Entitled Millennials


Double D

In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses new legislation passed in San Francisco, which mandates that land lords or property managers must meet with tenants and their advocates quarterly.
Double D opens the video by outlining some of the economic struggles currently pressing the U.S. working class, namely inflation, price gouging, and the skyrocketing price of rent.
Diving in to an article from 'Business Insider' Double D examines a recent bout of class struggle between property management company 'Veritas Property Investments' and tenants union 'Veritas Tenants Association (VTA).' He discusses the 100+ lawsuits levied by tenants against Veritas, as well the five-month-long renters strike organized by VTA back in 2019.
Double D shows that as a result of this struggle, municipal officials drafted legislation which would later become the new San Francisco ordinance; which mandates regular meetings and arbitration with tenants. He shows also that Veritas tenants secured no rent hikes for the year of 2022, as well as a cancellation of all pandemic-related back rent debt.
Moving beyond the 'Business Insider' article, Double D makes an argument against the U.S. for-profit housing system, which has not only led to runaway rent prices, but also a diminished quality of life, as property managers neglect health and safety concerns in their hunger for profits.
Double D goes on to contrast substantive working class power as opposed to electoralism, claiming that even with progressive politicians in office, working people are still bereft of their ability to effect change. He pleads the case that it is through organizations like tenants unions, labor unions, and direct action committees that working people standing in solidarity can build real and lasting power.
Closing the video, Double D ruminates on what is possible if working people everywhere form their own unions and action committees, envisioning a near future where through coordinating these organizations into a cohesive force of working class power, general strike, and even revolution are possible.