The Savvy Working Mom

An Evening Routine That Will Help You Get Control With Toni-Ann from Real Happy Mom

Whitnee Hawthorne Season 2 Episode 1

Toni-Ann Mayembe  is  a wife and mom of two little boys who also works as a general dentist and reservist in the Navy. She  founded the blog and podcase,  Real Happy Mom after realizing her struggles with motherhood were not unique.  She believes being a real happy mom is all about being  authentic and  true to yourself. 

In this episodes she shares the evening and Sunday routines that help her keep control of her extra busy life. 

This is a must-listen for any mama struggling to get control of her schedule and life. 

More About Ton-Ann:

More About The Savvy Working Mom:

Get, the $7 Reboot, a quick guide to self care for busy moms: