First Baptist Blowing Rock

"In God we Trust" Following Jesus Sermon Series #26

Rusty Guenther
In Luke 18 when Jesus is asked by the "rich young ruler" what it takes to "inherit eternal life" Jesus responds by calling him to "sell all you have and give the proceeds to those in need". Was this a specific command for this one person or is it something He expects from every follower? In our series from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus seems to be encouraging his followers to invest their time/talent and treasure in eternal things over the temporary things of this world - but it is only a suggestion and not a command. What is the difference and how does it relate to those of us today who are followers of Christ? Maybe the issue was not that the "rich young ruler" had money but rather that his money HAD HIM. Listen in as we discuss what it means to only serve one master and the consequences that occur when we try to serve more than one. From Matthew 6:24

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