Psychic Matters!

PM: 022 Bringing Heaven To Earth

November 05, 2020 Ann Théato with Ethan Sisser

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#022 Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

My guest today, Ethan Sisser, or E3 as he is also known, is suffering from brain cancer.  He has a very rare form of glioblastoma.  Having suffered a minor stroke in October 2019, E3 underwent many surgical procedures, operations, brain surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy & radiation, and he’s just finished a course of strong antibiotics to help clear up various infections that recently set in post operatively. E3 has just been told that a new tumour is growing rapidly in the right side of his brain, causing increasing paralysis to the left side of his body. Despite constant excruciating pain which never leaves him day or night, E3 is, embodied, empowered, and ecstatic.  E3 is in the unique position of experiencing a period of possible transition from this world to the next and it was his wish, to be interviewed on this podcast, so that he could share words of wisdom from his soul; words that he hopes will be a source of help and inspiration to others.  This is one of the most moving interviews you may ever hear.  

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CREDITS: Reach by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

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Hello everyone, my name is Ann Théato, and welcome to episode 22 of the Psychic Matters podcast.  My guest today, Ethan Sisser, or E3 as he is also known, is suffering from brain cancer.  He has a very rare form of glioblastoma.  Having suffered a minor stroke in October 2019, E3 underwent many surgical procedures, operations, brain surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy & radiation, and he’s just finished a course of strong antibiotics to help clear up various infections that recently set in post operatively. E3 has just been told that a new tumour is growing rapidly in the right side of his brain, causing increasing paralysis to the left side of his body. Despite constant excruciating pain which never leaves him day or night, E3 is, empowered, embodied and ecstatic.  E3 is in the unique position of experiencing a period of possible transition from this world to the next and it was his wish, to be interviewed on this podcast, so that he could share words of wisdom from his soul; words that he hopes will be a source of help and inspiration to others.  This is one of the most moving interviews you may ever hear.  



Hey how are you?



I’m happy to be here.



So, you are in a hospital at the moment



I’m in a hospital. I had two head surgeries back to back days, a few weeks ago.  I’m on antibiotics, just started or I finished a five-day cycle of chemo last night, so I'm in it. 

Can you see my…



Oh, wow that’s impressive!



That's my abdomen on my head.  So, the question is, do I, do I call it a headache or a stomach ache?  Yeah. I had a head infection and a section of my skull was cut out to clear out the infection, and they had to cover it with abdominal tissue.  That's why I'm happy to be here speaking with you, because it's such an interesting, intense, you could say, a near-death reality, that I'm in right now, and there was a new tumour that regrew a few weeks ago, so,  I know I'm kind of rushing into all this, nice to meet you, I think this is all divinely guided, even our meeting, the fact that my friend, my good friend, George Koury, sorry if I'm not supposed to mention his last name..



No, that’s fine.



He connected us and this all just happened with ease and I feel like it's not by accident, so I'm grateful to be here.  Personally, I want my situation and my pain and challenges, to add positive energy to the world, and so yeah, hopefully, our conversation can assist other people also. 



For sure, where do you want to start? First of all, well, let me just make sure I'm pronouncing your name correctly through the podcast, so it is Ethan or Ethan?



Ethan.  But, my spiritual teacher, he gave me the name E3. It means embodied, empowered, ecstatic.  So you can call me Ethan or you could call me E3.



I've told you by text messages that have gone back and forth between us, that my own brother is dying of a brain tumour and it's such a coincidence, that that's exactly your illness, so,






E3, let's begin by, maybe telling us a little bit about you, who you are as human being first, and then how you came to be in this hospital with this illness, and then we can go from there.



