Psychic Matters!

PM 014: Food, Energy & Its Impact On Your Spirit

Ann Théato with David & Nicola McCarthy

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#014 Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.  This week I am talking to two world experts about many topics, one of which is the philosophy of macrobiotics.  Food contains not only nutrients but energy as well.  We really are what we eat.  All our cells are built on the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe and whatever we ingest, builds our body and our mind.  My next guest, David McCarthy, tells us that he cured his son’s brain cancer by altering his diet and David’s wife, Nicola, tells us that many illnesses and imbalances of the body can easily be cured, simply by choosing the right foods & liquids for our body, which in turn, eliminates blocked energy from the body, mind and spirit, cleaning up mental angst and anxieties and allowing our energy to flow freely.  If you feel you could make some changes of your own, and I know that I sure feel I could make some, this is definitely the podcast for you!  

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CREDITS: Reach by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

Thank you for listening to Psychic Matters!

Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 14.  This is what is coming up! 

When I met David, I was very, very sick, and just through, you know what he’d been through, he showed me a way of healing myself.  I’m a scientist and I’m not a scientist at the same time. Probably more analytical, I’ve got an analytical mind. I don’t think it’s separate from a spiritual connection as well you know; you can have them both.  I was studying food and knew food was important. I’d been studying scientifically everything, but I knew that the answer wasn’t just the food, it was in the energy of the food, it was in the energy of us, there is a spiritual aspect to us as well as a physical and what macrobiotics does, it connects the food and the energy of the food to the spiritual aspects.  Really when you heal, it is not just the food that is healing, it is everything that you do that heals you.

This week I am talking to two world experts about many topics, one of which is the philosophy of macrobiotics.  Food contains not only nutrients but energy as well.  And we really are what we eat.  All our cells are built on the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe and whatever we ingest, builds our body and our mind.  My next guest, David McCarthy, tells us that he cured his son’s brain cancer by altering his diet and David’s wife, Nicola, tells us that many illnesses and imbalances of the body can easily be cured, simply by choosing the right foods & liquids for our body, which in turn, eliminates blocked energy from the body, mind and spirit, cleaning up mental angst and anxieties and allowing our energy to flow freely.  If you feel you could make some changes of your own, and I know that I sure feel I could make some, this is definitely the podcast for you!  


I have two extraordinary guests on the show this week - a wife and husband team, both experts in their respective fields; and between them they hold a phenomenal amount of knowledge.  They have studied Ayurveda, veganism, kinesiology, reflexology, healing in the forms of crystals, and reiki, trance, they’ve studied, EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Re-imprinting, psychic skills & mediumship.  They studied Macrobiotics at the esteemed Kushi Institute of Europe in Amsterdam and with highly regarded tutors over in the USA.  And since then, they have gone on from strength to strength, owning their own macrobiotic café, two natural health food shops, an online macrobiotic store and in 2016 they opened the Kushi Macrobiotic School here in the UK.  They supply macrobiotic food to Hollywood A listers & have been featured in many magazines, and I’m absolutely thrilled to welcome them here to the studio today.  Nicola & David McCarthy – welcome to Psychic Matters! 


David & Nicola

Thank you very much for inviting us, thank you.  It’s a pleasure to be here.



It’s so great to talk to you. Half of the things I’ve just mentioned in the introduction I don’t even know what they are so, I’m really excited to talk to you, so I’m going to hand over to you David, for you to just tell us in your own words about the work that you do and start where ever you wish to start because your lives sound fascinating.



Okay well I suppose really, I should start with a bit of my beginning into the pathway, which I suppose was when I was a child, strangely enough. I used to have, I had a visitor most evenings, it was a Nun I used to see, and she would be praying and doing her rosary over me and I felt that she was guiding me. And she was with me pretty much every night. Actually, probably since I was about nine or 10 and we moved house. And I used to think, you know, afterwards you know, you think oh I well was that me just making this up? It wasn’t, it felt really real.  And I remember telling my mum about it, probably when I was about eight and my mum said oh, I’ll come in and have a word with her. Well my mum came in and she saw her and she said you don’t need to be around us as much now, you know, we’re looking after him more, don’t worry, don’t worry and my brother used to sleep in the same, in the bed next to me. He occasionally saw her as well, so, because I thought you know, am I just making this up?  But it was very real to me and I felt very comforted by it. But you know, the spiritual side of my life was sort of there always in the background after we moved house. And you know, I had a great aunt who used to do the tea leaves, amazingly, we used to see her every week. And a Great Uncle who was actually quite a well-respected medium and healer. And we’d often go around and we’d just talk and then have readings, you know, he’d always give us a reading every time we went round, which was quite amazing. But actually, for a teenager, you’re thinking oh well, you know, this is a little bit… oh it’s okay I just accept it, but you know, I didn’t think anything more at it, it was just normal for me. And one of his readings, very interestingly, and it was what my brother remembers really strongly, he, I think I was about 14 at the time and my brother was 17. And we went round, and he said that I can see that, oh I can see you both working in white coats. And you are both doing very well, oh yes and David, I can see that you are going to find a cure for cancer.  Well that had an impact on my brother. For me I just thought oh that’s interesting but nothing else.  And my brother was more of a scientist and he’s gone on to become a professor of applied health, like an alternative health really, so, and I think he took a bit of umbrage at the time and was a bit surprised because he was a much more studious one than me.  Anyway, I just took it as it was and prayed lightly and I went on to University and was guided to do pharmacy by my brother.  I wanted to help people, I always wanted to help people it was just natural in me to do that.  So, I studied pharmacy and I went out and then I wanted to just help to heal people, you know, in my own way.  As a pharmacist I was a bit different to the others. I was very studious actually, but I was also very cautionary, and I was always trying to put people off taking medications. But apart from that was very successful which is a bit strange, but you know I would say do you really need to take that? And do you really understand this and… Anyway, so life went on and I became very successful, very, very successful. I had a chain of shops and I was doing really well and then, I just, you know, I had a wife and we had a son, and I came home from work to pick my son up from school and you know, he had heavy bags, and I picked him up and his bags are really heavy and I thought oh crikey and he had a stiff neck. Anyway, we went on a walking holiday, it was very active, very physically, you know, I was a bit of a mad runner and a keep fit freak. And we came back from the holiday and it turned out my son had an inoperable brain tumour and he had four weeks to live. 



