Leaders in Tech and Ecommerce

#18: Antonio Boccalandro President, APAC at Blue Yonder

March 31, 2020 Alcott Global Season 1 Episode 18

Happy to have with us today Antonio Boccalandro the President, Asia Pacific at Blue Yonder. Antonio oversees Blue Yonder’s operations in APAC and is responsible for the continued growth in the region through customer, partner and associate engagement.

Antonio has more than 20 years of global supply chain experience, including the sales, implementation, consulting and development of SCM solutions.

Prior to this role, Antonio served as President for the Latin America region where he had responsibilities for sales operations throughout the region, including offices in Mexico, Chile and Brazil. 

Blue Yonder, Inc. (formerly JDA Software, Inc.) provides seamless, friction-free commerce, empowering every organization and person on the planet to fulfill their potential. 

Applying over 35 years of domain expertise, contextual intelligence and data science, Blue Yonder is helping more than 3,300 of the world’s leading manufacturers, retailers and logistics companies create more autonomous, sustainable and profitable operations. Blue yonder has a team of 5,000 professionals and offices in 40+ locations worldwide. 

Discover more details here.

Some of the highlights of the episode:

  • Ripple effects of the coronavirus pandemic in supply chains
  • Change of customer’s behaviour due to the COVID19 crisis – retail vs e-commerce
  • How a retailer with 50% market share has stable systems with good visibility
  • How can technology help the supply chain industry amidst the coronavirus crisis
  • How the Luminate Control Tower solution helps predict possible disruptions in the supply chains
  • Collaboration between Blue Yonder and Microsoft

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Andrei:   0:00
Hello and welcome to the leaders in tech and in comas. Podcast. I'm your host, Andrei Palamariu and I am the APAC director for Alcott Global Executive Search. Our mission is to connect tech in supply chain and e commerce ecosystem in Asia and globally by bringing forward some of the most interesting stories about success and failure from leaders in the industry. I'm very happy to have today Antonio Bocalandro, the president of Asia Pacific for Blue Yonder, in his role Antonio versus Blue Yonder operations in a back and is responsible for the continued growth in the region. The customer partner and associating gauge Antonio has more than 20 years of global supply chain experience, including sales, implementation, consulting and development of supplanting solutions. Prior to this role, Antonia Service the president of letting America region where he had responsibilities for sales operations throughout the region, including Mexico, Chile and Brazil. Blue Yonder, formerly known as J D's off their provide seamless friction free commerce, impounding every organization in person on the planet for their protection. Applying over 35 years of domain in years, contextual intelligence and data signs, Blue yonder is helping more than 3300 of the world's leading manufacturers retailers. Logistic companies crave more autonomous, sustainable, profitable operations. Blunder is a team of 5000 professionals and obvious is 40 plus locations. Great to have you with us today. We're leaving very difficult taps. The coffee 19 situation is impacting businesses at a global level, and we are expecting a global economic recession this year. Supply chains are under a huge amount of stress and is your company works with thousands of clients around the world for manufacturers. The logistic companies to retailers wanted to get your take on the current situation and share some of the good case studies of how to face this kind of challenges. So let's go for the first question. What are some report effects and issues that propagate within supply teaching networks? At this moment, I think you have a great perspective on both a pack letting America anglo. Thanks,

Antonio:   2:06
Adrian. It's up. It's really good to be here. You know, one of the first distinctions I wanted to make is it's it's You can't just use a broad brush in. You include all a pack in one bucket, right? I in all regions so as you look at the ripple effects you'll be. The 1st 1 that comes to mind is, um it really depends on the lead time that you have to the different markets, right? So if generally, you know, raw material, finished product and so forth, it takes 2030 45 days to get there. The timing of the ripple effects might be different on the supply chains. So it's interesting to see that even though the this humanitarian crisis happened in Asia, really a lot of the ripple effects didn't start hitting the larger markets of Europe in the US until 2030 or 40 days. Even even today, scarcity is tends to be around food and beverage. Not so much about video of the rocks, Right, because the time of some of that Rama to finish box takes Mom. So, you know, if you look at this from a point of view of of inventory, it goes through the primary products as we're seeing most of the ripple effects across the surprising not just in manufacturing, but also in Peking.