Sure. I usually don't think about it.  You're describing who I am as a human being, too much.  I feel like we each have a unique vibration, a unique flow state, and a unique life purpose, and this is why we're here.  So, and we each have different ways of channelling different energies and expressing our unique vibration. Yeah, then trying to follow that my whole life.  And for many years I ran away from it.  And I feel like that was the cause of the glioblastoma, running away from it, and bringing in different fears and stress and food choices and just a lot of energies that didn't support my unique vibration and creativity.  But over the years I started to connect more with who I am, and the Angel Realm, the Shamanic Realms and consistently stay connected to those inner gifts, and then last year I discovered that I had glioblastoma.   So it's kind of interesting, it was like, you could say, knowing myself as a child, then forgetting, then doing lots of work to remember, feeling the happiest and healthiest I've ever felt, and then in October 2019 I had a minor stroke and discovered glioblastoma, brain cancer.  So I felt like since I discovered it, that it was God’s plan and my souls plan to have this experience and so even our meeting feels like it's all part of it and that something really beautiful is happening right now in my life.  It's very painful, it's very hard, so I had brain surgery in October 2019, which was very painful to recover from, and then seven weeks of radiation and low dose chemo, and then that aggravated grand Mal seizures and then in February 2020, an infection formed again and I needed another head surgery, and then the head infection came back even stronger, and in September 2020 had two more head  surgeries, which I told you earlier, to clean out the head infection.   So, I've been in the hospital since September 11, 2020 and then while in the hospital, I started to notice weakness and numbness on the left side of the body, and they did MRI’s and discovered that there was a new tumour growth, so now that's like the next thing to address, but I feel like this has been a long death, rebirth experience, and I'm kind of at the kind of, at the tail end of it, in a sense. 



When you say rebirth, how does that seem to you?



Well, it definitely feels like it's individual for me, and I’m part of this collective awakening that's happening.  So, I feel like the old energies of who I used to be, most of them are released.  The old relationships, the old patterns, the old beliefs, all of that, and then the rebirth is, I feel like they're higher, I'll send you some art, after our conversation, so that's one of the areas where I clearly channel from different realms.  So, I feel like there's more of those energies that are going to come in to my heart and my life and I feel like this experience that I'm going through right now, is part of it.  It's hard, hard to describe, but I feel like for me, like, I was meant to be the person to go through this specific journey.   A lot of people would either be dead or would have given up, or just, I don't know, wouldn't have made it as far, so I feel like my soul, made it this far for a reason.   And every day the practise it’s kind of cliché, but the practise is really just being present.  It's a huge mystery.  I could leave the body very, very soon, like very soon, or it could be quite a long time.  I don't know, but I know the whole time, my soul and my mind have been very happy and very, like, it's just, it's just, everything, it feels right, even though it's not easy.



I can’t imagine how difficult your challenges have been there, E3, I really can't. I can see you on screen and to me you look pretty young, people that are listening won't be able to know how old you are, do you mind sharing that?



Sure, yeah, I'm 36.



Wow, that is very young and yet you, you seem so wise.  Have you always had that about you, that kind of wisdom that you carried through life?



Yeah, I always felt it, but because of fears and societal programming, I kind of either suppressed it, or I would run away from it, yeah.  But now, I just kind of accept who I am and try to follow my intuition.



And before you got sick Ethan, what did you do for a living?  What was your sort of, day job(s)?



Well, the most recent thing, I was living with, and supporting a shamanic community.  So, that was the teacher I was living with, and we had small group of us, maybe like 10 or 15 people, kind of supporting the different retreats, yes, so I was doing things like healing and massage and farming, teaching yoga sometimes, once in a while I’d teach a belly dance class which was fun, so, yeah that was the main thing.



 I'm interested in how you came to your spirituality through your lifetime here so far.  So, obviously you're getting deeper into your spirituality because of your situation right now, but if you go back to your earlier childhood, were you brought up in a spiritual family, or is this something that you discovered by yourself as an older man?



Yeah, that’s kind of an interesting question, because I feel like everyone in my environment was the perfect person, for my soul’s evolution and that happened to include certain, certain stresses and certain unhealthy things.  So, it's hard to say was it, were they spiritual or not?  For me, they were.  But I didn't have, like a formal, the culture that I grew up in didn't support spiritual practises per se, definitely not the school, not the larger community, it was very mainstream.



So, if that was your environment and that's kind of, what you journey’d through, how did you come to join the shamanic community and be part of that?



