The Collaborative Vet Podcast - Michael Dr.T Tokiwa

I Have Lyme Disease and Didn't Even Know it!

Michael Dr.T Tokiwa Season 1 Episode 2

By chance I decided to test myself for Lyme Disease.  At the last veterinary conference while getting a Rabies titer, I decided to get tested for Lyme (assuming it would be negative).  Results returned 2 weeks later and indicated that I had Lyme disease!  I've lived in NJ for 20 years,  have never had an engorged tick on me, well at least not knowingly.  I am "tick Paranoid" ie. I don't put myself in situations to get ticks on me.  I chalked up my typical aches and pains to getting old.  Having recently been treated for a dental root canal infection (which may have to do with Lyme disease btw), my aches and pains have gone away.  The moral of this story?  Get your pets tested.  Use the tick and flea prevention every month (all year in states like mine (NJ)).  Vaccinate your pets for Lyme disease (as well as other illnesses). And, treat Lyme symptoms with a good antibiotic for the recommended time frame!   Talk to you veterinarian about how you can prevent, test and treat your pets!