Andrei:   3:25
Correct? Yeah, that it was my second question because we see quite a lot of the impact in an inventory and we see safety stocks being impacted. And it depends a bit on the geographic positioning of words. Pensions. Then where the distribution happens, Do you see any differences in the markets around the ape back or us and Southeast Asia? Is there any market that you see having Maur struggles with the current situation? How would you define?

Antonio:   3:54
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to the first question, they meet your right. Each market is slightly different. So the way I describe it in in this you roll that taken over, I have to admit that I'm getting a lot of calls from some of my counterparts and even some of my customers, that I took care of both in Latin America or America's and mostly counterparts in Europe, because it didn't start here. So the way I've been defining it is you have, You know, I think you can classified into broad waves wave one that you saw China, Korea and Japan and wave to pretty much all other countries, which may be some minor distinctions, right? So in the case of way one, um, you know, we were all learning from that, were eliciting, and I do believe in. I think it's important to I like this as we are seeing positive news from these three markets, right? You know, we're seeing positive trends. We're seeing people coming out. We're seeing travel bans domestically in lifted we're seeing cos we actually have. I was in a conversation yesterday with our office in China and they were telling me we have these two or three customers are asking us to go to their offices and have these meetings, and some of these, um, are actually mandating it to some accept. And again, we're seeing also positive trends in Korea and Japan. As you look at the other countries there a little bit earlier in that wave, and we're looking how things are doing. So when it comes specifically to an injury, no doubt safety stops are going to deplete it. Um, depending on what the rock is and the priority is in, governments and retailers are taking measures to try to protect and to share with the most immediate needs with their communities in the societies around these rocks.

Andrei:   5:49
Um, I think it touched the bit on on how you're helping the clients within. You can develop a bit further on this. So how is your company helping the client's cope with the current situation? I know you. You have better broad offer of products when it comes to technology into plain Jane. What are the most ordinary? The biggest questions that the biggest requires that you receive in this period.

Antonio:   6:11
Yes. So the traditional thinking about supply chain is you have very two very big areas of supplies. You have what we're most people would call planning, right? So creating a forecast, creating a procurement plan. You know, uh, those planning's tend to be, you know, generally you will do it. You know, once a day, once a week, right on. And then there's another part of supply chain. We considered it all part of supply tea, but we calm or execution, right? So the execution are like transportation plans in like a warehouse plans that could change by the minute. Right? So you might, you know, our guys, certain orders from things on those tend to be, as the word say's transactional execution months. So when it comes to what we're getting from customers is most of our customers are saying we need to make sure that we are able to handle the increase involves so way. We're very lucky to have some of the leading retailers and pretty much old major markets in the region, and we've been we have proactively reached out to every single one of them. We have asked them How can I help? And generally the feedback we're getting is look, our volumes air going up 202 122 150% to what we were due at this sinker time last year. We need to make sure they're reliable, right? And one of things Andrey that I was very happy to share internally with the Blue Yonder team this week is one of those retailers who literally distributes what 50% of the country needs send us a very minimal saying systems are stable, we're going through peaks. We've never had this volume in the last three weeks ever, and we've been able to meet this demand in the seamless fashion.

Andrei:   8:03
That's an interesting example in 50%. That's a huge amount of ah market And what, in this case on this particular retailer case, because it I think it's a good example. What did they do to plan ahead or to be better prepared, compared toe others or what? What do you think are the main things that they did well, And now they really can reap the benefits.