Well, I think it was just kind of like, my destiny, I guess.  So, over the years I would meet one person who kind of, would inspire me in one little way, or they would have an interest in like crystals, and none of my friends knew about crystals but I would just meet somebody and then I would get interested and then kind of forget about it, and then somebody else would introduce me to yoga, so kind of just one thing led to the next.  Actually I guess one of the most important things was when I was 18, I was really suicidal, and, when I was in a mental hospital, I read a book called meditation, so in the hospital that's when I started to meditate, and then after I got out of the hospital, my mom scheduled a channelling session with a woman, her name is Pat Rhodeghast, she's not alive right now, but she would travel around the world with Ram Daas, and do her channelling sessions.   She was one of the first people to do it in this country.  She was very, like, legit, and very authentic in her work.  Pat Rhodegast, she channelled Emmanuelle. So, when I was I was 18, that's why I said 18 earlier, I was thinking of when I was 18 years old, I had a channelling session by Pat Rhodegast, like it changed my life, I've listened to that recording thousands of times.  And so it basically didn't tell me my future, but it told me about myself, and my path, and it was very accurate, so that kind of inspired me to follow my intuition even more.  And like, it kind of awakened something in my heart, that session, when I was 18, so then since then, I would try to do different practises, and then eventually, I ended up in Maui and met the shaman and when that happened, everything changed, because all the work I’d done up to that point was kind of preparation to meet the shaman, and then the shaman, he was like, the dentist who did root canals pretty much, so it wasn't like everything got better necessarily, but I got to see everything more clearly.  And then it took a few years of more inner work and like I said, kind of integrating the childhood fears, and then in October 2019, that's when I had the minor stroke and cancer diagnosis, and then it's been a year of surgeries, and pain, and near death, and seizures and, and a lot of beautiful blessings and miracles too.



And what, what, what is your prognosis?



Well, it's, well I have glioblastoma but there's a new tumour that regrew.  And I actually need another head surgery, coz there's no plate in that part of my head.  So, I was going to have, have to recover from the head infection, wait at least one or two months, then have another head surgery, to put in a new plate in my head.  But now that there's the new tumour growth, they can't do that surgery yet, so I started chemo 5 days ago, which, that was the very, absolute last resort, but they can't do surgery on the tumour, they can't do radiation, coz I just have a skin flap, the radiation will destroy the skin and if I do nothing then the tumour is going to continue to grow, and the left side of the body will get more and more paralysed, which has been happening in the past few days.  So, the prognosis, its, even the most optimistic person would say, it's not very good, but I'm still alive now, still breathing.



How does that sit with you in your soul or your heart, knowing that there is this period of possible transition from this world to the next, for you, which could happen at any time from now, well I guess with all of us it could happen at any time, we just don't know, but for you, obviously, things are a little more pressing, but how does that feel for you?



Yes, to be honest, it feels perfect.   Like it, it feels like my whole life has led up to this and prepared me for this.  Even just symbolically, the fact that I had that awakening when I was 18, and then it's been 18 years of preparation and till now I'm 36, having this experience, like, I feel like either there's going to be a miraculous healing, and it's going to lead into the next stage of my life purpose, or it will lead to leading, leaving my body and that's going to lead into the next stage of my life purpose, but in a different realm, but, yeah, there does, there's a sense of like, completion, that I've been feeling. Of course there have been extreme fears and stress and all those human things, that when it comes to death, but there is a sense of, that I've prepared for this in my heart, and in, it’s hard to describe, it just feels like something feels very right about what's happening.



Sounds like you feel very peaceful about it.



Yeah and it's every night, I mean the pain is so extreme in the left side of the body, paralysis and just the extreme head pain from the tumour growing, pressing against the nerve, it’s just a constant facing death.  But also facing, like, the dreams in my heart are still there, my hope and life and God and in other humans is still there, the things I want to create, but the ways I love to help people, so those are still very real for me.  I'm grateful I haven't become bitter or hopeless through this situation, so it's, it's, it, it almost feels like walking in both realms right now, and people say, yeah, anyone could die any moment but for me it's, it's a little bit different because of the situation, so, I'm trying to make the most of it because I didn't consciously choose to have this experience, but I feel like my soul did, and great spirit did, so it's kind of a cool opportunity, like not everyone gets to experience this in this way and if I am going to leave my body, I do have some notice, so that's kind of a cool thing, not everyone does, that's how I've been feeling about this.



Thank you for sharing that E3, that, I mean that's really interesting to hear and what do you think awaits you in the next World?




I feel strongly that it's a, it's a continuation of the energies I've been cultivating in this life. I like I feel whatever world that is, I feel it now, and I felt it for a long time, yeah, I can't say specifically, but I know for sure that I'm not alone, that there are different Angel guides with me all the time.



