Entitled Millennials

HUMAN TRAGEDY: Millions Want Families But Can't Afford Them! | Thinking Out Loud

Double D

"HUMAN TRAGEDY: Millions Want Families But Are Unable To Afford Them! | Thinking Out Loud"
In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D discusses an article from 'The Guardian', which examines how millions of millennials around the world want families but are unable to afford them.
Double D examines the reasons why so many millennials are forgoing having a family, citing the rising cost of living, the stagnation of wages, a lack of upward social mobility, and the disintegration of social safety net programs such as affordable child care.
Double D mourns the tragic reality of economic circumstances causing many people to deny themselves the most fundamental of human desires; getting emotional himself when recounting the time lost with his own daughter as he struggled to build a life for himself and his daughter under an exploitative economic system.
Double D continues by ruminating on how many countless human potentials have been wasted toiling to create wealth for the few, while their own chances for self-actualization are forced to the wayside.
Double D ends the video by driving home the point that for millions of people, the decision to have a family or pursue a life worth living, has been stolen from them by a calloused economic elite who's existence is built on a mass grave of destroyed hopes and dreams.

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