First Baptist Blowing Rock

"Where Why is Just as Important as What" The Struggle is Real Series #11

Rusty Guenther

We continue to examine the Apostle Paul's warning to the Corinthians church in 1st Corinthians 3 as he introduces the idea of Christians standing in judgement before Christ to give an account of their lives. Sadly, for a majority of people, most of what we claim to believe and understand about Heaven is based more in popular literature, movies or television than in scripture. So it is not uncommon to discover that many Christians do not understand that their are two judgements mentioned in the New Testament and both have huge eternal consequences. Most would recognize the "Great White Throne" judgment mentioned in the Book of Revelation where all mankind will give an account for their lives and how they responded to Jesus Christ invitation of salvation, but many do not understand about the second judgment that Christians will face. This will not be a judgment of sin but rather one of stewardship. Join us as we explore what this place of judgment will be and how our lives lived for Christ today will greatly affect the outcome. Will there be rewards in heaven? Will there be tears in heaven? Listen in to find out. From 1st Corinthians 3:10-17.

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