Antonio:   8:28
Yeah. Yeah. So some of the things have been learning curves for all of us. I mean, the truth is, this is, you know, unprecendented, You know that we had never gone through this, so I didn't traditional things about prioritizing orders and our guys in certain rocks. But one of the key learnings that I think we all are My witnesses. If this is true about a lot of the things we did, wonder it, right? Which is what are the things we're not gonna do? You know, they look that Where are we getting all the demand and what are the categories were right now we're actually the demand is shrinking because it increases for assault. So fresh and vegetables was huge. Long term projects like spaghetti and kind props. But certain things like Candies and liquors and seasonal things does. He went down. So, uh, this is a degree Carter made, I think a key decision of saying you know what we need to do less. We're gonna focus on the most important things in these categories which are not critical for the well being of our communities and our customers. We're just gonna deep our guys those, right? So any orders, any forecast anywhere? Punishment plans, you know, just about it. My ordinating more those and focus on other months. So again, it's about what are we not going to do so that the things that we have to do better

Andrei:   9:47
and strictly on the retail side, what do you think will happen in the next three months? Let's say, is there a certain transit? You see? Are there some expectations from their side? And how are they preparing?

Antonio:   10:01
Yeah, I you know, this is gonna be really fascinating because I think we need to start with how our consumer behaviors to the change. A couple of the most interesting ones, something. And I Last week, I had a meeting with one of our partners in the This takes second, it was telling me that his mother was in Italy, okay, had placed her first online order through her cell phone. Okay, so somebody who had never, ever placed in order online grocery fresh had done. It is out of necessity. And the question is, are these people who for the first time ever are changing their personal behaviors Are they going to stay online or use them all? We're gonna go back. My guess is some of them are going to stay in line. Not most know their consumer behavior that's changing is the way we interact with payments. So, you know, the, you know, we've all been talking about our fight be in contact US payment and all these things if you look at some things to fix it. Coming out of the three countries I mentioned, China, Korea and Japan contact this pain. It has gone up by 30 40% right? So I think we're going to see a change in consumer behaviors. And I think the retail stores where we started this question are gonna have to adapt to some of these changes. So if our two guests right now, I would say we are going to see a lot more online institute. If you look at online behaviour, Andre, I mean, traditionally, electron ICS has been number one in most countries, right? Ah, Parral fashion is generally number two. But when it comes to fresh and fruits and vegetables, it has been a very small 234% of everything that's online. There's a big chance that I'd actually go up significant.

Andrei:   11:58
Interesting. I know another big topic. Inspirations and media opinion. We talked about technologies, visibility and, uh, manufacturers, consumer goods companies. Everybody has been struggling with having a clear visibility across their supply chains. Um, do you have some examples of good behaviors or good case studies in the specific topic of visibilities and maybe some examples where people are companies are struggling? How do you see from your side from your clients?

Antonio:   12:31
Yeah, yeah. So? So visibility as always being. You know, I think they keep component and the best practice in good supply chains will manage the practices and so forth on. It's also been a little bit challenging to some extent because of the globalization of the supply chains. I'm gonna be a little unorthodox here and say that interesting enough. The people who have the best visibility, in my opinion, based on if you look at retail manufacturing is really actually a for component, which is that third party logistics. So and you think about it. I mean, that is their business, right? They would argue one of their competitive differentiators. So you see most of them, actually, you know, huge increase. You know, if they are able to operate because obviously that is in what they're doing, even even myself. As a personal data point, you know, I'm we decided at will yonder. In the case of the single poor operation, I think what it was like 10 days ago, we decided we were all gonna work remote, okay, and not go to the office. Well, I'm I'm receiving packages through different, um, third party logistics companies or packaging companies. Pretty much every day, right, in order to continue signing contracts and reviewing documents and so forth. So it's, I think, all retailers, all manufacturers visibility is critical. If you were to ask me who is the one that's coping best with it? And who has best practices is that their party logistics hunks

Andrei:   14:14
Good. We direct with quite a few of the three ps around April globally, and I know this is what they need to focus, and a lot of their clients are asking about visibility and because fragmentation and acquisitions it's not easy asked to toe to figure out, to be honest. But I think, like you said, there may be from from all the grease across the board, they they're doing a great job at it. Um, and we rely on on their service is even more during this time. No, we talked just a bit about technology, and I know blue yonder made them quite a lot of effort in the last few years. Even that the name change suggested this to focus on on a big data machine learning predictive supply. Jane, what can you tell us about this? How has these bean impacting the current challenges? How does the latest tech help?