Oh, my goodness. 




And nothing in what I’d been doing for years would help. No drug, no medicine. And various ones were offered but I knew that none of them worked. And I thought well why are you doing this? You know, I just couldn’t. So, it threw me out completely as to where I was and everything in life, so I change my life from that day, Friday the 13th. For a few years after that I was a bit wary about Friday the 13th. Anyway, so, I knew deep inside there was something, there is always an answer out there and I was forever the optimist. Well, we changed our diet overnight and that is when I became vegan the first time.  I knew diet was important, but I didn’t know how. And I’d met people and luckily, I could network quite well. And speaking to people in America who were experts in the field at the time. We changed our diet, we changed many things, my brother who was also a herbalist, always erring more on the natural side, and we came up with a regime and we got rid of the tumour. It went from the size of a large orange down to nothing. And we felt excited but very nervous. Unfortunately, the tumour came back very quickly after a year or so but again I found some more natural therapies and managed to get rid of it but then when we were really excited about it and we’re going to go to the press because it was a miracle, my son passed away very quickly with septicaemia.  Within just a few hours he had gone from being apparently healthy, to not and he passed away very quickly.  So, you know he set me on my path for the rest of my life and, you know, that was one of the reasons he was around and I’m forever grateful really for what he went through for me. And for what he let me experiment on him in a way to, you know, to prove that there is more to life than medicines and everything and really since then, I’ve committed to know what I did exactly and how did it work. I’m an avid studier and I’ve just carried on studying and studying and studying.  And then, my then wife was an agnostic and not a believer and I knew that when my son had passed, I sort of felt the day he was going to be taken, and I knew afterwards that he was not dead he was just somewhere else, I just knew it, you know, I didn’t have any doubt about it at all. My wife, my then wife, just didn’t believe any of that. So, I thought we’ll go to mediums. I went to a couple of mediums, who, I mean I didn’t know any mediums at the time, this was 20 odd years ago and I managed to find some mediums who didn’t have any clue who I was, in the middle of nowhere in Kent. And I just got the most amazing readings and the most amazing evidence.  He came through within six weeks which, you know, the mediums say, you know it might be a bit too soon.  But yes, it was amazing, and it continued to be amazing and then I thought well I need to develop more because I wanna connect with him. So, then, you know, I went to a local spiritual centre and used to go along and listen to different mediums and joined some circles. And all the time, whenever I’d meet people, I’d be getting get more and more amazing evidence and Jonathan would do amazing things. On his first anniversary of his passing, I thought, oh well we’ll just get people together even though it’s a bit sad and I suppose I was still a more sad than happy at those times still and still aching for the loss of him, and we got the people together in the house and it was in the daytime, and we had to put the lights on because it was a bit dark outside and then all the lights just blew in the house. And it was a bit strange, and then about 10 minutes after, I went into his bedroom and on the ceiling, was a heart shape in the ceiling about a meter and a half wide. Heart-shape caused by a burst in the water which had, for whatever reason, yeah, had happened. 






And it stayed there for ages afterwards.  And I thought wow, that’s pretty impressive.  How do you work things out like that? Well he just kept doing amazing things and working things out and so even I would see them and feel them. And then, and I was doing more and more with a spiritual church as the years went on and then I was studying under Tony Stockwell at the time.  Before he became famous really, he used to run some events and training over in a, like a sports centre over in Essex and I used to go there.  He really, it was amazing, he gave me some amazing evidence and he built me up and I started to develop myself more.  In a circle then I very quickly went into trance very quickly and the energy was very strong and it was really freaky for me, I were wondering what was going on but it just comes very naturally for me to do that, it’s just very naturally for me to fall into that state and for them to come very close to me.  Then as time went on, I was doing more with the local church then one day they said, I got a phone call saying Colin Fry is coming, do you want to come and see him at the church?  Just come along you don’t have to pay, don’t worry if it’s going to be busy, there’ll be no seats left.  So I said I’m busy really, I’ve been working hard. I put the phone down and then I got a big hand on my back.  Be aware, I was driving the car at speed on the motorway at the time and probably not really shouldn’t have been on the phone, but anyway I got a big hand on my back pushing me, and I thought okay, I going to go, I’m going to go.  So, I thought that was really strange, that was the first time that happened to me. So, I went to the church, I got a reading from Colin Fry that night, which was the most amazingly accurate reading I’ve had up until that point, it was amazing. Anyway, at the end of the evening, the lady who organised it, the event, said oh he’s going to do a writing day of mediumship channelling day, do you want to come? I thought, well I’m not really interested in writing & channeling, but I thought yeah, I’ll go because he’s given me an amazing reading. So we got a few people together and there was going to be five of us going and I was going to be the driver really and I was the one who was driving, that’s what I was doing and I thought that’s it, so I lived in Kent at the time and it was on a Sunday. So one of the people cancelled the night before and then I got in the car and another one cancelled and I drove down the motorway, another one cancelled.  Drove further down the motorway another one cancelled and I thought oh well now I’m driving all the way to Sussex and I don’t even really want to go, on a Sunday morning when I could think of better things to be doing.  Anyway so I drive to Sussex and I go into Colin Fry’s workshop. I was a little late there was only, I opened the door and there was only one chair left and, this is where somebody else might say a few things. 



