First Baptist Blowing Rock

"The Rise of Liberal and Progressive Christianity" What we Believe and Why Spring 2023

May 24, 2023 Rusty Guenther
"The Rise of Liberal and Progressive Christianity" What we Believe and Why Spring 2023
First Baptist Blowing Rock
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First Baptist Blowing Rock
"The Rise of Liberal and Progressive Christianity" What we Believe and Why Spring 2023
May 24, 2023
Rusty Guenther

In this session we examine theological troubling issues that were founded in the days of the early church and continue into the modern era. With an overview of the Judaizer, Gnostics, Arianism and Modalism of the first three centuries to the German Biblical Higher Criticism, Modernism, and the rise of Liberal Christianity of the 19th and 20th centuries we can find commonality from all for the rise of today's Postmodern Theology and Relativism that has infiltrated the church. The division and destruction we are seeing in most mainline denominations as they deviated from Biblical authority and orthodoxy is not anything new and it serves as a warning to those individuals and churches trying to stand and uphold Biblical, evangelical, theology. 

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Show Notes

In this session we examine theological troubling issues that were founded in the days of the early church and continue into the modern era. With an overview of the Judaizer, Gnostics, Arianism and Modalism of the first three centuries to the German Biblical Higher Criticism, Modernism, and the rise of Liberal Christianity of the 19th and 20th centuries we can find commonality from all for the rise of today's Postmodern Theology and Relativism that has infiltrated the church. The division and destruction we are seeing in most mainline denominations as they deviated from Biblical authority and orthodoxy is not anything new and it serves as a warning to those individuals and churches trying to stand and uphold Biblical, evangelical, theology. 

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Contact us at or by phone @ 828-295-7715