Psychic Matters!

PM 036: My Liquid Fish with Jimmy Mack

Ann Théato with Jimmy Mack

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#036 Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

My guest this week is Jimmy Mack, a renowned medical intuitive and spiritual life coach. After a near-death-experience, Jimmy was divinely shown, and then developed, a simpler way to create healing and profound transformational changes faster, now known as My Liquid FishTM, Change Made SimpleTM.  Jimmy explains that all change begins and ends with us working on ourselves and that everything is energy. On this podcast, he's going to teach you how to get a clear answer on whether your energetic frequency is vibrating at a YES or a NO when testing out a specific statement of belief. Once you have that information, you then have a direction to create change. The real power, Jimmy says, is not in asking the question, it’s in the ability to actually change beliefs by shifting the energy, accessing energetic powers and co-creating changes that you can actually feel.

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CREDITS: Reach by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

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Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 36.  This is what is coming up:     


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Meanwhile, it’s back to this week’s episode!  My guest this week believes that all change begins and ends with us working on ourselves and that everything is energy.  He’s going to teach you, how to get a clear answer on whether your energetic frequency is vibrating at a YES or a NO when testing out a specific statement of belief. Once you have that information, you then have a direction to create change. The real power my guest  says, is not in asking the question, it’s in the ability to actually change beliefs by shifting the energy and he has developed and teaches a proven method for creating change made simple called My Liquid Fish. 



I'm joined in the Psychic Matters studio today, by a renowned medical intuitive, spiritual life coach, and master of a wide variety of healing modalities, including Reiki healing, Theatre healing, reconnective healing, and matrix energetics.  This man has taken all of his knowledge gained from both the physical and spiritual realms and created a method of healing which produces profound transformational changes fast.  A method he has termed The Liquid Fish.  Jimmy Mack welcome to Psychic Matters!



Hey, thanks for having me, I appreciate it, look forward to it, and will stir up all we can.  I’m thrilled to be with you live today and also to have some other folks to work with, its fabulous.



Exactly, and it's wonderful to have you here.  We have Lesley Malone, who's joining us, as well, psychic medium, and psychic medium Tyrone Cusack.  So, we're all together, the four of us.  Lesley and Tyrone have very kindly agreed to join us for some of the things that we might be covering in this episode.  So Jimmy, where would, where should we start from? I know that you've done all of these different healing modalities and some of them, I don't even know what they are.  Where would you like to start ?



Oh my gosh, yeah I would just jump right into, I mean my one-minute story, since we have the time, is I grew up Episcopal, an acolyte, that sort of thing.  Did a lot of, I was really into astrology, numerology, all that – the intuitive realm, I love the intuitives, and the folks like you have on today, as Co-Hosts or guests, and that was always fascinating to me.  So it did take a lot of healing modalities of you’ve named some of them of course, theta healing, reconnective healing, matrix energetics, of Richard Bartlett, Yuan method, access consciousness, and on and on, and I really sat at the feet with a lot of Masters, and figured out a lot of cool things.  But then what took off in a whole other direction, was having a near-death-experience, and I got really sick.  I was in South Florida at the time, and they took out my gall bladder, which was fine, but they've about killed me, they gave me too much anaesthesia, so I had full blown clinical pneumonia.  And I always tell everybody it's funny, but it's never a good sign when a bunch of doctors pile into your little your little room, where you're hopefully recovering, and if the heads of the departments of all the different doctors pile in your room, it's really bad. And I even said to them, you guys must have really screwed up, and I said why did and they said, why do you say that?  I said ‘cause there's no students with you and it was a teaching hospital. So, I thought it was funny. They didn't think it was very funny but that's okay, so and the one surgeon said to me, we're not sure what happened, this, that, and the other thing, and I said well, what do you want to do? You know, and of course I’d been intubated, so I couldn't even barely speak over a whisper, and he said, I said you know, he said well, we can monitor you here, leave you in this room, or take you to ICU. and I said to the surgeon at the time, young guy, I said pretend I'm your favourite uncle, your best friend, your brother, and he said, I'd put you in ICU.  And I said OK let's go, let's lead the way.  So I was in ICU three days straight, and every night after midnight or so, I was coding out, the only thing that brought me back was nurses, there's no doctors around the ICU at midnight to 3:00 AM kind of thing, so that was very profound.  So each night I had a more profound experience, I was certainly leaving my body, I tell people if they want to look it up, it's pretty cool, but you can go to Google the images of the Hubble Space Telescope, deep inner space, so that's the kind of thing I was going up into.  I think everybody's got a different, unique experience when they go through that, you know, you can’t expect the boy in the jungle of Africa to meet Jesus at the gates - not going to happen, you know? It might be their unique experience, and it might be him riding an elephant into some beautiful jungle, you know, whatever, so that was mine.  It was as if I was going up into deep inner space, it was very angelic. I saw colours I've never seen before, very, very, profound and mystical, magical, and so each night I had a different experience.  I’m working on a book about all that, but they were showing me a different way, to heal folks and change things, and so that's how it all came about, and the basic piece is, Infinity of course is an eight laying on its side, and spirit said, take off the back left end, and you wind up with a little fish, and not the sharp nose Christian fish, but rather the fish that a child might draw with a crayon in their fist, so just very flowing.  And the simplest way to tell folks is anything that is, it looks like a Tai chi or yoga move for most people, at the bottom left of the tail I refer to as earth negative weakness, so you just release something that was negative, and the top left of the tail was heaven positive strength.  And so we're bringing those things in which we do not have and most people would love for them to be able to use a pendulum, this is heavily laced in muscle testing, applied kinesiology, dowsing.  So to really have it super effective for you, most people would know how to use their fingers and get yes or no, weakness or strength, like that, or like this, let's say the two little circles or a pendulum or standing sway testing.  So for the folks here today, we’ll have them stand, so they can feel it, if they use a pendulum, that's fine too, and all we're doing at the end of the day is measuring the energy.  And all of us have had Reiki and all these different things, you know, certainly on this programme and I really love all that energy work and all of it, but often you get off the table and go, well that was cool, I'm just not sure what happened, right?  And this is a way of measuring that, you can actually measure things, you can feel things coming and going, it's a different experience, very profound, and believe me when I say the last thing after doing all those different modalities I was fine where I was at, I have a roaring practice, I did great, the last thing on earth I wanted to do is bring out a new healing modality, or method, or technique to the world, it's like Oh my gosh, right, you shake your fist at God kind of stuff, over that, right, so now I've come to peace with it, I’m really at a place where it's like, hey it's out there, if you want it, it's Open Access if you will, worldwide we have practitioners around the world now, that are doing it, and I still stay really busy of course and we just want to help folks knock down the negative, download more positive, and as fast as things come up on people that might be negative, they can also delete it out and change it and so that's what it's all about, is change.



