200churches Podcast: Ministry Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches

Episode 408 - A Take On Forgiveness That Might Surprise You - with Bruce and Toni Hebel

December 07, 2022 Jeff Keady and Jonny Craig: Pastors, Leaders, Bloggers, Podcasters, and Encouragers Episode 408
200churches Podcast: Ministry Encouragement for Pastors of Small Churches
Episode 408 - A Take On Forgiveness That Might Surprise You - with Bruce and Toni Hebel
Show Notes

Bruce and Toni Hebel join Jeff to talk about their teaching on Forgiving Forward. They counsel, consult, and coach with individuals, leaders, pastoral couples, and many more every week of the year.

What does it look like to actually forgive? What does forgiveness mean? How about repentance? Reconciliation? Healing? The impact on mental health?

Bruce and Toni talk through the full monty! You'll learn a LOT from this episode!

Forgiving Forward Website

Forgiving Forward Book

Forgiving Forward Resources