The Leadership Pod

[054] How to Lead Virtually in 2021 and Beyond!

March 07, 2021 Kara Ronin Season 2 Episode 54

In the current business environment, many professionals are asking themselves, “How can I lead virtually in 2021”, or “how can I be successful at virtual leadership”. If you’re an emerging leader and you’ve asked yourself these questions while you’ve been working from home, this week’s podcast episode and YouTube video are for you.

Virtual leadership requires a shift in your leadership skillset. You don’t have regular in-person contact with your team which makes communication, and other essential leadership skills, much more difficult. 

On top of that, stress levels are high. People are frustrated. Your team may be losing motivation or they may be overwhelmed. 

As a leader, it’s really important that you keep on top of all of these issues so you can continue to move projects along and achieve your leadership goals.

In this episode, I share seven tips to help you stay on top of your leadership game in 2021 and beyond.

You will learn: 

  • Look at it as a learning opportunity.
  • Ways to adapt your communication.
  • Check in regularly with your team, and how to ask if they’re okay.
  • A good guideline to make meetings shorter.
  • Use an authentic background for video calls.
  • Don’t be intimidated by technology.
  • Take care of yourself (the most important!)

Send Me Your Questions

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Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Other Learning & Development Video Courses!

Get Your Leadership Evaluation Toolkit!

Download the Leadership Evaluation Toolkit, a 35-question self-assessment on leadership:

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