Psychic Matters!

PM 079: The Power of Intuitive Healing with Djali Vesela

Ann Théato / Djali Vesela

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#079 Djali Vesela speaks to us about clairvoyance and intuition.  Her life’s mission is to help others to recognise what gifts energy and intuition can bring and she says that feeling unwell, can actually be a sign of a breakthrough we can benefit from.  

Having suffered the trauma of her father passing away when she was six, Djali recognised she had unhealed trauma, and for a short time, sought answers in stimulants. It was only when she started meditating, studying mindfulness and energy work, that her life started to make sense.  Djali went on to study with the best, to learn how to help those like her to recognise the power of their intuition and energy gifts, improving mental health through energy and mindfulness tools.

My name is Ann Théato, and the mission of the Psychic Matters Podcast, is to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

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CREDITS: Reach by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

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Hello everyone, my name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters podcast, episode number 79.  If you are wondering why my voice sounds a little croaky, it’s because I’ve just tested positive for Covid.  Grim.  It’s been such a roller coaster of a couple of weeks. So, I wont tell you everything that has been going on behind the scenes because I don’t want to bring you down, so let’s focus on the good news. I just came back from a week at the Arthur Findlay College, where I stayed on a week’s residential course called The Demonstrating Medium.  The Course Organiser was the wonderful Chris Drew, and he was teaching alongside Tony Stockwell and Lynn Probert!  I have learned so much about my mediumship and the importance of the presence of spirit when it is so powerful and tangible.  And Chris taught us how to really feel the essence of the spirit communicator, because as a medium, we become an expression of what we are experiencing.  It was such a fantastic course; I met some great people from all around the world – old friends and new – and I’m looking forward to putting everything I have learned into practice.  Do please join me on The Mediumship Hour – it’s a free demonstration of mediumship, it happens every single Tuesday at 7pm-8pm UK time zone, and it happens every week throughout the year.  So, if you can’t make it tonight – I’m saying tonight … what am I saying?  I’m releasing this podcast on Thursday so, it will be the following Tuesday wont it, it happens every Tuesday night, it takes place on Zoom, so anyone can join from anywhere in the world. It’s because I am recording this podcast on Tuesday you see, so for me, it is happening tonight.  I work alongside two mediums, Tyrone Cusack and Lesley Malone, so we share the platform, I take half an hour and then one of those other mediums takes the second half hour. So, if you fancy coming along, like I say it’s a free event and all of you are very, very welcome to come any week you like, just go to my website and take a look under events – you will find the Zoom link there.


In this week’s podcast, I am investigating the power of intuitive healing, and my guest, Djali Vesela speaks to us about clairvoyance and intuition.  Djali’s life’s mission is to help others to recognise what gifts energy and intuition can bring, and she says that feeling unwell, can actually be a sign of a breakthrough we can benefit from.  


Having suffered the trauma of her father passing away when she was just six years old Djali recognised she had unhealed trauma, and for a short time, sought answers in stimulants. It was only when she started meditating, studying mindfulness and energy work, that her life started to make sense.  Djali went on to study with the best, to learn how to help those like her to recognise the power of their intuition and energy gifts, improving mental health through energy and mindfulness tools.


Settle back and relax dear listeners, and I really hope you enjoy this episode.


My guest today is calling in from the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic. She is a Clairvoyant Master Healer and a Mindful Energy Coach, and a highly skilled Tutor.  Djali Vesela, welcome to Psychic Matters.



Thank you so much Ann, I'm so happy to be here.



Thank you for joining us today and offering to share the knowledge that you have accumulated throughout your lifetime. It's great to hear your experiences of the things that you've been through. And I'm just so thrilled that you've come to share those with our listeners today. And I know you're going to be speaking about clairvoyance and intuition and some healing work that you do and teaching people how to heal themselves. And I'm really looking forward to unfolding all that with you in their lifetime. But first of all, Djali, I'd love to ask you how did this all begin for you, this clairvoyance, this intuition? Where did it start for you in this life?