Antonio:   15:14
Yeah, so I weigh had, ah, customer bars in the U. S. Who actually sent our CEO, Mr Garish Rishi and email recently that uses some of our machine learning artificial intelligence forecasting capabilities. What we called lament, illuminate demand. Etch. Okay. And they, um their feedback was very positive, very proud of, but basically said we went live a couple months ago, and we have a deal to react much faster. Much Riker to the changes in the event, so I don't think it's any secret thing. There's plenty of studies out there that are showing that really machine learning in artificial intelligence, you know, is gonna have a huge impact on supply chain management. And I think, if anything, uh, this crisis we're going through has demonstrated that. So you know the traditional forecasting solutions, No doubt in the more mature markets where you have less bear ability of the rocks were fine. But the business case for rocks that have a high variability and also our parish abo have a limited shelf. Life is very significantly,

Andrei:   16:32
I agree, and you work across industries. I know that's, for example, automotive. It's been kid very hard during the last few months. Do you have clients in that area who are doing better than the rest? Or how do you see the automotive industry tomorrow?

Antonio:   16:49
Yeah, and it goes back to what we were talking a little bit earlier, right? You put everybody in the same bucket, right? So we are seeing obviously certain retailers and manufacturers, you know, anything that has to do medical supplies say happe for middle poker, small food, beverage, that sort of thing. I mean the demand is outstripping supply at this moment in time. But on the other hand, you have a huge number off segments that it's probably the country's automotive is one of them. Tourism is another one, you know, hotel's hospitality. I mean, we've seen the news across the net and, you know, from that perspective, yes, we do way. Actually, a large number of the manufacture cars are touched by a woman under solution in the world will consider the automotive industry one of our key industries. And we work with European Japanese Asians and American Carmen factors. And there is definitely not just about, you know, the actual manufacturing side of it. We have all the components, we have the raw materials, but actually, the problem for them right now is that the man has gone significant out. So it is gonna be a challenge. And I think in their case, it's gonna have to wait until the situation changes little bit.

Andrei:   18:09
Definitely. Everybody's shutting down other factories. We saw BMW setting goals, women, even in my home country of Romania. Thatcher and always had to shut down the factory. So that's at least one of the sexes we will see a lot of impact in the negative aspect. Now, I wanted to ask on a different topic the partnerships, because there is, ah, a positive aspect of the situation where people, organizations, companies, even competitors, come together to try to figure things out there to provide a bed better at the value for the final client or even to help their own workforce. We saw in Australia Qantas their line and it would work the retailer working together to utilize the airlines workforce. Who is not active at the moment. Um, do you see other examples of good partnerships? Really, when yourself is a company that we consider this or do you have interesting punishes that have bean working during this period?