Hello Ann.



Hello Nicola. 



Yeah, and then I was the lady sitting next to the empty chair. I mean, I looked up, saw David walk in and it was the most odd sensation I’ve ever had in my life. I just looked up from where I was sitting, saw him walk through the door and thought oh my goodness that’s my husband.  At the time I was married, I had two children, and yeah, it was, I just didn’t understand it at all. I was, yeah, I mean, I was there, learning to channel better, I guess. I mean, my sort of story really was black sheep of the family I guess, really. The one that you know, sensed a lot, was very sensitive, you know didn’t really understand the world around me, you know, because I was just different, and I didn’t understand that at the time.  And kind of just grew up, really not really having anybody to talk to about this feeling and these kind of strange things that went on around me, because nobody really understood.  And really it took a long time to sort of find myself.  You know, I go out with the family, and we’d go out for days, you know, and my dad will be driving a car, and I’d know where we were going. And we never been there before. You know, we’d turn the corner and I’d know the street road, I’d know the name that was going to be coming up on the street and had never been there before. And all these odd things, you know, and I always felt that I was kind of being, you know, being suppressed and you know, because other people didn’t really understand it and thought oh you know, it’s a little bit odd and it’s probably best not to talk about that.  And really it was, I suppose, in my 30’s I guess, my early 30’s that I started to feel a little bit more confident, I think Mediumship was starting to be a bit more accepted. I don’t think it was really on the television so much, I think it was still very much taboo. But there were more people, you know, writing books and things and I felt a bit more comfortable. And I got interested and found there was a local, you know, kind of, an evening going on in our hometown in Haywoods Heath, where we lived at the time in Sussex. And I thought you know; I’m going to go to that.  It was a talk about spiritualism. And I was absolutely enthralled. I just sat there and thought I’m home.  These people understand me.  I understand everything that everybody is talking about.  Everybody feels like a friend.  It was just quite, you know, a revelation really.  And, I felt very, very happy. And I just remember, I mean, I didn’t have any confidence then, I’m quite a different person now, I just sat there, and at the end I just put my hand up and I said you know, can you recommend a medium?  And they just looked at me as if I was a bit strange and they said well, Colin Fry - he lives just down the road. And I didn’t even know at the time who Colin Fry was.  You know, I mean, for people that are listening, they may well not know who Colin Fry is.  He has sadly passed away now but at the time he was, you know, a very, very popular medium, very good, you know, and he had a very popular TV show called Sixth Sense.  And little did I know but he lived just a few roads away from me and I was quite lucky to have found him at that time.  And I was, I mean I just went along, I went along to a few of his workshops and I found that this kind of feeling that I’d had all my life, you know, really was mediumship, it was the real deal and very quickly I discovered that, yeah, you know, I could connect to something that was really quite amazing and I decided to find a circle you know that all came very naturally.  I found something very quickly.  And developed myself there.  And then my children started school and things were very quiet in my life and I had this kind of peace and I don’t know, I expect other people will resonate, you get this peace in your life, this emptiness and then something comes to fill it doesn’t it?  And I just started to have voices you know saying, you know, pick up a pen, pick up a pen and paper.  I’m not a writer, I’m more of a creative artist, and so I picked up this pen and I thought goodness, you know, what am I doing?  And just these words were almost being dictated through my head and I just started writing and copying down what they were telling me. And I just wrote pages and pages of very wise words and I was shocked at the end of it. I mean, I just knew that there was no way that it was me, you know, I wasn’t an academic. I had failed my English at school several times. There were words that I’d written that I didn’t even know what the words meant. I spoke to a good friend at the time who said Nicola you didn’t write that, and I said no I didn’t write that. And I just thought, well I’ve got to understand this.  So, when I found this channelling workshop at Colin’s I thought yeah, I’ve got to go along to that and see what he’s got to say about this. And from that moment on, I mean, I met David, you know, we very quickly became a couple, and I knew that we’ve known each other before. We just had. We’ve since done past lives. The most incredible and actually, the most emotional stories have come up about, just seeing ourselves, I’ve got the most vivid memories of our past being healers together in, is it Mongolia, where we were just years and years ago, where we were in a very quiet little place on a mountainside, helping people who would just pop by and pick up, you know, natural healing potions and remedies and herbs and things. And I just could clearly see it in my mind. And then David was taken by men on horseback. He was just taken away, struggling, and I never saw him again. And that was, I can say it now without crying, but for years, that point got me. Because it was, it is so real. And there is actually many, many, memories so I knew we had a connection in the past and this is why, you know, when I saw him it was, you know, he’s back.  And really together we continued our spiritual journey.  As David mentions he had already met Tony Stockwell.  And we continued sort of studying and actually ran some events in fact, with Tony.