What does it feel like when you become aware of that around you?



It feels like home, it feels like what I call my unique vibration, that was kind of activated when I was 18, and which I ran away from for many years, so I feel it, see when I was in the mental hospital they did different scans and they saw a small mass in a part of my brain, like in this, it’s hard to use, this is my left hand, it's hard to use the left side of my body, but it's kind of in that spot, look at the top front, middle..



You are just waving at the top front..



Yeah, yeah, for those who aren't watching, so yeah, I started to feel that, so they did the MRI’s and they saw an actual little small white mass and they didn't know what it was so they sent it to different hospitals, and the conclusion that they came up with, is that they still don't know what it was, but they said that it's not harmful, and then when I had the channelling session with Pat Rhodegast, without me saying anything she described that space and she said, that space, it holds, it contains stored information and wisdom and if you wish to you can share it with people but the choice is up to you.  And since then, I would feel it more and more and it would feel like home, feel like, it wasn't like I was able to verbally channel spirits or anything like that, but when I would connect with it, I would experience miracles, and feel love in my heart, I would meet the right people and experience lots of synchronicities like I said.  And then eventually the art would come through, which I'll send to you, and also, I feel a connection with Emmanuel, even though I've, for me, it's my unique vibration that I feel in my body and my heart but that space in the top of the head it's also connected to Emmanuel for me, so when I feel that space, I feel the truth of who I am, and I feel a strong presence of Emmanuel, and I just learned a few months ago when I was reading the Bible, that Jesus’ father named him Emmanuel, it means God is with us. So, for all these 18 years I was connecting with Emmanuel.  I mean if it I told anyone else they would think I'm crazy or if anyone else felt this, they would go to the hospital immediately, if they felt like a buzzing vibration in the top of their head all day long, it’s not what most people experience, I don't think, but I would feel it all the time, and it was challenging, because I didn't know how to channel it.  So often I would just get very frustrated, often I would run away and escape, to kind of close down that space.  So like I said, it took many years to accept that space, and feel worthy of it, you could say, cause it felt like love, that I was feeling all the time, and to just be okay with feeling it, so that space has helped me a lot, get through this past year, and I think it's kept me alive too, actually and brought in support, brought in miracles, so who knows, maybe one day I'll have a more tangible way of channelling that space, but for me it's enough to just feel it and kind of follow that love.



Emmanuelle to me, well I don't know who Emanuel is, is that an Angel? Or a…



For me, yeah it is, it's a like a spirit that I feel, and it also happens to be the name of Jesus, so it's possible that Pat Rhodeghast was channelling Jesus and I didn't even realise it at the time, she just named him Emmanuel, which is another name of Jesus, and it also means God is with us, so on a side note, like, people say Jesus is coming back, but I feel like that's it's an energy and a consciousness coming through the world, and I don't think it will be just one person coming down from the Sky, so I have my own connection with that energy, Emmanuel and it’s very personal.  So yeah it feels like a spirit guide, it feels like a really good friend that I've known for eternity.



That’s so funny coz I have exactly the same spirit guide, I don't call him Emmanuelle, I call him Jesus because he looks like Jesus, but I actually think he is connected to that same force, that love, that place of home, that friendliness, hilarious as well at times, a real person who really supports.   Can I take you back to when you were eighteen Ethan, you spoke of feeling suicidal and I know lots of people listening to this, myself included ,have been in a dark space where that has been a consideration.  How did you arrive at that yourself?



I just didn't feel at home, I think that was the root of it, and then nothing would help me, no amount of escaping would help me connect with home.  And then it was hard, because I was at college at the time, and it was just a very mainstream college, basically like my soul was not being nourished and I didn't know any other ways to go back home, so I was trying to kill myself, yeah.



That’s interesting, thank you for sharing that.  And so it was the meditation that brought you through that, that connexion with Pat?



Well after I got out of a mental hospital that's when I had the channelling session with Pat and that kind of like awakened something in my heart, and then I got into meditation and yoga, and then I started giving yoga therapy, and teaching yoga, and giving massage, so it's like all these inner gifts were awakened, and that was really helpful.



