom tom, you're rich I'm not rich compared to us stuff costs money.

Speaker 1:

I don't have a lot of it.

Speaker 2:

I see there's that. And then, uh, the last thing I wanted to talk about is they've announced a ninja turtles, the last ronin movie. Which did you ever?

Speaker 1:

you don't know about the last run that's where all the ninja turtles are dead except rafael uh about the last run.

Speaker 2:

That's where all the ninja turtles are dead except rafael, uh or michelangelo right and uh, he has, like all the weapons from don tell leonardo and it's like in the future, so it's like they're older, like they won the foot clan yeah, the shredder's grandson like takes over the mantle when he becomes older and he ends up killing off them.

Speaker 2:

Uh, Splinter, Casey Jones, and so it's like April, April's daughter, and Michelangelo, the only one's left. So it's a really good like comic book series and supposedly it's going to be a live-action rated R, Amazon or Paramount movie, sorry, which I'm really excited for. Any kind of live-action Ninja Turtles, I'm excited for Nice, Especially one that's going to be. R rated because it's violent. Ooh, because this Michelangelo, like violence, michelangelo is like at the beginning. He's like on the verge of committing suicide because he's just had enough.

Speaker 2:

And then, like his brother is like you know how, like in the first movie, they all sit down and Master Splinter shows up in the fire as they're talking to him. Well, they kind of he kind of has that moment in the comics where, as he's planning to commit Sepiko, his brothers, they just show up on the next panel where they have their hands on him telling him no, not yet, now's not the time, just a cool moment.

Speaker 1:

But they're all dead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like a sequence, yeah, I mean it's almost like a I guess what spirit walking or whatever, but it's a really good show. I'm really hoping they do it well, do it justice.

Speaker 1:

I hope they do too for me you hope they do it for me, for me, your biggest fan.

Speaker 2:

My name is Mitch, but that's all I really have for now yeah, I'm tired we got a little bit more to record just a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Alright, fine, I hope you had fun.

Speaker 2:

I'm tired we got a little bit more to record.

Speaker 1:

No, we don't. Yeah, just a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

No, all right, fine All right, I hope you had fun.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoyed it. I flip you. He flipped me for real. We'll see you next time.

(Cont.) Celebrating Free Comic Book Day and Fantasy Casting the X-Men Reboot ep201
(Cont.) Celebrating Free Comic Book Day and Fantasy Casting the X-Men Reboot ep201

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