Psychic Sundays

Our Journey

Michelle Morley & Louise Hedges Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to Psychic Sundays with sisters Michelle Morley and Louise Hedges.  In these podcasts we chat openly about our experiences as psychic mediums and offer some answers for the spiritually minded and inquisitive.  

It is very unusual to have more than one medium in the family, it is even more unusual to have two mediums in the family.  As sisters we have both experienced psychic phenomena from a young age.  In this podcast we discuss our unusual experiences as young girls and the journey that has led us both to where we are today working together as full time mediums, healers and teachers.

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Michelle Morley & Louise Hedges:

Hello and welcome to psychic Sundays with Michelle and Louise.

Michelle Morley:

We're really excited to do this podcast. It's our first one and we're just excited to share our story, our journey with all of you. Um, you might see a similar story running through your life. Um , you might feel that you've had similar experiences, so just wanted to share them , um, just for you to know what it's like, how it feels and how we've got to where we are. Do you agree, Lou?

Louise Hedges:

Yeah, I think so. And it's one of the first things that a lot of people usually ask is, did you have this gift from a child? How did you know you had this gift and what experience experiences you have had? Because I think it's always fascinating to know how people have got to where they are, especially when it's to do with spiritual and psychic abilities, gifts, visions, experiences, you know, it's really fascinating for people to know. Yeah. So really for me, Louise, my very first experiences were when I was about, I don't know, 10 or 11, I often experienced in my bed a sensation of somebody coming and sitting on the bed. And I remember so clearly feeling the indentation and just knowing that somebody was joining me and it didn't scare me. Not one bit. I never questioned it. I just remember thinking, Oh, that must be my great grandmother who had recently passed to the world of spirit. And it was quite unusual that I was so accepting really, because it wasn't something we talked about shell. Was it really within the family? No, it really wasn't. I mean we weren't a religious family, but nothing was restricted, but nothing spiritual was ever really discussed. So it was quite unusual to just accept this sensation. Um , so readily as I did.

Michelle Morley:

And it was interesting because for me and you, it, it happened there. All three of us, incidentally we should say there is my sister, twin sister. Um, and obviously he always this , uh , other younger sister and all three of us actually are in the same work, the same line of work. And it all happened developed for us differently. But for me and Louise, it was about the same. Yeah. Roughly. Yeah. So I go back to that brilliant story about, about the bed and when your experiences.

Louise Hedges:

Yeah. So that was something that I just accepted and carried on experiencing every night. And then I started to see spirit. I remember clearly seeing a whole family of spirit walking along the corridor of our house. And I was quite surprised and my mum came rushing out of the bedroom and I was like, Oh, it's just the spirit family just standing there dressed like shepherds now on . Usually we did live in shepherds Hill and I hadn't really realized or connected to, to shepherds Hill then we were in orderly way. No, we were in shepherds Hill then . Well at 10, 11, no , when I saw this. Oh, I see . Sorry. Carry on. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry. Yeah, that's fine. So, so that's when I saw that where I think we're also very aware of spirit around. I remember really clearly saying to my parents, I can see the air and now I understand. I was seeing energy. I was just seeing that around them, around people and around us as a family. Um , and I remember my mom saying, don't be so silly. How can you see the air? Bless her . She's got more and more pulled into it, hasn't she? As time's gone on. Yeah . I think she's the, she's the catalyst really.

Michelle Morley:

