
#14 JournalChat// Bloody COVID, with Thrombosis Expert Prof Beverley Hunt

Journalspotting Season 1 Episode 14

Are you trying to keep up with the COVID literature but by the time you’ve read one article you realise it was from one month ago and therefore is currently irrelevant?

Here we have the Brilliant Professor Beverley Hunt to help us wade through the literature, learn from her experience and figure out how we should be treating our COVID-19 patients relating to their bloody sticky blood.

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01:00 Introduction to hosts / what we are talking about
03:30 Professor Beverley explains her role in COVID crisis
05:00 Why the blood is so sticky
06:40 How we have come to understand this
08:50 Rates & Cause of thrombosis - immunothrombosis
11:10 Why Dexamethasone helps
12:50 What thromboses do we see in patients?
15:10 Which patients are most at risk
16:35 And in pregnancy?
18:45 Which blood tests are useful? And the D-Dimer?
24:25 Which dose of LMWH? Call for trials
27:50 Rates of bleeding with LMWH
29:45 Are the thrombosis rates higher than other conditions?
30:45 OP / discharge Tx
33:20 Key Take Home Points for Bloody COVID
- Thromboprophylaxis on D1 admission!
- Enter your patients into trials
- Don't over treat with LMWH
- Sometimes the best is what existed before and had good evidence
35:00 An OBE for COVID?
35:15 Thank yous and sign offs

Want more info on Professor Hunt? Just google her name or find her on Twitter @bhwords.

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