Psychic Matters!

PM 040: Being Creatively Curious With Spirit with Nicole Linde

Ann Theato with Nicole Linde

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#040 Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

My guest this week is the hugely talented, Psychic Medium & Creative Artist, Nicole Linde.  Nicole talks to us of the many ways in which spirit can influence our creativity.  

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CREDITS: Reach by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.

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Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 40.  

My guest this week is the hugely talented, Psychic Medium & Creative Artist Nicole Linde.  Nicole talks to us of the many ways in which spirit can influence our creativity.  This, is what is coming up:

Why I love art and why I love being creative is really the creative process.  It’s really that connection to the flow, the higher self, the divine.  We all know when we are in it right?  Whether you are writing, whether you are painting, you can feel that flow, you can feel that energy.  It’s like, coming through you and it can seem so effortless.  But the moment of course that your other, your critic or your analytical mind gets in, it can kind of stop that flow.  You need to have a sense of curiosity and a lot of creative people are very curious and explorers too.  If we allow, there is so much about allowing ourselves in the creative process and being vulnerable just like we are in mediumship but to to really go with the flow of whatever, however spirit sort of takes you and navigates you through all that.


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Meanwhile, settle on your sofa, it’s back to this week’s episode!  



My guest today is Psychic Medium and Creative Artist, Nicole Linde.  Nicole, welcome to Psychic Matters!



Hello, thank you for having me, Ann.



Oh, such a pleasure.   It's a shame in a way, that this is a podcast, because behind you, you have the most beautiful piece of artwork on your Zoom background. So I know that you are going to tell us more about your artwork, and the colours in this piece of art that Nicole is sitting in front of, are absolutely stunning, and I know that you've also created your own Oracle deck, using your art and inspired, inspired from spirit, so we will come onto that in a moment.  But shall we start, Nicole, by letting everybody know who you are right now, what kind of work you're doing out in the world at the moment?



Okay, yeah, so I am a psychic medium, and intuitive, and I do personal and small group readings.   I also do mediumship demonstrations, so if you would, you know, make an appointment with me, if you, you know, for various reasons for any insights in your life in your current life anything that's going on, or if you perhaps have lost someone and, you know, our, the grief journey as we know, is a forever journey and so,   sometimes people come just to reconnect with their loved one.  Of course you can do that by yourself, but it's so special when we meet with a medium as well, so that's what I do.



Beautiful, really beautiful work, and when we were chatting before we pressed record, you spoke about a friend of yours who had passed to spirit and it's sort of set you on the road to this work that you are now doing.  So you've been on your own grief journey.  Should we start there, and talk to us a little about your beautiful friend who, who's gone.



So my, you know, the, my friend was a good friend, she was my best friend in Iceland.  Actually I lived there for a little over a year.  I went to art school and then I did study in Iceland and she really took me under her wing there, and she had a battle with cancer and, you know, she, she passed quite young, about, I think she was 27, and I have always been sensitive to energy and in things like that, but I, and I had imaginary friends, when I was young, but I, I don't, I wasn't one of those people who can recall seeing spirit, you know, when they were young minus my collection of imaginary friends and things like that, so it was quite surprising when she came to me, and I was actually creating something, I was painting, I don't remember what it was but I remember that I was painting in my apartment.  And I think this may be a few days after she had passed, I had learned that she had passed, she came to me in a very quick kind of image and feeling and sensation, and she told me, you know, you know, kind of comforted me and, you know, don't, don't worry about me, you know, I'm OK I'm safe.  And then I had a vision of a train, and there was one train going in one direction and then another train going the other direction, and she got on the train.  And I remember, you know, of course it is all very quick, right, when we're connecting to spirit, especially if you're not used to it.  And I remember saying, take me with you, I want to go with you, and she said, you know, no, you can't go on this train, this is not your time yet to come with me, but I will be around you and, you know, in that sense visiting you in the future.  And she has, I've had spirit visitation dreams with her, I'd say , you know, it's been a while now since she passed, but I’d say at least once maybe twice a year, she still comes to me, so that was really, you know, kind of the first spirit visitation by someone that I, that I was close to.



And prior to that Nicole, were you working as a medium?  You hadn’t done any of this work before?