Yeah, we did, we got him down to some big events, the first one’s he’d done, big ones down in Sussex and we enjoyed that. And he’d come round our house to do readings for people when we lived in Sussex. And so it was great, and it was good ‘cos I love his energy, I love his positivity.  Yeah, he was ready to take on the world.  Then not long after that really, that time, he became famous too, he got on television and got a contract and it was really good for spiritualism to spread it out that way.  And I remember, we see Tony every now and then, don’t we?  We go off and see him and catch up maybe at a workshop or something like that at his centre in Essex and then, but one of the workshops we got him down for, a weekend, we did table tilting.



Oh yes.





And table tilting is like yeah, good and you’re thinking oh yeah, this is good but maybe it could be made up a bit.  And my son obviously was with quite a gang of people who had quite a lot of energy and he would come through very, very strongly and had a lot of high energy.  And we did a table tilting session with Tony that he has never seen or experienced since or before. It was in a village hall, it was a big hall, and the room was probably I don’t know, 150 feet long or something like that and we did the table tilting and the table tilting was so strong that we were chasing the table up the room, with just barely one finger on it each and there was two or three of us just managing to keep up with the table it was going that fast. 



Yes, we all had to run, and every time we see Tony, he brings back that story because it’s just it was just amazing. Yeah, Jonathan, has been a big presence in my life.  Sadly, I never met him but he, you know, his energy is just so pure and so positive and so high.  For many years you know, he would just come through and I would have conversations with him.  And it was quite odd really. He would usually come through when we were sitting together as a family at mealtimes and just bring, he’d bring songs, with like, just one line of a song and it was particularly relevant to the moment that we were going through. But he would be through all sorts of memories, he would bring through names of people that we should be meeting. We’ve had the most serendipitous meetings with people which, if I told you, you just would never believe, and I knew that it was Jonathan who was just lining things up for us. One day he just said to me, go up to the spare bedroom and you will see me on the floor. And I thought, what? And as I was going up the stairs, there was this sense of excitement, “I’m going to show myself to you, I’m going to show myself to you.” And I went up to the bedroom and it was a beautiful sunny day, and I looked in the room, and I looked straight down and there was his profile on the floor as a shadow. And I called David and we just took a photograph because we could not believe it. It was exactly his profile on the floor, as a shadow.



Amazing.  Amazing.







Once I was visiting my parents, I was sleeping on the floor and they had a little flat down in Bournemouth.  And I was sleeping on the floor there when I was visiting them and in the middle of the night, I just woke up, and I felt somebody around me, and I felt it was Jonathan around me and it felt really wonderful. And then, I felt a weight on me, and then, it was like I was being cuddled, and then, I was thinking this is amazing maybe I could be making this up in my mind, and then the sheets were pulled back from under my chin to below my waist. Wow. That blew my mind. But it was the love, and the feeling, it was just amazing, it was just really amazing. He’s done so many wonderful things. 



So yeah, I mean, he really is incredible. And just one more story. Because it’s just amazing. This one, I have so many stories, Ann, but sadly I don’t write many things down. This one just really sticks in my mind. We were in Florida and we were coming back to the airport, and it has been a particularly busy trip. As we were leaving the house that we were staying in, I remember saying to David, it’s funny Jonathan’s not really been around this holiday. Because normally he’d be talking to us or showing himself. And we’ve got a daughter between us, Kerry, and Kerry at that moment, she ran out of the bedroom and she said, oh look what I just found in your bedside locker, Daddy.  And it was a bookmark with a ‘J’ on it. 






It didn’t belong to us it was somebody who had stayed there before. As I said this, and we just laughed and we thought wow, that’s a sign you know.  We went and got in the car and we were driving back to the airport. And we hadn’t had the radio on the whole holiday. Not at all in the car. And after about two hours of driving, suddenly the radio came on and just said Jonathan. And then the radio went off.



Oh my goodness.



It was amazing.  Absolutely amazing.



We were, you know, America, everywhere is a long way to drive isn’t it? We were another couple of hours driving with no radio on. The radio comes on again, bearing in mind we are driving to the airport, and it comes on and it’s just one line of a Phil Collins song that comes on the radio and that’s “In the air tonight.”



Oh wow, beautiful.



He is so clever, he’s so clever.



And spirit you know, this is spirit, spirit are so clever. I’ve gone on and I do readings myself. It’s not the main part of my work, which, you know I’m sure we’ll touch on very briefly in a minute.  I absolutely love giving readings. I give readings by Zoom, you know, or in person. But, you know, often spirit will come through and they will just give the most simple messages but they mean so much to somebody. I mean very recently I had a man that came through and he said, I’ve got this pink cashmere jumper that he wanted to give to his daughter and I just thought, I can’t give that, that’s so weak, pink cashmere jumper, you know, and she said, that’s what she cuddles, the only thing that she has of his is his pink cashmere jumper and that is what absolutely what comforts her when she needs him. So, it’s kind of like, these little things, that really means so much. They really do. 