Well as loads of people who do these kinds of studies and work, it started with me being a child, but I wasn't one of those magical ones who would be doing, able to do things, I just knew there was something out there that was different, there was there was more dimensions, there were more dimensions to our living. And there was more to see more to do than what we are doing. And I have this continuous sensation that we were torturing the body in the sense of not being aware of what everything the body is experiencing. And are not really connecting the mind and the body enough and the energy of it. So, I yeah, I would be watching my body, kind of looking at it. And I would go like, oh, wow, you are kind of suffering. But you don't know. And I don't talk to you enough. And I felt that it was this prevailing notion in our society that everybody was doing, they're kind of treating the body as something not aware enough. Not connected enough. And yet it should be, I didn't know how. So that was one of the notions, as I was a child. And the other was me feeling and seeing beings that my mum would say that those were bad dreams or something like that. My dad was kind of psychic, but he wouldn't really talk to me about it. He would just say, yeah, that's possible. And then he was the notion that you can heal with hands. I knew though, something could come out of the hands, that you could change how people feel how they look, I had no idea what it was. But I knew the hands were powerful. And then I remember looking at people's faces, and thinking, the way they look, the expression they have is all about what they think it's all about what they do in their life. And they can actually change, I remember thinking, you can actually change literally how you look, almost like the size of your face and the amount of wrinkles, depending on how you think, and that was kind of the awareness. I didn't have the words of happiness awareness or energy awareness. So yeah, this is probably me being five or six years old.



So quite an observant child, Djali really, when you think about it, being that age and looking and seeing all these different things, watching people's faces and how they change, I find that fascinating that you had that insight at such a young age. 



Yeah, I remember kind of waking up back to the world, right, so what I believe, and in the studies I teach, I say, is that you are an energy being in a body and most of us have been in a body before and we come into this world to have the experience and embody again, but we don't remember it or not much of it. And I remember lying in my bed and touching with my tongue the top of my mouth, the palate, and I remember feeling the ribs inside the mouth and thinking, oh, this will wear off, yeah, these are fresh now, yeah, they will wear off again. Oh yeah. So, this was kind of me awakening back to the body experience, and me trying to figure out okay, so what are we doing here? Why are we here again, oh yeah, I kind of remember this, I remember the body is going to change.  I remember touching my belly as well. Knowing that it's kind of flatter when you are younger and that it changes as you go older. 






 And going like yeah, this is going to change I need to kind of enjoy whilst it is flat.



Yeah, sure. Just so that's that's amazing as well all those insights as a child and then you said you saw spirit beings. How did they manifest for you, what did you see?



So, I saw shades, I could feel a kind of cloud of moving energy, I could see them move items, strangely enough, which just made me feel a bit crazy, because my mum didn't acknowledge that could have happened, she would just assign it to me being mindless and not noticing the item wasn't at the place it was before. And I also have low vibrating beings visit me. So that was kind of weird and scary. And I didn't have the energy protections I have now to kind of tell them not to come. And I had no one to help me kind of to guide me through that. And then there was a little kind of statue with a hole, tiny, tiny, that you could hang on the wall. And it was some kind of Native Indian mask. And that thing somehow brought really strange energy into my room, and I had to take it, I have to have it taken off. Every time I closed the door. And it was dark, it would be emitting, as if a gate, it was like opening a portal, and it was kind of communicating. And I wasn't ready for that. I was kind of like, no, I can't have this here. Can you take this away? Please?



Where did that mask come from? Who bought it to you? Who hung it on the wall?



That's a really good question. I don't I don't actually know. I think when I think back, my mum had friends who were living in Australia, they were Czechs who moved to Australia, I think they gave it to us or sent it to us can be sure, actually, it's really funny because I like, I'm remembering just now that we are kind of going back to where this hole came from. And I haven't talked about the item in decades. So yeah, maybe I can go and ask my mum, see if she remembers.  I am pretty sure that it wasn't originally handmade. I think it was a replica of something.



Yes. So as a child you are picking up the energy of whatever that mask had experienced as well. So, it could have been the energy of your friends perhaps or its own history of where it was.



It felt more than that. It felt almost like it was carrying some native trauma, kind of, kind of that native, you know, aboriginal, you know, American trauma or something like that. 






Yeah. And it was trying to communicate it through sending in spirit.