No, no, I was an artist and very into my art and very much, you know, now that I look back, you know, very much channelling through my art, although not any specific spirit.  But very much, you know, channelling and in various ways from different dimensions, or, or things like that, different, I feel like a language, you know, just, just different symbols, things like that, that were kind of coming through me, as it does through, through artists. But this was definitely the, I feel like it was kind of the, the big opening, and when I connected with her, there's a couple of things that happened kind of synchronistically right after.  I saw in the same apartment, I saw this, I don't know if he's a, you know, a ghost, a being, an angel, an alien, I still don't know, because I have never seen a person like him again.  He was very tall and I would say maybe like, because he had to duck through, he went through my bathroom, and my hallway and then just disappeared.  And I saw him and I was wide awake, and shortly after that, I was at a bar, like a bar restaurant with my husband, and there was a man doing tarot in the kind of, you know, like lobby area of the of the restaurant, and I felt so drawn to get my tarot reading.  I had never had any reading before so I was quite, you know, okay what is this, you know, but again the fear, you know, so my husband was like, why don't you just go over and get your, get a reading.  So I went over there and, you know, I can't remember, exactly, like what the cards were that he pulled, but at one point I looked at him and I said, is your birthday February 16th?  And he said yes, why?  He just kind of, the colour sort of drained out of him, and I said well you just reminded me, you remind me of my grandma, one of my grandmas, and that's her birthday.  And again, you know, when information comes through like that, you don't even, it just comes out of your mouth, you know, and, you know, I don't necessarily get birthdays on the dates, you know, so, but this was just, you know, spirit saying hey, here's a piece of evidence or something, you know, say that.  And from there, and then I also told him about the ghost, and he was telling me to, you know, well why don't you ask?  He was very much, you know, kind of on our thought of, of spirits, you know, he's probably there with a message, you know, and not fear-based things like that, so I don't, if he comes back why don’t you ask him, you know, why he's there?  And at the same time he was saying well, I feel like you have abilities and, and, you know, he was going to help me kind of, you know, go towards the, developing psychic abilities and so all of this was sort of happening at one time.  And so then I, before I went to bed, I don't remember, you know if it was that night or the night after, I set the intention to connect with this spirit that was in the apartment.  And so I did have a very vivid dream, I remember, then he came to me, this being, and I kind of asked him, you know, why are you here? Or, you know, can I help you?  What's going on?  And he showed me very quickly, it was like a fast-edited movie, where it was like all the fish in the sea, all the birds, all the, you know, everything on earth, people, babies, you know, passing away, everything, and he and I heard the message, don't you see, we're all connected?  And then he showed me this kind of long, this hallway and there was like, like a French door at the end, and he said, do you want to see what's inside, or on the other side, and I'm like, okay sure, you know, this is all so beautiful.  So we get to the door and then I'm like no, no, no, I can't, you know, the fear came up, so. But the whole message from that, and then I woke up, was, just really him showing me how connected we are.  So that was part of that whole big spiritual awakening I was having at that time, and that was just really, really special, you know, still today, years later, I can recall that dream so vividly.  He was obviously maybe, maybe an Angel or something here, to really help me, right, as they often are, so.



Yeah, to help you on your path.  And your friend, when she first appeared to you that first time, was that very shocking for you?  Were you frightened seeing her? Or was it all quite …



It was very shocking, but I was not frightened, because, you know, she was such a good friend and it's so beautiful, and her name is fragma hilder, she's Icelandic, and, you know, so that that wasn't scary, you know, why I chose not to actually develop at that point, because, you know, and I had followed up with this tarot guy, and I was going to do some classes, and then I shutdown.  And I feel like, this is why it's great for so much of the education that we try to do as mediums, our society kind of paints this picture, right, of, you know, with ghosts and scary things here to haunt you, and, you know, Hollywood and such, and certain religions have, you know, really kind of said it's evil and things like that, so you have all that, you know, collective kind of, you know, fear based things, and if you don't have a mentor or if your family, you know, isn't encouraging or you just don't have any skills really to kind of see that it's this beautiful, although it can be a lot of work, right, development, that it's not this kind of thing that we have in our head and, and that really kind of, you know, I, I couldn't go there at that time.  And it was from that, and also really, there's a lot that we have to, I believe we have to go through within ourselves internally, when we are developing.  I don't care if you still seen spirit since you were three, or you start seeing spirit, you know, when you're 90, you still have to go through some of that self-development, right?  And I just wasn’t able to do that at the time.  I was very much partying and sort of this artist, you know, life of kind of, not, I didn't have the best skills, you know, and it wasn't very healthy in some ways.  So that's why, you know, when I look back and I think why didn't I just do that then, not 10 years later?  It took me 10 years.  I had to go through all this internal, you know, shadow work, you know, had to quit certain habits, you know, all of the inner work, that is really parallel, that self-development to mediumship that always continues, right?