Okay, so before we go on, I know that your sound is a little bit echoey, and wah-wah-wah.



Oh, is it, well, maybe it’s at your end.  It happens a lot with me, though you know on Zoom and Skype.  A lot of times it will sound like Choo-Choo trains and submarines, and that is, really I've figured out over time, the bandwidth of what we're cramming through energetically, and so it's almost like it can't handle it.



And it's interesting, because before I began, my equipment was starting to go wrong, everything went wrong, and I had to change computers all together, so it’s interesting, the energy.  Jimmy you spoke about a couple of things, that I wonder if you could make a little clearer.   One, you said they were showing me.  Who is they and what were they showing you?



Sure, well okay, so my piece is more the energy, the biggest, easiest way to tell folks now, is it's more like Holy Spirit, or the energy underneath the dove’s wings and the wind, that sort of thing is really what we're tapping into.  At the time, you know it was more beings standing behind me, giant tall beings, everything was really benevolent, loving, kind, it had a good feeling to it, you know, it  wasn't in any way dark, but I think we have stuff that hangs out with us all the time, it can be guides, it can be the Angels, your spirit guides, loved ones in spirit, we just invite them all, it’s usually the room is packed with different flavours of people, and as long as they're good, it's like, hey pile in,  help us out, you know.



Fabulous, and then you spoke also about a test for strength, where you put your thumb and index finger in a circle on both hands looped together, how does that work?  Could you explain that, ‘cause it's hard to for people listening, it's hard to see what it looks like.



Well they can go to, you know, or YouTube or anywhere and look up applied kinesiology muscle testing, any of those things, and that's really going to help them but you're just looking for strength or weakness.  Like if I go and I use my fingers like this, OK and I stick, it’s as if you do the okay sign, and then we do another okay sign inside of that, and anything that is positive it won't break through, but if it's negative or weak, it's going to break through, that's the easiest way to tell folks.



So what you're doing there is, I'm watching you, is you've got your thumb and forefinger together in one hand and then you've got the same thumb and forefinger interlinked and then you're trying to pull them apart.



Correct, yes, and you have to be subtle about it. I tell everybody, they are so funny, when they first start, they’re like looking at it and moving it, and it’s like, no, no, put it in your lap and feel it, you know come to terms with feeling it, and if you do that, like your name is Ann, you’ll feel it strong but if you say my name is Freddy it's going to break through.



Yes it does, I’ve just done that in my mind as you were talking. It’s amazing.



Yes, yes and it is wild.  And then there's plenty of people use a pendulum, you know, barbers dowsing rods they used to use too to find oil or water and so wherever those rods crossed, that's where they would dig for the oil or water.



Okay, and so how, talk us through then, one of your practices, how we can release negativity and bring in more positive things into our life.



So, why don't we grab somebody to work on and we’ll do that and we can show people how about that? Hi Lesley.



Hi Jimmy, how are you?



I'm fine, it's lovely to meet you.



Lovely to meet you as well.  Do you use a pendulum or have you used muscle testing at all?



A pendulum I have, I've not done muscle testing.



Fabulous, oh we're going to go wild then that's, that's awesome, so what I want to do is clean up your pendulum and you at the same time, so we can get some really good information, yeah.  So take your pendulum and put it in a pocket or somewhere where you can't see it but on your body.  You're going to stand up and face due North and we're going to clean you up at the same time and clean up the pendulum, I doubt it's going to take much, but you stand up and face due North,



This is North.



Okay, so it's going to feel like pulling you forward for yes, pushing you backwards for no.  And if you just go simple and say my name is Lesley, you'll feel the pull forward.



My name is Lesley, oh yeah.



Excellent yeah, and if you say my name is Nemo The Fish, you're going to feel the pull backwards.



My name is Nemo The Fish.  Oh yeah.



There you go, I love it, so we're going to go wild here today, and we're going to, we're going to clean you up, and Ann and our gentleman guest as well, all the same time.  We're going to run through you Lesley and change everybody in a good way.  So start with ‘I am clear’ and see if you go forward or back.



I am clear.  Well I'm not coz I've gone back.



Gone back.  OK so I want to do is fish that out and release it, whatever that is, then it's going to pull you forward to yes, and I just changed it.



I’m sort of  rocking backwards and forwards.



Rocking backwards and forwards is good and then it'll pull you forward for yes.



Oh yeah.



There you go, awesome.  And the second one is called ‘I am unclear.’ 



Okay, do I say that?



Yes, ‘I am unclear’



I'm unclear.  I'm rocking backwards and forwards.



Outstanding, and that's the way it should be, and I call that alien versus predator on the back step, so you don't have that, which is a dream.  And the first one is us clearing you and the Pendulum of curses, spells and hexes and a long list of horrible things that we don't want to have, and the third one is called ‘I am running forward’



‘I am running forward’, yeah I went backwards there.



Okay, so we're going to release whatever that is, I'm fishing it all out now, for you and then it'll drop you forward to a yes.  There you go, feel it going forward now?



Yeah, how weird, yeah.



Outstanding.  Alright what would you grab Lesley, to change or have different?  It can be body, mind, spirit, relationships, money, work, job, career, what you got going on? Health stuff?



I have arthritis health stuff.



Arthritis OK, so we’ll show folks how that works, and to me arthritis drops down into stiffness, and stiffness of thought, it isn’t even you, of course, it would be lineage, it’s not your mom's side it’s your dad's side, but let's release, let's just own it first, ‘I have arthritis’, and it will find the computer file where it is, it’s going to pull you forward.



I have arthritis.  It’s pulled me back.



Yeah, well it's gone now, that's funny, let's do ‘I’ve learned all the lessons I needed to from arthritis’ 



Do I say that?



Yes, ‘I've learned all the lessons I needed to from arthritis’



‘I've learned all the lessons I needed to from arthritis’.  Okay, so I went forwards.



Outstanding. And then ‘being caught up in arthritis still serves me’.



‘Being caught up in arthritis still serves me’.  I went forwards.



Okay, so I'm going to release you out of the service of arthritis, and all I'm doing is fishing it out for you right now.  It'll pull you straight back when it releases.  






There you go, and that's us energetically taking out of arthritis. I don't get arthritis, you know, that strong with you, certainly its stiffness of joints and things, and when I tap into it, bone, muscle, ligament, tendon, joint, what a shock, cartilage, fascia, it's all joint pain, so I would jump right to that, lets delete that out.  ‘I have joint pain’.



‘I have joint pain’ – I went forward.



Yes and so we're going to release all that out, it's going to pull you back when it releases.  There you go. And if you say it again, it should pull you straight back.  ‘I have joint pain’.



‘I have joint pain’.  Oh yeah. Can you see me wobbling?



We sure do.  It’s pulling you back though and releasing, I love it, makes sense?



Yes. Thank you. 



Awesome, yeah, so let's have you sit down and we'll play the pendulum.



I’ll get it out of my pocket.


I love it, so that's all cleared up too, as well, but it doesn't matter to me what your yes or no is, but you'll be able to measure the energy and watch the jump, so grab something else you'd like to work on again, it can be any subject you like.



OK so we're just, we're just coming out of lockdown, and I've had a year indoors, basically only working online, so I wanna get really busy back out in the real world.



Okay, so you don't even test strong for that, but let's make this statement, ‘it's safe and comfortable for me to get really busy back out in the world’, see if you get yes, no, or in between.



I get yes.



Outstanding, and that's for you, coz we changed it, so if I go back even days ago, you'll see the no. 



Ooh, it is changing, yeah.



Isn’t that funny, and so if I jump you to right now in time, now it's going to go back to yes.



It’s gone back!



For those who can't see this at home, because I'm watching this on the Zoom screen, Lesley's pendulum is going one way, stopping and going back the other way, it's amazing.



Right, and we're jumping over the pond, so you're not in person or right next door to me, so there you go, but that's how fast it goes, so yeah, so let's go even bigger Lesley, let's just open up some attraction and good fortune for all three of you here today.  So good fortune flows in, around and through us, now.   See if you get yes, no, or in between.



It’s saying yes but it’s doing a bit of drilling.



Okay I'm going to do it even stronger for you, I'm going to bring it in from the heavens, you're going to watch it jump to an even stronger yes.