Yeah. And it's obviously, the energy of that has obviously connected with you and recognised your energy. And then there's an open communication there, because perhaps you were little, not understanding it, it becomes a little more frightening. Once you know a little more, things, things are easier. So that was your very, very early childhood. And I know Djali, you experienced a very significant and incredibly traumatic event at the age of six. Are you happy to share that with us?



Yeah, sure. I'm not sure it might make me cry. Because since I've done the healing, I can cry. I didn't used to be able to cry actually for I think like 10 years. So, my dad died when I was six. And it was in the middle of the night that he would jump out of the window and to make sure that he would leave this world, he would also cut his veins before, and he would sniff some window cleaner. So, he was really trying to get out. And before that, I remember two weeks of him not being in the body fully anymore. Almost yeah, like channeling beings being a different person. And it was medically, his schizophrenia manifesting, and he got on medication that was for alcoholics, they misdiagnosed him. So that would bring the channels in, they would bring the beings into his body that didn't feel like him at all. And then he couldn't bear being in the body anymore. So, so he would go and end his life.  So, I would wake up in the middle of the night, which I actually did often at that age, and there was no one in the flat, there was no one in the flat, which is weird. I went to the study we had in the flat. Strangely enough, my mum still lives in the same flat. I would have moved away probably, especially I felt this urge when I was a child.  And the window is open in there, and then I hear, we have kind of a very drama neighbour, she would go screaming like in some kind of really silly, kind of a, "Suicide,” I’m not sure if she went like screaming like, "He committed suicide," it was so grotesque. And then I see these guys in orange outfits, kind of orange onesies walking up and down, coming by the lift, we were on the fourth floor. Yeah, my mum, my mum comes in and she goes like crying, your daddy's left us. And I'm like, what? And I kind of knew he fell out or jumped out the window. And, yeah, it was super weird. It was this notion of the person not being there. And for days and weeks after, I would have him visit in my dreams, I would kind of like see him in the street. And that was me starting to, kind of switching, flipping the switch, of not tuning into the energy being I was, and just guarding the emotions of my mother. So, I turned off my emotions for those 10 or more years, and I turned on this guarding mould to help my mum survive. I did it through studying a lot of psychology, sociology, philosophy, from the age of about eight, I started studying like diving into books. And when I was about 12-13, 13 yeah, I actually started studying psychology formally already, as if like a university equal study, two-year programme, like a basic University study programme, and that would take me on to the healing path slowly.  That would slowly make me realise that I wasn't really healing through not feeling my emotions and putting my mum's emotions first. So yeah, that was that was the start of it, of me wanting to help and heal myself as well. 



Yeah, I'm so sorry, Djali, that you had that awful experience in your younger years. I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry for your father, who was obviously a very sick man. And for your mother as well, that you all had to go through that. Like you say, it's, it's started something for you at that time, then it started this process of understanding, comprehending who you are, and what you're here for. Did it help you find your purpose, then? Would you say?



Yeah, totally. So as much as I'm sorry, until now, it's been now 22 years, I can't believe it's been you know, it's been so long. I remember thinking like what is going to be like in five years, because they would say time heals. So, I was trying to picture what it's like, in five years and 10 years and 20 years, it's been 22 years, and I still have the moments when I'm like, I would want to see the human my father was, the human body. But from the energy perspective, we had a, or have a soul contract where he dies, so that I can step on this path easier. So, I can help others easier, so that I can awaken, so that I realise I have loads of responsibility in this world to heal and to bring people to other consciousness. So that's why it happened. And my mum being the mindful, amazing hero woman she is, is the person I chose to help me out with this from the soul contract perspective. So, I wouldn't have been the person I am if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be so helpful. And I've thought about a few times, what kind of path I would have taken. I think I would have been a much more common, much more spoiled person. Had he not left the human body this early?



Yeah, of course. Interesting, isn't it? We always look back and think, oh, if only this had happened, if your father had still been there, what would you be like etcetera, etcetera. But, of course, your father, his spirit lives on, and it's not in physical form. But of course, he's gone nowhere other than transform and transmute. You said he visits you in dreams? Does he still do that? At this age?



