First Baptist Blowing Rock

What Makes a Succesful Parent? To Be or Not to Be, Series from Ephesians # 38

Rusty Guenther
How do you measure the mark of a successful parent? Good grades? athletic involvement? well rounded? get into a good college? popularity? Many parents consider themselves a success if they can keep their students from the dangers in our culture like drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, trouble with the law. What about as a Christian parent? Shouldn't the goals for our children be different and based on the Bible - and what does the Bible say success looks like? Who is responsible for children and teenagers success? Parents? Grandparents? The Youth Minister? The Church? Join us as we examine Ephesians 6:1-4 to discover that success and the American dream are not the same as Biblical success and that raising Godly kids has less to do with what they do or don't do and more to do with Who they are.

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