Run Your Life Show With Andy Vasily

# 151 - Authentic Learning in Physical Education With Dr. Aaron Beighle

August 01, 2020 Andy Vasily

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In this episode, Dr. Aaron Beighle and I have an in-depth discussion about quality teaching and learning in physical education. In particular, we dive into a conversation about what teachers need to think more deeply about when planning for high quality virtual learning lessons. As well, we discuss our thoughts about how teachers might reframe what's possible in regards to the learning experiences they offer students in relation to important health and fitness outcomes in physical education.

Aaron is a not only a fantastic educator but a wonderful person who I am happy to have met and formed a friendship with. Thanks for being on the show for a second time Aaron.

Aaron's Bio:
Aaron Beighle holds a Ph.D. from Arizona State University and is currently a faculty member at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Beighle regularly collaborates with a variety of organizations interested in youth physical activity promotion. He has been a leading advocate for Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs since its inception in 2006. Aaron has written more than 85 research-based and practical articles as well as six books, most notably Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children. He recently collaborated with Dr. Bob Pangrazi and Gopher to make their widely used lessons plans available for free via

Connect With Aaron:

Special thanks to Bronx band Conversing with Oceans & Alex Bondarev for creating the podcast music.

Closing Song: Thrive by Casting Crowns-