Yeah and that's why people sometimes stop developing as a medium, because they don't want to go through the, it's not any easy decision to make, or it can be quite a lot of hard work, and it is a lot about what you experience in your own lifetime, and allowing those experiences to unfold, because it, like you say, it runs exactly parallel with your mediumship and your psychic ability.



Yeah, yeah, and you know a lot of people, they speak about being healed, you know the healing power, and that really is part of it, but it, it's also you doing the healing journey yourself, and although we, we are never fully healed, I don’t believe, you know, there is always something coming up, this is our life lessons, but it, it's, it's like are we escaping from them, or are we attempting to go through and really learn from some of those problems and challenges that are presented within our life?



Yeah and so what did you do then, going forward, to, so 10 years later you suddenly decide oh, hold on a minute, let me let me investigate this.  How did that all pan out?



OK, so there's a big chunk in there where I had some children, and you know, I had stopped kind of this kind of party life once I had like, my first son, and I really dived into my artwork. We had moved also, so we had, you know, to California, and, but spirit won't leave you alone.  I feel like once you get that initial whatever it was, a spiritual awakening, I mean it was nuts, you know, I was just drinking and doing other things to try to push things away but then once I stopped that, and I was a little bit, you know, I was healthier, it was like full on.  So spirit was trying to, the only way that spirit was haunting me, in the way that spirit was really encouraging me to look at myself and my own abilities, and get closer to that.  So yeah, I mean, I don't know if you want me to talk about like, my grandma, who, I basically had five, five people or four people that passed away within five years, my dad being one of them, my, all my grandparents.  But my grandma who passed away, she came to me in a dream, and I had was having still art shows, you know, in California, and I had one child, and I was trying to get pregnant and she, she came to me and she said, this is going to happen, basically.  She was like, do you want to have your, have a child, or do you want to develop? But either way you will develop, it's just that it might take a little longer.  So I remember that spirit visitation quite clearly, and she also had some other sort of healing messages that she wanted, of forgiveness towards my mom, coz there's kind of a, you know, family dynamics there, and right the day after, I had never been to a medium, a platform mediumship event.  I saw on Facebook, like an ad or something popped up, or someone had liked someone, oh Bill Phillips, he was in San Jose, and so I'm like, well OK, I think I'm supposed to go to this.  So I bought a ticket and I went and I sat in the back of the auditorium, because I still had a little fear around this whole thing.  It is so funny right, how we have this, but I feel like the fear is also what drives you, right?  So I'm sitting in the back and you know, he's, he's doing some, it's a demo you know, he's doing some readings and then he, undeniably this is my grandma that's coming through, you know, I tried, no one else is taking it, and all the information.  So I stand up, and he gives beautiful evidence and a beautiful message from my grandma to my mom, coz this is my mom’s grandma, or my mom's mom, and then he turns and he looks at me and he said, so you do this work? And I’m like, no, you know, and I’m just this timid person at the back and he said well, I just want you to know that I'm hearing that you're very intuitive and I feel like, you know, I'm encouraging you to develop, you know, some of your, your abilities.  So after that, it was really like, okay, you know, the two things that happened in a row, and you know, those, there just becomes more and more things like when my dad passed, that was quite traumatic, and you know, after he passed he came and there was a whole bunch of things with that as well, but I really felt like there was no other road for me, or like, you know, it was either kind of self-destruct, go back, go backwards, or go forwards with this as sort of scary as it was. 



And how did you manage the fear? Where was the fear coming from, for you?



You know I think the fear was coming from a lot of things it was still a little bit of, you know, one thing is, you know, I was kind of that Hollywood stuff was dying down, now that had sort of been exposed to some mediums and that's, you know, there but there was, you know, I have a lot of schizophrenics in, on my dad’s side of my family, that goes, it's genetic, there's at least three, and I was worried that if I would develop my psychic or mediumship abilities, would I go crazy?  Would I not be able to turn something off, you know?  So maybe not fully schizophrenic, but you know the mental illness part, you're sort of worried, and society also has sort of seen us this way before.






