Run Your Life Show With Andy Vasily

# 140 - In Times of Uncertainty with Julian Edwards-Primary Principal at Inter-Community School Zurich

Andy Vasily

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In this episode, Julian Edwards, the Primary Principal of the Inter-Community School Zurich shares his organization's journey over the past couple of months dealing with the current COVID-19 public health crisis. Julian speaks in-depth about how the leadership team has worked closely together with the teachers to help provide the very best distance learning experiences possible for their students. Through critical reflection and gathering feedback, his team was able to be agile and flexible and to pivot as needed during this difficult time in order to best support their teachers, students and parents.

Julian also discusses how the school got back to a blended mix of face-to-face teaching and distance learning and what they have learned through this entire process. It was a pleasure to have Julian on the show and even a greater pleasure that he is headed over to The KAUST School next academic year.

Julian's Bio
Julian Edwards has been lucky enough to work in roles across most sectors of education including Elementary, Secondary and Special Education, as a teacher, curriculum coordinator, workshop leader, presenter, and school leader. Julian started his teaching career in the UK and for the last twenty years has held leadership roles in international schools including the International School of Tanganyika, Western Academy of Beijing and NIST International School in Bangkok. Julian is currently Primary Principal at the Inter Community School in Zurich and in August 2020 will join the The KAUST School as Director of Learning and Innovation. Julian’s professional passion lies in understanding how creative teaching and leadership can develop the fullest capacity of individuals, whatever their age. Having worked extensively with the IBO through workshop leading and involvement in developments across the three programmes, Julian has a somewhat unique understanding of the curriculum continuum in international education. In addition to his ongoing work of school-based leadership, Julian continues to lead workshops and professional learning opportunities in areas including Project Based Learning, Inquiry, Creative and Personalized Leadership, Agency, Innovation and Coaching and Mentoring.

Connect With Julian

Special thanks to Bronx based band Conversing with Oceans and Alex Bondarev for creating the podcast music.