Run to the Hills

Episode 01- 2020 North Downs Way 100

North Downs Way 100 Season 2 Episode 1

This week's episode is the start of Series 02 with the new hosts John Kynaston and Edwina Sutton. The style of the podcast will be changing with the main focus on reviewing an ultra-race each week.
This episode is all about the 2020 North Downs Way 100 and we have interviews with the Race Director James Elson, the men's winner Juhana Kirk, the women's winner Melissa Venables as well as runners Jeanette Cross and Abbi Bailey.
We would love to hear from you so if you want to get in touch with any feeback then here is how to contact us
Facebook: Run to the Hills
Twitter: @runtothehillsjk
Instagram: runtothehillsjk
We are sponsored by Chia Charge. Please check out our website

Here are some links to this episode
Centurion Running website
James Elson's Race report on North Downs Way 100
Cover photo thanks to Stuart March