Yes, so there’s been lots of really amazing evidence with Jonathan through the years. Just one more through the years. And just one more. We were at the Arthur Findlay College one day and we had a reading from, gosh I can’t remember the ladies name, I’m sorry, she was a medium from Blackburn, one of the tutors there, she’s been tutoring there for years.  She, oh gosh, she’s from Blackburn, amazing medium, anyway, amazing teacher.  We were in this room, set aside overlooking the lawn.  And the window was open. It was a warmish day.  It was a big room, a really big room.  Anyway we were in there. And Jonathan always brings me butterflies, because we had something when he was alive about butterflies, about two particular ones, particularly which were relevant to him and what we saw, and we used to joke about. Anyway, through the reading, the reading itself was amazing, a butterfly came to the window and I thought oh there you go that’s Jonathan and I could just see that, and the medium didn’t spot the butterfly. Then it came through the window, you know it’s a big room so it’s like you know, and the window was high up, you know, in these big stately homes.



Actually, what David is not telling you, is that at this point he was telling the medium that he showed himself as a butterfly. 



Oh, I see. 



And this butterfly had come through the window. 



And then the butterfly flies straight onto my nose, while the reading is going on. 



That is just beautiful. 



And it sits there, probably for about three or four minutes, like, what is the chances of that, like, wow, just feel that love, it was amazing, anyway, yeah. 



That is incredible.  Such beautiful stories and there is so much there to unpack within what you’ve just said.  Let’s go back just a tiny bit. What you were just saying there Nicola about, it’s the little things that mean so much. And I think as mediums, we have to be aware that if we get something that seems so insignificant and we question whether to give it across, we must always give what we get, because it could be the most vital piece of information ever. 



Absolutely, I mean, you can’t keep anything from your client, however insignificant it might seem. I had a lady and, I just, all I could see was a birthday cake. And singing around a birthday cake. And these siblings, these little children singing around a birthday cake and with one candle in the middle. And I just gave that one piece of information to the lady, and she stopped the reading in fact, because she was so excited, she needed to go and give the information to her daughter immediately. Because it was the child, it was her daughter’s child, it was her first birthday the day before, and she had died at birth. And they had had a birthday cake with the siblings and sat around singing happy birthday the day before. And, you know, it’s like, you know, you think, oh yeah, it’s a birthday cake with one candle, you know… but yeah, that was kind of.. you know…



Yes, that was it for her.






So I was going to say, as you are talking and sharing all the stories between you, I was going to start off by saying, David I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, but actually what I wanna say is, my goodness you haven’t lost him at all. He is so very present. 



Still to this day yes, it’s amazing, amazing. And you know, initially I thought oh gosh, like, you know they say, oh don’t get too attached to them in the spirit world because you’ll stop their development, but that from my understanding just hasn’t happened.  He has just developed so much. And it’s amazing, and it’s great that he comes in and, yeah, pokes fun at me and yeah, guides us in all our life still. It’s amazing, so, yeah so, I don’t, of course I miss his physical contact. And it took me quite some years to get through that. But actually, I had this big understanding the whole time that he’d not gone, that I was going to see him again, time passes and, you know, and I know he’s there and I know he is happier than he could ever be, and he understands so much more from such a greater perspective, than I could ever understand from where I am here and really I’m not worried. So, you know, that’s really where I am. So yeah, people you know, often when you say that, oh you’ve lost a son, you know, it’s a pity and sadness they feel, but you know, he gave me a life, and he’s given me a life now and he’s give me a reason to live. If I just lived doing what I was doing before, being a successful pharmacist and successful businessman, I might have all the worldly goods that I want, but I wouldn’t be happy. 






You’d be empty you know.  And I think he really did guide us together. There is no doubt in my mind. David wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Jonathan sort of pushing him to be there on that morning. And really, by meeting David, it completely changed my life. When I met David I was very, very sick and just through, you know what he’d been through, he showed me a way of healing myself.



Yes, because at the time I was, so it’s like, I’m a scientist, and I’m not a scientist at the same time. But probably more analytical. I’ve got an analytical mind I suppose, which is what a scientist to much extent and I don’t think it’s separate from a spiritual connection as well, you know, you can have them both. So I was studying food and I knew food was important, and I knew that supplements and goodness knows what, which fitted my pharmacy background, you know, if it can pack it into a pill, which is what I supplement is, I could understand those, and I knew a lot of top researchers at the time in the world and had contacts with them and knew what was coming out and coming through.  At the time after losing Jonathan, I went to help other children with cancers particularly. And then adults and then different people with many different conditions, so, and then, I just wanted to keep studying and understanding what was going on and I tried many approaches, but generally diet was number one and supplements on top of that and then herbs but I found that the approach wasn’t perfect that I was using, and it could be, you know, sometimes after a few months you would need to change it and tweak it and it felt a bit like the medicine approach that I’d been doing for years with drugs and goodness knows what, medicines rather, I shouldn’t say drugs.  And then when I met Nicola, I was still studying avidly and trying to find the answers and I knew the answer was out there, and I was just trying to find out exactly what I’d done with Jonathan, exactly how I turned it round and the mechanisms involved. When I met Nicola, she wasn’t well, and I tried my Ayuveda on her that I’d been studying then for five years and other more natural approaches. And some things got better, and some things got worse. 



Yeah, I basically, I was suffering with life-threatening allergies, I had, well I believe it was rheumatoid arthritis, my whole family had it, I’d never been diagnosed but I was in so much pain with my joints. I had depression, hormonal problems, I couldn’t sleep at night, I had anxiety issues, I was very overweight so there were lots of issues.



Sounds like you’re describing me actually Nicola!



There was lots to sort out and you know, I was only in my mid 30s and I met this man who is vegan and I thought oh my God, you know, what am I gonna do I can’t do this, but then actually little by little I made some changes and then we found something together called macrobiotics.   I won’t go into this too much because it’s not really the subject here but what it is really the energy of food. 



