The Leadership Pod

[006] How to Reinvent Your Leadership Brand When You Get Promoted

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 6

As you rise higher in your career, you will need to reinvent your leadership brand. This can happen when you move up to the next level, for example from manager to senior manager, or if you move to a different industry or start your own business. 

Basically anytime there’s going to be a transition, you will need to reflect on your leadership brand and identify whether it’s going to serve you in your new position.

Having a leadership brand that’s not up-to-date can hold you back and keep you away from your career goals.

In this episode I talk about five things you need to think about when reinventing your leadership brand when you get promoted. 

In this episode, I discuss:

  • How reinventing your leadership brand is a gradual process.
  • How to identify the elements of your leadership brand that still serve you.
  • How to identify elements that no longer serve you and are holding you back.
  • How to re-define your leadership brand with a technique I use with my clients.
  • How to communicate your new leadership brand.
  • How to monitor the results.

Listen to this episode here

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