He doesn't visit me in dreams anymore. He comes as a spirit around especially when I do preparation for workshops. And when I'm deciding some bigger project of cooperation, so he comes to guide me I do have a spirit guide team that I've got through the clairvoyant studies. That's something I teach people to get one by one as well. But yeah, he's been around to help us. Well, he helps me get business contacts, and he helps me kind of see what is on the other side. Like what it's like being without a body.



Absolutely amazing. It's so beautiful that your relationship continues to deepen and get strong, and you're working together. That's really, really lovely. So, tell us more about the work that you're currently doing, then. You are a Clairvoyant Master Healer. Can you explain what you do there?



Yeah, so I went, studying psychology, mindfulness, and then pranic healing. And that was tying together until I felt like I needed something extra dimension. And these clairvoyance studies fell in my lap. And so, I put whatever I had studied and had been working with, because I was doing therapies and coaching even before I became formally clairvoyant. And I put it together. And I do these sessions. The most popular ones are clairvoyant coaching, with healing, where I tune into the person's energy field. And energetically, I see what is out of line, I align it by also make them aware of what it is. And I create integration exercises to take home and to work on so that they become more aware of their energy field, so that they can keep working with whatever they need to be working. And I didn't see before because of the programming we have of not being conscious to energy, of not being conscious of where our suffering really stems from, because most of the issues I have, people have, are from suffering, from kind of assigning extra story to whatever is happening. So, I help people see that, and then I create steps, and I provide healing during the sessions and healing exercises to take away. And because it's so powerful, the sessions happen just once a month when we create a package. Oh, I have people who also come just for one to three sessions to kind of fix something shorter term, since that's the most popular thing I do. And then I teach people how to do this in courses as well. One of which is going to start at the end of January, I'm opening the waitlist now.  I need to open a waitlist first always because I have some capacity, I always overview the people's process and one by one as well in messages on WhatsApp or Facebook. So, I have only a certain capacity I can take. 



And what sort of problems do people bring to the table? What sort of healing do people need?



I get three kinds of people coming to me.  The first is the usual human suffering, kind of relationships. Mainly it is relationships, and it is mental, we would call mental topics; anxiety, depression, and then I get kind of bodily issues they haven't been able to resolve through the regular medicine. So, there'll be often insomnia, some kind of womb, issues, difficulty to conceive, pains during sex or pains in the genitals, one way or another, often some rashes, backaches, headaches, migraines. So those, these would be the kind of people who haven't stepped into the energy awareness yet. And they learned about me doing the master healing and the coaching, and they resonate with me. So, they come to me.  The other chunk of people I get are people who want to learn what intuition is, and find their happiness, through becoming intuitive, being able to discover their purpose from this intuitive dimension, which I don't really know how you can do otherwise. And then the last bit is people who already work with energy and who want to learn how to do it better, how to heal better, or they want to run a business around better. So, then they come for one on one mentoring to me.



And so how do you begin then to work with someone who is presenting with a symptom and illness? Something wrong with them? How do you how do you start? Where do you begin? What's what's the process? How does that unfold?



So first, I need to know how much time they're willing to put into it to see if we are going to create those integration exercises. Because some people aren't really ready to work on their own, which by the way is not very efficient. But some people are just not. So that's what I do find out first. And then I also need to find out if they're not stuck in some old pictures, I mean, some programmes that haven't been removed, and they think there's their reality and they're trying to connect to some lower vibrations, such as the job, they that's not really serving them, the relationship is somehow abusive, or an ex they want to get back with. So, I kind of check for these things first, to see to see where we stand. And then I tune into their body by overlaying their body onto mine, which is a technique I've developed, I don't teach it. Because not everybody is able to do that, you need to be able to set yourself to full neutrality to be able to do that. And even though I teach neutrality tools, with most people still don't attain full neutrality. So, I set their body overlaid over mine and feel how they feel. And I go, picking up what is most important using the energy field and my guides to bring up the most important topic at hand and we go developing it step by step, kind of untangling that yarn. I'm thinking that yeah, I'm figuring out where we need to go next. So that this human feels happy on the earth plane, but also is helpful and useful to others, isn't selfish, because learning about these teachings is still rare, and it makes you a very special person. And we shouldn't really be keeping it to ourselves. So that's part of the journey, when you come to me, the contract you have with the energy field I miss, to also by either by how you feel, help the others or by something else.



