Transcontinental Overload

36. German Adventures - with Stephanie "Steffi" Montague

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My guest today is my namesake Steffi, originally from the UK, who's lived in Southern Germany for a couple of years now. She calls herself an unexpected expat, and had never anticipated a move, or having to learn another language.

Of course we discuss the many aspects of learning German,  how she slowly overcame her fear of talking to native speakers, and how ultimately the whole expat experience has given her more confidence and helped her to be less risk averse. We do go off on a tangent exploring a possible connection between the Scots and the Bavarians, and the merits of British vs. US baked beans.

Other topics include the joys of driving on the Autobahn at 200km/h, why people perceive the Brits as more polite when they're actually much ruder than the Germans (yes I know this will cause some controversy), and the phenomenon of not appreciating a place's beauty when you live there, but definitely miss it when you've left.

Make sure you check out Steffi's blog, Adventures of Steffi, and find her on Instagram or Facebook as @theadventuresofsteffi.