And through that pain that you've gone through yourself, I’m not talking about the physical pain that you are in now with his illness, but your emotional pain, you must have, and through the shamanic community and the work that you've done with other people, you must have touched a lot of people’s lives in the time that you've been here on earth.



Yeah like to hope so you know I try to do my best, yeah.  It's hard to say, I try to just follow my heart and then trust that good things will happen.  Even now it's happening a lot actually.  I usually don't like social media and things like that, but a few weeks ago somebody suggested that I start making YouTube videos and Facebook posts, so I would just listen to my intuition and share things and share what's happening and I've gotten so many people who said that what I'm sharing and how I'm going through this experience, is helping them, so that's a good thing.



Yeah, it's a really, really good thing. And how…



… and I feel like that's, yes, sorry to interrupt, I feel like that’s the big part of the awakening, it’s not an individual awakening.  We have to help each other.  We don’t have to, but we can.  That’s what we are here for I feel, to love each other and to help each other and I don't feel like its… I think the old way is individually awakening and you know, but now, like there's so much beauty we all have to share with each other, and I really feel like we're going to lighten each other’s load in this journey, and that's something I'm feeling really, really strongly, and I feel like that's part of why I've been put in this situation, and why I'm, it’s not even like I'm trying, I just feel a deep connection to Emmanuel and like a honest peace in the situation.  Cos some people I've met they, they don't even realise I have the brain cancer and everything because I've been so usually peaceful and positive.  Most people would probably be freaking out all the time.  So personally, I'm bearing my own cross you could say.  It's not easy but I'm, I'm trying to keep that attitude, and I feel like other people are, and together we can transmute these energies, and I can definitely feel how higher energies want to come through the planet right now.  It's almost like the Angels are, just they just want to come in. I've seen that in friends and other people I know, so that's something I'm experiencing in my own heart and I'm trying to just stay strong and humble at the same time so I can't imagine many more situations that would require this much strength and humility that I'm in, so it’s kind of a cool practice right now.



You spoke earlier in the interview about your dreams, you still have your dreams, and you still have your hopes, and you still have the things that you want to create.  When you pass from this life, people left behind who adore you and love you, might feel sad that you weren’t able to fulfil those dreams and hopes and create all those things you wanted to create, because you are only 36.  And have you got anything you can offer to the people that are left here thinking about you?



I don't know on a certain level I feel like, for example, I flew from Hawaii to New York with the intention of working and then going back to Hawaii.  I wasn't planning on living with my mother and stepfather and having brain surgery and all of that stuff for six months and, but I did, and then I went to my father's place in a different state and lived with him.  So recently I was realising, I think my soul like knew what it was doing and wanted to go back to be with my parents and to have that connection and that, it was almost like, preparation for, I don't know it's hard to say.  Can you say the question again please?



Yeah of course,  I was speaking about your dreams and your hopes and the things you wanted to create and what can you offer to the people that are left behind who might be mourning the fact that you weren't able to live those dreams?



Well on the one hand it's I can't imagine anything more sad, with all of this, I'm trying to be objective here, but like I'm a very special person, and I have so many gifts and things to share and create, so in a sense it would be very, very sad if my physical life ended soon, but at the same time I I also feel like, like I said, I'm 36 now, and in many ways my journey began when I was 18, so I do feel that sense of completion that whatever my purpose was on this earth, it's pretty much complete.   Maybe it will continue in a different realm or maybe will stay in this realm, but whatever my purposes up to this point like, it feels very complete, so yeah anyone else feeling sadness about that, for me in my own heart, it feels okay.  I couldn't say that a few years ago, there would be extreme angst and stress and worry and like just feeling that it was a very bad thing that's happening but there is a different feeling right now.



But do you think we can live our dreams in the next World and continue to create?  What are your thoughts on that?



Yeah, I've been thinking about that a lot and because sometimes I think well, why am I even going to pray to spirit to have my dreams manifested, why am I gonna still follow my dreams in this life, if I could die very soon?  But I really believe that it doesn't matter, like we are energy beings and we have, like that vibration wants to express itself and create and experience thing so, whether it's in this body or the next, those same exact dreams will be followed, that's how I feel in my soul.  And I guess a practical example could be when people repeat the same relationships, because they haven't integrated, or they haven't cleared certain energies, so it's like, it's almost like experiencing reincarnation while alive, and you just keep on experiencing the same thing again and again.  So I feel like in the next realm, the energies can continue also and it could be a positive thing, yeah because like I said I feel that vibration it's not just once in a while, but that vibration in the top of the head, and I feel it in my whole being, and Emmanuel, like it's so real even before I can say the words I feel it,  so if anything was real in my life it would be that, that love and that vibration, so I can’t imagine that it would just, it wouldn't be there anymore.



