The Storyteller’s Mission with Zena Dell Lowe

17. How to Apply Positive Affirmations without Getting Weird

Zena Dell Lowe Season 1 Episode 17


When we hear self-condemning messages from our inner critic, composing positive affirmations to directly combat the lies is an effective way to achieve freedom from the self-abusive messages of our inner critic. However, whatever affirmations we compose must be actually and really true. The fundamental goal of the storyteller is to always tell the truth about ourselves and the world. Thus, we must avoid writing silly or self-flattering words of affirmations. The goal is not to feed a false view of self, but to grow in self-acceptance and self-love by acknowledging the reality of our character flaws while giving grace to ourselves for our foibles.

Here are a few examples of affirmations that might be written to specifically address some of the critical messages that might get played over and over again in the artist or trauma survivor's head. 


  1. There’s nothing “wrong” with me. I’m doing the best I can to address both my trauma wounds and the sins of my past. I’m fully committed to a life of recovery. 
  2. I am not perfect. I have made mistakes in the past. I have caused harm to myself and others. But these facts do not take away from my inherent value and dignity. I am a human person who is worthy of being loved. 
  3. It is alright for me to make mistakes. The purpose of my making a mistake is to make more mistakes. I do not need to be perfect in order to be worthy of love. 
  4. While it’s true that I am flawed, I have a lot of positive traits. I am kind, compassionate, honest, generous, thoughtful, talented and forgiving. Furthermore, I am repentant. Anyone would be lucky to have me as their friend. 
  5. I do not need to prove myself to anyone. I need only express myself as honestly and effectively as I am capable. 
  6. I am not a bad person getting good. I am a flawed person getting better. 
  7. I am not my actions. I am the actor. My actions may be good or bad. That doesn’t make ME good or bad.
  8. I take things one day at a time. Do first things first. I do the next right thing. 
  9. I am not stuck. I have other options available to me. 
  10. No one is forcing me to be here. I’m here by choice.
  11. I do not act out of obligation. I no longer do things for others because I feel guilty or because I am “supposed” to do them. If I choose to say yes or no, either choice is okay.
  12. I am not afraid of getting hurt. I do not need to push success away or subconsciously sabotage myself. Even if I do get rejected, it’s okay. Rejection from others does not define my value or worth.
  13. I do not need to know how to do everything right at this moment. The knowledge and tools will come to me at the right time. 
  14. All I have to do is my part. Just do the work. The rest is up to my higher power.
  15.  I never fail. I either succeed, or I learn.


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1.     There’s nothing “wrong” with me. I’m doing the best I can to address both my trauma wounds and the sins of my past. I’m fully committed to a life of recovery. 


2.     I am not perfect. I have made mistakes in the past. I have caused harm to myself and others. But these facts do not take away from my inherent value and dignity. I am a human person who is worthy of being loved. 


3.     It is alright for me to make mistakes. The purpose of my making a mistake is to make more mistakes. I do not need to be perfect in order to be worthy of love. 


4.     While it’s true that I am flawed, I have a lot of positive traits. I am kind, compassionate, honest, generous, thoughtful, talented and forgiving. Furthermore, I am repentant. Anyone would be lucky to have me as their friend. 

5.     I do not need to prove myself to anyone. I need only express myself as honestly and effectively as I am capable. 


6.     I am not a bad person getting good. I am a flawed person getting better. 


7.     I am not my actions. I am the actor. My actions may be good or bad. That doesn’t make ME good or bad.


8.     I take things one day at a time. Do first things first. I do the next right thing. 


9.     I am not stuck. I have other options available to me. 


10.  No one is forcing me to be here. I’m here by choice.


11.  I do not act out of obligation. I no longer do things for others because I feel guilty or because I am “supposed” to do them. If I choose to say yes or no, either choice is okay.


12.  I am not afraid of getting hurt. I do not need to push success away or subconsciously sabotage myself. Even if I do get rejected, it’s okay. Rejection from others does not define my value or worth.


13.  I do not need to know how to do everything right at this moment. The knowledge and tools will come to me at the right time. 


14.  All I have to do is my part. Just do the work. The rest is up to my higher power.


15.  I never fail. I either succeed, or I learn.