Entitled Millennials

THE MOST PROPAGANDIZED COUNTRY ON EARTH! Huckabee's Anti-Socialist Propaganda! | Thinking Out Loud

Double D

"THE MOST PROPAGANDIZED COUNTRY ON EARTH! Huckabee's Anti-Socialist Propaganda! | Thinking Out Loud"

In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D dissects a recent ad sponsored by Mike Huckabee, which peddles a "A Kids Fight Socialism" work book and digital lecture.

Double D opens the episode by reading an excerpt from the "Kid's Fight Socialism" website, which claims that "socialists are trying to take over America, and give the government more power." Double D scoffs at Mike Huckabee's most recent side hustle, showing that in the past he had pushed a similar product titled " A Kid's Guide to President Trump" and laughing at the fact that the product which is marketed as being free, actually cost $21.90, with a $6.99 monthly subscription fee.

Putting jokes aside, Double D offers up that Huckabee's indoctrination side hustle is yet another example of a super-massive propaganda machine that's directed at children; citing the white washing of indigenous genocide, and the glorification of the U.S. interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan which are presented in public schools.

After running the ad, Double D states that children are curious about the world and that they instinctively care about the issues and about people. He claims that at a time when we should be presenting young people with accurate information to help them develop critical thinking skills, our society chooses to perpetuate an indoctrination which offers them a cartoon version of the world which is rooted in xenophobia, racism, and white supremacy.

Double D goes on to show that such systems of propaganda are not relegated to political and societal views alone, noting the vast complex of advertising which pushes highly addictive food stuffs on children. An industry that employs child psychologists with the express purpose of turning young people into unquestioning consumers addicted to junk food and entertainment.

Rounding off the video, Double D recalls the work of past organizations like the Black Panther Party or the Young Communist League, which devoted significant time and resources to countering the pervasive reach of the capitalist propaganda machine. He advocates his viewers to consider donating to or joining up with organizations that engage in similar efforts; reminding the audience that it is on us to create free thinking and compassionate children who will grow up to continue our struggle against predatory systems.