Marketing Solutions for Local Law Firms
Marketing Solutions for Local Law Firms
Meet the Attorney: Law Firm Marketing in the Virtual Age
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Davina Frederick is a Florida-licensed attorney, law firm growth strategist and business coach, and founder of Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC. Wealthy Woman Lawyer helps women law firm owners scale their law firm businesses to and thru $1M so they can fully fund--and still have ample time to enjoy--the lifestyle of their dreams. Davina is also the creator and host of the Wealthy Woman Lawyer podcast, and the author of two books on law firm marketing and management.
Davina's book: https://wwlleague.samcart.com/products/marketing-book
Connect with Davina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davinafrederick/
General Info:
Are you looking for digital marketing help for your law firm? Are you currently running a few campaigns, but are not getting the results you were hoping for?
If you are nodding yes to both questions, check out these case studies of some killer results we have gotten for law firms just like yours and ask us how we can help you get those same results. Click here to review the case studies: https://lbmsllc.com/lp-attorneys/
Want a free evaluation of your digital marketing presence? Simply click here: https://www.lbmsllc.com/online-presence-report/
and we’ll send you a free snapshot report to get started.
For a copy of my book, 7 Steps to Recession-Proofing Your Business, click this link: https://www.lbmsllc.com/book
General Info:
Need help with your law firm's digital marketing?
Check out these case studies of some killer results we have gotten for law firms just like yours.
Click here to review the case studies: https://lbmsllc.com/lp-attorneys/
Click here for a free online presence report and marketing analysis.
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