Yeah, so that was part of the fear.  The other fear was really the self-doubt.   Am I, am I really a medium?   Am I really a psychic, right?  Isn't that the question that all the students ask in the, you know, I also teach some intro classes.   I feel like that's definitely one of the big ones, you know?  Am I just kind of being led down a rabbit hole that, you know, am I convincing myself?  So that was also the self-doubt and being an artist for so long, I do so much of my process by myself, you know, when you're painting, you're channelling, and you know, although I always thought of myself as an introvert, but now that I have been reading more about, about kind of like, sensitive people, and empaths and intuitives, I really feel like I was more just absorbing a lot of peoples energy and not kind of knowing what to do with it.   So you sort of become quiet, rather than a loud person.   So anyways, the whole point with that is, when you're an artist, I mean depending on what kind of artist you are, but when you're a painter, or something like that, you, you do, you're channelling, you do your creative work all by yourself generally, and then you put it out to the world, and you don't even have to be there.  I mean, you know, you do a little maybe at your art show, but you kind of just sort of disappear, right?






So, I really was afraid of connecting with people, more, you know, in a direct way, because for years, up until I was, you know, in my mid 30s, that's what I did.



They are very real fears that I'm sure a lot of people have, as well.



Right, right, yeah, and there's a lot of responsibility when you, when, I mean, you know, of course at the beginning when you're, when you're developing, you kind of don't know if you're even going to maybe do this professionally or you’re just kind of on this journey, right, you're not even sure what's going on but there is a lot of, there's a lot of responsibility when you, when I feel, you know, I feel authentic, as much of an authentic medium as you can be, there's a lot of responsibility, there's people that come to you and, and with grieving and a grieving journey and there's all sorts of passings and they're looking at you, you know, you're holding a space for them, and so there's, there's that as well, which is something that I, I hope most professional mediums always kind of keep in mind, you know, 



Yeah, that great responsibility, and then how did you conquer your fears then?  What did you do to really get to grips with everything?



So one thing that that happened was I had sort of, I had started to, to do some of these, you know, development classes and in circles and things, but I was still a little bit like, you know, and I had, I got really sick, let's see when was this, four years ago now, I got really ill with a long, they thought it was pneumonia and then it turned out to be cyst in my lungs and anyways for four months, I was pretty much just wiped out, and when I had a really high fever, I had a spirit, I remember looking out the window and almost just sort of being, like sort of giving up, sort of being like, well, I've connected with spirit, I had started sort of this journey and I'm OK, I, you know this is OK to go now, because I was having this five days crazy fever, and all my people came.  My dad, my Grandma, we all, they are in a circle and they visited me and they are like, we're here, you know, we're here to help you, and also, like, you're not done yet, nope.  And so when I had that message, you know, when we get messages, they're so internal, it's kind of hard to interpret them sometimes, but it was like this is it, this is what I'm supposed to do, and, you know, when you have that kind of, just almost mission, I don't know, now that I look at it, was almost like this is my mission.  I, it helped with some of the fears, to at least just get me, you know, that fuel, that fire going.  But it is very much, and I teach my students, as to where I try to, you know, talk about my own experience, it is very much one step in front of the other, and, you know, we have a lot of the society that is saying things, you know, Aunt So and So and, you know, your cousin or your best friend, and it’s like what? You know?  So during, when you're really developing and you're sort of changing, if it is that big of a, of a switch for you, I always encourage people to, first of all look at those toxic relationships, those outside relationships, and also it's okay to protect your energy from spirit, but from other people, you know, and really put those blinders on and you first, you know, and so some of the fear, I think a point within that, is some of the fear was also, how are people going to see me?



Yes, yeah, exactly and that's a really big thing for a lot of people, especially if they live in cultures and societies in small towns and villages where it's difficult to step out into your power and say I am a Psychic Medium, this is what I'm doing.



It is, it is.  For a while I just I told people I was a Life Coach, and then told people I was intuitive and then finally, I'm like, you know what, this is me. 



Yeah and it's lovely when you get to that stage, finally.  It took me a long time to say actually this is me.  And it was only in the last, well, 7-8 years when suddenly I thought, do you know what, life is short and I've gotta just do what I'm here to do.



Yeah, yeah.