And what legacy do you want to leave?



I guess they get a little sad when you ask that question because in a sense I feel like I’m hardly even alive yet, I haven't even been born yet, and so I would want to leave a lot more, but you know a lot of people have reached out even in the past few weeks and telling me how my story has positively impacted them and their families.  So I'm trying to get my ego out of the way and trust that whatever God's plan is, is enough and its not important to focus on legacy but just to stay connected to love now, as best as I can, in this very painful intense near-death situation that I’m in and then just let go all the other stuff, like, it's a very real thing, I know we're talking about it now, but even in a few days, I could leave this body like that's how fast the tumour’s progressing.  I'm getting noticeably more paralysed in the left side of the body because of the tumour that's growing.



And people that might be suffering the same illness as you or just a cancer of some sort, or or a long-term illness.  What advice can you give to them, to help them?



Well the first thing that came to mind was to try to communicate as much as you can, either to other people that you trust or love, but even just as important, try to do your best to communicate with yourself, with your body, with your connection with spirit.  It’s kind of a simple thing, but I found that to be really helpful. And even writing down, like writing letters to spirit or even writing letters to different parts of yourself.  It's hard to describe, but I found that can be really beneficial, almost like, if they're stressed with another human being, it can be helpful to just sit down and close the eyes and communicate with them in your mind and heart 1st and try to clear the energies in that way, and then externally communicate with them.  So yeah, that's that's one thing that can really help people who are going through challenges with cancer, to take the time, like to, I think it's a form of self-love, to let go of other people’s dialogue and voices in your head and just be with your own voice and speak to the universe and pray in your own way.



That’s really beautiful.  And what would be some of the happiest memories that you have if you’re lying there, you’re probably looking back.  I'm sure you're doing a lot of looking in you know looking in looking out.  What are some of the happy times that you’ve spent here?



This is a pretty happy time with you.



That's so nice of you!



It is.  It’s kinda cool, I’m in the hospital doing an interview with somebody who I just met recently, it's pretty cool.



So, I think , if I think back to some of my happy memories without really thinking of anything in particular, I guess the things that make my heart sing, are the things that you've already spoken about.  That connection that you've already spoken about to Emmanuelle, to your God, and that peace that comes, that shines through my own personal happy memories here. I wonder if that would be the same for you, maybe?



Definitely, and like every time that I come close to death, like if there was one person I could see again it would be my Shaman teacher his name is Ohm.  So, if I had to choose something external that was like a happy memory, it was being with him and being in ceremonies with him and the love that we shared and created in those spaces, that was, I’m not really nostalgic but yeah, that’s a happy memory.  But like I said right now, this is probably the happiest time of my life, well it is internally, it's the hardest externally, but yeah it's such a unique experience.  Nobody would choose to have this, so now that I'm having it, it's like I get to, I'm trying to make the most of it, and also a friend told me recently that two months ago, that I was running away from the pain, because there was so much pain and he said that often in intense pain and challenges there's so much potential energy, so we can use that energy for, to serve our purpose and to serve who we are and I never thought of it like that before, but that was helpful for me to just view it as a lot of potential energy.



My brother has a brain tumour and I'm, it's hard to talk about, but going to go and visit him hopefully next week and he's my sibling and it's hard to let go of somebody, and I'm sure there are people listening to this podcast who, even your friends who are going to have to let go of you, and your mum, you step dad and your dad, they are all  going to have to release and let you go and let you carry on with your spiritual journey.  And I don't know, if you have any advice for people out there, who are facing this, not themselves, not being ill themselves, but facing having this illness in their family or in their friendship groups and how do we let go of somebody?