Is that your yes, Leslie? The way it's going backwards and forwards?



Backwards and forwards and round and round is no.  So this is my yes.  



Perfect. It’s a strong yes.



So you see how it's stronger now and that's us changing it.  Excellent and when you think of clients, and we love clients, don't get me wrong, but you know, what is your type of client, what would you like to see more of, in other words couples, singles, if you work job career stuff, a little bit everything.



I’d like to see more clients with a nice high energy, nice people.



OK, well let's change that out, let's see if you're on track for that.  ‘It’s safe and comfortable for Lesley to attract more clients with a nice high energy’.



Yeah, cool, look..



And we're going to bring in even more for you, and I just shifted it, and now it'll go bigger.



Just to let people know who are listening what is happening, is as Jimmy is literally moving your hand forward and making the sign of the fish, the pendulum is swinging really strongly backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, and that is Lesley’s yes.



Yeah and that's awesome and I don't even have to know what the yes or no is, you’re measuring that energy, I like pendulum's but it's almost like a rain gauge or a thermometer, it's just a little useful tool to measure that energy, and then you can notice the difference, the increase, decrease what have you.  Let's think of something you'd like to get rid of as well, Lesley.  What comes in over here at least, it's the Covid 19, we call it the COVID-19 excess pounds, right, of everybody sitting around for a year.  So what comes up that you'd like to get rid of or change?



Well I didn't gain any pounds over, over lock-down which is good, but I would like to get rid of, um, in our field sometimes we get quite a lot of jealousies and spiteful people, and I don't like to deal with them, so I’d like them gone.



Yeah, so I don't get jealousy as much as spiteful people as a yes, and you'll measure the yes right now, so we're going to release spiteful people and even jealousy out of your field. You’re gonna watch it release, and then it would be spiteful, jealousy, people are in my field, it's going to jump to a no, whatever you're no is.



There it goes, look.



Talk us through what's happening Lesley.



So it's going round and round which is my no now.






And it'll get bigger, bigger, bigger.



It's really getting bigger –much bigger circle, that’s amazing.



And I'm so trying to keep my hand dead still.



It won't matter, it's all good.  



Well I want you to see my hand is dead still and not moving.






It’s going back now, look.



Yeah, and it will slow down and stop when it's done.  There you go, back to neutral.



Yeah that's amazing.



Cool, thank you Jimmy.



You're welcome, thank you.



That's amazing, do you wanna do something with Tyrone, just to try out?



Sure, absolutely, please.



Hi Jimmy.



Hi Tyrone, how are you buddy?



Good thanks and you?  Very nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you, happy to talk to you live.  So we got you cleaned up as well already.



I was just watching that whole thing unfold with what you're doing with Lesley was just so incredibly fascinating. I did partake in a bit of it I’m sure you saw, so I'm open to wherever you would like to go.



Good, well you tell me what would you like to work on, change or have different?



I think discussing with Ann previously, is, I'm personally currently working on a couple of projects at the moment and what I'm finding, I guess the question is, there's been an element of sort of, analysis paralysis, or perfection paralysis that has sort of made its way into my experience, and it seems to be increasing to the point where it is somewhat debilitating, so I'd like to know why that’s happening and how I can move past that.



Yeah, yeah, let's get you out of that.  Go ahead and stand up, and all we're going to do is have you face North and you'll feel the drop forward when we find that little computer file on analysis paralysis, I love that, what a great analogy.  There it is, so all I’m going to do is fish it out for you, yeah, we're going to release it, resolve it, delete and erase it, disentangle it all out now.  It’s going to pull you back when that leaves.  It’s going to pull you backwards to no, analysis paralysis, there you go.  So to go deeper in that for you to really make a difference there's two little pieces I would do, it wouldn't matter if it was migraines for people or work, job career or anything else, so the two little extra pieces I would do, and the first one would be ‘I've learned all the lessons I needed to from this’, so in this case it's a negative thing, or analysis paralysis.  You can, you can remain standing, as we're going to check it, yeah, so it would be, I can say it for you, they hear me, so it's ‘I've learned all the lessons I needed to from analysis paralysis’ and we'll see if you go forward, backward or in between.  So it's a ‘no’, so all I'm going to do is go to the heavens, yeah and have you learn all the lessons you ever need to from analysis paralysis, and then it's going to pull you forward when it comes in.  There you go, it's wild …



That was a big pull forward.



It certainly was.



That was a big pull forward, he had to take a step, that's awesome, and that's us going to the heavens and downloading for you, Tyrone that piece, and the next one would be ‘being caught up in analysis paralysis still serves me’ and it’s no now, so that's really good, so if we go back a few days ago, here's a few days ago, to pull you forward to yes, when you were caught up all in it.  Yeah, right and you see this is how we measure it, and figure out it's gone so if I flash you back to right now, it's going to pull you backwards now, and that's how we know it's changed and gone.



He's just been pulled backwards very strongly.



That’s amazing. Very strongly, yeah.



