Entitled Millennials


Double D


In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D satirizes the bout of culture war surrounding the Green M&M, he then transitions into discussing the mass infrastructure of child slavery in cacao production.

Double D jumps in to the video by breaking down Tucker Carlson's recent rant about the "less sexy" M&M mascots, he then points out that while Tucker Carlson is putting on an act, much of an increasingly stupefied public finds themselves caught up in yet another bout of superficial culture war. Double D goes on to explain how theatrics like this serve the purpose of dividing the public around as banal a topic as possible, distracting them from the real issues which lay just behind the façade of clickbait headlines and a purposefully curated narrative.

In the second half of the video, Double D reveals how Mars-Wrigley, the company which produces M&M's, is engaged in a massive structure of child slavery in West Africa. In his usual tongue-in-cheek fashion, Double D scoffs at the company's attempt to create "inclusive" mascots while they profit off the exploitation of children in the global south.

Double D then examines an article from 'The Guardian', which discusses a recent US law suit brought against chocolate producers by former child slaves from The Ivory Coast. The article examines how children were trafficked from neighboring nations into The Ivory Coast, where they were then forced to work in hellish conditions; wielding machetes and handling carcinogenic pesticides without ever being paid.

Double D uses the source material to express how this is the true face of capitalism; which no amount of sterile corporate culture, or "inclusive candy cartoons" can hide. He goes on to examine the systems of exploitation which keep all of us in bondage; stating that capitalists use the gun barrel and dollar diplomacy to keep the global south in chains, while they use cheap and addictive commodities to pacify working people in the global north.

Double D ends the video by imploring people to take off the corporate mask an look this monstrous system in its face. He asks his viewers to consider alternative economic systems, claiming that it is impossible to reform a system whose prime directive is the ceaseless accumulation of profit.