Parenting Decoded

20 - Creating Calm with Boundaries and Limits

Mary Eschen Season 1 Episode 20

Our kids are smart.  They really know how to manipulate us into getting what they want – crying, whining, having tantrums, giving us the silent treatment.  It can be overwhelming.  In my last podcast we were learning how to use choices early to avoid power struggles from the get-go.  In this podcast we’re going to follow along that positive path by using another technique that is a companion to choices – setting boundaries and limits.  

Kids to better knowing the rules.  Here are the guidelines to follow that I cover in this podcast: 
1 - Define the boundaries
2 -  Keep them positive
3 - Have consequences
4 - Be consistent 
5 - Be reasonable 
6 - Be calm and loving


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Have a blessed rest of your day!