I love that. What are your projects, I mean, my mother would say you don't have to tell it all, but tell me what projects you're working on, and I will certainly tell you what strong, what’s weak, what's happening.



It's a lot of content work.






I can't disclose too much, but it does involve a lot of content.



That’s okay, you know, products, service, whatever, and so we're just building that up for you, and at the end of the day, all we care about is knocking out the negative, and downloading more positive, so that you’ve got some wiggle room to continue on.  So we're just saying to spirit, hey show me and tell me beyond all knowing, it could have only come from you, and what happens is, over the next days and weeks for both you and Lesley in other words, it would be like a strengthening, so the easiest way to tell folks is, you've seen those little kites they put little candles in at night, and they let them go, they look like little box kites floating up to the sky and my Jewish friend’s joke is, he says I think not only did they hear your prayers, they actually do something about it.  And that's his back fisted joke of, you know, did it work?  So, that's what we're offering up, and so it's going to change and it's going to morph, and it's going to be different, and that's how we know something has changed. And only you are going to know after we hang up today how things have improved, but you know as an intuitive like you and Lesley and Ann, and everybody else, that's, you know, pretty much in the field, you're really gonna know, I mean you're going to, it will tap you on the shoulder, and you're going to go, oh my gosh, because  Jimmy and I did this 5-minutes’ worth of work, that this showed up out of the blue, and you can't make it up, it's just amazing, you know.  So I'm still like a little kid too, believe me, playing in it.



And so Jimmy how, how can people at home, can they do this for themselves?  I mean you're working on these guys here… how can they do it for themselves at home to work through their own issues?



Sure they can, and everything is open source, I have got YouTube, they can go to, they can sign up for the newsletter it's all free, and we stay in touch with folks every week via the newsletter, there's affirmations in there and there's video, there's audio, there's all kinds of things happening, and we also have an online course, and folks take that around the world, a lot of people, it's, I tell everybody if you could read at the 9th grade level and listen to the radio and watch a movie, you can pass the course, it's not hard, it's very layered, but it's just, you know learning how to do that movement, similar to yoga, Tai chi, chi gung, that sort of thing. 



Because I see sometimes you pull down the fish from the top, you make the loop and you go down and then sometimes you do it the other way, from down to up, so what's the difference?



So the difference is, the down part is earth negative weakness on the tail of the fish, it's negative things we are releasing, that you may have, and then the positive …



Sorry Jimmy, so you pull those negative things up from the earth and then you send them up to the heavens?



Correct, and then if it's something good, you know if it's just something good you do have, we don't mess with it, you know, but it's something great that you want and you don't have, then we're going to the heavens and we are pulling it in.



I see, that's fabulous, thank you for explaining that, that's, that's not useful and then when you're working with Tyrone and Lesley, you say to them, I can hear when you say that, I can hear this, what is it you hear or what is it you're feeling when they're saying certain sentences?



It's more intuitive than anything else, it's the soft whispers, it's everything they would experience and for everybody of course it's different. Some people are astrology, numerology, automatic writing, you know, cards, listening, whatever, I just happened to have them, I have a lot of radio 24/7 in my head, let's put it that way, that I didn't have before near death experience.  And everybody of course says the same thing, that's so cool, I wish I had that, and it's like, there's days where I wish I didn't have that, but you know, it's, I'll just say this, it's a lot of responsibility, it's a lot to take on, and you know, you just do the very best you can all the way to the door this time and help and contribute to all the people you can.



Are you reporting back to those in the spirit realm, I mean, I guess they’re watching everything, right, so you don't have to sort of go and tell them what you have been doing, coz they know, but are you in connection with them, discussing results, finding new ways to work?



I think that it's more they are in connection with me, I think their vibrations are a million times higher than us, and so we do one of two things, we either need to speed up, or they gotta slow it down a little bit, and it's much harder for them to slow it down so we get it, and so it's more of where we're speeding things up.



And what kind of results have your clients been having Jimmy?



Everything from, you know, whatever the topic is, I would say this, anything that's work, job, career, love, physical issues, illness, disease, disorder, whatever they got going on.  I mean short of rocks and moving rocks, you know, there is energy in everything, and so all we're doing is moving that energy around, to leading out the negative, downloading the positive. I've been doing this for decades and so the testimonials are endless and they're sweet and kind.  Some of the most recent ones I've had, just to give you an example, I had a client come to me, I’d never even heard of it before, but she had like stage 4 sacral cancer, and I saw her one time for an hour, and she travelled back to another part of the States, and they reported that instead of a full moon which they have pictures from before, it had dropped down to a crescent moon size, and so very profound, and so the doctors were just dumbfounded and they even wrote my name and all that in medical reports, it's quite funny, and singing the old Jimmy Mack song, you know. I tell you the irony of that will really laugh over, is they actually had her in some sort of study, and they kicked her out of the study because of course she would have set the curve for taking their, you know, medicine right, and so nobody goes from, you know, doing OK stage four, to let's say a week or two later, stage one, just doesn't happen.