Antonio:   19:18
Yeah, I really got to see that example you just mentioned. I was not aware of it. And it makes me great happiness to see, you know, cos we're helping each other really process fact room, right? You know, an airline in a retailer, right? And in the case that you mentioned and yes, I would say that in the mist of this crisis, you're seeing the best of people come together in many men situations. So it's specifically when it comes to blue yonder. I think the first thing the two or three things that I would highlight is let's start with Microsoft's. In the case of Microsoft, uh, Mr Satya, the CEO of Microsoft Sin, sent out a letter on March 22nd which is publishing, leaking, and some other social media and blue yonder specifically mentioned there. Because we are working together with Microsoft, with health organizations like CDC and some other ones to populate one of our tools that we call a limited control power with the latest information off the number of cases, number of hot spots and so forth reference to the growing box and extrapolated that put that above the specific company's networks approaching network. And then you can look at, you know where where is growth happening? Reference to the virus? How could that impact your supply chain? Right, So we're making that available to some select customers. It is not a business driven decision. It's about helping, right? Eso it, we're not. It's not that economic. The war. We're looking for it, so that's a great example. We actually have some some interesting slides and we're putting supply chains, giving information and data and actionable intelligence to the customers. Right? We're working with some of We just had a call a couple days ago with some of our system integrators. Some are partners, and they're suggesting that certain of our solutions about modeling feats modeling rouse multimodal. So when it comes to Truck Ocean, B. C's cross stocks, Andre, that sort of thing, they're saying, Hey, you, can you give us a license? We have customers who need some help. You need some quick scenario planning some quick execution advice and we are making those available right? So it's some of this indigenous coming from our partner, some of them coming from us and some coming from our customers. So we have a very, very large retailer in the U. S. Who has decided to make some interesting decisions about saying, Well, I'm really struggling, stocking every single one of my stores and my better off, you know, continued to struggle doing this. Or should I concentrate in certain stores and move my assets? My people, my inventory to the critical stores. So we're helping them go through that decision and if they do decide to do that. This case they have are forecasting solutions are rippling solutions. Our labor solutions. Then we would help him move all that information and focus on the critical stores.

Andrei:   22:39
And in this case, So it's interesting that you mentioned the solution. You're working with Microsoft? Is that available? Um, do anybody or is it more targeted to specific lines whose we would be happy to shape this? Well,

Antonio:   22:54
yes, Lou, in a control tower. I mean that it is, uh it has a use case and a business, and in the manufacturing, in the logistics for party logistics and in retail. So it really allows you to visualize, provide scenario planning and predict possible disruptions. Right? Because the key here, Andre and the way I didn't explain it is if your plan is to sell 100 units a month, okay, and you're gonna sell 25 units every week, and when that time is over, you asked me and you say, Well, you know, I don't know how much did you sell? And I said so 50 of the question everybody has is why, and that's that's not a bad question, but there's even a better question. Is When would you have known that you are not gonna reach 100? Because once the four weeks are over, Okay, So if we change our DNA culture and start asking, you know, when could I have known that this was not gonna happen? That's what Louis control power does in a possible future disruptions. So you can take action now to avoid those disruptions.

Andrei:   24:08
Interesting. And I know that there is. Of course there is the solution. And then there is the implementation time. And if there is a new client that my benefits from that solution there is, uh, that beer this time where everything has to happen, assess the their system, trying to figure out how decision with fitting or, um, and the implementation takes a while, right? How would you or is there a solution you you came up with during disappear with maybe somebody who is not? Your current line wants to benefit and needs needs a better perspective on what's happening in in their suppression can coming and say yes. Uh, we could help. We need your help. And, uh, how long can it take? Shorter than usual along out the attacker that the duration of implementation.

Antonio:   25:01
Yeah, Yeah, E think another way of looking at your question is there are things that you can do in the short term in the medium term in the long term, right? And definitely the reality is, you know, installing a transportation management solution, installing at warehouse management solution, installing a lunatic, demand it and so forth those projects that on average are gonna take 568 10 months, depending on the complexity in the scope. They are things that can be implemented and have actionable information. Have benefits within weeks. Okay? And they generally fall in three categories. The 1st 1 is what we call quick network design, which is really looking at your assets and looking at, you know, where am I getting the raw material? What are the de ses air coming into? What are the plans inside those plans? How many production lines do I have? And then what are my transportation links? What are my customers? And you model that inside the solution which we call supply chain strategists, And then you can do scenarios. Well, you know what? This plan is out commission. You know how much connection to another plant. This D C is no longer available, right? Or this to see has capacity. And you can do a quick scenario analysis. You can do those as quickly is in two weeks and, you know, within four or six weeks and you could be making instant decisions on network. Besides, um, no, they're area, which we spoke about because he was in the Terri optimization. So, uh, with io, which is what we call in the jury up sensation, you can load and do your your segmenting and say, OK, these are my crocks A B and sees. These are my service levels. These are my inventory buffers. You know, I only have so much capacity. How do I increase my service levels? What are the injuries that I need to have in each one of these for this increase in demand? Right. So a more intelligent way we use the previous six you no explanation about retailers who basically consciously said we're not gonna focus in these categories year. It would actually help you identify what those categories are. Keep in mind that some of our retailers have over 100,000 rocks in their stores. Yes, doing it manually is not. And then the third example of that is what we call transportation modeling for short team. Odd is really voting your transportation links right in your inventory buffers and your physical assets. Your D C is your prospects and so forth and basically saying, you know what? Based on the demand behavior next week, this is the capacity of trucks. This is the capacity of shipments that I'm gonna need and be able to provide that visibility to your service, your transportation service providers or your own fleet. And be prepared for that. Right? So, again, these three examples are things that can be done within two weeks. Four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks. And as I mentioned before, the other part you know W. Manus a TMS those air months, right?

