The Collaborative Vet Podcast - Michael Dr.T Tokiwa

Treat the Whole Family Dynamic - Renee Alsarraff, Author, Oncologist, Cancer Survivor

Michael Dr.T Tokiwa Season 2 Episode 24

On October 18th, you’ll be able to experience Dr. Renee Alsarraf’s book Sit Stay Heal.  Her journey through her battle with cancer, and how her patients taught her about living a better life.  

Here she touches on the concepts that Pets live in the moment.   Her cancer patients never worried about the statistics, or potential outcomes that can mentally and emotionally exhaust their human counterparts.  Instead they happily enter and leave the treatment center. 

We also discuss some of the characters (who are real life people) she has met during her tenure as an oncologist.  These are what she calls the “back story” of the pet’s family.  As she states, veterinarians need to treat the entire family dynamic.  Her advice for young veterinarians is simple.  “Do not sit across from the family, sit next to them.”