for me around that age group. Um , it was orderly way for me. Yeah . When I saw my first physical , um, spirit standing in the corner of the room and it really was , um, Oh , I don't know what to say. It was just breathtaking. Amazing. Um, a gentleman stood in the corner of my room , um , just almost like I'll be back. Uh, and then he went and then , uh, I experienced hearing footprints downstairs on the kitchen line, O floor, getting dad out of bed continuously just saying , um , dad, there's someone downstairs, there's someone downstairs, please. Please, please. Can you come down and look, come down and check and just a kind of , um , knowing as well, for me, I didn't have that seeing or as an energy at that age then, but I most certainly did have growing up at school a sense of great empathy, a sense of , um, um, people feeling sad, people feeling down. I could feel it. I was aware of that . Um , wanting to help people and just wanting to be there . Just having that real gut feeling, which of course is, is, is one of the ways that we can work , um, medium ship and , um, also feel psychically , um, people's energy aura's chakras , um, et cetera, et cetera. Um, and then it progressed really for me. I wanted a little bit quiet. Then I went and lived in Malaysia and uh , did my Reiki one there, which I thoroughly enjoyed. And then seeing , um , a little girl in Australia, I just , um, was there wanting to talk to her dad. Um, and luckily enough, the father was there so I could pass on this message, explain exactly how she looked like and does that key what it was you wanted to say. And then , um, just seeing spirit physically seeing spirit , um , which was wonderful. And then I remember my Nana did Nan Lu at 101 years old, gracious me . She really was quite a character. She certainly was. And being with her when she went back to worlds of spirit , um, and seeing I was there with mum and dad. And you were there as well?

Louise Hedges:

No, I wasn't there. No, I was working. Oh, right. Okay. Simone there then, I don't know, I thought it was just you three.

Michelle Morley:

Right. It must've been, must've been spirit that I was always convinced that there was someone else. Obviously there was. Um, but I digress. Um, and seeing my man being taken, seeing the white light come down and seeing her go, seeing her soul go to the white light. And I literally rubbed my eyes and I said to mom and dad, Oh my goodness gracious me . Did you see that mom? Did she see that mom? Did you see that dad? I've just seen nan go back to the world of spirit. It was so unbelievable and I wished they'd seen it for validation and I wished they'd seen it just to say , um , yep . Just totally got that and they were aware. Um , but that seeing that visually was continuous confirmation for me of my, my beliefs and , and what I was stepping into more and more and more on a daily basis of working , um , in mediumship and psychically , um, yes, I've just a wonderful and Nan just passed away beautifully, peacefully. So that was a real blessing, a real gift. I take that and I ,

Louise Hedges:

What an experience I wonderful. Um , so for me, very similar to Michelle, really everything kind of quiet and down as I got into my twenties, had children, got married until I was very late twenties and we moved into a really quite old cottage and we experienced a lot of interference from spirit. Now I didn't really understand what was going on at the time. Um , I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye, somebody walking into the room, walking past the windows, walking into doorways, and you know, you kind of doubt yourself and you just think, Oh no, I can't possibly, I was just seeing things. Then I had my duvet pulled off me at night time. I had my hair pulled, I exp well , I fell down the stairs and I to this day maintain, I felt were pushing my back. Um , which I think now is probably correct. And my children, I had three children. They were all experience in this lady that was inhabiting our house, a spirit that hadn't moved over to the light. Um , she was still around us. She was affecting the children. She was waking them up. She was singing in their ear. She was pressing on their chest, and it was quite traumatic for all of us. And it was that, that really pushed me into going to a spiritualist church along with my friend who had recently lost her stepfather . And she asked me if I wanted to go along to a spiritualist church with her. And I said, yeah, of course. What's the spiritualist church? Uh , had no idea, but I had this massive pool , this real gut wrenching need to go to this place. And I walked in, it was really crowded. I mean, this was 20 odd years ago and churches were much busier then, I mean, it was like you had to get there early to get a chair. Um , and I listened to the medium , I listened to the philosophy which I adore, and I was hooked. And the expression I felt like I'd come home was never truer than that moment for me. It really suddenly made sense to me. And I got a message night as well. And my friend also got a message, which was brilliant and she couldn't really take it, but she has since taken every single word of it. So I also love that story. And then for me, that was it. You know, I was hooked. I started to sit in circle and develop. I became a spiritual healer. And from there then my mediumship took off and I've never looked back. And I have to say, you know, there have been times when I have tried to step away from spirit if I'm angry or my life hasn't turned out the way I wanted it to or things have been difficult, which of course, you know, we now understand that lessons we do don't we Lou and experiences.