Yeah it's tough.  One thing that's helped me is to really try to feel that me and everyone in my life, our souls are on this journey together, like we really are souls in bodies and that we're all experiencing it together and we each have that connection but I mean like when at times if I've gotten caught up in my human personality, and other people have, then there's like the fear and the stress and no, it’s not easy.  It hasn't been easy for my mom to see her son go through all this, same thing for my dad, so I've been trying to be present with them and have compassion for them, and it's been hard for me to, to think about having to leave my mom and father and I want to heal and be healthy and be prosperous and help them how they've helped me, so yeah there's definitely been hard things on both ends.  But yeah, it can be helpful to like just try to meet people where they are at.  Whether it's if you have cancer or the person you love has the cancer, so like honour that it is their journey and that maybe they're very, very scared, and it’s the worst thing that they can imagine and to try to hold space for that and meet them where they're at.  But also try to, I think it's helpful to try to remember that again there's a lot of potential energy.  I've heard so many stories of people at the end of their lives having breakthroughs and miraculous healing and just like relationships healing at the very end, so to try to stay open to things that you might not ever think were possible in relationships, or in a certain person.  It could happen and it can happen very quickly in a positive way and I think that that could be helpful for people.



Yes, that’s lovely thank you and what about your pain? Cos obviously you've been through incredible, excruciating pain, still have pain right now as we are speaking, and you talk about your friend who said look upon it as all of this potential energy, but how can you use that to alleviate or help with that pain that you're experiencing?



Well when he first told me that, it helped my mind coz I was kind of trying to fix the pain and make it go away, but it helped me as the first step to just like try to relax and be present with the pain, and have a relationship with the pain, and with the tumour, because we've been together for quite a while me and the tumour, many, many years before the surgery and then the same thing with the pain.  This is just so constant for months and months, it’s like very, very hard, so I guess it's understandable to want to make it go away, but it just created a little bit of a battle inside that wasn't helping.  So then once I just shifted that perspective, and of course I still don't want the pain, but I there is more ease in my heart in my mind about how to address it.



You like this wise sage sitting there in your hospital bed.  How do you, or what advice can you give to everyone listening about acceptance?  Accepting things that come into our lives that we feel perhaps aren’t good for us or we can't achieve something; it’s not happening for us, doors aren’t opening or we get an illness like you have that we suddenly have to accept and it wasn't in our life plan, what can you tell us about accepting?



I mean if you saw somebody who was having a hard time accepting this situation, I think the most helpful thing for them would be if you were just present with them, because maybe they can't accept it right away. So I think that's helpful for a person if they have somebody outside of themselves who can just be present with them, and maybe help them feel whatever they need to feel, and then maybe they'll come to acceptance or maybe not. I don't know it's hard to force it on themselves or someone else.  Well you can't go wrong with love.



Love is always the answer, isn't it? And you must have had a lot of love in that hospital bed, not just from your friends, who I'm assuming have come to see you, or contacted you through wonderful technology, but through your medical team.



Yeah, I had great nurses and a lot of support but for the whole lot of the past year I haven't had a big community of support.  Like I said I wasn't planning on having the stroke and living with my mom in New York, I was living in Hawaii with community so I didn't have community in New York, didn't have community when I moved to my dad’s place in Charlotte, so I’ve pretty much been alone in many ways,  so it's helped me really stay connected with Emmanuel and my unique vibration, and it’s helped me cultivate a lot of strength in my heart. And in a sense it's like that the universe has supported me, so I've had a home everywhere I've had a support system everywhere, but it hasn't always been how I had planned.  For example there was an apartment fire two months ago, so in the middle of healing the brain cancer and head infection and not having a large support system there, having to try to find a place to live, so I was at an air b&b for a while and the head infection got too strong, so I ended up going to the emergency room a few weeks ago and that's why I had the recent head surgeries.  So my point in sharing that, is that there has been a strong support system, but it's been like a universal one, requiring extreme faith, but then support always comes.



Incredible and I know you're going to send me some of your art to have look at, which is very exciting but can you describe to those listening, what sort of art you create?



