The Leadership Pod

[049] How to Talk to Anyone in Business

Kara Ronin Season 2 Episode 49

How to talk to anyone in business is the topic of this week’s podcast episode. Many young professionals, emerging leaders and introverts hold back from talking to new people in business. They don’t know how to start a conversation with somebody new. They don’t know what to say or what questions to ask.

In business, it’s really important to develop relationships with people. If you can’t start conversations with new people then you won’t be able to develop relationships. 

 In order to develop new relationships in business, you need to know how to start conversations with people and start talking to anyone in business.

In this podcast episode, I share with you five simple strategies to help you start talking with anyone in business, and with confidence!

You will learn: 

  • How to start conversations at networking events, business functions, job interviews or when you’re sitting next to people on a plane.
  • How to set your intention and the right intention.
  • The importance of introducing yourself.
  • How to start with a non-threatening question.
  • Nonverbal cues to indicate interest and continue the conversation.
  • How to rephrase and clarify what the other person has said.

The tips I share with you in this episode have helped me connect with new people at networking events, some of whom have become clients.

Listen to this episode on the podcast platform of your choice: Apple Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, Google and more.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

Send Me Your Questions

This episode is a Q&A Episode of The Leadership Pod where I answer a question somebody from my community has sent in. If you would like to submit your own question for a future episode, please send an email to

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Learning & Development Video Courses!

Get Your Leadership Evaluation Toolkit!

Download the Leadership Evaluation Toolkit, a 35-question self-assessment on leadership:

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