Go back if you would Nicole, you mentioned about having imaginary friends as a child, and I know a lot of children or parents might be listening to this, whose children are, are talking about having an imaginary friend.  And my son used to have an imaginary friend, which I used to, I didn't really know anything about, but I wish I could turn the clock back, because what I know now, I'd find fascinating when he talked about his imaginary friend but I just used to, you know, set a place for him and talk to him, but not, not with any great sort of, oh this is a spirit person interest.  But talk to me about what you've learnt through your experiences of your …



Well, so, you know, I really don't remember too much of the imaginary friends because, I, this is just from, my mom would always mention, oh yeah you were the one with imaginary friends, you know, of the three sisters, of the three of us. And so, yeah I heard, her name was Gertrude, which is such an odd name for like a little kid to come up with.  And you know, at the time it was just kind of, isn't that cute, you know, isn't that funny, she's got imaginary friends, and you know, and a couple of other, I don't know, their names but Gertrude definitely stuck out my mind, but now that I think of it, and it really dawned on me too, when I was developing, other mediums were talking about that over here, you know, a podcast for someone talking about the imaginary friend element, like, are they really imaginary?  Is that really, you know, or should we be listening more, as to who, who is your child actually connecting with, because children, you know, just seeing from my own children, the filter is not there, you know, the filter hasn't been, you know, hammered into the child yet. The programming and, and so, and just from watching, you know, different reincarnation and different types of past life things, you know, who knows, you know?  Children are the most honest, kind of reliable sources in that in that way, and to be, although obviously my mom, you know, thought it was amusing and was sensitive to it, I don't think she knew, I don't know she connected that with speaking to spirit but she definitely, you know, was, was loving about it.  But there's people who, who have children who have parents who maybe are like, oh boy, you know, this is crazy, or already kind of pushing the child's abilities, or pushing the child’s sensitivities down or away, that they're not comfortable with that.  And so that is really I feel, a big part of our development to and why our soul might develop at certain times in our life.  If your family is very much against it or if people are afraid of it or if it's just not recognised or the awareness isn't there to help cultivate it.  Or perhaps your soul is learning other things at the time and it has to go through different, you know, lessons and so you're not ready yet.  I really truly do believe that, because that was another fear I had before I developed, being was like well there's some of these mediums have been seeing spirit, you know, right outside since they were, you know, could talk and then some, you know, haven't, but it was sort of like am I a lesser medium if I haven't, you know, and I really believe that it's now just kind of looking in other people's stories, and then your own personal story, I I truly believe it's when you are ready to develop from spirit, we have to go through different things at different times, and that's why it's such a personal journey, and such a personal, you know, we can't force anything in mediumship, right?  And so we can't force when we're, when we're supposed to develop, and, you know, it's that kind of spirit knocking on your door, that was knocking on my door for so long, but I have to, you have to take some action within as well.



I think they are really, really good points, and really, really important for people listening to know, that no matter where you are in your years of age here on this earth, it doesn't matter if, if suddenly your spiritual awareness is awakened, that is perfect, and you don't have to be somebody who's been speaking to spirits since you were a young baby, or seeing spirit people or very fluent in it, just begin where you are.



Exactly exactly, because you're going to use your own, spirit uses you as, you know, a vehicle for, you know, with your psychic senses and your own awareness and, you know, you are the instrument, so whatever your experiences are, and you have, you know, maybe a greater compassion or empathy or things like that to connect with spirit and your client where we're maybe wouldn't have had that at a younger age.



Yeah exactly, so talk to us then Nicole,  how spirit influence you in terms of your creativity.



Yeah, yeah, so let's see,  Well I always love when, the part that I love about being an artist, you know, I haven't created, you know, since my Oracle Deck much because I've been doing more readings, but you know, throughout the first part of my life that, why I love art and what, why I love being creative is really the creative process.  It's really that connection to the flow, the higher self, the divine, we all know when we're in it, right?  Whether you're writing, whether you're painting, you can feel that flow, you can feel that energy, it's like, coming through you and it can seem so effortless.  But the moment of course that your, your other, your critic or your analytical mind gets in, it can kind of stop that flow.  And that's why it's very much like mediumship in that, in that regard, but I really loved the, I really loved you know, the actual creation part.  When it comes to, you know, sending it out into the world, I always felt a little bit of a disconnect.  It's kind of like letting go of your baby or you know, this sort of, and part of that was, I really enjoyed having the three-way, you know, kind of conversation that mediumship has, you know, mediumship between you know, ourselves as medium, spirit, and the client, that three-way energetic dynamic.   And in art, you know, you make, you the artist, the medium, creates the artwork, then you put it out somewhere, whether it be a book, or whether it be, you know, a painting in a gallery, and then it's like, I wanted more of a conversation.  I wanted more of the immediate, so, you know, at the opening maybe you have people come and talk to you, or you know, people can message you or things like that, I always just wanted more of that of the exchange of the three way exchange and so I think that was also a part of me that was sort of needing to grow or wanting that, feeling that part was lacking and I think that's also part of part of the push, but I'm not sure if that's exactly what, I just went off on that tangent, I don't know if that was what you were asking.



