The Leadership Pod

[007] Top Soft Skills for Future Leaders

Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 7

Many new managers aren’t equipped with the soft skills they need to lead a team. They’re usually promoted based on the level of technical skill they have, or the number of years of experiences they have.

They’re thrown into the role of a leader, but they don’t know anything about how to lead a team. They have good technical skills, but they don’t have good people management skill.

This is where the breakdown occurs. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode, I talk you through the top 5 soft skills that you need to know about if you want to succeed as a new leader.

Listen to this episode on Apple podcasts here [link]

In this episode, I discuss:

  • How the world of work is changing with AI, and how people management skill is becoming increasingly important.
  • The top 5 soft skills you need to know about as an emerging leader.
  • How communication is important for leaders - both talking and listening.
  • How collaboration and developing good relationships is becoming more important.
  • How critical thinking and problem solving is one of the top soft skills you need to know about.
  • How Emotional Intelligence is what separates great leaders from managers.
  • How change-agility is paramount in today’s business world.

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