Innergy Healing

Conversation about Chi or Prana energy.

Sonia Season 2

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Continuing our conversation about Chi/ Prana, the life force.
How to use this force to heal the body and mind.

  • Bring cosmic energy 
  • Heal your physical body
  • Calm the mind
  • Activate the chakras

Be proactive and learn how to increase your well-being, you are a beautiful and powerful being with the ability to transform your life the way you desire.

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Thank you for listening to the Innergy Healing podcast, where we explore the mysteries of spirituality and self-discovery.
We desire that each episode; provides you; with fresh ideas and views on your path to inner healing and progress.
Our mission is to provide tools and techniques to help you tap into your inner wisdom and harness your power to create a fulfilling and joyful life.
Remember to respect your individuality, follow your instincts, and approach your spiritual path with an open mind and heart.
We invite you to join us for our next episode, in which we will continue to dive further into the universe's mysteries.
We look forward to having more insightful conversations with you in future episodes.
Stay tuned until then; may you be surrounded by love, light, and positive energy.

Dear friends family of light Welcome to Innergy Healing podcast. Here you will find answers to many questions about spirituality, spiritual practices, healing, healing modalities.

So let's start welcome. And let's enjoy being together. This is Sonia from Innergy healing podcast. Do not forget to subscribe. Let's start.

Today we're going to keep on going with our conversation about the chi or prana the universal energy, the energy contained in everything

how to use the Chi the prana to heal the body and mind

how to activate the energy within, bringing in more cosmic energy into our bodies.

As we said previously, energy or chi or prana, or life force depending on how you want to call it is contained in everything is everywhere, it is everywhere around you is everywhere within you.

It is up to us to understand, to feel this energy moving through our body.

to just emphasize that learning to activate the Chi the life force within is not a magic pill.

This requires practice; these require from you, practice, commitment, focus discipline, it is about our personal spiritual development.

and believing in the power we have, the power within to achieve


to recognize and feel the CHI, the prana, the life force within

and recognizing this will also activate the vortexes or chakras in our bodies.

Right now, we are experiencing times of powerful transformations, times of introspective analysis times are being quiet

and assertive

And it's like time is speeding up. There is no time, the day runs fast, and even if you may be at home because of whatever is going on right now in the world. But you feel that the time is fast, is running fast.

And this is because we are changing we are adapting into a different

vibration, a different vibratory level

and I want to make a point here; is not..... entering in a different dimension or a higher dimension does not mean

we maybe don't have time like ancient sages used to have to spend years and years to learn maybe one movement, one breath, we do not have the luxury to be in a temple or a monastery, learning for this, learning these practices that require years and years, this is not the time for that. This is the time to learn something that will give you and will give us results, that will give you result

It will require anyway, commitment from you, it will require that you do your practices that you really put your mind into doing it.

But again, we don't have the luxury of spending years and hours to do something. So it's time to learn ancient techniques and ancient practices with a twist, to adapt them to our modern life. It is time for us to move forward, it is time for us to speed up the development of our consciousness, the development of the understanding of new energies, new that are old, old energies that we are now able to see, to feel in our bodies. So maybe you're feeling tired, or maybe you feel there's some pains or things that you do not understand why it is because you're changing vibratory speaking you're changing, you're changing in this new, beautiful being with a new ability, new capacity of heal your body, heal your mind and soul in a different way. Maybe that is the reason why I have decided to present and try to have something through the internet because somehow like I said many times some of these practices cannot be done through the internet. But I have decided to bring an introduction of what is the Tibetan Lama yoga, the Tibetan Lama yoga will focus and bring old, ancient practices in a new way to our modern life, how to use the breath, how to use mudras, how to use a movement to increase our well being. So this is our very short conversation for right now. And that will keep on going and will keep on expanding into this concept of ci and prana for wellbeing. If you're interested to know about Tibetan Lama yoga, visit my website energy healing for more information, I will keep on bringing this subject because I think is important it is important that we as a community, help each other; help each other to evolve into something better, where we can do a proactive action or we can have some proactive meanings of healing ourselves. 
It is time that you and I work together to help each other 
Until I see you next time. It is my pleasure to be with you until I see you again. Bye.
 I hope you have enjoyed the show. This is Sonia from Innergy Healing podcast. If you have a suggestion or are you requesting topics to be discussed, please contact me through my web page energy healing 
Do not forget to subscribe. Thank you