The Leadership Pod

[003] How to Start Building a Strong Leadership Brand in 2020

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 3

You’ve no doubt heard of personal branding. Emerging leaders need something stronger than that. They need to build a leadership brand so they can be recognised as somebody with leadership potential.

When you’re aiming for a leadership position, you need to package and market yourself as a leader. How do you do that? How do you create a leadership brand?

There are a number of touch points you need to think about. These are the points from which your audience will gather clues or information about who you are and what you stand for.

These are the touch points that your boss will use to decide whether you’re leadership material, or not.

So it’s critical you get them right!

In this episode, I help you define your leadership brand so you know what you’re aiming for, and then I delve into three touch points so you can start creating your leadership brand for 2020.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • Why I prefer the term, “leadership branding”.
  • How you have control over these touch points.
  • How to define your leadership brand and I share with you a quick activity that you can do on your own.
  • Why your outfit is an important touch point to think about.
  • How your nonverbal communication is important.
  • The importance of your verbal and nonverbal communication being in-sync.
  • How to overcome getting your thoughts muddled and clearly convey your thoughts in business meetings.

Resources talked about in this episode:

Listen to this episode here:

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