And what it does for me, is really, what macrobiotics, it’s like, it had a good name in the 60s and then in the 70s it went a bit off.  It was like a brown rice diet people think and it is a bit of a cult, but it’s nothing like that, it’s just a philosophy and understanding.  But what it  was for me that made the difference with it, was that I’d been studying scientifically everything for so long, that when I looked, and it was just the food, but I knew that the answer wasn't just the food, it was in the energy of the food, it was in the energy of us, there is a spiritual aspect of us as well as a physical.  And what macrobiotics does is it connects the food and the energy of the food to the spiritual aspects.  So really when you heal, you know, it’s not just the food that’s healing, it’s everything you do that heals you. So, for me it just blew my mind and it answered all the questions that I’d been studying and looking into and trying to find answers to for years and it united everything that I’d been studying together. 



But you know essentially, I got completely better, within two weeks, just by changing my diet. I was very, very sick you know, and I have been, you know, I was the sickly one, you know it’s like every month I’d be in bed with flu or upset tummy or sickness bug, or..sickness bug.. or …



So, Nicola what did you do? Because I’m very interested in this and I’m sure loads of people are as well, you know, our diet is so, I think, can be so haphazard and what did you do to change, to make yourself healthy within two weeks?  How did you do that? What did you eat?



Okay well I just went; it wasn’t necessarily what I wanted to do at the time because we were just doing this from a little book, and we didn’t really understand quite what we were doing. But it was essentially going back to probably what our great grandparents would have eaten. So, you know, foods that are around us. So they would’ve grown their own food, wouldn’t they? They would’ve grown fruit and vegetables, so it was seasonal fruit and vegetables, things that are in your locality so are very good for us at that time of year, but I was told this little story you know if you’re eating tropical fruit…






It’s meant for people that are living in the tropics.



I believe this very strongly too.



Yes so you know the energy of that food fits the energy of those people. So those people that are living in a hot, you know, sticky, clammy, climate, they need their bodies to be cooled down so that they can, you know, cool themselves down feel more relaxed, you know, if you’re more kind of uptight and, you know, rushing around in a tropical climate you’re going to get very sick. Need your body to be relaxed and cool and calm. And even if you think about this people, you know, if you think about this chilled people, you know you get that vibe don’t you when you go to the Caribbean. That’s the food that they’re eating. It’s creating that. So just by changing my diet to seasonal local foods, you know fruit and vegetables, I cut out a lot of things that I was particularly drawn to. And then whole grain’s as well. And you think oh no brown rice that’s boring.  It’s far from boring. I don’t do boring. And I always say to people if you eat boring, you’re going to be boring. You know because you are what you eat. And if you eat interesting variety and textures and flavours and colours, then that’s what you are going to be. That sounds 




See, that sounds fantastic on paper and that sounds very inspiring however in practice this is where I fall down and perhaps I speak to others, when I think, oh my goodness I hate cooking, I can’t stand being in the kitchen, I don’t want to cook in there for ages, you spend ages preparing a meal and it’s gone in five minutes, and then you have to wash it all up, it’s just exhausting.



I completely get that. That’s where I came from, I was tired, so essentially if you feel like that you generally feel tired to start with, so you don’t really have the inspiration to start with. You don’t have that kind of inspiration even to find out what it is you need to do, or the energy to stand there and cook it. And then you know you eat it and like you say it’s gone and that’s it. But actually, when you start to change and, you know in the past what we’ve done is you know, we’ve taught people for like 12 days. So, they’ve come to us for 12 days and have eaten with us for 12 days.  And they change. I mean, they completely change. Mind, body, spirit. They leave here crying, they don’t want to leave. 



Oh, how nice.



And you know you see the transformation in people you know, after two or three days they start to, I mean it’s a horrible word, but we call it discharge, it’s kind of like they are discharging all of that from inside, it’s not a detox. I don’t like that word detox. Because it’s like, we are just cleaning up our body.



Yes cleansing and refreshing. 



Yeah, But we are not just cleaning up our body, we are cleaning up our mind, we are cleaning up our spirit, you know, stuff comes out in dreams. Our dreams are what we’ve eaten. It is the energy of the food that we’ve eaten that are creating the dreams that we have at night. I don’t dream. I don’t dream at all. If I go out to eat at a restaurant I dream. Because, you know, if you think about it, you know, when we do, for the listeners that understand psychometry, when you hold something like, you know, I started off holding items, I was so embarrassed about doing readings to start with, I would just hold something of somebody else’s and then do a little reading of that thing. And I would hold like a Dictaphone and I would just do this little reading into a Dictaphone and then hand everything back to somebody. Because it was just you know, I’d feel this energy and I would get this whole story around what it was I was holding.


We’ll the same is with food, you know, if you think you have got lovely vegetables that have been grown in beautiful soil by a lovely farmer and you know, it is all cultivated lovely and it’s fed pure clean water and nice fertiliser, you know, you are eating really good healthy food, but it’s also the energy. If you are eating, I don’t want to get too dark about this, but if you are eating a cow that has had a terrifying death, that has been injected with antibiotics all of its life to keep it, you know, so we can eat it at the end of the day, we are ingesting that and we are ingesting all of that energy from that cow.  And this is what I see so much with people, you know.  Once they have actually cleaned away all of that energy from what they have taken on board, they are completely clear, and they change so much it is unbelievable.  And so much of their mental angst and anxieties go.  So yes, I mean food, I am so passionate about food.