Yeah, it's kind of like sacred geometry but I haven't studied it and I don’t use, like any, it’s

just my own style of it.  I haven't trained in it but when I was around 18 it started to come through and I would just create it and for me they felt like messages from home.  And when I would look at the art, my brain would feel like it was very balanced between the two sides, and I’d feel my heart opening and it just, also it seems to bring in positive energy into my life whenever I would create the art and people would say the same thing whenever they would see the art. So that's one reason I want to live longer.  Especially now the technology of an iPad that was like a dream come true, because from many years I would have to create it by hand and it would take hours and hours and hours, and then I’d have to take a picture of it but if I tried to print it, it would be really low quality but now with the iPad, I can create art so much quicker and it is the highest quality possible so yeah, that's, if I could create one thing to share with people it would be the art that I would share and people could put it on their phones, it would be activating for their phones, for their, their energy field, so yeah, I’ll definitely send you some of the art. Maybe some of your new artwork can be the artwork for the episode.







Do you think that's its divinely inspired?



Yeah I know it is, I can feel it, I don't always have a plan of what I'm going to create but every single time something beautiful comes through, and actually every single time almost, I feel like I messed up somewhere, like I make a line in the wrong spot, but then I just keep on going, and then it turns into something beautiful. And then at the end I see oh yeah this is what it wanted to turn into.  So, it's kind of like a practise in faith when I when I make art.



Sounds a bit like a journey through life Ethan, when things happen and you don't really know why but then you look back and go oh, I see, it was for that reason.



Yeah exactly.



So, think what I take away from our wonderful conversation this evening, is your sense of peace, and your sense of acceptance of where you are, and that everything's fine and everything's okay coz you feel this peace.



Yeah, yes, simply put.



Nobody would choose to be in your situation obviously with your illness, but I think a lot of people would love to have that sense of peace, being in the right place, a sense of comfort, I think there is a great beauty in that.



Yeah, I mean my prayer is to maintain that and continue to live and heal but then I guess the next level of that peace is, even if that doesn't happen, still keeping that peace.



I'm sure you’ve got a lot of people praying for you.  Are you in touch with your shamanic community, are they in contact with you?



Yeah, they are, there have been lots of prayers which are, that's what's kept me alive up to this point in many ways, coz I haven't been able to do it on my own, in many times, to have  that energetic support it has helped immensely.



I’m sure it has. You spoke about the shamanic community and retreats, what advice do you have about retreats, why do you think they're important?



I think it can be helpful to change environments, change locations, change people, and then to have an intention and like really focus on that intention, it can be really powerful for people, and sometimes that's the thing they need. Sometimes it can be hard to stay in the same environment and make the changes and also I think, like I said earlier, that that's an important part of growth, community. I think in the West often growth is seen it as an individual thing, growing a business, growing our practise, growing, evolving, things like that but I found that it can be most helpful to do it in community where everyone's individuality is respected but then there's also support from other people and we can be inspired by other people too, in in retreats.



And I think that your words today, in this wonderful conversation that we've had are certainly going to be very inspiring for a lot of people that are going to be listening.






Thank you so much Ethan for talking to me.



Thank you so much for your time, I appreciate it, it was great to get to know you a little bit.



Yeah, it’s so nice to talk to you, thank you so much.   You know, a simple chat like this and simple words can, oh I feel a bit tearful, can be played back in the mind as words of wisdom, that you can sort of hold onto and think about, and they’re the types of conversations that I like to have the most. The ones that really touch your heart and soul and I think some of the things you’ve said here today have really touched my heart and soul and made me really consider my own life and how I connect with other people, and how important community is, and the relationship with the divine within us, as individuals.



Yeah, thank you.



It's been super great talking to you.



Thanks you too, wishing you the best.  



Ethan Sisser, what an incredible human being and a most beautiful soul.  You may find you need to listen to this podcast interview more than once, to allow E3’s words to really resonate in the deepest part of you, bringing you peace and positivity.

Thank you so much for listening everybody.  I really appreciate your time in this busy world and I really do appreciate your support for this podcast.  If you know of anyone who you think might be interested in the subject matter, please do share this episode with them and if you are enjoying things so far, I’d really appreciate it if you left me a review.  Many thanks if you have already done that but if you haven’t as yet and you are finding this podcast helpful, please do take the time to leave me an honest written review on Apple, because they help so much with rankings and so on, and I would be so very grateful.  

Wherever you are in the world, stay strong and if you find you are in need of spiritual upliftment, repeat E3’s mantra: I am embodied, I am empowered, I am ecstatic.

My name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters.



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