No, that's beautiful, but I was just, for people who, mediumship can be used obviously for giving messages to people from their spirit communicators, it can be used for guidance from higher beings etc., but also it can be used through the work that we do for writers to be inspired, for painters to be inspired like you said, being in that flow, and you know when you're in that flow and you know when you are in that flow.



Yeah, definitely.



And you created this beautiful oracle card deck, speak to us of it.



Yeah, so the oracle deck is, are, is called The Align and I had had two other Oracle decks before that and so they were building on, on this one.  And this is the Queen Edition, it has 111 cards and it was it was really for me, it was just the perfect way for me to marry my artistic side with my mediumship side and, and I created it.  I started sort of at the beginning of my development and going through, and a lot of the words and themes and ideas suggested on the cards, have to do with connecting with your higher self, connecting with your guides, connecting with your own energy. I called, you know, it Align because it's really about us.  Why do we ask questions, you know, externally.  Why do we come to either a medium or psychic or what not, you know? How can you, when you can't have a reading every minute, how can you read yourself and become better aligned with your energy for that moment or your question, get some insight, some suggestions.  So that's really what it's about.  All the artwork is art that I've created throughout the years, and I just paired it with different… this one is called Clear Channel, can you see this? we've got like a lot of …



Ah yes, oh, beautiful Blues.



So, so yeah, so it's, you know, I use it for myself.  I always pick a few cards with new clients. I like to, although I don't read like the energy directly from the cards and then influence the reading, I do tend to look at them at some point, and see how they connect, and it's almost kind of like extra validation from spirit.



Yeah that's lovely and how come you decided 111 cards?



Well I was up to 72 with my second deck and I just thought okay let's go up to 100, and I was like well, you know, 111 is good number, 111, so that's really how that came about.



Right, perfect, and as a creative person as you are, can you maybe offer an exercise for people listening, that they could perhaps sit in the power and channel something, to help them with their art?



Yeah, okay so if you are an artist, so something that you could do with your art, I love to do this one, well you know how it is such a sensory experience, so you think okay, you know, if you're an artist you’re very visual, which of course you are right?  But you're also clairsentient, you are also feeling, you're also feeling the painting, I’m just using painting as an example, or you, even sounds can come, you know, or how can you ignite more of your senses, so that it can speak through your art?  So you can do, you know, different sensory, like, I love to do, actually the clairaudient exercise that I like to do is that I like to imagine myself closing your eyes, and of course, you know, getting comfortable, feeling where you are in space and time and, and I like to imagine myself on a grid, so you can think that you're sitting on a grid, just for the energy points, that it can go in infinite in all directions and up and down, and then connect really with your with your hearing, your inner ear.  And thinking of your ears as like funnels, and you can go, you know, one side to next.  You can start with your left ear and really imagine like a kind of like a spiral funnel going out as far as you can, and then just seeing what sounds drop in.  So you actually might hear the sound right?  You might inner hearing sound, but you actually might see a word too, that is a sound.  So, and you may feel it,  It's almost like getting to the point of sort of combining senses and seeing how senses can play off of each other.  Like in mediumship sometimes you will get a name, but it could be spelled, right?  You could see the name.  So it's like how can you think of yourself as a larger sponge almost, for sensory experience, and channelling those things.  Because as artists we are always trying to expand, right, expand and so that I've had, it's kind of a fun one you can do because, clairaudient really I felt like I had no clairaudient when I started.  Because, oh, I'm an artist, I am visual, I feel, and after doing a lot of exercises now I feel like I get a lot of clairaudient, you know, you can hear kind of like what a spirit might have, how they might have laughed or, you know, little bits and pieces that way, or just messages from your own guides, so yeah.



So that's beautiful, like size I've never heard of that before, and as you were talking through that, I imagined myself sitting on that grid, and what I could hear was the ocean. I could hear the ocean and then it turned into seagulls, I could hear the seagulls crying, and then I could see this beautiful Spanish galleon on the ocean. So what would I do with that then? So I can see that, I can hear it, I can smell the ocean, it's really multi-sensorial and then what am I going to do, paint that, draw it, type about it?