Yes, I can feel that, it’s so lovely.



You know the changes you make, you have to make at your own pace, so I can make changes quickly and Nicola had to go slowly, but what we find is that each time you make a change it has an effect and it moves you in the right direction I think.



And you know what Ann, when you feel so full of vitality and you are so full of energy and you feel so much younger than you used to feel.  I feel younger now than I did when I started this.  I’m 53 now or very nearly 53 and I started this when I was in my mid 30’s and at that time I couldn’t make a meal and now I make all the meals. And I enjoy it and you know, it has created my life and what we teach people is, it actually creates you dream, because by eating in a balanced way, which is essentially what we teach, is eating in a balanced way, you become balanced in your mind, your body and your spirit.  So you can see things in a very, very, you get so much clarity.



Sorry Nicola, so how would that affect somebody’s mediumship or psychic?



It just blows it out of the water.



It really cleans. Because what you are doing is, you are clearing your energy centres in your body, you’re clearing blockages out of the way, you’re clearing your own beliefs. It’s helping to move everything forward in a way and out of you.



You are clearing your channels. So if you think you know, people who understand chakras.  We’ve got these chakras, and if you have a blockage in a chakra you can try and realign it, rebalance it with a colour or a crystal…



I tell you as an example I do that, you know, when I do healing, people want healing and I give them healing and there are different healings I can do and I can do them with the voice or with spirit or chanting as well, and trance, and I can heal somebody and I can rebalance them shall we say their chakras and their energy centres, but if they are doing what they were doing before, then the next time I see them, then it has come back again.  So, it’s really if you do the food and do the basics, the basic building blocks of your body, and alter those, then you change, and you remove those blockages.



And how do you keep people motivated to continue?



They feel so good you can’t go back. 



They feel so good they can’t go back. This is the thing.  Once you have actually felt that feeling and experienced it.  And also, I mean, we see, we coach people online and we also teach people, so we travel the world teaching, we also have people come to our home.  We kind of basically we try to get to people however we can get to people and help them.  You know, we have seen so many people change.  And the ones that really make the biggest changes are the people that are sick.  Macrobiotics really, so long as somebody can swallow food and eat, even if they are like, and I am obviously not making any claims here at all, but I have personally witnessed many, many, people who have completely turned their lives around.  We have a friend, Meg, who lives out in the states, she has got an incredible story, I mean people can find her book and ready her story but she had breast cancer and it went to both breasts, she had to have a mastectomy then the, as it often does, people don’t make changes and they continue living and eating their life the way that they were doing and not really understanding that it is that which is causing the sickness, and it went into her bones and then she got various other cancers throughout her body and she had to have, as awful as it is, she had to have her leg removed because it had gone so into the bones and she was told you know, go home it is time to pass, you are going to pass away.  And she found an article on macrobiotics in a magazine and she found somebody who could come in and teach and help her and make food for her because she was very, very sick.  And she regained health.  I mean this is, it must be twenty years ago now and she is a great advocate now of health and well-being and macrobiotics and what it did for her. But you know, we have seen this time and time again with many of our clients too.



Yes, this huge turnaround from being so ill to being so very healthy.



But you know it’s not just your physical health, it’s the way that you see life.  And I often say to people, it’s like for me personally somebody lifted a veil from my face, from my eyes and I started to see the world completely differently and that happened very quickly for me.  I have had two people actually that have commented, they’ve not heard me say that, but they’ve commented very similar kind of words.  Somebody said the colours in the world were brighter, suddenly everything was brighter and somebody else said, it was like looking through the clouds and there is a new world.  And I just thought that was amazing because it’s just yeah, I mean, I get so excited about food.



Exciting. Well, you’ve totally convinced me that I have definitely got to make some changes in my diet for sure.  But I guess you know, we are great as human beings at putting blocks up in front of ourselves and giving reasons as to why we can’t do it, so two that I can think of is number one, where do we get this food from?  This very good nutritious food? Because every time I go and buy vegetables, they are tasteless and disgusting and if I buy organic it comes to the point of, it’s very expensive and how can we, on such a small budget, eat well and …?



It is possible, yeah, because I, strangely enough there’s a lady a few years ago and she had leukaemia and her husband didn’t earn much money and they had three children and she managed to resolve her issues on 50 pounds a week with her budget.





Yeah. So it’s really knowing …



That’s doable.



For that to feed 5 people, that’s amazing.



It is really, I suppose it’s being guided in the first place, because you know, we need guidance, don’t we? Whatever we do in our life, if it’s something we don’t know, we need guidance.  So, it’s having a little bit of guidance and understanding and although we recommend adding things into our diet, if you just think about some of the things that we do spend no money on, that we probably wouldn’t necessarily need or be drawn to any more, and it kind of balances out.  It always does.



Yes, yes. 



So yeah. You don’t always have to go for the most expensive option. So where you make probably more of a saving in some areas, you might want to spend more in others, such as the vegetables. And you know, when you get that sense of change, you just have to do it.  



And you are investing in your own health then, and when you feel the results, you can feel the benefits of that investment. 



I never feel like I’m missing out, you know. I have so many people asking me all sorts, the same questions time and time again. What do you do when you go out? Don’t feel like you are missing out? Well, we used to before lockdown, you know we used to go out once a week because, you know, we want to, we want to eat the best food we can find and you always feel the energy of that food.  And usually the next day you don’t feel so good.