Andrei:   28:08
Yes, right. I mean, like you said, it's an interesting perspective you have in mind. We should think. Okay. What? What should we do on the short term? A couple of weeks, then determined and long term, Um, what are some of the priorities? Long term. So, of course, everybody is fire fighting. Adam. All right. Trying to they put out the disruptions. What do you think? Personally And also from an organization perspective. What do you think organizations should focus on long term? What? What are some of the and it can be from a general management respect. He doesn't have to be on suspension. Financial manager's perspective, Human resources. Um, what are your thoughts on the long term priorities? You?

Antonio:   28:57
Yeah. Yeah. So, um, I I think it's gonna accelerate a change that has already been happening. So my view is, if anything, if you look at the last 2030 years, there has, You know, we concentrated a lot of the manufacturing in a few countries in Asia, right? Because of cost and inefficiencies. And, you know, in other reasons, and far away from some of the bigger markets like the U. S and Europe and so forth. But the interesting thing is, if you look at the last 20 years, the cost component is no larger as competitive. It was before labor hasn't graced transportation. Pastas increase lead times, have maybe sometimes come down maybe from 45 days from 30 days. And if you look at the last 10 years, you have seen a lot more near shoring and even ensuring So a lot of the manufacturers, both in high tech or industrial automotive, have been putting manufacturing plants closer to the big markets. So the truth is, the manufacturing has diversified slowly in the last 10 years, in some, manufacturing has gone to other Asian countries, and some have a hatching have crossed our big oceans on and are closer to the markets. So, in my opinion, the first long term effect we're going to see is that we're actually gonna see that accelerate a little bit. And these are Let's be clear. These are very significant Capital X, you know, investments, right? So they're not gonna move within weeks or months. But as companies look at their supply, gene and look at what we learn from what is happening now, they were going to start saying, You know what? We can't just have 60 80% of our manufacturing based out of one reach, right. We're gonna have to diversify that. So my view is, what this is going to do is accelerate that behavior which was already happening in slow motion, and then definitely some manufacturers in some retailers are going to change and going back to what we were talking about. I think a lot of it is gonna be based on consumer behavior.

Andrei:   31:14
Um, let's talk about work force management. I think you also have a solution on that and I was taking. But overall, there is quite a big fear. And we see the results. You do industry that you mentioned that people are going to be left without a job, right? Or we need to rethink our work for Spanish mint systems. And we need to rethink how we use our work. Um, what is your opinion from From from this angle, you think we have to deploy certain solutions Now, do you think we should rely on a mix of technology leadership, empathy? Because, you know, when we think about people's professional careers O r. An emotional topic as well. What are your thoughts on this?

