
#18 Journal Round Up August '20// Brain clot score + Aspiration pneumonia + Cancer & weight loss + SIADH + Pneumothorax...& more

September 03, 2020 Season 1 Episode 18

Have you been trying to keep up with the medical literature, but its eat out to help out, and nothing is getting in the way of 50% your favourite pizza joint?

In this months episode:

..How to use D-dimers to diagnose cerebral venous thrombosis...(04:17)
Heldner, Mirjam R et al. “Prediction of cerebral venous thrombosis with a new clinical score and D-dimer levels.” Neurology vol. 95,7 (2020): e898-e909. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000009998

...Do we still need metronidazole for pneumonia?...(07:13)
Marin-Corral, Judith et al. “Aspiration risk factors, microbiology and empiric antibiotics for patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia.” Chest, S0012-3692(20)31905-X. 17 Jul. 2020, doi:10.1016/j.chest.2020.06.079

...Ambulatory pneumothorax management...(09:45)
Hallifax, Rob J et al. “Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: an open-label, randomised controlled trial.” Lancet (London, England) vol. 396,10243 (2020): 39-49. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31043-6

...SIADH management: more to it than just fluid restriction?... (16:37)
Krisanapan, Pajaree et al. “Efficacy of Furosemide, Oral Sodium Chloride, and Fluid Restriction for Treatment of Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (SIAD): An Open-label Randomized Controlled Study (The EFFUSE-FLUID Trial).” American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation vol. 76,2 (2020): 203-212. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2019.11.012

...How harmful are steroid bursts?... (22:15)
Yao, Tsung-Chieh et al. “Association Between Oral Corticosteroid Bursts and Severe Adverse Events : A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.” Annals of internal medicine vol. 173,5 (2020): 325-330. doi:10.7326/M20-0432

...Candesartan's role in cognitive decline... (25:11)
Hajjar, Ihab et al. “Effects of Candesartan vs Lisinopril on Neurocognitive Function in Older Adults With Executive Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA network open vol. 3,8 e2012252. 3 Aug. 2020, doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.12252

...Weight loss: when do you go hunting for cancer?... (29:16)
Nicholson, Brian D et al. “Prioritising primary care patients with unexpected weight loss for cancer investigation: diagnostic accuracy study.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 370 m2651. 13 Aug. 2020, doi:10.1136/bmj.m2651

...Baloxavir: the antiviral no ones talking about...yet...(33:15)
Ikematsu, Hideyuki et al. “Baloxavir Marboxil for Prophylaxis against Influenza in Household Contacts.” The New En

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