I love that, Djali, and I think your important question at the beginning, "are you willing to work on yourself?" is ... some people just want you to wave a magic wand and make it all go away. I mean, I'd love a magic wand, for instance, for me to lose some weight, rather than me having to actually go and do some exercise and eat better. But sometimes you do have to make a decision, okay, I'm going to help myself to work and then when they work with you, that is that beautiful, powerful process can begin. And you speak about your healing. And it's very unique to you, this way that you blend with somebody's energy. And I think you described it as being overlaid over yours, which is really beautiful. So therefore, you can feel what the problems are for that person. Is it based on any particular healing training that you've had in the past? Is this something completely unique to you that you've just brought in and brought in with your soul,



it's quite quite unique. But it is based on the Clairvoyant teaching, I studied and teach.  What we do in that, we tune in to the person's energy, looking at it, and then one of the things we can do is checking the body and chakras to see how the energy is doing in them. And because within the Pranic Healing I was working in before we always go looking at the body and chakra, so I made that the starting point. And somehow the spirit guided me to go and feel it so close, so that I can relate easier. And that way I can really guide other people as well, because I'm really like in them with them. So yeah, it's a combination of the teachings where you learn to tap in to see the energy, to feel the energy. And me having been guided to use it in a different way. And even the clairvoyants who studied the courses with me or the school where I teach, I still teach where I started, when they come to me first time, they are quite amazed. So, by the time they come to me, they've got healing, because the classes have a healing modality, so, so they've kind of moved to a really nice space, usually. And when they get a session with me, they're still like, oh, wow, this is so nice. And it's actually so simple. But not everybody can do it. And it has this profound healing effect and kind of more awareness of where you are in your chakras where you are in your energy body in the physical body.



Wonderful. And is this something Djali, you could offer the people that are listening to this episode with you, that they could perhaps try it at home in this way that they might be able to help themselves in some small way?



Yeah, totally. So, let's do that together. Let's close our eyes. Let's put our palms facing up. And please, if that's available, put your feet flat on the ground because putting your feet flat on the ground provides way easier grounding. And one of the mistakes we make when we learn about energy, when we work with personal development is not being in the body to start with. So, we need to be for years in the body first to be able to be able to step out from the body.  So, we want to feel the grounding in the feet, please.  Feel our buttocks as well, being pulled by the gravity to the earth. And now as breathing through the nose, bringing your energy into the body let's pause behind the eyes at the top and out mouth... Now we are to normal breathing, please stay behind the eyes. That's actually a really powerful tool to be staying behind the eyes. That's where we drive our energy best from, that's how you make yourself most present, with your eyes open as well. If you bring yourself intentionally into the centre of the head, just notice how it feels, that could be a little uncomfortable, that's okay. And we're going to take it a step further. So, I'll give you actually two tools, the centre of the head, bring yourself more back there during the day and in your meditations. And now please feel the chakras channeled in the centre of your body, as if a lit-up pillar. Coming from your coccyx, all the way to the area above your head, about one foot, 30 centimetres, and now become aware if there are any areas that may feel darker and be very kind to them. Don't try to change them or manipulate them. Soften the shoulders and the forehead, if you feel they are striving here, try to get this right with your being the good boy or good girl programming. Let's tell the chakras, where do you see, feel, any pollution, to gently start releasing what is not yours, to energy that's not yours, that looks darker, to liquefy and to flow out of the buttocks and go in a safe and proper manner to recycle into the earth and don’t worry, the earth can take it. Just sit here with a couple more breaths, kind of liquefying the energy that's not yours within your chakras, whether you are fully able to see what is going on there or not. And gently, without pushing, letting it go, through the centre of the body, the chakra channel and out of that first chakra, that looks like an upside-down tornado. As is as if releasing into a cord that is attached to your buttocks like some piping, some suction pipe, beautiful, you can just add this to your daily meditation before or after. Whenever you ready, you can very gently first move the fingers and toes, acknowledging your unembodied.  Please do this every time, there just isn't enough gratitude for us being in the body. It's a golden ticket that very few beings get, then very gently open your eyes. And again, please do this. Always appreciate a room you are in, appreciate whatever is in there. It is all a miracle that someone could put these items together and create walls over there, or furniture, whatever you see. Having come all the way to you. And then appreciate the body you are in, whatever you see, if it's your hands, your legs, an amazing container that holds you for many, many years being able to have the sensations you can't get outside the body. And only when you're ready without any rush. Go to your next step. 



Beautiful. Thank you, Djali, thank you so much. That was really, really lovely. That's so lovely. It's a nice little tool, like you say, people can add that on to their daily practice. That's, that's beautiful. So, do you think everyone can heal themselves Djali? 



To an extent.  So, it depends on the soul contracts you have. And basically, the soul contracts you have do come at different vibrations. So, it's such it’s like a menu you can choose from and depending on how aware you become, the better vibrating contracts you get, so say you may have different contracts for partners for school, for work. And the more you are aware, the kind of yummier thing on the menu you choose. And with that, the more healing you get. So, it comes down to you bringing, being able to bring the awareness, more of your higher self, the portion of you that descends into the body, to help you heal yourself and be aware. And honestly, I think healing is just another definition of becoming more awareness, seeing really who we are, what we can do, where everything is, where it belongs, and not trying to push it and not trying to really fit it into some box.



That's really wonderful. Yeah, just becoming more and more aware of ourselves as an intuitive being. So now what else? Then Charlie, do you use your clairvoyance in the everyday? 



That's a great question, because people don't realise how much easier and richer your life becomes when you do practice these tools. So, I use it when I wake up, to create energy protections. It's really important for someone who works with energy, but honestly, everybody needs at least some basic protections to feel good, because we don't operate in most, if you leave the house, most places don't really feel energy easy. So yeah, I start with that, I start with grounding myself. So that's something that makes me very present. Whenever I feel not present, I bring myself back into the centre of the head, as I showed you, and reground myself, and then I use the tools of yes and no, we have special tools for that when you are not fully in tune with the body. So, it's harder for you to decide. And then I use these tools to decide what the next step is. So that's really nice. So that makes me always float in the day. It doesn't really make me ponder. It doesn't make me rattle. Yeah, I would say probably 95% of my day is regardless of how busy or maybe how tired I work, sometimes it's night hours, because I serve the American times a lot. How tired I may be, I actually feel present and happy. And it's it's really nice. So yeah, did I answer your question? How I use it?



Yeah, that's beautiful. You walk basically one foot in your spirit, self and one foot in your human?



Yes, yes. I'm always, yeah, I'm always aware of the spirit self, I always make the effort to come back into the human, because we have the tendency not to be in the here and it can be not fun. But it is fun when you come to the terms of what it is that, you know, it's a sleepy human, and it can be a painful human, and it can be, it can be an angry human, it can have the emotions.



Yeah, exactly. And do you do clairvoyant readings, Djali? 



Yeah, I do. So, they are part of the coaching sessions. I do readings with them. There's always a place where I ask if they have questions, but the more intune they are with that awareness, the fewer questions they are, because they kind of know the answers. They just need that extra healing. And then I do separate clairvoyant readings for those who are not ready for the process of self-healing that I would give them with the integration exercises. So, every now and then I get someone just wanting a reading on perhaps their work or their relationship. Yes, I do those as well. But yeah, I enjoy incorporating because I don't want you to think that I am just the guide, and you're not able to do anything. I want you to get those eyes too.



Yeah, yeah, that's beautiful. I'm not surprised you're tired, because on your website, you offer so many different forms of reading and workshops. Maybe you could just let everybody know the types of things that you offer on your website, and then actually what your website is, so we can look you up and we can come to you for readings and advice.