Antonio:   32:04
Yeah, Sue, let's choose retail. So if you if you look at retail the top three cost or investments and to be in real estate, you know, if you're talking about traditional retail right in the turn and labor, so labor is a huge component right of pretty much any retailer that brick and mortar and, uh, Brigham Order and online presence. Workhorse management has gone through a very interesting evolution. I guess I'm gonna call it because it has evolved generally the way it was looked at from most cos it was looked at as I need to optimize my cost, Mike. So I don't wanna have overtime. I wanna try the right service level. So I wanna have enough cashiers. So if you are in a pharmacy business, pharmacies, businesses in most of the world, the peak time is when people return from their work in. You know, interesting trick is, if you look at pharmacies most of the times, they tend to be on the right side off of the street because they're heading out. It was between five and seven. Tends to be the peak time for most pharmacy because they stopped by, get their medications or get whatever they're looking for. Right. Um, so you need to have, you know, as many cashiers as many people at that time. Too often my service. Look. So now what? What has in my opinion, changed in the last three or four years is that a lot of retailers have realized that you can see there's some very big recovers. Like Wal Mart a couple years ago announced that they were going to start increasing in a gradual way, their wages to please, and you have other retailers who have also leading in that area. Starbucks comes over the amazing job of making sure their associates are taking well. So workforce management is no longer about cost in service loads that it's also about the satisfaction of limply right about the flexibility that person has, because in many retail industries this might be a part time job. I you know they might have to take care of the Children or they might be studying, or they might be happy to take care of the parents. So the ability of them to have visibility of what are the hours that they need to work? Can I swap those hours with one of my colleagues because I haven't examined two of three days that and it's really I mean, it sounds a little cliche, but happy worker generally tends to be a happy customer

Andrei:   34:33
when, when you think internally, do you see cos. Or other leaders doing a great job? When it comes to Ah making their employees feel safe from from the job, job perspective or even it's ah, it's a fine balance that the leaders have toa do think of now. I mean, it's before between having to protect the financial performance and in the same time making sure that employees feel safe on their long term in in their jobs. Do you see something? Some good examples there?

Antonio:   35:06
I do, I do. And I have to say, personally, this is something that I'm very happy to see across multiple countries in most multiple societies, some with MME. Or less degree. But if you go back and look at the news and and that you asked and sometimes in Europe and certainly sometimes here in Asia it has been corporations who have taken the first steps to protect their associates and their customers before the government. So a couple Keith samples. I don't know if you see that right, but you know my case. I mean, if you look at the U. S. A lot of the sports organizations, they canceled major league baseball and basketball and football weeks ago, and that's a few trying to impact for them, right, because they know they have to still pay salaries and so forth. And, you know, they said, You know what? We're not gonna put our athletes, and we're not gonna put in the case of Australia. Uh, you know, some of our biggest customers there. They told us two or three weeks ago I said, Guys, we need to continue working together, but we're no longer gonna have face to face meetings. Right? So we're gonna work remote even before the lock tops. So the message I'm trying to give is again and again If you look into the details of a lot of the news we're seeing, we're seeing companies and corporations quoting the safety off there and please and put in the safety of their customers before profits. Personally, I'm very happy about that. So, in the case of a bull yonder, we we made a decision several weeks ago to stop all international travel. Right. So and I've made a decision a couple weeks ago. Also, that, you know, everybody had to work from home. Um, and I have to say our customers have been amazing for it. So we have over 50 on going projects with customers in the region. Every sing of those projects has continued in the remote fashion, and the customers have not only supported this joint decisions and sometimes you our decision and sometimes, but they've actually welcome that decision to do that.

Andrei:   37:22
50 projects like you said, it's It's interesting to see how people change their mind set from, uh, feeling a flight in a face to face meeting this mandatory to feeling zoom can also do the trick or other other conference platform. Um, And when we think about hiring Gore, I mean in this period, not a lot of organization, uh, make it a huge priorities, but some still do. Harming is is a topic of interest for us because because this is this is our core product executive search part. What are the biggest changes that you see? First of all, And second, what are the most demanded skiers during this coming few months that you use us as a leader?