Michelle Morley:

I remember all that. You going through all of that. I remember it is as clear as day the children being disturbed. I remember Daniel, my son feeling experiences there as well. Um, and yeah, just, just a phenomenal, that was the pushing point, wasn't it? [inaudible] also brought in a huge intrigue and interest for me more and more. But we, for me personally, I didn't really develop in a church. It was a different experience for me. Spirit had a different plan for me. Um , that's not how my guides wanted me to work or experience my spiritual pathway and journey. For me it was more, it's just an overnight thing. Um, haven't been through a huge , um , experiences, personal experiences in my life , um, to such extremes , um, of loss and grief and, and um, and personal, personal pain. And joy and love as well. It's, it has been a roller coaster of a life really. And then just when I'd made my final decision to walk away from a situation , um, that's when it really just came in for me so quickly, so strong, so powerful. And that was it. There was absolutely no going back for me at all. Um, and I have not looked back for one day since then. I've questioned, yeah, haven't we all I've said , really spirit really is this way. You want me? Is this what you want me doing? I've , you know, come on, come on, let's, let's , uh, have some , um, some positivity. Um, and, and coming to that point, asking spirit to give us , um, evidence and, and , um, knowing that they are all around us. There was one incident where I was really , uh, desperate about a situation that was going on within the family. Um, and may , Louise , we're getting ready to do a Facebook live.

Speaker 2:

Why aren't we getting , putting on makeup? And , um , we were talking about cancer and a cancerous condition and how we felt, you know, it wasn't right that people sometimes weren't taken care of properly looked after and you know, it's sad and they go through enough and thinking of , um, how they must feel their families, et cetera, et cetera. And with that, we had this absolutely huge loud crash bang whallop that came from the bedroom. I thought, goodness gracious me . What on earth is that? So what we both got and dashed into the bedroom and in the bedroom there is a , um, quite a large wooden framed canvas, which sits on top of a chest of drawers. And in front of the chest of drawers is about 20, 30. After shaven, perfume bottles, there was no window open, there was nothing. This picture frame had lifted up, cleared all of the perfume bottles, not moved one of them out of place and landed on the floor. And I then realized that later on that was a , um, a clear spirit and message , um, from spirit for, for us. Uh , really very, very clear. Um, yeah.

Louise Hedges:

And, and the picture had landed perfectly straight the right way out. Yes. It was just too unbelievable to be anything other than spirit coming forward to just let us know that they were around. They were aware of what was going on and to reassure us. And it certainly did the job. Certainly. Yeah, it was amazing.

Michelle Morley:

It's amazing. And so from then for me , um, I sat in circle , um, in, in mid house when I was living there. Then I went and joined , um, tissue star spiritualist , um , circle there. I'm not going to churches just sitting in the circles. And then I went to , um, another circle and it was just, well , um, off you go, really off you go. Just just get on with that. Met my guides. Um, and then , um, studied to be a kinesiologist, touch for health kinesiologist , um, Reiki Rohani various different healing modalities, which we're going to talk about more, aren't we lou certainly our, another in another podcast and all kinds of , um , really great nitty gritty, getting down to it , um, with , um , anything spiritual energy , um , and healing. And so for me, that was it. That was my big push off. I went and uh , never looked back. Really. I'm now busy working, doing readings, platform, mediumship, teaching , um, and just on podcasts and just loving it, aren't we?

Louise Hedges:

Absolutely loving it. And of course when you first start on this spiritual pathway, you are like a sponge. You want to absorb as much as possible. You want to learn as much as possible. So there's so many things out there, different workshops, there's physical mediumship, which again is just phenomenal to go and experience that and sit in a physical mediumship circle. There's trance mediumship that you can go into healing the depths of it, the intensity of it and the understanding, which is an unfoldment every day . Just when you think, Oh, I think I've got a great with all this now something new comes along or you meet somebody new and then they open up a new whole energy genre for you and these wonderful philosophies and it's so unbelievable and it's constantly learning every single day. But like Michelle said, once you're in it, you literally can't and don't want to step out of it is such a beautiful energy. And it's changed my life for sure. It's absolutely helped me experience new things, but understand my pathway, everything that's happened to me, everything that happens around me, everything is for a reason. Everything is an opportunity to move forward, to have further unfoldment and to just take myself further into my spiritual life. So I thank spirit every day. I love talking to them. You know, I take them shopping with me. I ask them which shampoo this one or this one is hilarious.

