Entitled Millennials


April 11, 2022 Double D


In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses updates from the Ukraine peace talks based out of Turkey.

Double D opens the video with a description of the current state of the Ukraine conflict, noting a Russian withdraw from the area of Kiev under the auspices of engaging in peace settlement. He then transitions to discussing the tenets coming out of the inconclusive Ukrainian-Russian peace talks; citing a promise that Ukraine will not join NATO, and a security guarantee for Ukraine by a coalition of nations. Double D notes also that as the peace talks stand now, the issues of Donbas and Crimea are being benched for discussion after an ensuing ceasefire arrangement.

Double D continues by analyzing these peace tenets and what may come as a result of the war in Ukraine. He makes the case that in the end, peace will result in Russia's demands being met: a neutral Ukraine, an autonomous Donbas, and the recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea.

Double D points out that Ukraine has already agreed to neutrality, and notes that the autonomy of Donbas was already established under 'The Minsk Agreement', while Crimea; a de-facto part of Russia, will likely remain under Russian sovereignty even after the "fifteen years of consultations" stipulated in the tentative peace negotiations.

Given this analysis, Double D asks the question why so many people had to die in a war which already had a foregone conclusion. He goes on to state that this war was drummed up by U.S. Imperialists for the purpose of engaging in proxy war with Russia while enriching shareholders of the Military Industrial Complex.

Double D then transitions to a clip from NBC, where Deputy Director of the 'Atlantic Council Eurasia Center', Melinda Haring, claims that Russia's pulling out of Kiev to engage in diplomacy is a ruse meant to give the Russians time to regroup and organize a fresh attack. She goes on to make the case that the U.S. needs to continue arming Ukraine, and states that Ukrainians need to "fight hard and fight valiantly, and inflict heavy losses on Russia."

Double D picks apart the Melinda Haring interview, stating that the 'Atlantic Council' is the U.S. domestic lobbying group for NATO. He then recalls Melinda Haring's ties to the 'National Democratic Institute', an organization which gets its funding from the U.S. State Department, as well as the 'National Endowment for Democracy'; a CIA offshoot notorious for destabilizing governments in the name of American hegemony.

Double D ends the video by imploring people not to be duped in to consenting to another war of U.S. imperialism; stating that CIA spooks, the MSM propaganda machine, and think tank stooges have lied prolifically to legitimize their overseas adventurism and cover up the staggering human cost of American Empire.