Yeah, so it was very interesting, very profound, almost funny, and so we were excited about all that and she sent me copies of what they, you know, what they had written in the report.  So very cool and again my joke on all that is your results may vary, I don't know what we're going to get, you know, but it's, we're going to give it the college try as we say here, and we're going to do everything we can to make things different and we never know what's going to happen. I had another cancer client for instance and they gave her I think four to six weeks to live. I saw her every week for maybe 1/2 an hour and she lived for another year and then passed, and she was able to go to Disney World and see the new Harry Potter thing, isn’t that funny and that was on her bucket list right, and so if we had never met, she had four to six weeks and they hadn’t even finished the Harry Potter thing yet, see what I mean?



Yeah, that's wonderful.



Who can tell, who knows right?  But for whatever reason she stayed around long enough to do that and you know, do things that she wanted to do, and then she passed.  Why, I couldn't tell you and how it happened, who knows, but we're just doing the best we can like you, to get the word out of help all the folks we can.



That’s amazing, let me handover to Lesley and Tyrone.  Guys do you have questions for Jimmy that you'd like to ask, having had that experience with him just now.



It's sort of strange for us because what we do is we lift our energy up and connect to the spirit world and I'm just trying to get my head round the fact that, do you not have to do any lifting of your vibration?  They just like …



Correct, I don't do any of that, I'm going to do things every morning like we just did now, I'm on a clear to yes, unclear no, and a running forward and that's about it.  And I see it as going to the little hand held car wash, putting in coins and spraying people down and getting them cleaned up.  And like you didn't, you didn't hardly need any cleaning up at all, other than running forward, which is body mind spirit, relationships, health, money, and so we just strengthened that a little bit and dialled in.  And so it's similar to GPS.  In other words I'm dialling into you, your GPS happens to be the area world, and spirit world and then we just start changing things on the fly of whatever you'd like to change.  So that's the easiest way to tell people.  But I'm in it all the time. I don't meditate whatsoever. Pam Yuan, who I studied with Yuan method would say meditation waste of time. And,  but that's, you know people want to meditate, do yoga, Tai chi, chi gung whatever that thing is you, pendulums, whatever thing is, you know, good do that, it's just I've moved past all that now, to where things change a whole lot faster.  I feel like I'm in it all the time and so I barely sleep and you know, we're just helping out folks, contributing all we can.



So Jimmy, I'm a great believer in positivity attracts positivity, and negativity attracts negativity, so I also do a few little spells and things like that, and people say, oh, do they work? And I say if you believe they do then yes they do, and if you don't believe it, then you don't get the results that you want.  So it's similar as well, isn't it?  So would I be right?



It really is.



The positivity of like, what you've done like, for me today, I've gotta tell you, my knees don't hurt sitting here now which is great, so I believe totally and gonna stay positive with what you've done, so therefore, it's going to work really well for me.



Yes I believe that wholeheartedly. The other thing I'd add to that, is there's been plenty of people who may be non-believers, or they are architects or engineers or lawyers and they just don't have an ounce of God belief in their body and it still changes things for them.  So regardless, and I’ll add to that Lesley, and that is the longer I've done this, it morphs and changes all the time, it gets wilder and wilder as I go along, and like, just even this week, what comes through more than anything if I gauge it out, is it's about 30% knocking down the negative, but it's about 70% downloading more positive, and that's the ratio I'm kind of in right now, if that makes sense, it's really odd, you know, but it's almost like, yeah, we’ll pal around with, you know, the arthritis piece for a little bit, or maybe you're angry at mom, or who cares what, right, we will delete that out, but then I'm going to jump right into the positive and have them lead with a whole lot more positive and that seems to work.



And that’s basically what we do with our readings, don't we guys, we are installing the positivity so that people can positively change their lives and make it better, rather than look on the negative and the downside, so,  I'm totally with you Jimmy.



Correct, yeah and then again, you know, all we can do is do the very best we can, I mean when they leave, they're on their own right, and so we can help them, let's say not eat sugar, get out of that brutal hostile relationship and what not, and give him that advice, given the messages from spirit before they… everybody is always going to have opinionality, opinions and positionality, that's it, so kind of my stand alone joke is, Elvis loved vanilla ice cream.  And I can't stand vanilla, you know, so I'd have to put chocolate on there and pineapple and whatever to have vanilla ice cream, but he was Elvis and he loved vanilla, but that was his opinion and his position.  And so that's OK, see what I mean? So we are still working on folks, we honour their path or whatever they're going to do and I'm not changing things willy nilly, unless they ask for it, you know?



And that brings me then, to Jimmy, how do people, if they're working on stuff themselves using the methods that you've kindly shared in this podcast, do they, how often do they need to do that, how often do they need to top up?