Michelle Morley:

It's, yeah, it's beautiful. Journey is absolutely lovely. And like Louise was saying, it's, it's about all of you out there. I'm following your own pathway, your own beliefs, what feels right for you and knowing that each of you, every single person you have your guides, you have them there with you, loved ones in spirit of there with you holding and supporting you. And you know, sometimes, so many people I've spoken to, Lou just say, Oh , um , what I thought I felt somebody, I felt I felt something or I smelled something or I was aware of an energy or, or, or my partner sits on the sofa. It's so funny. And he says, ah , okay, what was that? Can you hear those drums? I can hear those drums. I'm like , Oh , baby's its spirit. My love. So it's just a great, great journey. So we just wanted to do this quick kind of intro to myself, Michelle and Louise on our journey and where we are so far today and we're going to be covering a heap of subjects, aren't we lou? We certainly are. Yeah. We've got whole list. Yeah , per whole list and we're really excited to share that with you. Is there anything else?

Louise Hedges:

I just wanted to say really that it's just such a privilege to be able to bring forward spirit and give a message to somebody to bring reassurance, to prove that life is eternal and also to just bring the healing, that simple words, the simplest, most ridiculous item you can give them, like a teapot can just set them into floods of tears because it's the connection they were hoping for. It's that one thing that connects them to their loved one and they know without any question that their loved ones who are around them.

Michelle Morley:

That brings, brings me into, I did a reading the other day and the gentleman , the husband was here with me and he was just kept saying one word, one word, one word. So I won't say what it is, but it was just one word. Say that one word , say that one word. And when she came and I just said, look, I have to say this one word, let's just say it's banana. Um, and uh , that was it. That was her confirmation. Yeah, that makes total sense. It was all linked to the weather and linked to everything else and it's just phenomenal. It's just amazing evidence, absolute clear evidence , um, that, that uh, that spirit are there and, and send love and are around us all the time. And uh, also ask , connecting with ourselves, our soul and dropping down into us. Um, we do have all our own answers in our soul and what it is we're looking for searching for and to have faith and trust, have faith and trust and trust in ourselves as well and where we are being pushed. Um , and listening to ourself .

Louise Hedges:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that is one thing I've really learned, not just for myself, but when giving readings and teaching that listen to your gut, listen to your intuition, it will never serve you wrong. Yeah . And the number of times that you go against it and you kick yourself and say, Oh, I should have listened. I knew that wasn't the right thing to do. Time and time again. We still do it. Don't.


well be talked out of obviously . Yeah. Listening to other people, even though people love us and, and you know, mums, dads, sisters, you know, I'm listening to other people's advice is we know in our gut what's right and what's wrong. We really do. And so it's following that our higher self, you know, our higher self or for our higher intentions and following our pathway. And don't forget we all have to fall. We all have have problems. You will have obstacles and blocks in our way. Then these are lessons lessons for us to learn lessons for us to be grateful for. Some of them are very painful. Um, yes I will give you that. But nevertheless, you know, always there to learn. Um, so I think that our next podcast is going to be on , um , the difference between psychic or mediumship, which is always a great one to start off with, with , um, with not so much teaching, but just talking and our experiences , um, of psychic and mediumship . Um, and the difference of that there.

Louise Hedges:

And we absolutely, and it's , it's quite important to know the difference as well to know how you're working. And that is something we do, including our workshops we doing in . We do workshops . There's a big part,

Michelle Morley:

it's a big part because , uh , to be able to dip into both is important. It is to know the difference is also very important. Yeah. So , um, that's it. That's the end of our first podcast. We hope you've enjoyed it. Um, and that's, that's it. Yeah. So thank you very much. Goodbye.

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