Yeah, so you can find me I think the easiest thing is my link tree aggregate link. So that is a link with Link TR t the end dot ee slash djali solutions and djali is like DJ ali solutions together. So that is, DJ ali solutions. And I do a for the one on ones, three main things. So, it's the energy coaching with healing, which is the best thing you can do for yourself. Whether you are ready to do the longer journey that's usually 5-10 sessions, or you just want two or three to kind of figure out your direction, then I have the clairvoyant readings, they are a little shorter. They're just 40 minute, 45 minutes. And then I have just healed sessions. So they are 40 minutes. And those are for people who especially have physical issues, and they just want the healing. So every now and then I get someone, as I said, like skills with skin issues, vaginal pains, I've had transgender people coming to me, to help them through transition. So, the body heals faster after the surgeries. And then I do magical group sessions twice a month, I do in English energy clearings on Zoom, where you see me, I don't see you. And we bring the energy in, and we let go of what isn't yours. And there's always a topic that I'm guided to do. So yesterday I was doing compassion and surrender, that was, in, it was in Spanish, I do one in Spanish in Manchester. And then the English one a few days before that was working with karma, I have been doing karma series. And once a month, I also do a clairvoyant tool workshop, because in the classes that we do, we introduce a tool or more tools within the class. And we may not come back to the nitty gritties of the tool anymore. So then once a month, where we go revisiting the tool, where Ann, most of them are useful for people who even haven't worked with a tool before. So, we have been working, for instance, with downloading more of our highest self, we have been working with for attractions, energy protections. So, topics like that, and these are actually quite low price as well, so that the people who are taking the courses as well, and maybe sessions with me can afford it. And then I do the course, a few times a year, I do a four-week course, there is level one and level two, where you learn how to work with energy with yourself, you will learn how to self-heal and how to help others if you want to, you can use the healing of others modality or not. And then in the second level, you learn to read energy. And you already start peeking into the whole world of astral energy and contracts. You don't really learn how to read contracts just yet there's going to be level three, but you become aware of them, and you become aware of the variety of tools we have, as energy beings, inviting you get real apprehend in the human world, knowing where you come from and what everything you can do with energy can manifest lots of things feel super yummy.



You know, it's so beautiful listening to you talk because I can see you as that young girl of 6, 5, 6 lying in your bed, knowing that you are energy, knowing that you're not this human being, and now, even now all these years later, you speak with such excitement and wonder at, being a human being is kind of strange, right? And teaching people how to use that energy that's innate within them. I think it's beautiful, Djali.



Yeah, I help you awaken back to who you are and make real use of it. 



Yeah, it's really great. And you said of course that you do have classes in Spanish. Do you speak Czech as well? And English? 






Any other languages? I mean, Wow.



Yeah, I speak Dutch. Yeah, I could do this in Dutch. I speak German. I would have to train to do this in German.



But that's incredible. So, you can offer in all these different languages, Czech, Spanish, Dutch, maybe German? Yeah. Slowly. Yeah. Yes, that's amazing. That's really, really beautiful. Fantastic. Good for you. That is really impressive. So, your link, and your workshops can be picked up on your link tree,, which is DJ ali solutions. And of course, that link will be put into the show notes for this episode. And people can find you from my website or go directly to you. And they can pick up all the information on the courses and the readings that you do. 



And there's a freebie, there's a freebie in there that you can use. So, something like we did here. So that is another exercise you can put into your daily practice to feel more present and happy.



Oh, fantastic. So go visit Djali's website, everybody and pick up that freebie and do take a look at all the things that she's offering. And Djali, just say again, because I know you mentioned already that this course is coming out in January. So just again, just remind us of that. 



Yeah, so the course is coming out on January 28, it is on Saturdays.  I do this on Saturdays because I have people from various time zones so that everybody is awake during the time that we do the course, it's a little tricky with Australians but I think we fit.  And the course is four weeks. It's four Saturdays of 120 minutes, it's $250 only so that even the less privileged people could do it. And if you are less privileged, I can put it into instalments as well. And you learn how to tune in to intuition, you get a practice for every day to work with energy, to do tuning in, a little self-healing process, you'll get a spirit guide to work with, which is a magical thing, because the spirit guide has really high vibration and healing properties you can plug into, and then you learn a healing process that you are using during the course. And then for 40 days after and that's kind of aligning your old traumas or the physical issues, you may have your sleeve, maybe a weight, and then you can decide if you want to use it to heal others, or if you just want to use it for yourself for now. And maybe you heal others later. So that is the first level that is starting in January for Saturdays, 120 minutes, every time class and $250. So, you can pay in instalments if you need to.



