200churches Podcast: Ministry Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches

Episode 383 - What Pastors Need To Know Before The Missionaries Show Up!

Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig: Pastors, Leaders, Bloggers, Podcasters, and Encouragers Episode 383

Melanie is an International Worker and Missionary with her husband and children in a foreign country that will remain unnamed. Jeff gave her permission to speak freely to pastors and clue them in on what it's like for a young missionary family to come off the field for a year and visit churches.

What do they need from pastors? From church members? How does this home assignment year affect their personal lives and their children? How can churches help and truly minister to the needs of a missions couple or missionary family? Melanie breaks all this down in this episode! It's a timeless evergreen 200churches classic! Enjoy!

And... Jeff and Jonny are in rare form in the introduction and conclusion - please excuse them...