Yeah, I mean I play in it every day. I'm not, I'm not going to play in it for hours.  I'll get myself where I need to be, yeah, maybe breakfast, lunch and dinner, it might be 10 to 15 seconds kind of thing, but then if something comes into my awareness that we need to change, or something is, you know, rolling down the hill on fire, then I'm going to work on that, and really address that energy, if that makes sense.  And I'll tell you another thing I've been doing lately, and I, my friends tease me because they're like you just tell everybody everything and all your secrets and you know, it's like, I don't care, I'm going to just get it all out there, right, and because I want to help all the folks I can all the way the door, like, I'll clear my whole day.  So I'll tune into today as Thursday, X amount, I have to think, I'm so far out there, 29th right, so for the 29th of April the year 2021, I would clear that to yes, release any unclear to no, have it run forward with grace and ease and have it unfold as we go throughout the day.  And I think that my position on that over, doing that for a long period of time, is you have a whole lot less heartache.  Doesn't mean you're not going to be human, doesn't mean you're not going to have a few trials and tribulations, but it really takes the edge off of it, and so you want to clear your, clear your day, we cleared this podcast and all of you all before we even started, see what I mean, so energetically we did that, and just for it to be blessed, and to be well received and for everybody to basically have a good time.  And the more I’m in it too, and they would agree with me, Tyrone, Lesley and of course you, is they are more like puppy dogs then kitty cats, they are very loving and kind in the spirit world.  They really want to help. My other funny thing to tell people lately is, people are really hung up on gratitude and all that, and what's coming through to me over time is it's a percentage add or about you would tip the waiter.  So it might be 15/20% of yeah gratitude, yeah thank you, thank you, thank you, but then the spirit world goes okay, yeah, yeah, you're welcome, what else you got, what else you want to work on? And they're like, that fast, because they are going so fast, right? So I tell folks it's kind of like going through, at least in the States, we’ll have drive-through bank tellers, and you put stuff in the little tube, you know and it goes in there and you go, and it's like you saying to the bank teller, hey I'm so thankful for you, and I love this bank, and you guys are the greatest, and they go, oh, you're welcome, what can we do for you today? They’re that fast right, they want to get going.  And that to me is the spirit world, they're like go, go, go, go, go, and let's see what we can do in a positive way, for getting as many people as we can, as quickly as we can.



That’s so interesting.  It’s a great analogy, yeah.



Yeah and so I don't ask questions any more, there is a lot of modalities, including access consciousness, and God love those guys, and that's awesome, but to me, asking even questions of people curled up on the couch, and you know, why Jimmy why, is our joke between the staff and the girls that work to support me, and so our joke is, but why Jimmy why, like who cares?  Just change it, you know, make it better.  Yeah don't get bogged down in all that.  So I make statements and the statements test weak or positive, that's it. And if it's something you want and it's already positive, by all means we're going to leave it or enhance it. And it's something positive you don't have, then we're going to bring it in from the heavens.



Perfect and I know just before you go, I know you've worked with Reverend Michael Beckwith from The Secret.  Can you tell us a little bit about that?



Yes, well I'll tell you what I can.  Yeah, we did an event for all of agape it was like 400 people in the audience and I think about 11,000 live stream, so it's a pretty, pretty big deal, and we worked on even going through him live on stage to change things for people and good fortune or money so yeah, I was a really cool event and he's the real deal, great guy, yeah, so it's all good.  And my grandfather used to say, we're all just trying to get to the same place, right?  So, however you get there, whatever your tool is, intuition cards, using the pendulum, maybe you just sit and things come to you, God bless you, but you know, whatever we gotta do to get there, that's the goa.  It is just to create some improvement all the way the door and I would say on top of all that, what I learned over time too is, from what I went through at least, is I’m no longer scared of dying, I know what's going to be next is profound and mystical, magical, cool, and I just had this American Indian drum playing in the back of my head like go, go, go, help all the people you can, contribute all you can, do all the Ann podcasts you can, you know, that's it, get the word out that hey, there is hope, and things can improve.



That's wonderful and that's what we're all in this business for, to help other people as much as we can.



Absolutely, 100%.



I know Tyrone wanted to ask something before we finish.






I wanted to ask, obviously the four of us are quite familiar with working with the spirit world and we experience the information in a variety of different ways, I guess my question for you is, how do you perceive the spiritual team that you're working with?  And is that the same in every experience, when you are working with individual clients?



So, so that's a great question. I would tell you that I could work with you the next seven days in a row, and different people, and different entities show up constantly.  I tell people my analogy is like going to the beach and throwing popcorn up for the Seagulls, and people go, hey, come back, was your name Tony or Roger? And it's like, who cares, you have popcorn, one of the Seagulls got it, who cares, right?  And so we want to really invite and have in the room spirits that are benevolent, loving and kind and really change-makers. I want some change-makers in the room but there's different people show up all the time.  My brother was gorgeous, he was taller than Tom Cruise, but he looked a lot like him, and he passed away due to drugs and alcohol he was 28 years old and I wish he came to me morning, noon, and night, just because, right?  But what he shows up for all the time, is I’ll have clients that have addiction issues and that was his thing.  And so he will show up and I'm like, oh my gosh, and then if somebody goes, oh well I'm just dabbling in, you know, drugs and alcohol, and my brother is standing behind him, you know that's BS right, so I know you're doing more than dabbling, so that gives you an idea.  So it's like hey, and my mentor and dear friend used to say, hello God Lou here, but Jimmy's here, and Jimmy's here but then you knew that.  And so you know, whether it's your guides, Guardian Angel, loved ones in spirit, I'm like hey go, go, and let's see who shows up and help us out, and just like we're throwing up popcorn at the beach, we don't care which seagull gets it, we just want the negative taken out and the positive brought in and that's it and just like it, they whisper to you, hey, this person needs to be really careful around things with Motors, or they need to be aware of by Christmas I’m seeing car wrecks or train wrecks, whatever, it's like, hey be super careful next year, that's your duty, your sworn duty to spirit to tell them all that.  What they do with it is up to them.  I hope that helps.


