Through her own health journey and then her son's, Marilee Nelson has become an expert on healthy living spaces. As a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Building-Biologist, Building Materials Specialist, and one of the founders of the non-toxic cleaning brand, Branch Basics, Marilee has helped so many others create a healthier home. She joins me today to share what to watch out for in your own home and some easy swaps!
In this episode:
Find out more about Marilee and Branch Basics at You can save on their products with code MAISONPUR. For more information on all the categories of products to remove for a healthier home, check out this article. For tips on buying furnishings, check out this article.
Through her own health journey and then her son's, Marilee Nelson has become an expert on healthy living spaces. As a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Building-Biologist, Building Materials Specialist, and one of the founders of the non-toxic cleaning brand, Branch Basics, Marilee has helped so many others create a healthier home. She joins me today to share what to watch out for in your own home and some easy swaps!
In this episode:
Find out more about Marilee and Branch Basics at You can save on their products with code MAISONPUR. For more information on all the categories of products to remove for a healthier home, check out this article. For tips on buying furnishings, check out this article.