Antonio:   38:10
Yeah. So my sense, first of all is   think most companies were lies that attend the day that intellectual property that expertise resides in the team, right? So they will be impacts. In the end, it would vary from industries to industries, you know, airlines and hotels and so forth. I think unfortunately, there's gonna be severe impacts for the workforce in those segments. Um, I think most technology companies I think a lot of the manufacturing companies certainly retailers on the growth three hypermarket area. I think you're going to see, actually a a huge effort of trying to recruit some additional people Might my sense, from the point of view of skill sets in the point of view of what people are gonna be looking for. And then it ate. Yes, absolutely certain specific knowledge again. We spoke a bit earlier. Me If there's one thing that has come out of this is to watching management is now in Centre ST. So I understand that people with machine learning, artificial intelligence, data analytics, those type of things there were already scarce. They're gonna become even scarcer, right? Um and I also think two very big extent people who have, um, that ability to focus and work in critical situations. So I think as a company, as blue yonder and I think as corporations, you know, in in and I mentioned this before, I really do see companies putting their associates in their customers foremost as a priority. But I think it's that safety is important and we need to be focusing on that. But it's also about creating a sense of purpose and that we do so in our case and specifically in Asia Pacific Lunder. Uh, what we're doing and how we're helping certain customers it matters. It matters significantly because, as you mentioned before, having a reach other who is providing 50% of the food and beverage for that country, making sure that spy gene is it seamless as redone his has redundancy and is working without any interruptions is absolutely

Andrei:   40:33
yes. Ah, like Lincoln mentioned, We are living through times when safety and purpose it comes. Is it his high priorities? And we were getting close to the last question. Now what should we expect in the near any next few months? And how should we prepare? Or how should the supply teaching profession was across the board? Because this is most of our audience. It's logistics pageant professionals. How should they prepare, um, to take the challenge is that it will come now in a few weeks, in a few months,

Antonio:   41:08
maybe even one year. Yeah. Yeah. So I'll sure what? What I've been doing well, focus in this industry for pretty much 20 years now, Andi, I've been lucky enough to, you know, in a lot of detail when it comes to our transportation management solution, some of forecasting solutions I've done consulting work, sales alliances. Um, uh, product development. So it was part of product development. But then the day what I've been, you know, since, you know, since we made the decision to work from home in cancel international travel, I find myself you can use one of the silver linings or benefits of doing this. Is that actually you find yourself with more time, Right. So, um, this week alone, I went with some of my college into a refresher off. Ah, lot of our technology offerings and reference to integration and other things. So you know how you invest that time. I think it's important. I've decided personally that, you know, I'm gonna go out there and this internally and externally up my skits. Right. So, um, I am finishing a six sigma lean class, right? That that you know, that I think is very relevant to the things I went through a detail luminous control tower technology integration overview last yesterday with some of our team members. And by the way, it's not just me, but we're We're doing this as a company. We said, You know what? It's a good time to upper school. So my message to survive in professionals is, um, you know, take advantage of, you know, if you do have downtime. Not everybody has downtime. Some people are in the execution mode that we talked about a little while ago is look at those opportunities you have, depending on. What are your strengths and weaknesses and work on creating and bridging those gaps so that you're better prepared? Because, as I said before, surprising management is gonna be a main stage, and it will be in Maine state for some time to come.

Andrei:   43:13
This right, a mountaineer, thank you very much for the showing were we were close to the physician now, but, like you said, supply teaching, it is coming at the center state. It should have been for a long time, but now, because it's needed, everybody's focused on it, and I think both technology and empathy putting clients and employees first is very important. As you mentioned. If if we can also use the this time to better prepare our better excuses even better. So again, thank you for being with us and hope for the best for the next four months. Andre, thank you

Antonio:   43:48
very much for having me. And same here. I think you're seeing positive signs, and I have no doubt that this will

Andrei:   43:55
pass. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Toe podcast for all the show notes, information discussed. The Epsom Let's follow. Lt global dot com slash podcast. Also, if you found this interesting, we subscribe 1 19 Spotify. It's teacher or wherever you get your podcasts from.

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