Entitled Millennials

Factory Towns, Capitalist Fiefdoms, and Corporate Feudalism | Thinking Out Loud

Double D

"Factory Towns, Capitalist Fiefdoms, and Corporate Feudalism | Thinking Out Loud"
In this episode of his "Thinking Out Loud" series, Double D examines an article from Bloomberg, detailing the rise of Amazon's new Factory Towns, and the case being made that they are "the future of the working class."
Double D attempts to discredit the articles arguments, claiming that the building of factory towns is no replacement for adequate urban renewal, affordable housing, or a thriving wage. He expresses the fact that factory towns are nothing new, having been implemented in the past with disastrous results. Double D makes the point that this vision is one of accelerated gentrification, where the working people of the world are pushed out of urban centers, where they will be forced to toil away in drab chain branded communities owned by giant multinational corporations.
Double D goes on to draw comparisons between the rise of these new factory towns and the seeding of feudal estates towards the end of the Roman empire, citing an article from Prospect which examines an emerging system of Neo-Feudalism.
Double D reads excerpts from the Prospect article, commenting on the various ways in which corporations have carved out political and economic fiefdoms in the terminal condition of the American Empire; citing for profit prisons, pharmaceutical and tech monopolies, and the wholesale purchasing of regulators, jurisprudence, and military-security capacities.
Double D rounds off the video by touching on an article from the Washington Post, which advocates for large companies like Amazon and Facebook being given a seat at the United Nations. He laments at the fact that our capacity to look beyond the current system has been so coopted, that our answer to the unbridled power of corporations is not to check them, but to rise them to the standing of a nation-state.
Double D ends the video by ruminating on a future where factory towns, capitalist fiefdoms, and a new corporate feudalism has become the norm. Painting a bleak vision where the working people of the Earth are tied inextricably to the will of capitalists, mirroring the bygone relationship of the feudal-lord and serf. He contemplates on where this all leads, speculating on a world where the super massive corporation has superseded the sovereignty of the nation-state.

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