The Leadership Pod

[014] Why Brilliant Leaders Struggle With Visibility and What to Do About It

May 17, 2020 Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 14

Why do leaders struggle with visibility? Visibility is incredibly important in leadership. As an emerging leader, you need to increase your visibility in the office and show signs that you’re a leader. However, it doesn’t come naturally to everybody. Leaders often struggle with visibility, especially when they’re a new leader or a new manager. 

In Episode 14, “Why Brilliant Leaders Struggle With Visibility and What to Do About It”, you will learn:

  • How formal education and entry-level positions prevent you from becoming visible.
  • The misconception people have about visibility and self-promotion.
  • Why you need to sell your ideas to sell yourself.
  • How developing relationships with key people is a form of social proof.
  • What I mean by “create disturbance” to increase your visibility.

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