No that does, I just for me I found it fascinating because we are obviously connected in, all of us, in a variety of different ways and its always so fascinating to hear what we perceive behind the veil, you know, because our experience is all different, so thank you for sharing that with me.



Yes, you're most welcome, thanks for being on today with us to make it interesting.



Yeah, we're all fascinated and of course we could talk to you forever. I know you've got a very, very busy afternoon of clients and things that you have to get on and do I just want to mention the fact that you've written these beautiful three books, you've got Spiritual Healing Technique: Essential Methods for Creating a Healthier Life, then Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations and also How to Heal Yourself and Others now:  Intuitive Healing and Applied Spirituality.  So if somebody wants to come along and buy one of those books where would they go?



I would start at, and sign up for the newsletter, they'll get a download of all kinds of free things that they could read, watch and listen to, and even from the free download you can figure out how to fish and do these things that they want to go deeper, they would go to That will have on there, we have about 30 different audio MP3’s which are clearings for everything from abuse to travel, to what have you, and there's a bunch of books in there too of course, e-book versions and then the audio MP3’s.   And we also do a zoom event every month on different topics, so we clear everybody on the call, we actually have folks come together and they will submit things they want to clear, and so say 100 plus of us together, there’s a lot of stuff to clear and it makes big difference for everybody else and then we even have my daily prayer subscription.  And so there is a lot of folks on that as well.  And what they do is they join us every month and they'll send a list of things for us to pray on and work on and clear for them so I work on that every night on their lists.  So lot of different choices there but yeah Jimmy Mack is a good place to start.



That's the place to start and you've got your YouTube channel as well of course.



Correct yes, and there's endless stuff on there as well .



Jimmy it's been a wild ride this afternoon, thank you so much for joining myself, Lesley Malone thank you for joining us ,Tyrone Cusack thank you for coming in, but most of all Jimmy, 


Lesley & Tyrone

Thanks so much Ann, thank you Jimmy, thank you.



thank you all for as well we appreciate Ann, we appreciate you keeping it out there and helping all the people you can too and getting the word out, it’s fabulous. thank you.



Great, thanks so much Jimmy Mack.



It's interesting for us to have the post show discussion.



I was just going to say it was incredibly fascinating to watch Lesley go through that process and experience, and seeing the change happen in that very moment, but also see, see the, you know the conscious realisation of it manifesting in her physical body as well, that was really interesting.



It was really interesting.  How was it for you Lesley?



Well, it was weird, because I was literally rocking backwards and forwards and then falling and Ty really was, wasn’t he?



Yeah, really.



So, yeah, I don’t know, it was weird and I mean, I love using the pendulum anyway, but I was so trying to hold my hand still but, I don't know, it was just, we’ll see.



But I could see him, cause we're in in four squares, so you're in the top left, and he's in the top right and as he's moving his hand and drawing the fish and then he sort of pushes his fingers forward like that, like a little tiny fling, you know throw of energy, gentle, not, not, not horrible, yeah gentle and then you can see the pendulum instantly start to go quickly or really wide or backwards and forwards and the same with your bodies, it was amazing to watch it.



Yeah I found that quite fascinating like some of the questions, because for me personally when you say you're going to go back, it can be somewhat suggestive so it's almost like pre-programming ..






… but what was interesting, even when I got out of my monkey mind in that space, to listen to the question when I was having my own experience, to listen to the questions where he didn't give you a direction or a prompt, that's when I actually moved the strongest, or almost jolted forward or backwards, so that was quite fascinated, to you know, identify with that.



Yeah but it was fascinating I'm really glad that you guys came on and experienced like that you 



I’m glad that you invited us, thank you.



Well, Jimmy Mack there everybody, with his incredible healing modality, My Liquid Fish- change made simple.

Do go and check out all his videos on youtube and his website, buy his books and join his courses, he’s got lots of free stuff on his website so don’t forget to check that out and sign up for his newsletter.

Not forgetting that all resources for this episode, including a full transcript and importantly, how to reach Jimmy, are over on my website under podcasts, so do  head over there and you can pick everything up on the show notes for this episode  

Don’t forget to check out the benefits you get from being a patron, at matters and do consider supporting this podcast over the next 12 months.


For now, I would like to wish you all a very peaceful couple of weeks.  

My name is Ann Théato, and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters.

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