Transcontinental Overload

28. Standing your ground in Egypt - with Carol El Hawary

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Welcome to my new season! For the next few weeks and months, my focus will be on cross-cultural relationships, and I'm kicking off this new approach with a wonderful guest:  Carol El Hawary from Scotland, who lives in Cairo with her Egyptian husband.

I still maintain this should be a movie script: a holiday romance in a country her aunt had strong connections with turned Carol's life upside down and led her to create her dream business.

We talk about all the challenges a Western woman faces in an extremely male-dominated society, the heartache of almost losing a friend over the new relationship, how climate influences character, and how amazing it is to be able to influence a culture from within (with a good dose of fierce Scottish willpower!).

Check out Carol's new travel service, Literary Tours Egypt, to find some wonderful inspiration!