Yeah, well the thing is, you might be inspired to do that, or it might be one of those things where sometimes, you know how it's not necessarily immediate.  It’s one of those things where we sort of open up a channel, right, and it might not be that moment like, you know, you could say okay now go create something, it could be that moment, or it could just be kind of like the little ping, I like to stay there that it’s like a little ping that opens something else.  Or if we allow it right, if we allow, there's so much about allowing ourselves in the creative process and, and being vulnerable just like we are in mediumship, but, to really go with the flow of whatever, however spirit sort of takes you and navigates you through all that, but it does sort of, you know, all these exercises that I like to do in classes, I always tell my students they are really just access points, access points, that spirit can use you in another way, and that you can make those connections.



So beautiful, really, really beautiful, and you talked as well a little bit before we started the episode, about mediumship, how we have to be curious as mediums.  Can you say a little bit about that?



I love that, I love when I finally kind of, that clicked for me, because, you know, and this goes also as being creative people, right, you need to have a sense of curiosity, and a lot of creative people are very curious and explorers too, and really just when we're connecting with spirit, instead of course, you know, spirit is my boss like, I cannot force whatever, whatever the flow is, but we can be curious, we can ask spirit, okay, you know, so what kind of person are you, or, you know, what did you do for a living?  You can ask spirit questions but I always tell my students and I try to listen to my own advice, is that spirit may not answer you directly, they may not answer that direct question, they may, they may show you, you know, a stethoscope, okay they were a doctor, or they may want to give you a name or talk about something else, and I just I know what I try to do is, just follow whichever way spirit wants to guide you, so really a question, being curious is just another access point, it is just another way to keep the flow going, the conversation going, you know.  I always tells people too, and I tell my clients, OK, so just imagine that your husband, let's say we're connecting to someone's husband in spirit for the, for the client, I imagine he is right here with us in the physical, so we're all having a conversation, you know, I don't know your husband, I'm going to ask him some questions, you know, he may answer that question, or he may start talking about, oh do you remember that vacation we went on, in you know, in Fort Lauderdale and, you know, we had a great time, and, you know, that was for our 11th anniversary, you know, or he might just start laughing and talking, I get the sense that he is chatting about something else, and oh, you know, he was funny, you know, so it's really just access points I feel like being curious, right?



Yeah, yeah that’s beautiful.  And  so people can come to you Nicole for readings and?



Yes, I do workshops, I do online, I do, you know I have a psychic, in July I have a psychic intuitive development five week course happening, and then I have an intro to mediumship course happening, which I love, I love those two, and yes, so workshops, you know, small group readings, private readings, and yeah, anything, any other questions that people have.



And what is your website so people can come and find out?





That’s easy and are you on Facebook and Instagram?



Yeah , yes I'm on Instagram and Facebook under the, under Nicole Intuitive medium.



That’s brilliant and so over the next little while then, coming up you've got some classes, you got some demonstrations and have you got a particular focus?  Are you doing any more art?



You know I would love to get back into doing just some artwork, so you know, we just moved so we're kind of in the middle of doing that.  I have been looking at things and you know, I feel like the way that we do as artists, we kind of, every once in a while you'll see something and we can look at the world in a different way and I'm like oh, that would be a great painting, that would be a great thing to paint.  So, you know, perhaps I will get into that at some point but besides that, I really I love connecting with nature, being quiet, getting some good nature time in and being with my family and my kids and yeah, just helping people however I can.



Nicole Linde, it's been beautiful talking to you thank you so much for your time today.



Thank you Ann, it's been so, I so appreciate connecting with you, and grateful for this experience and hopefully people will find some of this helpful for them along their own path.



Fabulous thank you Nicole Linde.



Thank you.


Well I hope you have been inspired in many ways by this episode with Psychic Medium and Creative Artist, Nicole Linde.  Do go and look up her courses, or book yourself a reading with her – and let us know over on the Psychic Matters Group Facebook page, if this episode has had a positive impact on your life.  We do love to hear how each podcast episode has been received you, the listener. 


If you'd like to get the links & show notes, including a complete transcription plus details of where to find Nicole on social media, head over to and you can pick those up there.


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Until next time, my name is Ann Théato, and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters!


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