No, that’s true.  You feel terrible and you feel sluggish.



Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you don’t do your best work and you don’t make the best decisions.  You might miss amazing opportunities because you just, miss them. I really see it as macrobiotics.  Which just means macro, which means big and bios means life.  It is a philosophy because it’s not a diet.



You see, I didn’t know that, I didn’t realize it was a huge philosophy. 



It’s just philosophy. The Superstars, you know, a lot of the celebrities that eat macrobiotics, I mean, Madonna for instance, she’s in her 60s now isn’t she and she still kind of running around and doing amazing things. Woody Harrelson for instance, as you were saying on the intro, I mean years ago I just had a sudden call saying he’s working, making a film…



Now You See Me 2 was it?



Now You See Me 2 and there was a couple of scenes where it was food related.  They were in China Town and they were in an Italian restaurant or something.  And he is so passionate about macrobiotics and the way that it has created his life, and makes him feel and he is very eco-conscious and he wouldn’t eat any of the food, you know, they needed to film him eating the food, so they just said, can you make him something?  We need ten 15-inch pizzas by this afternoon, so yeah…



How amazing..and so if somebody wants to come and see you, tell me what you are offering to people both of you.  Are you offering consultations?  How does it work?



At the moment we are offering coaching because its online, it’s easy for people.  We see a lot of people that come from abroad as well, you know that is very achievable, so coaching in the form of, you know, people will be able to access us and we can help them with whatever issue they might have, whether it is a medical issue, something that they have got wrong with them that want to resolve,  or it could be just simply that they want to feel stronger and happier and healthier.  They may already be on the journey and they just want to tweak it so yeah, we’re happy to work with people like that because for a long time I was like, no, I can’t do online they’re not in my kitchen, I can’t show them. But you know that’s being, too, it was being too closed I think, really.  I wanted to be able to help as many people as I could. And it’s working very well. We also have people that come two or three times a year, that we teach something called the Kushi Macrobiotic Levels, which is quite a prestigious, well-known, teaching course, so we tend to have a lot of people that come from abroad for that. So yeah, we work in lots of different ways.  We are going to be offering courses as well online soon, just so that people can dip their toes in and see what it is all about.  And you know, I offer quite a bit on Facebook as well, I’m quite a social media freak, I do love social media. 



And are you also offering mediumship? 



Yes, I offer mediumship and I do a lot of psychic work as well, so my work is very much energy related. I do Emotional Freedom technique as well, which is very much freeing emotions, which often come up when I’m doing my psychic work, you know, I can feel those blockages in people that are stopping them from moving ahead in their lives. Adnd just by doing some simple tapping, I don’t have people of heard of tapping, it’s not intrusive at all and it’s so simple but so powerful.  So yeah, lots of different modalities that I use in my macrobiotic toolbox, because really macrobiotics is Big Life.  It’s not just food, it’s healing, it’s understanding people and it’s living a natural lifestyle.



Fantastic and so tell everybody what your website is.



Our website is The Ki To so  I’ve got an Instagram, my own personal one is nicola.mccarthy_ and I also have Facebook at The.Ki.To.Life.Health and I’ve also got my own private Nicola McCarthy which I’m happy to include anybody on, I share all sorts on all different sort of platforms.



And can people reach David that way too?



Yes through Nicola generally she’s much more social media than me but otherwise I do have Facebook which is David McCarthy. Otherwise Nicola is a very good point of contact.



And David is always there by my side.



I am always there in the background.  Absolutely. Yes



We do most things together, even the coaching we do together, because…



People come from different angles and it depends on what they want and what they want to achieve at the end of the programme.



So they can just contact you for an initial guidance session and …



Exactly, yes, of course they can.



Yes of course, completely. No obligation, free, you know, we can just could have a chat on zoom or on the telephone, just to see you know if we can help somebody and obviously if our energy matches you know, people have to feel comfortable, don’t they?



Yes of course oh my goodness you guys you have shared so much you are so generous to share all of your knowledge with everybody. 



Thank you so much for having us. 



Thank you so much for inviting us and letting us do this, it is wonderful.



Oh it’s such a pleasure and I really hope that people will get a lot out of it and I’m sure that you’ll be getting some phone calls or emails to your website, where people can come and see for themselves and have a little chat with you because you are so approachable and you’ve got such a generosity of spirit, so thank you once again for coming on and sharing everything you have.



Thank you, Ann.

Thank you.

Well, that was David & Nicola McCarthy, so do go and visit their website and check them out.  All resources for this episode, including a full transcript are over on my website so do head over there and you can pick everything up  And have a little explore while you are visiting me! I have a little shop online and some wonderful new meditations which I have written and recorded to help you with your intuitive development – there is a wonderful, very short, guided meditation that you can do in under 15 minutes a day, called Forest Bathing – with a beautiful mix of forest sounds and trickling river water, and little fish and bees buzzing and honestly you’d feel as if you were really immersed in a beautiful forest – so do check them out – they are really affordable even for those on a very low income.  If you are really enjoying these podcasts and feel you are getting a lot out of them, I would ask you to consider purchasing one of my meditation tracks by way of showing your support  because there is no money earned from this little podcast – I make it as a free resource for you.

Thank you again to my wonderful guests, David & Nicola McCarthy and to all of you out there who are listening and learning and developing – I really appreciate you!

Have a fantastic couple of weeks everybody, stay safe and until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!

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