The Leadership Pod

[022] Why Leaders Shouldn’t Think that Business Etiquette is Old, Stuffy and Out-of-Date

July 12, 2020 Kara Ronin Season 1 Episode 22

Why is business etiquette important in the workplace? Why should emerging leaders have skills in business etiquette? Many new leaders and young professionals think that business etiquette is old, stuffy and out-of-date. They think that skills in business etiquette will not prepare them for modern professional life.

They overlook this very important skill-set and as a result, often damage their professional reputation, business relationships, and career progression.

This is a major but unnecessary mistake that many new leaders and emerging leaders make.

Business etiquette skills are incredibly important in the professional world. 

  • They help you know what to do in business and social situations. 
  • They help you connect better with your coworkers and clients. 
  • They increase your level of confidence in business. 
  • They help you develop a strong and positive reputation.
  • They help create a positive and collegial work environment.

I’ve been teaching business etiquette to professionals all around the world for the last 8 years and I’ve seen the impact it’s had on their professional and personal lives. 

In Episode 22, “Why Leaders Shouldn’t Think that Business Etiquette is Old, Stuffy and Out-of-Date”, you will learn:

  • Why business etiquette is important in the workplace.
  • What business etiquette is and what it isn’t.
  • Why business etiquette isn’t old, stuffy and out-of-date.
  • How skills in business etiquette can help you build your people skills, build relationships, connect with others, conduct yourself at networking events and business meetings, and more!
  • How skills in business etiquette help you build know, like and trust with others. 
  • Knowing what to do in business situations increases your self-confidence.

Resources Mentioned

  • Discount coupon for Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Professional Success (video course):
  • Why Business Etiquette is the Key to Career Success, Kara Ronin, Leaders in Heels:

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