200churches Podcast: Ministry Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches

Episode 399 - Let Your Church Be Known For Something with Mark MacDonald

Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig: Pastors, Leaders, Bloggers, Podcasters, and Encouragers Episode 399

He is a church communications and branding episode, who is actually the REAL DEAL. He has the heart of an evangelist, and has a craving for churches to reach people for Jesus. Sometimes us pastors can't get out of our own way - my words (Jeff) not his!

But Mark MacDonald helps us say less so our community will listen more. As a corporate communications and marketing guy - who was also a Christian - Mark realized that church leaders did not understand how to, in a ministerially and spiritually appropriate way, market their ministries. He wondered how he could help them get more of what people need (the Gospel) to the actual people who need it (the community).

Mark's organization is called, BE KNOWN FOR SOMETHING.

Mark did not seek me out, I found him online, and realizing he was the real deal, asked him to join me on the podcast. 

You are going to LOVE this!

You can check out Mark's book, Be Known For Something, right HERE!