MadGaines Live! By Cassandra Gaines

Major Executives Share Their Mistakes - Live from Las Vegas!

February 13, 2021 Cassandra Gaines, Esq.

LIVE IN LAS VEGAS - The Stupid Sh&t I’ve Done 

Industry leaders brave MadGaines for the very first in-person episode streaming live from Las Vegas at Lean Solutions Group’s first Master Mind Event & Super Bowl Party! 

Our brave guests include: 

Doug Waggoner, CEO of Echo Global Logistics

Kevin Nolan, Chief Rhino and Founder of Nolan Transportation Group (NTG)

Trent Broberg COO of, and 

Justin Hall Industry Veteran and Leader at 8VC

These leaders have agreed to openly share their business mistakes with Madtropolis so that we all can learn from the best. What happens before Vegas...comes to Vegas.  

Check out Cassandra's new website designed by Lean Marketing!!

To learn more about Lean's Master Mind Event, click here