The Purpose Pod

Soulfully spilling the tea with Lady Paulette Harris-German

Oneness Sankara Season 3 Episode 6

This season is really a dream come true. My guest Paulette Harris-German is such a beautiful talented soul. 
A mother, writer, actress, film producer and more. Speaking her truth in living her calling and creating legacy.
We speak about everything from Lovers Rock to the power of the online world to empower ourselves and bypass the old world gatekeepers. 

Episode quote

“You never know where the dots join up, and invariably they do!”

This episode is sponsored by How to create unshakeable self confidence mini course


Beautiful jingles by J B Rose @jb.rose.singing.vegan.mum

Stay connected with Purpose Pod themes as they expand and unravel by following on instagram @thepurposementor and @t21alchemy.