The Leadership Pod

[005] 5 Reasons Why You Should Speak Up In Meetings

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 5

One of the biggest barriers to building visibility that I see with my clients is not speaking up in meetings, especially when they have an idea, opinion or suggestion to share with the room.

This is such a shame because meetings are the easiest way for any professional to build visibility. But for a couple of reasons that I share with you in this podcast episode, emerging leaders more often that not, hold back.

My aim with the episode is to encourage you to speak up more in meetings by sharing with you five great reasons why you should!

In this episode, I discuss: 

  • How lack of confidence can cause you to hold back in meetings.
  • How not all corporate cultures support people talking freely in meetings.
  • Why keeping quiet shows you have nothing to contribute.
  • How people can start questioning why you’re even in the room!
  • Why meetings are easy and FREE way to increase your visibility.
  • How speaking up can get you closer to high-level projects.
  • Why you need to speak up to position yourself as a leader. 

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts here:

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