Amazing. And again, I'll put that link in the show notes as well. So, people can pick that up. And what sort of results are people getting from these sessions with you Djali?



They are just so much more vibrant and happier. It's insane. I get almost every day, I get messages from people who work with me going oh my god Djali, the energy clearing I did, I slept so well. Often the people who are doing the course they get like bigger things or those who are doing the package one on ones. They get like, oh my god, money started flowing into my account, my sex life is better with my husband. So, I take screenshots of these messages, I put them into my Instagram stories, because they're just incredible. It's insane. They lose weight sometimes if they if they need to that aligned to that. So, there's like, is it possible I'm losing weight I had been trying before, but I didn't work. Now all of a sudden, I'm losing weight and I needed to be overall more happy with who they are. Oh, yeah. And there's one thing I really love, they go reconnecting often with their parents they had fallen out with earlier, they may not have been talking to at all or had really bad relationships, kind of like you don't see my parents. And then they go like, Oh, I can actually go and see them up to a point they go on holidays with them. And they kind of spent a few more days. It's not just in and out. Let's do this Christmas dinner. And they go appreciating the teachings that parents have for them. Even in someone human wives, they don't really approve of.



Ah, that is amazing. That's such a beautiful thing to do to heal our relationships with people, and so important just to move that energy along. That's wonderful Djali, congratulations on all of this. You also mentioned your Instagram account. So where can people find you on Instagram? And are you on any other social media platform?



So, I'm on Instagram a lot, under djalisolutions. So that's DJali solutions, and feel free to message me, I love having new followers say hi. And check with when a topic is right now, if they have some kind of intuitive question, then yeah, I do answer that as well. Don't make it too long because that will be a session. And then on Instagram, I also do, I do live, and I put knowledge there. I put something every day. And then if you are not an Instagram person, you can find me on Facebook under Djali Vesela. So, there's DJali and my surname Vesela. You can friend me on Facebook, if you want. And I just started my Tiktok account. So, if you want to see what I'm going to put there, I can be very funny. So, I think I should definitely capitalise on that. I just put a few videos, but there's definitely going to be more soon. And at some point, I will be on YouTube because I have loads of knowledge to share. But yeah, I will not share the account here because there's almost nothing.



Yeah, we'll wait till that grows a little bit. That's wonderful. Congratulations on being present on all those platforms as well. And you know that spirit is always joyful and playful. So, it's wonderful that you're, you've got that lovely sense of humour as well. Djali I just want to say thank you so much for coming on to the Psychic Matters and talking to us today. It's been absolutely beautiful talking to you. Thank you very, very much.



Thank you so much. And you are such a pleasure to talk to, you are such a good host. Your voice is so amazing. And the show is just a pleasure to listen to.



Thank you so much Djali Vesela. 



Thank you



Djali Vesela there everyone, what wonderful work she is doing out there in the world.


Thank you for listening to Psychic Matters – for those who are interested in Mediumship, you might consider coming along on any Tuesday evening throughout the year for a free event called the Mediumship Hour, which takes place online on Zoom from 7pm UK to 8pm.  If you would like to join us, details are under the Events tab on my website – I work with one other medium each week, either Lesley Malone or Tyrone Cusack and sometimes we have surprise guests too, and we work for one hour to bring through messages of love and guidance from your loved ones in the spirit realms.   We’d love to see you there.  Once again if you want to pick up details for that event, the Zoom link, etc., go to my website and click on the Events tab.  


Show notes are available for this episode, and every episode for that matter, just go to the podcast tab, and click on the appropriate podcast page where you will find a full transcript and all the resources that have been mentioned and there will be links there which will take you directly to Djali’s website and social media platforms..


Have a fabulous couple of weeks everyone.  


Don’t forget what Djali says, that your life will become much easier and richer if you too, begin to practice using your intuitive awareness and tune into it on a daily basis.


My name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters.­



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